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@AlaskaMike You were talking about years to get necessary items. This is wrong. You dont need seasonal items or sth else for a good template. You need it for a very good template, not for a good one. If you wanna be best player on server, you of…
Some artis still useful...egg of youth, croco ring,...
Mahvash wrote: » LOL, stupid westeners... Living in Asia since 6 years and never used toilet-paper here. Love the system here... only water. That is WAY more hygienic, WAY more effective and WAY more healthy. Will never understand why the …
You not often run in zergs i guess. You dont always find speedclasses. Some people want to run solo in zerg for 30min, or duo or whatever.
Triq02_Dave wrote: » Was a bad idea for them to add the speed 6 crap to mounts For zergs its pretty good.
Dale_Perf wrote: » In an RvR 8man/zerg/smallie setup, you're still going to want a bard to drive/cc, it's the core of hibernia groups (bard/druid/warden/fill). While minstrel/skald aren't needed for anything other than rupts/speed/sos. Sure minstr…
No one ever said Ywain would be closed. A new server is to come this year.
to be fair, there were 2 events recently...ghostkeep and st. patrick sth. But yea, they could use this situation now.
Dale_Perf wrote: » Cap buff pots shouldn't be in game. They diminish the value of certain classes and specializations. Same with speed 6 mounts and everybody having speed 6, diminishing values of skald/minstrel, but bard's are still always needed.…
If people want to pay more money, let them do it. What speaks for a one acc restriction? Macro teams in RvR i assume. Not sure if there are ways to report this.
Its true that you could make money now...either through a new server, or through easier access to Ywain.
I think its a good point to make money now. And helping people (by offering entertainment). Probably this situation will hold on for several months now...
@aso Ty. But your not new to Ywain i assume?
AlaskaMike wrote: » For the people that just want rp resets... You don't think part of the problem is a rediculous stash of powerful items that takes years to acquire isn't detrimental to power creep or new players? Don't know current prices, but…
anyone selling toilet paper?
still looking for more toilet room is full already.
Is this the new try? After this one failed:
Everyone not subbed should pay 1$/post. 1€ is fine too.
Best way for BS to gather how many people want which content is to make surveys...
@Mahvash do you have an uptodate template?
good job
@Mahvash It's definitely faster now than it was. You have to get used to the speed. It is possible. Maybe try to find a grp and don't run solo.
@Aimirol I dont know if there is much leveling. Usually people powerlevel their toons, or do BG quests, or town quests... Maybe search a guild to get some help.
My last info was 50%...dunno when it changed.
I offer 30 accounts for a ToA server...maybe more. Ok seriously, this is maybe a good idea: Jorma wrote: » I think BS should start a survey as soon as the 1.127 patch has launched to find out how many are interested in a new server and what th…
Its not a bad idea to give people some entertainment while they have to be at home. If you make Ywain free, then also people who are subbed now would want to play for free. But maybe you find a solution removing the 120days restricti…
Useless change.
lol^^ cant open sth that isnt built yet
You can't do much else as visi solo than go in towns. EV is zerged.
where did you get ignored? @IgnoredCommenter
47el wrote: » all play styles "feed off of lesser numbers" and what do u call a rr11=12 "soloing" a low toon doing boxes lol.. they could have a 1- 8man instance dungeon to fix the problem .... solo players dont feed off of lesser numbers…
Jusva wrote: » The point was: if you are from my realm dont break cc, if you dont like me come fight me. Why fight you, when breaking cc is much more efficient? Jusva wrote: » It will be more fun then mocing down solos on a smith cleric. …
I dont really see what the purpose of the thread was. If you go solo towns and disturb other players, you will get an reaction. Live with it. Any discussion about it will lead to nowhere.
You use solo towns as farming spots and now you complain, the solos dont like it and react? lol, thats funny
Seems like, he doesnt like you.
Solo towns are meant to be hot spots for solos and not farming areas for small men farming solos. Jusva wrote: » What i dont understand is when the albs there, ( Wove the so called solo cleric ) thinks he that it is ok to run around and break oue…
Zu den ToA quests kann ich nicht viel sagen, weil ich die noch nicht gemacht habe. Vielleicht hilft dir das weiter: Curse dauert ca. 2 Stunden und bringt mind…
I think it would be almost as much work as a new game. So several people have to work for years on it. But if you dont change anything, why should there be more population? Fixing pet pathing and bugs is important, but i dont think it is reason en…
No. why?
I think I have a deja vu. Or someone is late.
Man braucht kein Mithril um zu gewinnen. Was nett ist ist ein 50% RP bonus z.B. Aber den gibts z.B. auch für Bountypoints (allerdings mit nur 3 Ladungen). Zum gewinnen brauchst du das nicht, aber ist halt nett manchmal. Für Temps braucht man nich…
It is all connected.
Then fix pet pathing.
I think its just to make capital cities have a purpose. Otherwise no one would go there anymore. Or they dont want the "looking for SC" spam in frontiers. I find it anoying that crafting speed in frontiers is slower. I would rather craft in fro…