ALB leadership

What BG would I join?

Billings....... just sayin


  • Wow @ those stats....
  • edited September 2018 PM
    Albion turned Midgard red tonight. Maybe tomm will be better for you guys.
    Post edited by Natebruner on
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • I only play hib, so I have no bias, however I would say Nates bg appears to kill more mids.... at least 50% more than billing and week prior was double, so depends how you look at it, not that it's a competition, it's just nice to see the mid zerg be taken down a peg or two. Mids have been zerging primetime circling around doing nothing but killing action for far too long, now I see action with the alb leadership....
    AlbionExiles (Warden) | AlbionExecutioner (Champion) | AlbionExile (Bainshee)
  • clumsy already looking to join albion after getting destroyed by @Natebruner and doing his research on which alb bg to join ? ROFL :D
  • It’s a difference in play styles and set groups. Billings runs with a fairly normal crew. Nate pugs and charges in and pushes. Plus I was in his group last night and we didn’t even have a cleric, just 2 friars. If you’ve seen his vids he dies a ton because alb lacks pushing tanks so he is usually target number one. Would be the equivalent of you charging in with the only heals being from heal shamans. Probably not gonna keep you alive long
  • Nate is winning cause he has the numbers, nothing more. He had just shy of 100 last night. Mids had 48. Good job. Not to mention their were THREE BGs last night in Alb.
  • Your 48 are very good
  • I only play hib, so I have no bias, however I would say Nates bg appears to kill more mids.... at least 50% more than billing and week prior was double, so depends how you look at it, not that it's a competition, it's just nice to see the mid zerg be taken down a peg or two. Mids have been zerging primetime circling around doing nothing but killing action for far too long, now I see action with the alb leadership....

    Can't really compare Billings stats to Nates, Billings runs 3-4 nights a week if that, doesn't 8 man at all and only runs US prime bg time when he is on
  • nate goes out and tries to hit whatever is on with whatever hes got, even if way less numbers, its just a game go have fun, only hard time at winning having nerds run around only trying to fight fights they know they can win and giglging bout their stats if they lose

    one day you'll win enough times in this game, where the fights that you don't think you can win but try anyway is the only thing that excites you, them easy fights is boring, being the super underdog and trying to win is what its all about B)

    and like me, i can tell nate thrives to try do that stuff to, you lose a lot going for the gustuv all the time, but its sure fun when you pull off some impossible **** ^^
  • edited September 2018 PM
    fk your irs, go try knock out the impossible B)

    when your out ranked or out numbered, don't run or hide, post up and aim for them babe ruth type records

    who cares if you die, and nate and the alb bg be going for it these days B)
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • edited September 2018 PM
    *edit* ops hit quote instead of edit
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • I wouldn't use arbitrary stats to determine which BG is Spanking the Mid BG up and down the coast.
  • edited September 2018 PM
    Nate’s bg has 60 I think at the peak when I did /bg count. Billings has another 2fg and rescu was off doing whatever it is he does with about another 2.5-3fg. So that explains the 90 you got from the spam when all 3 bg’s managed to be in the same spot
    Post edited by BurkleyRIP on
  • BurkleyRIP wrote: »
    Nate’s bg has 60 I think at the peak when I did /bg count. Billings has another 2fg and rescu was off doing whatever it is he does with about another 2.5-3fg. So that explains the 90 you got from the spam when all 3 bg’s managed to be in the same spot

    ^ this would be an accident, of course
  • Well the Billings crew Nate tries to coordinate with, rescu and Nate don’t talk. It’s like a high school break up or something. It’s very strange lol
  • BurkleyRIP wrote: »
    Well the Billings crew Nate tries to coordinate with, rescu and Nate don’t talk. It’s like a high school break up or something. It’s very strange lol

    Ewalien/Billings will coordinate to win. At the end of the day- that's how work gets done.

    I don't ignore Rescu, it's just I know he's gonna do his own thing. If he didn't think of it, he doesn't wanna do it. Ex: He will wait 5 mins to claim a tower instead of joining a fight that Billings is in route to. Even if he loses the tower and his 2 fg's die. In his mind- at least he claimed the tower.

    I look to unite and welcome everyone. I often search for ideas from the BG & Westies and Ewalien/Billings. I don't care whose idea it is, lets get a plan and go with it.

    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Nate also has a strict No Cursing policy in his Disco channel. So it's a real chill environment. Well.... Unless money was paid for something.
  • Billings is an expert at wilsoning
  • There’s only one real BG on Alb now. It doesn’t count unless you have 4FG+. The rest are just SuperGanks or Voltrons
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • edited September 2018 PM
    Post edited by Natebruner on
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • standard Mid procedure .... appeal and make accusations of personal attacks ... while doing it themselves.
  • Clumsy,

    Nate was directing melee characters to assist him by using the level 4 crush style "Back Crush" on Hadley.

    This is clearly the intended meaning of "break her ... neck."

    While I am not sure why Nate directed people to use a low level ASR style on a fleeing Healer, it is not against the terms of service (TOS) to do.

    If you have any further complaints, please continue to direct them to your activity window located on your profile page.

    Thank you for playing Dark Age of Camelot and happy hunting!
  • Koredan wrote: »

    Nate was directing melee characters to assist him by using the level 4 crush style "Back Crush" on Hadley.

    This is clearly the intended meaning of "break her ... neck."

    While I am not sure why Nate directed people to use a low level ASR style on a fleeing Healer, it is not against the terms of service (TOS) to do.

    If you have any further complaints, please continue to direct them to your activity window located on your profile page.

    Thank you for playing Dark Age of Camelot and happy hunting!

    sure...... good fights! /stats my group
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »
    nate goes out and tries to hit whatever is on with whatever hes got, even if way less numbers, its just a game go have fun, only hard time at winning having nerds run around only trying to fight fights they know they can win and giglging bout their stats if they lose

    one day you'll win enough times in this game, where the fights that you don't think you can win but try anyway is the only thing that excites you, them easy fights is boring, being the super underdog and trying to win is what its all about B)

    and like me, i can tell nate thrives to try do that stuff to, you lose a lot going for the gustuv all the time, but its sure fun when you pull off some impossible **** ^^

    75 deaths? really? thats why he got kicked from Xy group.... no talent
  • Clumsy in bg battle

    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • JakJak
    edited September 2018 PM
    I could be wrong, but I don't believe 'get that whore' is a melee style. That comment clearly speaks for itself.

    Then again, I can't speak for what Clumsy may or may not have appealed.
    Post edited by Jak on
  • Jak wrote: »
    I could be wrong, but I don't believe 'get that whore' is a melee style. That comment clearly speaks for itself.

    Then again, I can't speak for what Clumsy may or may not have appealed.

    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Jak wrote: »
    I could be wrong, but I don't believe 'get that whore' is a melee style. That comment clearly speaks for itself.

    Then again, I can't speak for what Clumsy may or may not have appealed.

    You're right, it's not.

    But 'Summon Succubus' is a level 45 spell in the Necromancer's Death Servant Baseline. Upon casting this spell (6 second cast time) the necromancer is able to control a succubus. The succubus is a mythological creature that takes the form of a female, in order to seduce men and drain their life energy.

    Now clearly succubus bear many similarities to the common prostitute. Differences exist, of course – the prostitute drains a man's wallet, not his life energy. Also prostitutes are not the demonic spawn of Satan. I could not tell you who employs prostitutes, however. I am sure it varies.

    Despite not communicating *exactly* the same idea, the two words (succubus and whore) share a large enough lexical overlap that they could be used interchangeably in some cases. I contend, and I am sure any reasonable person would agree, that Nate was using whore as a synonym for succubus.

    It is therefore likely that Nate was directing a Necromancer in the BG to set his Succubus pet to passive so that it doesn't cast its mesmerize spell and thus grant immunity to future mesmerizations.

    Lastly, his statement is quite reasonable when read as two separate thoughts (sentence fragments and rushed speech are a frequent occurence in the heat of battle -- especially when leading so many players!)

    This is likely what Nate was communicating:

    "Get that whore [by which I mean pacify the succubus pet! Now assist my target of] Hadley!"

    I can understand why one might be offended by this statement when it is divorced of all context. However, when properly interpreted, there is nothing appeal worthy in Nate's comment.
  • That is quite possibly the best explanation I have seen on these boards. Are you an English major? Lol
  • This is nothing more than some hurt feelings people trying to lash out.
    1. Hit the mute button on the video. Problem solved.
    2. Don't watch the video. Problem solved.

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will utterly destroy me.

  • Westies wrote: »
    This is nothing more than some hurt feelings people trying to lash out.
    1. Hit the mute button on the video. Problem solved.
    2. Don't watch the video. Problem solved.

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will utterly destroy me.

    What they really need is a little SMITE in their lives.

    Ghost town in NF for Albion most of summer. Nate joins up, makes it enjoyable again, and the tears come flowing... love it.
  • highs bg kinda reminds me of kzars back in the day
  • Westies wrote: »
    This is nothing more than some hurt feelings people trying to lash out.
    1. Hit the mute button on the video. Problem solved.
    2. Don't watch the video. Problem solved.

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will utterly destroy me.

    Funny, you can type a word someone finds offensive, it is removed and you can be warned or banned, go totally over the top in a video posted on the EXACT SAME BOARD and all is fine...regardless of who does what, that just smells bad --- guess just make and post .wav files or videos and go to town <shrug>.

  • Xyorman wrote: »
    Funny, you can type a word someone finds offensive, it is removed and you can be warned or banned, go totally over the top in a video posted on the EXACT SAME BOARD and all is fine...regardless of who does what, that just smells bad --- guess just make and post .wav files or videos and go to town <shrug>.

    Dev Bashing and Offensive. You should do more circles w/ the BG for punishment.
  • Westies wrote: »

    Dev Bashing and Offensive. You should do more circles w/ the BG for punishment.

    Mass General -- u certainly need their expertise.

  • Xyorman wrote: »

    Mass General -- u certainly need their expertise.

    Mass General told me to take 30 laps around w/ your Zerg and call them back in the morn. I'm going for a 2nd opinion.
  • Wow xyorman is bashing devs now sad how far he has fallen! Mids are in shambles! What a mess!
  • Enough please, keep it civil.
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • zzxzzx
    edited September 2018 PM
    Had fun running with Xyorman's BG last night, Good fights Nate, looking forward to some more BG on BG action!
    If you're red, you're dead.
    Post edited by zzx on
  • zzx wrote: »
    Had fun running with Xyorman's BG last night, Good fights Nate, looking forward to some more BG on BG action!
    If you're red, you're dead.

  • Enough please, keep it civil.

    Nate (banned) / Highdamge (bought) is able to talk about breaking Hadley's neck in this videos at that is ok? "keep it civil" I agree with
  • If I post a video trashing players is that ok?
  • its a video game, your an adult, you really give a fk what someone your fighting is saying ?

    this isn't kindergarden, its a game go have fun who cares ever about dieing or drama, the ones out giving it one hell of a shot is the cool kids not the qqing nerdy noobs
  • So many hurt feelings in this post..... So many tears.
  • Is the only answer mids have to losing really just trying to try and get the current Alb BG leader banned? The whole point of this thread was to try and sew discord between the Alb BG and other albs. Pathetic.
  • Ewer wrote: »
    Is the only answer mids have to losing really just trying to try and get the current Alb BG leader banned? The whole point of this thread was to try and sew discord between the Alb BG and other albs. Pathetic.
    The current Alb BG leader has been banned numerous times -- are you so desperately pathetic that constant cheating is OK with you --- consider your own actions, don't worry bout those who find double standards wrong

  • Xyorman wrote: »
    The current Alb BG leader has been banned numerous times -- are you so desperately pathetic that constant cheating is OK with you --- consider your own actions, don't worry bout those who find double standards wrong

    Multiple times? NO They banned my account b/c you couldn't handle Kalorian TheGameChanger

    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Do you remember chasing my fg with your zerg ?

    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Kind of sad actually - that albs would chose to follow a known cheater, that had multiple accounts banned, harassed other players, and was banned multiple times off Post Count for lying, etc etc. It is near impossible to be perma banned off Postcount, yet Nate managed. Whatever you wanted to say about Kzar, at least he had a certain code of honor.

    After being banned, Nate posted a looped temper tantrum at the BS devs on twitch, went to other platforms to trash BS....but when nothing changed and he realized he lost, he then came crawling back to game with another rr12 he bought...and that is who alb has chosen to follow

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