Molvik Reaches a New Low in Bug Exploiting

@Carol_Broadsword @John_Broadsword
Molvik has always been a hub for cheating and bug exploiting activity, but now it's become absurdly out control and the frequency of these occurrences are rather comical. This video shows players known in his variations as Kkaz(ranger), Kazzbombzz(animist), Kkaazz(bard), and Next on Nexthaha (nightshade) bug exploiting into the CK without any means of siege and taking the keep. This happens on a regular basis and nothing is done about it. These individuals continue to cheat in the game on a daily basis making Molvik's environment not enjoyable and driving some to stop playing Daoc or quitting all together. When Kazorax(infiltrator) was confronted about the cheating in region, he simply replied, "I do what I want." It would show up on the chat logs in Molvik on alb August 13th anywhere from 9pm-11pm PST. That shows he does not care that hes making the Molvik environment an undesirable place to play.
I time stamped the important parts, but I recommend watching the entire video. The first section was a failed attempt, the second section was the effort of both Kaz and Next to take a level 10 keep in 8 minutes and 41 seconds.

Dark Age of Camelot | Molvik CK Bug Exploitation by Kaz and Next-


  • edited August 2020 PM
    0:00 They take the merc camp
    1:15 Kkaz shows up to exploit spot on ranger
    2:43 Kkaz bug exploits into ck
    4:32 Kkaz is shown under the inner ck floor
    6:25 Kkaz was killed inside and a glimps of his body is shown before release
    6:31 second video, kaz is taking merc camp to prepare to bug into ck
    9:15 Kkaazzz and Kazzbombzz arrive at ck
    9:22 They both exploit inside the wall
    10:01 I look for them under the ck, but already in lord room.
    10:41 Spot kazzbombzz inside lordroom killing lord.
    10:44 Nexthaha runs up the second level after exploiting inside
    10:53 Inner door is 100%
    11:19 Nexthaha verified inside lordroom
    11:42 I attack and die to clarify they are there if it wasn't clear enough
    13:37 They take the ck
    Post edited by Molvikmaniac on
  • edited August 2020 PM
    Pretty incriminating evidence, shame @Carol_Broadsword and @John_Broadsword could give a rats @$$. The almighty subscription $$$$ is more important to them than the exploitation of the game they're trying to save. I've sent @Carol_Broadsword videos of others abusing game mechanics (twozero) shearing buffs off of friendly realm players, while the friendly realm player was in the middle of fighting another realm. Nothing ever happened. I sent @Carol_Broadsword a video of littlehexy shooting me through the walls in CK, after I was BEHIND the wall for about 18 seconds (not 1, or 2 or 3 seconds... 18 seconds) and the bolt that hits me clearly goes straight through the wall in front of me. Nothing ever happened. They stopped trying to enforce the Rules of Conduct YEARS ago. I've already heard new/returning EC players state this game is WORSE today than it was when they quit years ago for similar reasons. At least back then you'd get a response on your appeal. Today your appeal disappears the second it gets submitted. There's no longer a need for the Rules of Conduct, just remove them from the game. Make it so EVERYONE can exploit/hack with full immunity. Publish all known hacks/exploits and level the playing field. If that's not acceptable then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Why do you think all the players that were banned here in the past are back on here now? $$$$$$$$$$$$ They can't go to the bird and the other (games that can't be mentioned here) and do this crap, why? Because those games won't let them, rofl. They actually ENFORCE the Rules of Conduct which sends all these people back to this, um, game.
    Post edited by Valtar on
    edited August 2020 PM
    Valtar wrote: »
    Pretty incriminating evidence, shame @Carol_Broadsword and @John_Broadsword could give a rats @$$. The almighty subscription $$$$ is more important to them than the exploitation of the game they're trying to save. I've sent @Carol_Broadsword videos of others abusing game mechanics (twozero) shearing buffs off of friendly realm players, while the friendly realm player was in the middle of fighting another realm. Nothing ever happened. I sent @Carol_Broadsword a video of littlehexy shooting me through the walls in CK, after I was BEHIND the wall for about 18 seconds (not 1, or 2 or 3 seconds... 18 seconds) and the bolt that hits me clearly goes straight through the wall in front of me. Nothing ever happened. They stopped trying to enforce the Rules of Conduct YEARS ago. I've already heard new/returning EC players state this game is WORSE today than it was when they quit years ago for similar reasons. At least back then you'd get a response on your appeal. Today your appeal disappears the second it gets submitted. There's no longer a need for the Rules of Conduct, just remove them from the game. Make it so EVERYONE can exploit/hack with full immunity. Publish all known hacks/exploits and level the playing field. If that's not acceptable then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Why do you think all the players that were banned here in the past are back on here now? $$$$$$$$$$$$ They can't go to the bird and the other (games that can't be mentioned here) and do this crap, why? Because those games won't let them, rofl. They actually ENFORCE the Rules of Conduct which sends all these people back to this, um, game.

    send the video of you buff dropping on your cleric? Cmon Gary, dont act so high and mighty and innocent when you, linkkoe, and your merry band of rats do the same thing by glitching into the keep. Post those videos as well :) Also you keep spewing people were banned, its called taking a break. We hoped you would have gotten better at the game during our 50 spree, obviously youre still bad.
    Post edited by UCP on
  • also

  • edited August 2020 PM
    And since you like to address me by name, let me address you by name. But instead of using your RL name, I'll do it the right way and just use one of your in-game toon names. Let's see, which one of your Alb toons should I... oh, I know, hey seeyouintea (did sassy give you that name, lol). It must suck for you to have me on your mind all day but again you FAILED. Wasn't me that posted the vid. I notice you left out of your vid, when he LD'd <bahahahaha> how he "magically" appears under the inner CK floor instead of back outside the CK where the 'supposed' LD took place, as is the norm. Where's that little tidbit in your debunk vid? Hmmm, and the concept they used siege shot on a Lvl10 CK door is even more comical. Please try that and get back to me on how long that would take. Oh, you're still firing arrows at it 45 minutes later, I see. And since you apparently still don't understand how the CK works, if they were "holding the roof", every guard in the CK would've been up there and they would've already had to kill them all, no? I mean, that is unless bards and shroomers have stealth now. So then why when he walks up the stairs kazz is right there fighting guards and getting heals? Oh, and look who comes running up the stairs to assist (as he passed the inner CK door, still CLOSED and at 100%) but their newest member of the hax-a-lot club Nexthaha. But it was known before the vid even went up that one or more of you would be defending the process... so predictable.
    Post edited by Valtar on
  • edited August 2020 PM
    I'm Pewee, the scout. I have known this bug for a long time, about five years or so because by accident I found a few bugs. I never used it because I believe it takes the fun out of the game. However, it should be taken care of and attended to asap. As for the players exploiting it, if it isn't corrected, expect some knucklehead people to take advantage of it. So, the solution is to fix it.

    Molvikmaniac, when you were looking to how they got in, they get in the inner keep by the near side entrance of the corner of the inner keep door. It will drop you down to the lower floor and give you a chance to see everyone above you and is a spot where you can get up to it and run right up to the lord. Also, next time pull out your shield on that night-shade, not your bow. hehe-j/k.

    Pewee - Scout - (Molvik)
    Post edited by Monster on
  • @Valtar not even gonna read your mindless blabbing. Youre clearly choking on my name and everyone elses you cant beat. Lff? Ycb? Get gud or get farmed, or just plug pull/log like you usually do when we knock. Poor szeee even admits hes tired of your insufferable crying.
  • edited August 2020 PM
    I would like to thank Peewee for acknowledging that there are players who do know of this bug although it had not been used so extensively until recently. It's simply amazing to see Twozero try to suggest that the trebs that were used to activate the Molvik camps actually made a hole in the wall which they didn't. He also suggested the inner door to the Keep had been repaired although the video shows no ram to open it and that the clock up in the game clock up in the corner of the video clearly showed the amount of time passing for the time these players activate the camps to the time they get into the Molvik Faste unless he believes there is a way to manipulate the in-game clock. Lastly, I am sorry to say that one of the good friends I have made over the years of playing Dark Age of Camelot, quit the game and turned over to me all of the hard-earned stuff it took him many years to accumulate, after appealing the bug exploits or hacks and seeing no action taken to address them or even a promise to try and address the issues. Personally I still enjoy the game too much to abandon it to the hackers just yet and still don't even blame them that much as I do Broardsword for allowing it to continue. Even if the issues are difficult to address, the players should be made aware that the game acknowledges what's going on and that remedies are being considered or implemented in the future. (Wish I knew how to slide into the wall like they were doing!!! lol......;just joking! )
    Post edited by MolvikforLife on
  • I would like to thank Peewee for acknowledging that there are players who do know of this bug although it had not been used so extensively until recently. It's simply amazing to see Twozero try to suggest that the trebs that were used to activate the Molvik camps actually made a hole in the wall which they didn't. He also suggested the inner door to the Keep had been repaired although the video shows no ram to open it and that the clock up in the game clock up in the corner of the video clearly showed the amount of time passing for the time these players activate the camps to the time they get into the Molvik Faste unless he believes there is a way to manipulate the in-game clock. Lastly, I am sorry to say that one of the good friends I have made over the years of playing Dark Age of Camelot, quit the game and turned over to me all of the hard-earned stuff it took him many years to accumulate, after appealing the bug exploits or hacks and seeing no action taken to address them or even a promise to try and address the issues. Personally I still enjoy the game too much to abandon it to the hackers just yet and still don't even blame them that much as I do Broardsword for allowing it to continue. Even if the issues are difficult to address, the players should be made aware that the game acknowledges what's going on and that remedies are being considered or implemented in the future. (Wish I knew how to slide into the wall like they were doing!!! lol......;just joking! )

    Yalls poor game play ran off some of the best albs that actually played the game and generated action. Ruining fun and just packing up exploiting palitones on the roof of towers and keeps, then plug pulling to vanish so you wouldnt die in a video game. Pot meet kettle. Linkkoe himself has used the ram to push himself through the wall/door to take keeps, and falling through floors isn't anything new in daoc. Ive ended up in the floor randomly many many times. You just scream hacks because you lost.
  • Carols stream caught this yesterday on 50 rvr and she hurried past it and went elsewhere. Amur was questioning her about their abilities to be inside the lords room and not have knocked on the door and the reply was simply appeal if you think there is wrong doing. Which would be followed up by- do you have video proof? Which the stream was the proof but it was hurried past the interesting parts to the boring parts. I simply told Amur in 50 rvr that this was going on- Its a Bracer, then its a Ring, then follow it up with git gud. There's your sad reply's back when people exploit.
    I wonder if we are in the new age of Dark Age of Exploit Alot. Maybe this IS the end ?
  • As for this video. It reminds me of people "cracking" in lab years ago. Why cant Dark Age attach the walls better so people cant crack in/out of an area ? As for being warped under the keep, he clearly knew what he was doing and if he has done it multiple times can't fall back on the "it was my first time" argument and is an exploit. Maybe the DAOC police will take care of it. I wouldn't hold my breath on the right thing being done. Mass sub cancellations will have to trigger people caring about a 20 year old game.
  • Godsdemon wrote: »
    As for this video. It reminds me of people "cracking" in lab years ago. Why cant Dark Age attach the walls better so people cant crack in/out of an area ? As for being warped under the keep, he clearly knew what he was doing and if he has done it multiple times can't fall back on the "it was my first time" argument and is an exploit. Maybe the DAOC police will take care of it. I wouldn't hold my breath on the right thing being done. Mass sub cancellations will have to trigger people caring about a 20 year old game.

    when keeps/towers get repaired, upgrade/downgrade ive been pushed under the floor. It's a game issue, not that the player did anything to force this. You cannot attack from said position, however you cant be hit either.
  • edited August 2020 PM
    That bug Twozero keeps mentioning where he says he has ended up under the floor only happens with "razed" Towers when they are rebuilt. Keeps don't get rebuilt in Frontiers or Battlegrounds so there is no way to end up under Keep floors without exploiting to get inside the Keep and while it's true players can't attack from said position, they can always leave whenever they wish to attack players, guards, or the Keep Lord by exiting the area at the stairs inside the Keep.
    Post edited by MolvikforLife on
    edited August 2020 PM
    That bug Twozero keeps mentioning where he says he has ended up under the floor only happens with "razed" Towers when they are rebuilt. Keeps don't get rebuilt in Frontiers or Battlegrounds so there is no way to end up under Keep floors without exploiting to get inside the Keep and while it's true players can't attack from said position, they can always leave whenever they wish to attack players, guards, or the Keep Lord by exiting the area at the stairs inside the Keep.

    You're literally talking out of your ass. why dont you boot up pend and actually test before you speak.

    These are the same players who scream hackers, and LOS exploit when a user strafes, even though its a literal key on the keyboard. Same players who in 2020 still dont know the functions of panning in a group and use their keyboards to turn in combat. :tired_face:

    Key crying cheater/hacker/exploiters. We'll keep collecting. see you soon.
    Post edited by UCP on
  • These folks now exactly what their talking about and the truth hurts. The individuals were caught so the only recourse is to formulate these shanty arguments and man there are many. Lets start.

    1.)There are many Kazorax variations yet they have video playing with Kazzbombzz (in debunk video). If it wasn't kaz then there would be no overwhelming response from your clique and nothing to worry about. (They're nervous)

    2.)There was trebs shown not in use on Hvit yet when inside there were no holes. from minute 3"07 to 4:30 the areas around the court yard are shown. No hole in MT side, no holes in HT side, and no holes in Alb side. Any damage sustained were to activate the camps. The merc camps must be taken for it to succeed.

    3.)Kkaz(ranger) went linkdead, but he was shown slivering into the side to be consumed by the wall. If he lded then he would be 50 feet in the air or grounded with 0 health shown. That argument is #debunked when he was shown under the inner ck door. Its also debunked because the second half of the video shows Kkaazzz and kazzbombzz slivering into the ck from the same spot. They weren't lded and later discovered in the lord room.. Funny how the second half didn't make it into the debunk video (that didn't debunk anything).

    4.) (Argument made by Nexthaha) The video was over edited to make them look as if they were wrong doing (paraphrased). The footage is all raw. The only edits I made was the close up of the first Kkazz exploit inside the front at minute 2:59, x8 speed from 6:54 to 7:01 running back to the spot, a few close ups of the text box to show names, and inputting text for context. Any over editing is debunked by observing the in game clock, the passage of time is very clear, and I made it very clear in the video.

    5.) Kkaz siege shots the door down from video time of 2:43, the time of getting inside to 4:32, the time spotted under the floor? This one is the most absurd because the time line doesn't add up, I thought Kkazz "lded" at 2:43, but now he has single handedly rebooted and logged back on, then siege shot the door all the way to 0, then ending up under the floor, all before szee somehow repairs the door all in a 2 minute time span. Its a mouthful and very very debunked.

    6.) Kaz actually films himself in the debunk video performing the exploit then splices footage(movie magic) disappearing/appearing and or immediately coming back through the wall. I think its spliced because it cuts to kazzbombzz reappearing straffing from the viewers left side and then back to the wall. That's another great piece of footage of kaz yet again exploiting, just not using it to take the keep (as far as I know because its a small bite of footage). At first I thought he were pulling guards out however because I included that in the text of my footage, he used it as a justification when its only a unfortunate occurrence. Kkazz is seen using BP speed because of the inconvenience, but another guard comes out not because hes drawing them out. But because I put it in the video. Ill give him that. The second half, at 9:22 they both exploit inside and they are gone, no guards, nothing. Guards aggro no matter what if you are close to the CK.

    7.) After Kazzbombzz and Kkaazzz exploited into the ck, he claims that he was holding the roof. If the door was ever opened all the guards would be aggroed and or dead. A level 10 keep on a good day is 30-45 minute siege yet they are in the lord room in roughly 6 minutes as observed on the in game clock. Kkaazzz, Kazzbombzz< and later Nexthaha(nightshade) are all in the lord room in a matter of minutes. And I thought the siege shot argument was weak.

    8.) Now the arguments are pure mudslinging due to years of rivarly between Link or szee, both who have no relation to the video other than being online at the time. Accusations toward Link/szee that they've exploited for years is just silly. Everyone knows Szee and Link love to defend or take the ck, If a realm succeeds, it was after hours of fighting, repairing walls, setting up many paletone locations, logging this toon and that toon to take the quarry back while X, Y, and Z are distracted. Or taking the CK you have to activate the camps especially if level 10 then you have to take the quarry, siege camps, then put a hole in the wall. Then you have to get a ram then take the merc camp to keep defenders busy while setting up the ram all while keeping the camps up with trebs. Its very involved and not one time have I ever seen szee or link exploit inside the ck then take it in a very fast time. Id love to see the video evidence. A siege can take 30-45 minutes on a good day, and many hours on a populated day. You can say in the past they bring the paletones up the stairs on the second level? You can set siege inside the courtyard if the siege camp is ours. Addressing this in general is baseless and giving that argument any relevance in this response isn't my pleasure by any means. Its a petty approach and is only used as a means to draw attention away from the individuals who were caught (Kkazz-ranger, Kkaazzz-Bard, Kazzbombzz-animist, Nexthaha-Nightshade). If the sole response to this post is to prolong argument #8 then it shows there really is nothing else to say other than the usual baseless personal attacks.

    Even if after many years of "crying cheating/hacking/exploiting" there is actually compelling evidence of wrong doing and still @Twozero you try and deflect and refer to personal attacks. Get good, ycb, tired of releasing.., I'll keep collecting. It has no bearing on the fact that the individuals in the videos exploited into the ck to take the keep very fast, that is cheating. That is utilizing bugs to get around what is intended to happen when taking a keep. They were caught. Maybe you should of advised them to stop if you so interested in the game.

    @Monster Your guess is better than mine.
  • edited August 2020 PM
    Post edited by Amadeus on
  • It’s about time Molvik was cleaned up.. Hackers, Xrealmers, and exploiters abound.. Shame because it is a nice BG.. but spoiled..
    CLEAN it up please
  • @Gotsassypants This thread is about the contents shown the video. Unless you have anything to add about that then #ssshhh Same for you @Twozero
  • @Molvikmaniac I'm not the one who couldn't stay onTopic
    @Valtar brought me into this because he's obsessed with me.
    So why don't you STFU, reread the **** forum. Dude can't keep my name out his mouth.
  • Nothing needed to be added to this forum?@Molvikmaniac

    The only thing it's proving is that a bunch of old sweaty nerds are mad they lost ck to a duo. #affected


    Quit crying, you're making yourself look pathetic
    edited August 2020 PM
    These folks now exactly what their talking about and the truth hurts. The individuals were caught so the only recourse is to formulate these shanty arguments and man there are many. Lets start.

    1.)There are many Kazorax variations yet they have video playing with Kazzbombzz (in debunk video). If it wasn't kaz then there would be no overwhelming response from your clique and nothing to worry about. (They're nervous)

    2.)There was trebs shown not in use on Hvit yet when inside there were no holes. from minute 3"07 to 4:30 the areas around the court yard are shown. No hole in MT side, no holes in HT side, and no holes in Alb side. Any damage sustained were to activate the camps. The merc camps must be taken for it to succeed.

    3.)Kkaz(ranger) went linkdead, but he was shown slivering into the side to be consumed by the wall. If he lded then he would be 50 feet in the air or grounded with 0 health shown. That argument is #debunked when he was shown under the inner ck door. Its also debunked because the second half of the video shows Kkaazzz and kazzbombzz slivering into the ck from the same spot. They weren't lded and later discovered in the lord room.. Funny how the second half didn't make it into the debunk video (that didn't debunk anything).

    4.) (Argument made by Nexthaha) The video was over edited to make them look as if they were wrong doing (paraphrased). The footage is all raw. The only edits I made was the close up of the first Kkazz exploit inside the front at minute 2:59, x8 speed from 6:54 to 7:01 running back to the spot, a few close ups of the text box to show names, and inputting text for context. Any over editing is debunked by observing the in game clock, the passage of time is very clear, and I made it very clear in the video.

    5.) Kkaz siege shots the door down from video time of 2:43, the time of getting inside to 4:32, the time spotted under the floor? This one is the most absurd because the time line doesn't add up, I thought Kkazz "lded" at 2:43, but now he has single handedly rebooted and logged back on, then siege shot the door all the way to 0, then ending up under the floor, all before szee somehow repairs the door all in a 2 minute time span. Its a mouthful and very very debunked.

    6.) Kaz actually films himself in the debunk video performing the exploit then splices footage(movie magic) disappearing/appearing and or immediately coming back through the wall. I think its spliced because it cuts to kazzbombzz reappearing straffing from the viewers left side and then back to the wall. That's another great piece of footage of kaz yet again exploiting, just not using it to take the keep (as far as I know because its a small bite of footage). At first I thought he were pulling guards out however because I included that in the text of my footage, he used it as a justification when its only a unfortunate occurrence. Kkazz is seen using BP speed because of the inconvenience, but another guard comes out not because hes drawing them out. But because I put it in the video. Ill give him that. The second half, at 9:22 they both exploit inside and they are gone, no guards, nothing. Guards aggro no matter what if you are close to the CK.

    7.) After Kazzbombzz and Kkaazzz exploited into the ck, he claims that he was holding the roof. If the door was ever opened all the guards would be aggroed and or dead. A level 10 keep on a good day is 30-45 minute siege yet they are in the lord room in roughly 6 minutes as observed on the in game clock. Kkaazzz, Kazzbombzz< and later Nexthaha(nightshade) are all in the lord room in a matter of minutes. And I thought the siege shot argument was weak.

    8.) Now the arguments are pure mudslinging due to years of rivarly between Link or szee, both who have no relation to the video other than being online at the time. Accusations toward Link/szee that they've exploited for years is just silly. Everyone knows Szee and Link love to defend or take the ck, If a realm succeeds, it was after hours of fighting, repairing walls, setting up many paletone locations, logging this toon and that toon to take the quarry back while X, Y, and Z are distracted. Or taking the CK you have to activate the camps especially if level 10 then you have to take the quarry, siege camps, then put a hole in the wall. Then you have to get a ram then take the merc camp to keep defenders busy while setting up the ram all while keeping the camps up with trebs. Its very involved and not one time have I ever seen szee or link exploit inside the ck then take it in a very fast time. Id love to see the video evidence. A siege can take 30-45 minutes on a good day, and many hours on a populated day. You can say in the past they bring the paletones up the stairs on the second level? You can set siege inside the courtyard if the siege camp is ours. Addressing this in general is baseless and giving that argument any relevance in this response isn't my pleasure by any means. Its a petty approach and is only used as a means to draw attention away from the individuals who were caught (Kkazz-ranger, Kkaazzz-Bard, Kazzbombzz-animist, Nexthaha-Nightshade). If the sole response to this post is to prolong argument #8 then it shows there really is nothing else to say other than the usual baseless personal attacks.

    Even if after many years of "crying cheating/hacking/exploiting" there is actually compelling evidence of wrong doing and still @Twozero you try and deflect and refer to personal attacks. Get good, ycb, tired of releasing.., I'll keep collecting. It has no bearing on the fact that the individuals in the videos exploited into the ck to take the keep very fast, that is cheating. That is utilizing bugs to get around what is intended to happen when taking a keep. They were caught. Maybe you should of advised them to stop if you so interested in the game.

    @Monster Your guess is better than mine.

    jesus, go outside mate. However keep collecting, as this entire thread was moot. And farming you today was a pleasure. YCB? Wait you logged out while the keeps were under siege, and set palitones on the roof of AT. Herorius was banned for siege exploitation, i think you should receive the same benefit :wink: Hide in your towers, and complain you cant compete in a dying old game.

    And yes, please get gud. Im tired of boring 16v5 fights and you flopping to 5. I'd like a challenge when we play. Better fights PVEing.
    Post edited by UCP on
  • Quite the contrary. @Gotsassypants , mad no, disappointed yes, cheating duo yes.
    @Twozero Huh?
    Both off topic as usual, rude, disrespectful, the traits of bullies. No matter how diplomatic and nice I try to be, both of you are still mean spirited.
    Need to venture out in vocabulary other than, sweat nerds, YCB, hashtags, get good, cry etc...
    If the game is dying and old then by all means you don't have to play.
    Oh friendly reminder, this post is about how Kaz and next bug exploit to cheat in the game.
    P.S, I'm anti tower camping, there we can agree on something. ;) <3 <3
  • It funny to see all the exploiters/cheater defend themselves by calling everyone else n00bs and cry babies. Attack is the best defence. It is about time for BS to step it up and do something about cheating in this game.
  • Quite the contrary. @Gotsassypants , mad no, disappointed yes, cheating duo yes.
    @Twozero Huh?
    Both off topic as usual, rude, disrespectful, the traits of bullies. No matter how diplomatic and nice I try to be, both of you are still mean spirited.
    Need to venture out in vocabulary other than, sweat nerds, YCB, hashtags, get good, cry etc...
    If the game is dying and old then by all means you don't have to play.
    Oh friendly reminder, this post is about how Kaz and next bug exploit to cheat in the game.
    P.S, I'm anti tower camping, there we can agree on something. ;) <3 <3

    if i actually knew who you were in daoc, i could probably counter that statement. Doubt you go more than 100 units away from /exit /enter without 8+ when you see a solo. Then again you play with linkkoe and crew, who are terrible players and blame every aspect of daoc they dont understand on cheating and exploits, yet use siege bugs in game all the time :)
  • niller wrote: »
    It funny to see all the exploiters/cheater defend themselves by calling everyone else n00bs and cry babies. Attack is the best defence. It is about time for BS to step it up and do something about cheating in this game.

    dont get mad if you suck at daoc in 2020. sometimes a truth stings.
  • Twozero wrote: »

    dont get mad if you suck at daoc in 2020. sometimes a truth stings.

    I'd rather sux than cheat..
  • niller wrote: »

    I'd rather sux than cheat..

    post evidence to back up accusations? You'll never find proof of me cheating.
  • edited August 2020 PM
    @Gotsassypants Yep, every time I see or hear that disgusting name, seeyouintea, I think of you... you got me. Why someone would name their in-game character after that particular part of a woman's anatomy is beyond me. I heard you were quite distraught over the whole incident. Did you ever figure out who called you that? Didn't think so. Maybe if you had started recording then, and added that to your "I'm a Victim" vid you made a while back, daoc could've probably helped you figure it out. But alas, with no evidence, you don't get anywhere with this game. Even with video proof you don't get anywhere with this game.

    And yes, @Gotsassypants I did mention your name. I made a statement that asked a question. If you scroll up you can read it again. Here, I'll just state it again. "Did sassy give you that name?" There. That wasn't so bad was it? I asked a question that had your name in it. Does that question offend you? Were you being attacked? Did I call you a name? Were you the VICTIM again of some awful crime? Are you in trouble? Do I need to call the authorities? If you answered "no" to all of those questions then why are you so butt-hurt? You can say it was me that did everything that's been bad to you in your entire life, but guess what, just be cause you say it doesn't make it true. You want sooooo bad for it to be me, I know. So go back, review your extensive archive of captured "I'm the victim again" vids and locate the section where I did, whatever you want to "claim" I did. If you need/want a list of my toons, just let me know which realm and I'll even help you out. See, that's the difference between you and I... I know what's FACT and you know nothing. You "assume" to know a lot of things, just so happens what you think you know, you don't know. So keep trying, keep looking, keep calling me names, keep trying to belittle me, keep trying to bully me, keep trying to make yourself relevant, and most of all... keep making yourself look like an @S$. This is fun!
    Post edited by Valtar on
  • edited August 2020 PM
    @Twozero molvikmaniac is Sixfeetaway from the video. One of the 6 scouts that camp apk and AT.

    @Valtar You know what's funny? After my little video, szee came over to hib to talk to me. He said, "I don't think linkkoe would say those things. It's sounds more like Gary."

    You see? Not only do I not believe you, but even your own pixel friends don't. The fact that they don't defend you speaks louder than any argument I could ever make.
    Post edited by Gotsassypants on
  • @Twozero molvikmaniac is Sixfeetaway from the video. One of the 6 scouts that camp apk and AT.

    @Valtar You know what's funny? After my little video, szee came over to hib to talk to me. He said, "I don't think linkkoe would say those things. It's sounds more like Gary."

    You see? Not only do I not believe you, but even your own pixel friends don't. The fact that they don't defend you speaks louder than any argument I could ever make.

    Accurate szeee told me the same thing. @Valtar is the same disgusting person that hops into moons vent constantly playing racist music when they stream. Hes a vile person with a fitting last name "Rat".
    edited August 2020 PM
    Valtar wrote: »
    @Gotsassypants Yep, every time I see or hear that disgusting name, seeyouintea, I think of you... you got me. Why someone would name their in-game character after that particular part of a woman's anatomy is beyond me. I heard you were quite distraught over the whole incident. Did you ever figure out who called you that? Didn't think so. Maybe if you had started recording then, and added that to your "I'm a Victim" vid you made a while back, daoc could've probably helped you figure it out. But alas, with no evidence, you don't get anywhere with this game. Even with video proof you don't get anywhere with this game.

    And yes, @Gotsassypants I did mention your name. I made a statement that asked a question. If you scroll up you can read it again. Here, I'll just state it again. "Did sassy give you that name?" There. That wasn't so bad was it? I asked a question that had your name in it. Does that question offend you? Were you being attacked? Did I call you a name? Were you the VICTIM again of some awful crime? Are you in trouble? Do I need to call the authorities? If you answered "no" to all of those questions then why are you so butt-hurt? You can say it was me that did everything that's been bad to you in your entire life, but guess what, just be cause you say it doesn't make it true. You want sooooo bad for it to be me, I know. So go back, review your extensive archive of captured "I'm the victim again" vids and locate the section where I did, whatever you want to "claim" I did. If you need/want a list of my toons, just let me know which realm and I'll even help you out. See, that's the difference between you and I... I know what's FACT and you know nothing. You "assume" to know a lot of things, just so happens what you think you know, you don't know. So keep trying, keep looking, keep calling me names, keep trying to belittle me, keep trying to bully me, keep trying to make yourself relevant, and most of all... keep making yourself look like an @S$. This is fun!

    atta'boy. Keep choking on that name while i farm you on a daily basis. You cant make enough anon toons. You're going to retire in a leirvik tower.
    Post edited by UCP on
  • Stop trying to veer off topic please. :)
  • Stop trying to veer off topic please. :)

    the topic is yall are so bad you scream cheater just because you lost. even though thats basically the story of your daoc existence.
  • Twozero wrote: »

    the topic is yall are so bad you scream cheater just because you lost. even though thats basically the story of your daoc existence.

    I'm not mad the ck was lost, but by what means? Bug exploiting to cheat take the CK. Not mad, Something is very wrong if nothing is done about it though. @Twozero Let me ask you this. Do you think what he did is right? In other words, do you think cheating is ok?
    edited August 2020 PM

    I'm not mad the ck was lost, but by what means? Bug exploiting to cheat take the CK. Not mad, Something is very wrong if nothing is done about it though. @Twozero Let me ask you this. Do you think what he did is right? In other words, do you think cheating is ok?

    You claim what he did is cheating with baseless facts. i mean you're video doesn't provide evidence of anything, and you keep trying to side step the fact that you camp palatones at the top of AT exploiting sige, and the fact linkkoe has been spotted many times being glitched into CK on ram, and doesn't leave. I've walked out of CK during it upgrading to end up in the floor MANY times. again you point the finger and scream hack just because you dont know how it works. The entire linkkoe crew, excluding szeee, are braindead.

    What about the camera stick bug, using F11, to target around objects that wern't meant to be able to be targeted? Dont point fingers and scream cheat when your own hands are staind.
    Post edited by UCP on
  • So I assume not answering the question is a yes. Good to know.
  • So I assume not answering the question is a yes. Good to know.

    you only have accusations of him cheating, not full proof. if you did he wouldnt be in daoc right now :)
  • There was full proof. That isn't even up for debate.

  • Exploitation is evidence by watching his name on the floor inside the inner keep, which indicates the movement of a player below the level. The proof is that which is all you need and is not legal to do, and it's exploitation. It needs to be fixed, again asap, or will have players continuing doing so. There are two ways to go under the inner keep. One is through the inner keep corner by the side entrance door, and the other, which again demonstrates proven by video, the side to the right of the outer door. Still, it's illegal to do but can be corrected. Should they be punished for it, no but a warning because it is DAOC responsibility to fix this problem. If caught doing it repeatedly and I'm aware they have done it many times, but we have recorded for that day only, it becomes the player's responsibility. The DAOC can apply consequences, which by avoiding it by correcting the bug. DAOC, requires to fix the problem so that we don't have to read or have videos demonstrating players names, which I think should consider privately done to the administrator instead.

    Now let me explain why. First, if you send a private message to the administrator, I genuinely believe you will get a response with proof promptly. Secondly, it would have avoided these comments that will only inflate arguments and insults between each other. Why, because there is one thing we all have in common: we enjoy playing the game.

    Molvikmaniac, it's what I think would have been better for you than to deal with insults or the aggravation by privately messaging the administrator. I hope you don't take offense, but it's only advisable to accept it or consider it for future reference because I think it would have a better influence on the administrator.

    As for Twozero's evaluation, I'm afraid I have to disagree, but it was worth listening and watching what he has to say. Again, what made it for me to believe that there are bugs was the player going through the wall, outside and watching the player below the inner keep roaming around.

    Pewee | Zueswiz | Monster
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