Heavy love

@John_Broadsword any chance you guys forgot to mention the Heavy changes that you had mentioned would be present in this round? At least any update on the set proc bug?


  • After rereading what I wrote it sounds a little bitchy lol. Not a complaint just didn't know if it was still being worked on and just didn't make it in this round.
  • Thought you were talking about fat chicks in this thread
    Asatruar - Ronnie 10 "
    Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi

    The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure
  • He said "possible" changes. There was never a definitive, "we are going to improve Heavy Tanks". Unless my memory has completely failed me. But really what do you want done to Tanks? I can't see any improvement being done to Heros given the shadow cast over us all by a certain Hero in this game...Warriors/Arms are a very solid class albeit it boring.
  • edited July 2020 PM
    Yeh why are yall complaining Armsman got free snapshot a real game changer obviously [removed] listened to the whole Armsman alb thread .
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • Heavys don't need nothing, but if I had was to ask for something it would be for parry and block to work on side arc. Since it's kinda upsetting for some to have all that Specced defense avoided by anyone that can dance .
    Bodukejr- hunter

  • Don't need nothing, eh?
  • Kymatius wrote: »
    @John_Broadsword any chance you guys forgot to mention the Heavy changes that you had mentioned would be present in this round? At least any update on the set proc bug?

    Are you referring to this thread? https://forum.darkageofcamelot.com/discussion/3125/patch-1-127-update-and-upcoming-hot-fix-discussion/p1

    That was in reference to the hot fix that happened at the time, not 1.127 :)
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • In part yes that is what I am referencing.
  • They did give free snapshot, which was a cool boost to armsman.

    Imo, arms is very strong in a caster group. He has nice tools (DD+r5 combo as an example), best cloak amongst heavies, good styles in polearm.

    Hero does hit harder on the side chain, vut arms utility compensates imo.

    I wouldn't tweak the arms more, I think they are fine.

    However, I would remove pin from reavers and give it to Paladins. Such a waste on a reaver
  • Give reavers 2-handed morning star. For god sakes please... They are worthless in group

    Heavies are fine I think
  • Only thing I would like to see would be make Heavies have greater weapons. Perhaps even a class of 1h weps that only Heavies can wield. Something to make them sparkly again but right now they are bore tests that get kited till dead.
  • Not what i thought the thread was gonna be about, really disappointed lol
  • Put Demolish back where it was a couple years ago.
  • Make crits hit for more when using a 2h on Heavies. Add the old defense pen when using 2h that cut parry rates.
  • Just let my block and parry work like it works against pve. Warriors used to shine when people ran out of endurance in a fight. Now people can style all day long and i don't notice many blocks or parries against attacks. As the Heavy tank in the melee realm Warriors should be the best melee class and they are far from it.
  • Shoke wrote: »
    They did give free snapshot, which was a cool boost to armsman.

    Imo, arms is very strong in a caster group. He has nice tools (DD+r5 combo as an example), best cloak amongst heavies, good styles in polearm.

    Hero does hit harder on the side chain, vut arms utility compensates imo.

    I wouldn't tweak the arms more, I think they are fine.

    However, I would remove pin from reavers and give it to Paladins. Such a waste on a reaver

    Pin on a paladin? But then they'd have to decide whether to 2h an enemy for 400 damage, pin targets, and then rock a few full group heals, or in what order to do those things. We should probably also give paladins a 331 delve pbaoe and an aoe root since they have about everything else in addition to being one of the highest damage soaking classes in the game.
  • edited August 2020 PM
    @Koe damn, that almost sounds like... A valk? Except the valk already has the pbae, plus a group pbt pierce cloak.

    Do you even know how a paladin would soec to get pin? He'd have 39 2H and barely composite weapon (ty alb weapon subspec mechanic). He's not gonna do any damage.

    Fyi, paladin is good at soaking melee dmg, it still blows up when you nuke it.

    Still think pallys should get pin, just like RMs should get ichor

    Think you should step out of Asatruar for a min, it helps the brain
    Post edited by Shoke on
  • edited August 2020 PM
    Warriors/Arms are a very solid class albeit it boring.

    Yeah my least favorite archetype in the game. They need fun changes. Make heavies fun again.
    Kymatius wrote: »
    Make crits hit for more when using a 2h on Heavies. Add the old defense pen when using 2h that cut parry rates.

    Does duel wielding still halve evade and block rates?

    2-handers should halve parry rates if they do.

    Post edited by DaRedANT on
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • edited August 2020 PM
    I'm sorry I love my warrior, and I love the idea that everyone thinks they are underdogs and can get kited etc 1v1 or whatever.

    My warrior is absolutely not boring to play. I swap weapons, myths, and armor to turn my "boring" class into something that not many people can kill. Yes, it's no light tank, but the survivability is so fun some times.

    Only point I see here that I like is I agree that there should be a bonus for wielding a 2h weapon like there used to be? cut parry rate in half, or give a to-hit bonus, or more weaponskill? I've always thought 2h not having a bonus like Dual wield was silly, especially since hib/alb have to spec it separately for nothing special other than having it swing slower and hit harder which (edit) is standard DAoC mechanic across the board
    Post edited by Armagedden on
  • @Armagedden I would love to see something special for Heavies when wielding 2h. I currently spend stun immunity in turtle until I can slam again. This is very archaic and it would be nice if having a 2h out would help outweigh the defense and survivability a shield provides.
  • Arms are a very solid class albeit it boring.
    Well... crud

  • Well... crud

    Well look at this beautiful soul who just wandered into the chaos. Hey Buddy! <3
  • Hey man <3

    I figured the world is ending.... the republic is dead.... Might as well take advantage of EC and do a PvE nostalgia lap :D
  • How about some light tank love?? Although there is nothing wrong with us in open field or even solo/zerg, would be nice to have more utility in seige. Why not allow us to spec climb walls as an expensive RA the same way hybrids get access to our ONLY defining ability in Charge v. Just a thought and not like there are hundreds of us in Dark Ages of Castalot.
  • If by light tank love you mean removing free charge 5 I'm all for it.
  • Sure and we can get rid of all free class defining abilities like healing, stealth, 2h weps, etc and all the casters can line up and blast each other at 1500-2100 and play dark ages of counter-strike
  • Shoke wrote: »
    If by light tank love you mean removing free charge 5 I'm all for it.

    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • edited August 2020 PM
    @Tesc I feel like you overreacted there ;)

    Giving light tanks free charge 1-2 and let them spend points for charge 5 would be balanced.

    Charge isn't a class defining ability of light tanks, dual wield is.
    Post edited by Shoke on
  • I actually never had a problem paying for charge, but if you compare all the freebies all other heavy tanks got (hp, dmg table, better stoacism, dmg reduction, etc), hybrid tanks (seige buff, st), and that other classes have dual wield, is it really that much to give us free charge 5? Dont ver me wrong as I would not touch a light tanks core role as we have a very definite impact in dmg over time and interrupts, i just think some seige oriented love wld be nice and not game breaking.

    Keep in mind when I left in 2007 all i normally did was open field 8-4 man. Times have changed in the game now with massive keep fights.
  • I mean, if you want to revert changes made since 4+ years ago I'm all for it... all of it...
  • edited September 2020 PM
    Most of the problem is shields are useless apart from slam/engage. Defense rates 50% by dual weld and pretty much any muppet can run through, matters made worse that every light tank has change makes positionals way easier to land vs a heavy. Sins are full of snares and disease,

    Must admit I find armsman the most interesting as they suffer when going 2h, polearm with no shield is a no no and going 42 sheild high pole leaves woefully low parry.

    I honestly like the game more when heavies where dual kings, solid close 1v1 but weak to the kite. it kind of had a balance. But sadly many classes have surpassed the heavies....

    Post edited by BackOfRackhams on
  • They could add something like advance parry/block allows for parrying/blocking on side arcs would still allow for the dance monkeys to give you not in view but atleast they can't bypass your spec defense
    Bodukejr- hunter

  • Heavy tanks are fine, don't touch them
  • Shoke wrote: »
    @Tesc I feel like you overreacted there ;)

    Giving light tanks free charge 1-2 and let them spend points for charge 5 would be balanced.

    Charge isn't a class defining ability of light tanks, dual wield is.

    They had free charge way back in the day, prior to 1.62 if I remember correctly and assassins/rangers also have access to dual wield but I wouldn't say it's their class defining ability.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • @Dreamscape strange comment...

    Take away bow from rangers, they aren't a ranger anymore

    Take away stealth, crit strike and envenom from assassins they aren't assassins anymore.

    For Light tanks, would it be taking out free charge or dual wield?
  • edited September 2020 PM
    @Shoke sry for me its still charge imo. All weapon lines have positionals and with templates most hit cap swing spd for dps. As an MA charge (cc immunity and closing speed) is my bread and butter. Not saying I'm right or wrong, just my experience.

    Ps dual wield obviously class defining but zerkers use large axe too.
    Post edited by Tesc on
  • @Tesc The discussion isn't really about the value of charge, it's about giving charge 5 for free (1.5 min reuse).

    That basically is a 30 RA point gift to light tanks, that basically only have to get Det9, MoPain, AoM and some purge.

    Free charge 2 (10 min re-use) with the possibility to spec up to charge 5 (15 RA points cost to get to 5) would be way more balanced.
  • Shoke wrote: »
    @Dreamscape strange comment...

    Take away bow from rangers, they aren't a ranger anymore

    Take away stealth, crit strike and envenom from assassins they aren't assassins anymore.

    For Light tanks, would it be taking out free charge or dual wield?

    Was speaking of charge.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • Shoke wrote: »
    @Tesc The discussion isn't really about the value of charge, it's about giving charge 5 for free (1.5 min reuse).

    That basically is a 30 RA point gift to light tanks, that basically only have to get Det9, MoPain, AoM and some purge.

    Free charge 2 (10 min re-use) with the possibility to spec up to charge 5 (15 RA points cost to get to 5) would be way more balanced.

    I thought going free vanish 1 or 2 with possible upgrading would have been acceptable for assassins.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • Shoke wrote: »
    @Tesc The discussion isn't really about the value of charge, it's about giving charge 5 for free (1.5 min reuse).

    That basically is a 30 RA point gift to light tanks, that basically only have to get Det9, MoPain, AoM and some purge.

    Free charge 2 (10 min re-use) with the possibility to spec up to charge 5 (15 RA points cost to get to 5) would be way more balanced.

    I'm down for this if other light tanks can buy it that don't normally get it (champ for one). Maybe make it max rank 3.
  • Champs shouldn’t get charge
  • edited September 2020 PM
    Ath wrote: »
    Champs shouldn’t get charge

    Having a limited capability to charge does not make them op'd. They already nerfed the debuffs. They dont have Stoicism and outside of Det9 have nothing else.

    It's more about getting them back up to the front of the battle where they need to be.
    Post edited by Rok1 on
  • Champs are perfectly fine where they are. AoE debuffs on a tank was ridiculous. Adding charge would also make them ridiculous considering how strong their RR5 is.
  • What is the champions rr5 ?
  • edited September 2020 PM
    puter wrote: »
    Champs are perfectly fine where they are. AoE debuffs on a tank was ridiculous. Adding charge would also make them ridiculous considering how strong their RR5 is.

    A 15 second ability usable every 7:30 minutes (charge 3) is ridiculous? They are the one of the only light tanks in the game without it and the only one with pin (Valk, Reaver) that doesn't have it.
    Post edited by Rok1 on
  • edited September 2020 PM
    Rok1 wrote: »

    A 15 second ability usable every 7:30 minutes (charge 3) is ridiculous? They are the one of the only light tanks in the game without it and the only one with pin (Valk, Reaver) that doesn't have it.

    Yes, it's ridiculous because players camp timers. Timers only effectively minimize re-use during a fight. Reavers and Valks don't hit for max melee damage when they pop their RR5 (armor dependent). They also don't have ST. Champs don't need charge. Also, Champs aren't light tanks. They are hybrids. The light tanks are: BMs, Zerks, Mercs, and Savages.
    Post edited by puter on
  • edited October 2020 PM
    Heavies need to hit harder with 2h/1h weps OR allow their Critical hits to hit for a additional base of 75% damage with cap at 100%. Besides damage the whole turtle while stun immune just seems so boring... make the 2h be more attractive to have out; like 25-35% if the damage dealt, including crits, hits other enemies in 200radius of primary target. This damage should not be able to be defended against via block dodge parry but definitely cause armor procs to activate. Now your risk vs. reward may be worth it.
    Post edited by Kymatius on
  • @Kymatius that request is unjustified, heavy tanks are in a great place right now.

    They hit hard (as much as they should), are super durable and provide good group utility. They don't need anything else. They are the one archetype that's in a really good spot right now.

    If you want to max out dps light tabks is what you should play.

    That ae stuff you talk about would only in keeps/zergs where nobody cares about cc
  • edited October 2020 PM
    Heavies are fine. They could probably use a minor anti-kiting ability, and I've always thought rampage should last longer on the heavy than 20 seconds (but still keep it 20 seconds for the group). This would help them fare better against assassins, vamps, champs, and casters (which I think is all fair).
    Post edited by Enkertons on
  • Wish Hib tanks had turtle mode too, huge asset in all these tower camping fights...

    Also ridiculous that an easy to get astral cloak is better then Empty Mind...

    BMs still weakest of light tanks..

    That being said Mythic love is like getting whipped in a dungeon in your own poo so pls move on and keep "tweaking" necros..
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