What happened to alternate leveling paths for 34-40?
So I started a new account up awhile back and have been fiddling around here and there and was quite surprised when I got to 30+ and realised a lot had changed
- Oceanus quests can be done like twice each?
- Dungeon quests which generally equate to 1 level up can be done once and you can only do one level 30-36 dungeon quest and don't gain access to the next one until 40 or 42?
That leaves a huge hole in the leveling route and basically forces you to either;
- Have someone power level you
- Molvik (which seemed like hell before when there's barely anyone from your realm in there and quest spots/paths are camped and/or roamed through by fully templated characters)
- Sit and chain yellow-orange mobs, which although feasible is certainly far from being a fun and interactive experience
Just curious what the logic was behind the butchering of 34-40 (I'll say 34 because you're about 34-35 when you finish the new user journey quest hubs), surely it makes more sense to expedite 34-40+? not slow it down.
Again! if I'm missing something, I'd love for someone to clue me in
- Oceanus quests can be done like twice each?
- Dungeon quests which generally equate to 1 level up can be done once and you can only do one level 30-36 dungeon quest and don't gain access to the next one until 40 or 42?
That leaves a huge hole in the leveling route and basically forces you to either;
- Have someone power level you
- Molvik (which seemed like hell before when there's barely anyone from your realm in there and quest spots/paths are camped and/or roamed through by fully templated characters)
- Sit and chain yellow-orange mobs, which although feasible is certainly far from being a fun and interactive experience
Just curious what the logic was behind the butchering of 34-40 (I'll say 34 because you're about 34-35 when you finish the new user journey quest hubs), surely it makes more sense to expedite 34-40+? not slow it down.
Again! if I'm missing something, I'd love for someone to clue me in

Post edited by BloodOmen on
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It's a Broadsword decision.
Grind from what 39 to 40? Cmon, you get 50 in a day or two, not worth complaining about.
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The leveling speed wasn't my complaint, my point/question was you're forced into BGs now, before you had the option to go elsewhere. I could understand the BGs thing if the BGs still had a healthy population, they don't though, you're basically food for templated people and you arent given the option to do something else if BGs have high enemy density.
My issue with that is, you were given options before, they were taken away though for no real or valid reason. I've noticed you also can't do the commander tasks anymore in the late 40's, the ones you picked up at borderkeeps to go out into the frontiers for a decent chunk of exp which again just forces you into Leirvik and Cathal.
Some of these changes are truly mind-boggling.
You said, “Leveling speed wasn’t my complaint”, but you also said, “unless you want to sit and grind mobs mindlessly”.
Leveling is fast, no matter which route you go these days. UNLESS you only kill random mobs, with NO QUESTS at all from level 1-50, which you are not forced to do in anyway.
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You can't though? the town quests end at 34-35, toa quests are finite and with the exception of the 30-39 dungeon, which offers a full level (once) the level 42-50 quests offer very little experience for the time it takes to do them, that's not taking into account the difficulty of some of the monsters required for said quests (speaking purely from a single account POV here, no buffbots to help you and by yourself)
So like I said, you are 'forced' into bgs because its just the most efficient way unless you want to struggle/go through the tedium of monster grind.
I just don't see why an old system was taken away that quite frankly worked better than the current one. I've just finished leveling a friar to 50 and the summary of that was basically this
1-35 went as expected, did a mix of Town and BGs
35-39 was like pulling teeth initially, think I died 5-6 times to templated characters, not other characters in quest gear, fully templated characters
40-45 did leirvik, decided to do most of the available quests but kept running into a templated runemaster with a skald on stick on the center island - stopped going to the center island and just did the quest outside of the keep, died once to two templated archers at the side of the keep
45-50 went to Cathal, didn't die a single time here to players surprisingly, did get chased numerous times by duos in templates though. Logged off a few times because they were just sat outside of APK and there was no other albs there at the time to get rid of them.
Apart from the above I did the Catacombs of Cardova quest for the 'free' level up and did some of the Barrows quests (not all of them as some of the monsters in there hit stupidly hard, there's one red skeleton I needed for a quest, it was hitting anywhere up to 600 every half a second and it parried almost every single attack)
Overall the experience wasn't remotely fun compared to how it was before. It wouldn't have been so bad if templated characters didn't exist in BGs but they do and they aren't going anywhere.
Going to try Mid and Hib out next as a comparison
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
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Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
It's fast if you don't run into templated people in BGs constantly, your argument falls apart otherwise, which is my point. You enjoy linear content, that's your choice, just because you enjoy something doesn't mean other people have to.
I've had enough of you too because you don't seem to understand why alternates are important in an MMO.
Come on man
They removed Aurulite dungeons to, again, funnel people into open world content that is 95% empty, and because they made the brilliant decision of reusing Aurulite for high end pve content instead of just making up a new currency.
They removed the Catacombs zones over plans to revamp it into high end group PvE content no one asked for in a game already full of high end group PvE content no one wants to do.
If you don't want to do BGs and you already did the small handful of dungeon quests then your options are to go old school and find a spot to grind out for hours.
All of this effort removing PvE content thinking that will somehow make people care more about PvE, but they won't do something extremely low effort like adding rotating daily/weekly/monthly PvE BP quests that send you somewhere other than 3 camps in ToA.
when I did it with the friar I didn't do the lower level dungeon quests, I only started doing them from level 30+ so I fell behind in exp and ran out of quests/felt forced into BGs. It's actually not that bad now that I've worked the route out. I still think the raw EXP is lacking on the journey though, if you miss a few dungeons you actually struggle to make levels meet for the next lot of town quests. There was a few times I had to go and kill mobs to get 15-20% exp I was missing just for the next town quests to pop, this is never explained on the journey, which is a shame for new players.
When I leveled again on hib, I was actually able to skip Molvik completely with the route I took. Leirvik and Cathal aren't 'that' bad for templated characters screwing you on quests, Molvik is definitely the worse.
I'd suggest they emphasize people should do the dungeon quests more or people will fall into this trap that aren't clued up. Also, the dungeon quest difficulties need toning down, some of the dungeon quest mobs are pretty bs in terms of difficulty. I managed with a friar and a warden no problem due to the tools they have, not every class has that though and some of those dungeon monsters hit stupidly hard for the con they are (Mikolas in Barrows is a prime example, generally cons red when you go there but is easily on par with a high level purple)
Edit: Also! take the Epic Encounter tags and difficulty from the town hub mobs, seriously. Generally there isn't anyone around doing them when you do those mobs and unless you have a buffbot or a level 50 to help you, they are almost impossible to kill solo for the level you engage them.
still i don't understand why they don't bring the old tutorial zone back and why they don't expand town quests on other towns to 50 directly