Zerg vs 8 man vs solo
Zergers like the giant battles. The flow of people across the plains, the breaching of walls and they don't necessarily try to be the best at their skills. They tend to play very casually and don't often have the best templates or skill. They play more for the social aspects and seldom post on the forums. How the characters look and having cool houses and pets is part of the fun for them. EC players do well in a zerg because the zerg offsets what the EC player is missing to be able to compete.
8 man and solo groups work hard at the perfect temp, the perfect rotation and the perfect positioning. They may have memorized every stat for the weapons and armor and will argue fiercely over weapon procs and whether or not someone added to a fight. They are vocal on the forums because they are quite aware of what things affect their ability to play. Lack of ports, large zergs, changes in abilities are examples of what can affect their game enjoyment. It is much harder for EC players to join this playstyle.
Trying to accommodate all the play-styles with a low population is hard.
8 man and solo groups work hard at the perfect temp, the perfect rotation and the perfect positioning. They may have memorized every stat for the weapons and armor and will argue fiercely over weapon procs and whether or not someone added to a fight. They are vocal on the forums because they are quite aware of what things affect their ability to play. Lack of ports, large zergs, changes in abilities are examples of what can affect their game enjoyment. It is much harder for EC players to join this playstyle.
Trying to accommodate all the play-styles with a low population is hard.

Bumblebunny to the rescue !
Thats the only thing that works. If they have nothing to kill, they will change.
Kroko .... just to understand .... given what you say I guess you are also against the full party that plows duo / soloers or the 526458752 stealth albs that magically appear wherever there is a soloers ....
Thats an interesting point of view.
Didn't last long but it allowed so many otger people to enjoy the game.
As per @Siambra words, BGs strive for big fights. I don't think running EV looking for groups qualifies.
And the fgs that roam for solos are just as bad as the zergers except they sooner or later find a FG looking for fgs and get **** on.
That's probably because it takes that many to kill a hib/mid 4 man.
I agree both.
Herry likes to play like this, others don't and prefer to play differently.
Right ... wrong ... I don't care, I can't and I don't want to judge anyone.
Everyone plays as they see fit but every choice must be RESPECTED, even if they don't like it.
Which unfortunately not everyone does ......
That's the issue right there. Zerging isn't bad in itself. I totally understand the appeal of the big fights, the kind of chaos, the smaller scale fights around the same keep. I get it. I actually like keep fights, they are fun (unless you are a support, then you want to shoot yourself).
What is wrong, is zerging for the sake of zerging. I am sorry, but you cannot justify Herorius running a 60 player deep BG when the most opposition he'll face is like 15 players. And even then, the second he starts having resistance, he'll retreat and go hit something else.
It is a Euro specific issue, US prime does not have that issue. Mainly because of these following points;
- There is always at least 2 BGs running. When there is only one BG active and they don't have any other BG online, they'll usually disband and do something else. The only exception to his is Rescu's BG, but a full group can farm 3 groups of his BG easily. So even if he runs when there aren't any other BGs, groups can "voltron" and kill him until he decides to sit in Bold for a couple hours.
- US BGs tend to want to hit the other BGs. BGs dodging each other hit an all time high when Xyorman was running the mid BG. He would avoid and run laps for hours without any fights. That was his way. But the current US prime BG leaders are looking for fights.
- They don't cut port for the sake of cutting ports. Hero takes keeps, normal, he's alone. But hibs already has all relics all the time since he'll just take them back the next morning, since he has zero opposition. So by taking keeps, all he does is cut ports and ruin the playing time of other players. you should play other realms one day, log on and see your whole frontier green, with the only option being to boat from relic town. Most players will just /quit.
I get it, it's your $$, not mine. But to use your "my money my choice" without acknowledging that what herorius is doing is KILLING THE GAME, is just acting blind.
And I don't agree that "all choices should be respected". I can understand that you make specific choices for a variety of reasons. I can also think that the choices you make are bad and I don't respect them.
Well done. /clap.
"I disapprove of what you say but I will defend your right to say it until death" cit.
All opinions deserve respect, especially those you don't share.
That said ..... we are certainly talking about the prime time EU but then I can tell you that it is not Herry who kills the game ..... he is the one who jumps from one Realm to another to be sure that he is always in the right wagon.
Situation #1 : Herorius runs a BG, cuts all ports, faces an opposing force of maybe 50% of his BG on a good day. People from other realms log in, see the frontier, instantly log out.
Situation #2 : Herorius does not run a BG, sticks to 8-16-24. Other realms see their frontier active and hear that Hero isn't running a BG. They get on, start RvRing. Action everywhere, groups from all realms run around.
In your opinion, which situation is good for the game, which one is not.
It also appears a lot of the people complaining about no action are the ones stuck to Herorius. I've been logged into hib when he's been on for a bit and I read a lot of complaints about no action.
Yeah, that, my Sub runs out next week, good job Hero you won, i quit
Situation 3 where alb/mid classes can actually compete with hib classes in siege warfare and thus log in, even with inferior numbers, to defend keeps. Decent fights, some rps for defenders (more for hibs given more defenders). Alb actually has some decent keep defense classes but still nothing hib level.