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I dont know what you want to discuss...a new server is to come.
They said they are working on it and give more information with the upcoming patch.
why you back?
Can you plz use this thread: Thx.
Some people had problems yesterday, too. From EU.
You assume that everyone paying has high RR toons, which is wrong. Also there are EC players, who play EC but dont really like it.
Thats very interesting.
Brut wrote: » nice to see all agree wtf
Poll should be renewed such that everyone can vote.
Whats this bs poll? Can you make the options such that everyone can vote???? Im paying and dont have high RRs. So which option I choose now ????
what this guy talking about?
Corona got 1 hamster
@Brut Can you stick to topic plz
Write less and more people will read it, thx.
The bonus is up bec. of Corona too, i think.
what means join? I think more people log in bec of lockdown. And some more people are new or returning. What do you think the reason for higher pop is?
Daelin wrote: » Personally, I would most likely quit the game if a new server came out. The way I see it is if a new server came out then a lot of the Ywain population would migrate to the new server to try it out. This would lower Ywains popula…
I dont think it will come before end of the year.
He's a sb...what you expect^^
Or you check this:
I guess its decided. Max lvl will be raised.
OF keeps are totally boring compared to NF keeps. You have much more opportunities in NF keeps...they are bigger, have towers, oil, more doors, ... Raiding OF keeps must be very boring. Except they push TWF and you put a TWF in OF inner keep...i he…
Ihre durchschnittliche Antwortzeit im Forum beträgt: 7 Wochen.
On daocutils the ones with most likes are in general good ones. You can now either spec 50 stealth, then you need no +stealth in temp. Or you spec composite stealth, then you need + stealth in temp. As far as I know you should in any case spec Mo…
No advice above RR10. Help yourself.
Thx for answer so far
you kill a dragon without taking dmg?^^
Viele temps jetzt auf: Es gibt dort gute und schlechte temps. Die mit vielen Likes sind meistens die guten.
Good joke!
Did you slow down the spam rate of doppelgangers? Or does it depend on which time it is?
which horse? ice mount?
Im ok with removing/reducing the realm timer. But there should not be a special area for a special playstyle. This was always the argument. No one supports solo areas. So there cant be special areas for 8v8 or anything else.
There will for sure be a new server as far as they've said. But rather towards the end of the year. So, if you want to play now, just play Ywain for a bit. You can have fun there too. Population is higher because of Corona, many people at home. W…
It is not allowed to mention any non-official servers in this forum. I think almost everyone got warned for this by now. Just follow it and everything is good.
Pleazing wrote: » Either what I said previously or open old frontiers for set 8v8 since old frontiers is still there. Have a npc that ports a grp of 5-8 out there. Another way would be to allow teleporters to teleport a grp to a version of CV that…
It might be uptodate since spec points dont change often usually. This maybe more uptodate:
@Boduke Where you try to solo? Breifine/pennine/jamtland has been dead i think. You can find many solos now i think running around doppels, so I dont see a big problem.
Nice, sounds good
Mahvash wrote: » Another question... To me the free gear from the Kings-Room seems pretty good. All skills have the +Effect at max. All resistances at about 30%. But everybody say that this gear is not good... So what is the cap now of all …
Mahvash wrote: » I had a look at the stones in the housing-zone. They all say that an EC-Account can not use them? Is that true ? That would mean the Char is gimped until i pay... ? lol really? They are funny. Prob you can buy one with mi…
Special situations need special considerations ! @Carol_Broadsword
Bonusbonusbonusbonusbonusbonusbonusbonusbonusbonus !
You need MoS for better stealth, so that other people can't see you from 10miles away. So, if you get hit out of stealth often, it is because you didnt spec MoS. Before the last patch this wasn't necessary, now they changed it. If your free res…
@AlaskaMike is talking about a second server in addition to ywain...i assume...
Ah ok, weird.