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    July 24
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  • Renshai
    Yo you never answered me from 2022 lol how does this work and how much plat do i get for a one month GTC?
    March 25
    • TopDude
      The usual exchange rate is 250 plat for 1 GTC. Let me know what realm. We meet online in the game. I will put the plats in a trade window (mansion deeds - they are 25 plats each and the best way to trade plats). You send me the GTC here or on Discord and I accept. I have done many trades here using this forum and have no bad trades. Let me know when is a good time and date for you.
  • TopDude
    The usual exchange rate is 250 plat for 1 GTC. Let me know what realm. We meet online in the game. I will put the plats in a trade window (mansion deeds - they are 25 plats each and the best way to trade plats). You send me the GTC here or on Discord and I accept. I have done many trades here using this forum and have no bad trades. Let me know when is a good time and date for you.
    March 25
  • Snips19 joined.
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    March 19
  • Morty joined.
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    March 11
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  • Navareen joined.
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    March 5