Patch 1.127 Update and Upcoming Hot Fix Discussion



  • edited February 2020 PM
    You really think this enchantment chanter thing is real and pervasive huh? It’s a great line that next to no one runs due to its vulnerability/high skill reqs And lack of fun factor in tanker+enchantment chanter. And in caster train it’s on the wrong train, no one is running body train. Very few run void train to begin with and even less are double debuffing for body.

    Shaman with a normal aug spec are all over the place. Don’t know what game you are playing. In a single night of play I see a half a dozen shamans but I can’t remember the last time I’ve grouped an enchantment chanter or seen one casting his high enchantment buffs (or any enchantment buffs now that they start at 16 enh spec). They are all the amazing bomb spec.

    I have no idea who you are trying to convince that enchantment chanters are as common as shamans normal spec. But it ain’t me and doesn’t seem to be anyone else on these boards. Maybe try postcount with that bs.

    The ability is not clean as enchantment chanter version. No one is denying that. What I am challenging is your bs claims that enchantment chanter is the reason hib is winning and specifically heal effectiveness spell being the crux that supposedly mid needs, when:
    1) exists on mid already,
    2) is much more common on mid than hib and only you are denying that fact,
    3) works just fine on spread heals for no-los healing which you implied it does not.
    Post edited by Rohan on
  • Show me someone repping Enchantment Enchanters in 2020, and I’ll show you someone absolutely clueless and out of touch with the game.

    No. One. Runs. Them.

    Body. DD. Sucks.

    Tanks. Don’t. Want. Forced. Elemental. Damage.
  • KoeKoe
    edited February 2020 PM
    Rohan wrote: »
    What I am challenging is your bs claims that enchantment chanter is the reason hib is winning

    I never said that the reason hibs are winning is because of chantment chanters. It is one of several extremely OP things that other realms do not have. If most chanters are not chantment spec (But are the highest RP gaining class in the game over the last 2 months), it's because other specs are even more powerful. Your argument actually destroys itself if you think about it.

    You can continue to reitterate that two spells that function differently are the same thing, but they aren't. One lets you cast your very responsive ST heal as needed, on anyone, maintaining power. Or it lets high level healers mindlessly spam group heals, the other does not. Mids and albs would be extremely happy to have the optionality of that class from perma snares for all tanks to AF for caster groups or heal % buff for main healers.

    This is extremely important on Mid as every mid healer has only 1.0 spec points and thus has to sacrifice full heals (vs warden/bard/friar/pally), and mid level ST heals are thus much more effective if you have a 50% bonus.

    Feel free to post again how nobody runs enchantment chanters because they are all too busy collecting twice as many milions of rps to any other caster on their even more powerful mana/light chanters.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • @Koe you stick your head in the ground thinking enchanters must have OP specs because enchantment chanters don't exist.

    Did it ever occur to you that enchantment chanters just freakin suck? They are bad, terrible, if you play one you want to delete it. They are useless in every single comp. Ok one person said they liked playing enchant chanter, so 99.9% of echantment chanters suck, not 100%.

    Mana chanters are good because it's bomb spec + main debuff train, that's it. Don't overthink it. To perform in today's daoc, you bomb stupid zerging lemmings and you have a debuff train field.

    There is a limited amount of classes that can do that : enchanters.

    And btw, take out the enchanters that are in Xuu's group and redo your math.
  • @Koe
    You wont concede that aug shaman’s far more available/groupable/necessary than enchantment chanters.

    You won’t concede that a 50% heal buff ‘to’ and ‘from’ are similar in a world where spread heals exist and target yourself. And each time you create a scenario the shaman version could be used similarly, albeit not as easy.

    And you won’t concede that enchantment chanters make up next to zero percent of RP’s of enchanters.

    Changes (&why):
    And you think that mid desperately needs this ‘easy mode’ version because... actually I can’t even come up with a because: you certainly haven’t.

    All I can say is we will never agree on this. We disagree at every level of availability, use, impact and what changes/why. Feel free to keep trying to convince people that enchantment chanter is the best thing with no flaws (body nuke) and that it’s heal buff is why mid is underperforming. You couldn’t be further off base.

    As I said. One thing we can agree on is mana line is beyond good. Bomb and resist debuffs in the same line is unique and probably too good. Maybe it was fine before all the other enchanter love (ASR, root, uber pet, pbae buffs, speed 6) but now it’s obviously overperforming. But get off this heal effectiveness tangent bs. It distracts from real issues.
  • @Shoke @Rohan

    I'll give you two some advice. I wouldn't respond to the person who continues to say enchantment enchanters are OP. Nothing will change his mind. He see things on paper and believes it to be true. He even commented on how Hib has a well known secret of Animists and VWer's getting 415 dex and casting on people without LOS (as if other realms couldn't get to 415 dex - only hib). People know that VWer's can't get to 415 dex yet he tried to play it off as truth. Just refute him and move on. You both will lose braincells and time trying to speak down to his level attempting to help him understand, and it won't change a thing. He will continue to talk about things he has no experience with. It's easy to see he has no experience with any form of competitive play. Just move on. I have....
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Appreciate the discussion so far, but can we move this along from arguing about enchantment chanters please, as stated in John's OP and follow up 1.127 is next up and would appreciate thoughts and feedback on what's stated, and such.
    Patch 1.127

    Our newsletter poll last Autumn asking about which housing features you would like to see updated gave us a clear direction to improve the Market Explorer window. That will be our major focus of the housing updates but we'll also be introducing several other housing features and bug fixes.

    First, house repossession will be re-enabled in 1.127. This means any houses that are currently due to be repossessed from account inactivity will get repossessed as soon as 1.127 launches to live.

    Next, we have a fix for the annoying need to manually refresh house vaults on server-up (though the fix will require the vaults to be manually refreshed once more, subsequent server downtimes won't!) and a fix for CMs that have reached plat cap to not sell any more items. We'll also be introducing brand new hi-res and updated textures for all existing housing tiers! A 5th house tier won't make it into Patch 1.127 unfortunately but we do have some of that work well under way for when the right opportunity to fully implement it comes!

    Aside from housing, we also hope to tackle some rather annoying and long-standing bugs like concentration buffs randomly dropping and occasionally hitting a load screen when using mass gateway as well as many more!

    For Endless Conquest, we've seen a steady population and a solid conversion rate from EC to Veteran accounts since its launch. That said, we would like to make EC even more attractive to play and try while still maintaining the value of a subscription. We're currently looking at adjusting the 180-day timer down some, taking a hard look at the buffing restrictions, and making some tweaks to the progression rates for EC accounts. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this and all of the above!
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • @Daelin Is Koe in Asatruar or something to come up with things like that?
  • Anything is possible. Couldn’t name a single one of his toons. If anyone can, I need a good laugh.
  • When I began to play I had to solo. At least in situations with no more than 15-20 players because my computer couldn't handle it. I could not even go into TNN without crashing. People I played with went on ahead to play in the Frontier and garner rps. There were no junior battlegrounds then. Somehow after many months of play I managed to reach the Hero Epic and complete it. Might of had around a plat or so, as well. Quite wealthy.
    Finally got a computer which could run the game. Pentium 3 or something. Oboy! Here I come! Uh Oh. I need a group or at least a druid to buff and spec me. No biggie. I liked playing with other people. The more, the merrier. i was stymied, though. Only one account. Family to support so no way to justify 2 subs. What did that mean? When my friends were not on I crafted because I couldn't play a Hero solo without a buff bot. UGH!
    Good times, though when we all got together and slaughtered people porting into POC buffless. haha on you, bot owners. Wait? What's that? We are exploiting. So much for that. Let's go look for people out in the Frontier, since we'll get banned for playing the game as available.
    All tricked out now with somewhat compatible armors and items I broke down and downloaded a third-party program just to talk to my friends. What a difference that made. it was almost a requirement to compete. However, still couldn't solo. Despite despising invisibility I reluctantly rolled an archer-type. Pretty handy for those long pulls needed in TOA but worthless in Frontiers, sans buffs/specs. Haven't played that thing except to own a house or something in many years. No point. All the rest of the players are temped out and high RR so all the sup pots in the world won't help me there. Besides, back stabbing was never my forte.
    Remember, Battlegroups were necessary to get dragon loot which was coveted as the best for PvP. Large group fights were fun. Lots of friends. Most are gone now and will probably never return.
    Where is the feedback in this diatribe?
    You (the operators of this thing) missed the boat. Third parties have taken over and there is nothing you can do about it. Third party maps. Third party voice. Third party software. Third party hardware. Where are the CSR's? What good is an appeal? Things were bad enough with macro farming bomb groups but now? More hardware needed to play? Not gonna happen. More downloaded bloatware to see where a particular section of the Frontier is? Nope. Another voice program? Unlikely. You could of given players all this and more built into DarkAge but, sadly you did not. Feel free to sweeten up my house to sit and craft in while better outfitted players run amok.
    As long as one player can function as 3 or more people myself (and others) will quit, either daily or permanently.
  • KoeKoe
    edited February 2020 PM
    Reducing the 180 day requirement might cause people to risk/reward just close their account for the 3 months till they can play their archer, etc. I really don't have any data on any of this stuff to do more than speculate.

    I have a little trouble following the post directly above (and won't respond to the other posts) but what I think he's saying is that it's hard to come back and compete. This is probably an EC account frustration as well, so I think almost requiring people to group up is probably not bad, but at the same time your average EC user is probably very part time, casual, and would like the option to just grind stuff out so that they are R5+ and even marginal groups are willing to take them on/guilds have them join. For example my EC account friend has small children and she plays in between doing dishes and less interesting things. The Ghostly quest and Dopples are a good thing you can just pick up and do. Supplies were okay but BP's/xp are just BP's and clxp.

    Regarding people playing 2-3 toons. I'm happy to face one guy playing 2 accounts as long as he isn't macroing, the risk vs reward is worth it. For someone less experienced I can imagine they'd have about 0 chance. It's sort of like the players who only come out when all their toys are up and then go hide till they are done. You can only do so much as some people will hurt their game play experience simply to avoid a L.

    I think giving paid accounts a little mithril every month would help to convert some accounts to paid.

    I'd ask for housing to show debuff bonus items but that's kind of like letting people know what thane's dex break points are. You just don't want to do it.

    Lazy me would get excited if I could buy a random ROG ring/bracer from the BP merchant directly, without having to use stuff, etc.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • “ I'd ask for housing to show debuff bonus items but that's kind of like letting people know what thane's dex break points are. You just don't want to do it.”

  • edited February 2020 PM
    383 dex = 0.96 (96.1)
    383 dex = 0.96 (96.0)
    385 dex = 0.96 (96.4)
    386 dex = 0.86 (85.6)
    387 dex = 0.88 (87.7)
    391 dex = 0.88 (88.0)
    392 dex = 0.80 (79.8) (old tests 392 dex = 0.95)
    393 dex = 0.80 (80.0)
    446 dex = 0.81 (81.0)

    356 dex = 0.96 (96.2)
    404 dex = 0.95 (94.5)

    362 dex = 1.13 (113.0)
    362 dex = 1.13 (112.6)
    391 dex = 1.12 (112.3)
    392 dex = 1.12 (111.7)
    394 dex = 1.12 (111.8)
    395 dex = 1.11 (110.9)
    396 dex = 1.12 (111.5)
    397 dex = 1.12 (111.5)
    398 dex = 1.09 (108.8)
    400 dex = 1.09 (108.7)
    401 dex = 1.10 (109.9)
    404 dex = 1.07 (107.2) - seems off
    408 dex = 1.08 (108.3)
    414 dex = 1.09 (108.9)
    415 dex = 1.05 (105.1)
    415 dex = 1.06 (105.9)
    417 dex = 1.06 (106.3)
    419 dex = 1.06 (106.1)
    419 dex = 1.06 (106.5)
    426 dex = 1.05 (105.5)
    446 dex = 1.05 (105.1)

    374 dex = 1.14 (113.7)
    446 dex = 1.13 (112.8)

    392 dex = 1.12 (111.9)
    446 dex = 1.13 (113.0)

    3.0 ()
    374 dex = 1.30 (129.6)
    446 dex = 1.29 (129.2)

    356 dex = 1.60 (159.7)
    374 dex = 1.60 (160.3)
    377 dex = 1.60 (160.3)
    379 dex = 1.59 (159.3)
    380 dex = 1.48 (147.7)
    381 dex = 1.48 (148.4)
    382 dex = 1.48 (147.8)
    384 dex = 1.47 (147.0)
    385 dex = 1.48 (147.6)
    386 dex = 1.44 (144.2)
    391 dex = 1.44 (143.6)
    392 dex = 1.44 (143.7)
    404 dex = 1.45 (144.6)
    446 dex = 1.43 (142.9)
    446 dex = 1.43 (142.9)


    391 dex = 1.66 (165.8)
    392 dex = 1.61 (160.8)
    446 dex = 1.63 (162.5) original test
    446 dex = 1.61 (161.1) retested
    Post edited by Hellblast on
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Now THATs a list. They should add that on discord^^

    Well, maybe not...looks a bit strange. 395, 396, 397, ....!?
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Now THATs a list. They should add that on discord^^

    Well, maybe not...looks a bit strange. 395, 396, 397, ....!?

    That's Simon's breakpoints he did four years ago - which is still relevant.
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Now THATs a list. They should add that on discord^^



  • KoeKoe
    edited February 2020 PM
    There's a 374 BP for 2.4 dex also. I know you get it for the 3.0 but its evident if you test on your own. Somehow we kept it out of Simon's testing originally:)
    Post edited by Koe on
  • ok carol@broadsword you would like to move the conversation away from chanters onto the upcoming patch and have some feedback I’ll give my 2 cents about what is relevant to me in upcoming patch.
    The housing changes are just fluff not really interested.
    Instead of housing changes how about looking at pet pathing probably more relevant to players.
    You really need to make ec accounts valid for people I really can’t believe how you **** up such a good concept.
    There should be no class restrictions
    Make it so that the highest rr you can get is rr7 but you can still get rps and if you decide to pay you can get the realm points back.
    No restrictions on equipment or supp pots please it hampers people’s ability to play the game.
    What I would do is apply all of the above changes untill the population reaches a certain level ie 3k would be a good start then make free accounts pay or close account you have to take a hit to get the pop up once pop is up people will want to play.
    Remove the 180 timer totally unnecessary .
    There’s my 2 cents let’s get this thread back onto ec accounts and how to make them viable.
  • Brut wrote: »
    What I would do is apply all of the above changes untill the population reaches a certain level ie 3k would be a good start then make free accounts pay or close account you have to take a hit to get the pop up once pop is up people will want to play.

    3k lol...someone is dreaming

    you cant make free accounts pay one day, stupid idea
  • Well I’m glad my stupid idea got you to post maybe we can actually discuss ec accounts have you any non stoopid ideas or are we just gonna talk about irc zergers or how much enchanters are whining about getting nerfed stick to thread please try put in some constructive input
  • So correct me if I’m wrong your proposing free accounts should allways be free hmm great economic model
  • Makes no sense why the *free* expansion isn't usable on *free* accounts
  • Brut wrote: »
    So correct me if I’m wrong your proposing free accounts should allways be free hmm great economic model

    The EC model should follow after ESO. The problem is making sub accounts worth paying $15. Monthly Mithril would go a long way.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Breakpoints are stupid. Number of fights won because you casted .0001 seconds faster = close to zero
  • edited February 2020 PM
    You can't advertise sth. as being freetoplay forever and then say one day...oops, we changed it, now you have to pay. But I guess it wasnt meant seriously.
    I think weve talked enough about EC, now we have to see how they decide.
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • I didn’t say that I said you have a free to play account and if the population rises above 3k you pay for it u tell people upfront if you don’t wanna play then u don’t play again what’s the other option you have all ec accounts as being free for ever how would that work what company can realistically afford that economic model I was under the impression that ec was a way to increase pop something we all want
  • I think anyone who leveled up to RR5 on EC, as skimpy as the rps are there and continued to play in NF with potions,etc. knowing that if they eventually could pay for the account and then receive the realm rank they've earned that person would pay to play.
    That was a good suggestion Brut.
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Population above 3k would be pretty rad, but, we must face the facts.

    1) This game is old. Most of the folks looking to play a game was something a little more aesthetically polished and optimized. I currently have a 9900k and a 2080ti in my PC and this game struggles from time to time.

    2) To me, it seems as if the devs aren't as caring as they used to be. EC has many flaws, easily fixed, but we have yet to see it happen.

    3) Other than the RP boost, access to all races/classes, and XP gain; a paid account really doesn't have much to offer. As many have stated, some Mithril would be pretty sweet to have on a monthly occurrence - that alone would more than likely drive up playerbase.

    And that's not touching on pathing issues, LoS issues, etc...

    That's my $0.02 worth on this topic...
    Post edited by Nahellbodkin on
    Listen to the people - they will guide you..
  • EC should be an alternative revenue model, bottom line, not a gimped long term "free trial".

    Remove all restrictions, keep the slow RPs progression. Keep MLs, CLs, cloak, etc a somehwat pita to complete, but offer inexpensive tokens in the MTX store (2-5$ max) to compensate.

    Upgrade the rewards given to subbed accounts. The free buggane potion isn't enough.

    But yeah go away from the strategy that you want EC accounts to convert to sub. Instead, find ways to make EC accounts profitable through MTX transactions.
  • give free mithril to paying accounts and increase subs a buck .
  • EC rps are really bad. 900 RPs for a solo kill is what I used to get in Old Frontiers O_o
  • I would get 50k when the rest of the group had 600k+ lol
  • It’s disgustingly bad, David. Not to mention that, as you earn a lot less RPs, you earn a lot less BPs, which are pretty important
  • I understand it's an incentive to activate but that ratio is ridiculous lol
  • edited February 2020 PM
    That's just the tip of the iceberg. No CL abilities, can't use supremacy or even heroism. It's miserable. Regardless, I'm not paying for this game until I get a balanced Necro pbae ;)
    Post edited by Enkertons on
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Nerfed progression is fine. Limited inventory space is fine. Nerfing characters is not. Whether that's via gear, buffs, or abilities.
    Post edited by Tyrantanic on
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • 1. A special vault in the house just for Artifacts
    2. When buying things from merchants in my house at least some of the money goes back to me
    3. a corral for all my mounts outside my house
  • 4. Veteran rewards available to accounts across all three realms i.e. each realm gets them all
  • One suggestion for the upcoming patch... move supply crates away from the so called solo spots...
  • Cathul wrote: »
    One suggestion for the upcoming patch... move supply crates away from the so called solo spots...

    I would agree with this. Incorporate alternative items into the "solo" areas such as additional OW clippings/ore's; however, the requirement of the 'supplies for the cause' crate boxes being located in these areas makes it a "gank fest" for any fresh toon attempting to complete it.
  • Will it not always be a gank fest as long as it is in the frontiers?
    I dont know if it is a big problem. There are other ways to get BPs, so this is just an additional way.
    If you dont want to run in NF, choose another way.
    Btw. I also get attacked or added by so called box collectors.
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Would be cool if they expanded where BPs drop so old content could be used again without having to change drops. New skins from old bosses could be cool though.
    Post edited by Tyrantanic on
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Will it not always be a gank fest as long as it is in the frontiers?
    I dont know if it is a big problem. There are other ways to get BPs, so this is just an additional way.
    If you dont want to run in NF, choose another way.
    Btw. I also get attacked or added by so called box collectors.

    Not necessarily a big problem, and not detrimental to the game, just a suggestion. If the supply crates are moved, the people who wish to 'feast' on the supply runners will simply continue to do so.

  • Not necessarily a big problem, and not detrimental to the game, just a suggestion. If the supply crates are moved, the people who wish to 'feast' on the supply runners will simply continue to do so.

    I suggested they move the boxes a while ago. They put the box quest in an area the requires a kill in that same area to complete the solo quest. They reward players for ganking xp'ers.

    But, with that said, there are safer, quicker ways to get cl xp. Risk vs reward in nf.
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Is there any way you could fix the level 30 bounty quests in Atlantis? Currently they can't be repeated in Hibernia on Gaharis. You can do them twice and then never again, I left a character parked next to the quest giver for over a month just to check. I assumed it was a Gaheris vs Ywain thing, but someone has also reported that they can't be repeated in Albion, Ywain. They work fine in Hibernia, Ywain and Midgard, Ywain* I haven't tried them in Albion, Gaheris or Midgard, Gaheris.

    *I can verify that repeating them for gold and XP works fine. I haven't tried to repeat them after a week for bounty points.
    Post edited by Yeebo on
  • Correct, I was not able to repeat the treasure chest quest on alb
  • edited February 2020 PM
    @Yeebo there is a weekly bounty point quest that resets on Sunday. It’s three different quests see the thread/walk through on other guides forum.
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • edited February 2020 PM
    @Faitboi: I am familiar with the five sets of glass/ bounty point quests (the level 30 ones in OH and the other four sets of higher level ones). The level 30 quests in Oceanus Haven cannot be repeated more than once at least on Hibernia, Gaheris. You can do them twice initially, and then that's it. Neither Wicoessa or Destin are currentyl offering me any quests, and I have been checking for more than a month on a character that has already done the Oceanus Haven quests previously for bounty points.

    On Midgard, Ywain and Hibernia, Ywain you can repeat the quests (Relics of the deep, ect.) as often as you like for gold and XP after you run them once for bounty points. This is exactly how they used to work when they were glass quests, and I assume how they are intended to work for all realms on both servers. It's broken at least on Albion, Ywain and Hibernia, Gaheris.

    Fixing this would also really help on Gaheris, since without task dungeons there is now almost nothing to do to get from 35 to 40 (there is no Molvik on Gaheris).
    Post edited by Yeebo on
  • I’m interested in the idea that ec and I guess daoc would not be a sub game how would you guys propose to implement that how would broadsword make money are you thinking expanded mithril shop or a pay to get gear option can’t really see how a non sub game would work but be nice to hear some ideas.
  • Brut wrote: »
    I’m interested in the idea that ec and I guess daoc would not be a sub game how would you guys propose to implement that how would broadsword make money are you thinking expanded mithril shop or a pay to get gear option can’t really see how a non sub game would work but be nice to hear some ideas.

    Like any other "free to play" game. Microtransactions. The hard part with EC is making it appealing to play without diminishing the value of a subscription. They spent so much time on EC that they can't just abandon it and state it's an endless trial account. That would completely defeat its purpose to increase the active player population. They need to find ways to either make the game completely free to play and profit off microtransactions OR they need to bolster the worth of a subscription. As things stand now, EC was a waste of time and resources which doesn't help the longevity of this game.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
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