realm relog timers
i personally would like to see a short relog timer to change realm.
- do we want relog timers back ?71 votes
- no45.07%
- 15 mins.5.63%
- longer49.30%
Post edited by Muylae on
Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
only relog timer for accounts that made rp.
This sounds more like an incentive to login to opposite realms for spybot purposes. A spybot would likely not earn any RPs and allow the account to survey all 3 realms in a short period of time. The option should be a relog timer for ALL accounts, not only accounts that made no RPs.
Also, everyone should be allowed to relog to different realms at their leisure. Users have no control over population, and with such a low population, being able to relog to another realm, should be incentivized, not chastised. It's pretty annoying to find 4+ groups of Mids/Albs online, and not enough players on another realm to oppose/fight the 4+ groups; this incentivizes a one-realm game, let alone a three realm game as the devs intended.
Pop is to low to get people left behind or force them to do Dopplers as no enemies would be out at certain Times.
Even the realm relog timer makes it possible to camp objectives with a big zerg for AFK rps as currently maze P1 or valentines quests
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
But , realistically speaking, I don't know if that's reasonable current year. While I MUCH preferer the original vision of "One Realm Per Server," all the clusters getting merged together has us at an impasse. Age and attrition has done a number on the game.
While it seems Realm Timers are unfeasible - what if we implemented a very substantial "Realm Loyalty Bonus?" (Available to subscribers only obviously).
Once you swap realms, you have to wait 4 hours to get your "realm loyalty bonus." The bonus applies for as long as you don't swap.
Some possibilities:
- 50% Increased Realm Points
- 100% Increased Bounty Points
- 25% Reduction in all Cool-down timers.
- 10% Healing Bonus
- 5% Magic/Melee Damage
- 150% Increased Coin Drops
- 25% Reduced BP costs at the Bounty Point Store
- 10% to Crit Floor
Just some ideas - it might be easier to "incentivize" realm loyalty than beat it into people with a stick.
- I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
Fixing the situation is going to require a delicate touch - as the game feels like its being held together with a lattice of Band-AIDS at the moment... each one a small concession to focus the remaining players in the frontier.
I believe that most of these problems are result of lower game population. Everything done is triage to keep the patient breathing - but the ultimate problem is "how do we get an influx of new or returning players on a reasonable budget."
If we can solve that problem, many of the complaints on this forum stop being such a large issue.
- I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
- The subscription model is ancient and not a good fit for today's economy. EC play is like being a realm guard at best. Unfortunately, DAOC is a pay to win game because of this model. You can go look at your neighbor's garden next door and see it's growing well because everybody who plays can compete without shelling out $14 a month for very little return in terms of new content and further development.
- Bots are and always have been a major problem. When I was playing up until last year, Albion RVR population was about 1/3rd afk bots in the relic town. An interpretation of DAOC without buffbots, where everybody is a live player, is really awesome to behold. Bots actually killed my first character when they took over the stealther game, and forced me to play self buffers like friars because pay to win comes back again. Even with Supp pots, which are a completely different specline killing issue, they are an eyesore.
- Pay to win points 1 and 2 aside, the entry skill requirement on live is very high. A new player with new player knowledge would get obliterated, likely get frustrated, and quit from getting farmed all day. There is such a wide span to catch up to most people, that it's a daunting task that most will never achieve. Ywain is by no means new player friendly.
- A lot of garden gnomes have told me that the classes in the current area of DAOC are abysmal. I tend to agree. Speclines have been homogenized across realms. High level skills like slam are nerfed for most classes. Classes like Reavers and Warlocks no longer have their original teeth. The realms aren't as unique or flavorful as they used to be, and the only thing that seems consistent across the last 20+ years is constant whining about baseline stun. It's not to say that balance was perfect 18 years ago, but it doesn't seem like many of the changes are well received outside of the Live community. It feels like somebody in charge of balancing got really really lazy at some point.
- Catacombs and the state of PvE is a sore spot for many people. Personally, I really wanted to explore this area in detail as long ago I just speed ran the quests to level and never looked around, only to find out they lost an ENTIRE EXPANSION. This is really sad and really poor business on their behalf, and it's undeserving of a subscriber fee. PvE actually draws in people, especially if there's an active raid community ongoing. And seriously Broadsword... the dragon cons yellow. Make monsters monsters again... except we're stuck now in this cycle where the dragons of old may not even be killable with the current realm pops.
I think honestly Broadsword's changes doomed the retail game. It will have players for quite some time, at least until those championing it's existence in the corporate world retire, but it will never ever thrive again unless they can send it through a time machine of sorts that they cannot build.