RvR situation
Hello, I want to begin this thread just to know if there are any ideas to fix the massive RvR... 2month and half i'm playing on Alb constantly, and:
6 relics always on hib; and +20% melee/magic dmg from 80+ days...
No active defense on mid/alb during CET prime time (and US pt, i'm imaging) ;
No chance to have relics back on mid/alb;
People jumping between realms without a game logic, killing pvp action;
No flame
I want to play Infiltrator, so I'll go to play Infiltrator till I'll change toon, but I see people giving up playing because: "oh, the zerg hib is online, everyone in PvE, we've no chance"...
And Hib going on killing middle port like Boldiam or Glenlock Keeps...
Not talkin about classes balance, it's not about that, it is about encouragin realm loyalty, dunno, with bonus? Switch realm timer? 15'?
And imho relics have to go back in relic towns.
6 relics always on hib; and +20% melee/magic dmg from 80+ days...
No active defense on mid/alb during CET prime time (and US pt, i'm imaging) ;
No chance to have relics back on mid/alb;
People jumping between realms without a game logic, killing pvp action;
No flame
I want to play Infiltrator, so I'll go to play Infiltrator till I'll change toon, but I see people giving up playing because: "oh, the zerg hib is online, everyone in PvE, we've no chance"...
And Hib going on killing middle port like Boldiam or Glenlock Keeps...
Not talkin about classes balance, it's not about that, it is about encouragin realm loyalty, dunno, with bonus? Switch realm timer? 15'?
And imho relics have to go back in relic towns.
Aureola BloodWalker - Shadowblade - RR11L1 - Lone Enforcer
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
Albs are struggling more than any of the other realms to field numbers and BG leaders. We need more Albs!!
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Anna Marie never once ajed the hib bg during that time when they were sieging an alb keep when to be honest they could of had a lot of fun and a lot of rps.
And it’s the same with hero I’m just done with the spying and bullshit that goes with running bgs I thought I could bring back action but the games moved on people like me are old dinosaurs living in the past better to let young bloods who are hungry for this.
People just don’t want to play alb anymore I haven’t logged in for weeks it’s just such a ball ache so many things wrong with alb from group utility to keep defence ability just dosent make playing alb a good experience.
Now people on the internal boards and elite players will tell you there is nothing wrong with alb well I’ll tell you how it really is alb is in a bad way and untill the other 2 realms recognise how much there bitching and whining about alb has contributed to the demise of alb your gonna have a 2 realm game.
I just ain’t got the heart or spirit anymore to keep fighting losing battles real life is much more fun than getting farmed everyday by a 80 man Zerg.
There’s a reason hib has six relics and it ain’t leadership if this is the game you all want to play then fine but it just aint fun anymore.
I’m having more fun in my garden watching pansys grow.
It is 100% leadership. People want to win so you follow the guys who know how.
Currently- that's Hero during eu prime time and Xyorman during usa prime time.
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
It's about consistency, leadership and vision.
If the regular BG leaders like hero/xyor/anna/rescu weren't consistent in what they do like clockwork there wouldn't be a regular following. Ppl want someone to follow/stick to and its guaranteed if they log on hib during EU there is always a BG to join - likewise with US PT on Alb and Mid - just so happens during US those fence sitters know that Xyor starts earlier than Rescu (Hence Mid BG Bigger at start) just like what Nate tried to vs Xyor by starting earlier than him. (Thus the Alb BG was bigger at the start) - Then following that, the BG size is based on Vision and Excitement and Success.
Yes their vision/fear varies depending what is out - scared of the wipe. but basically if you poke a bees nest and no bees come out - you will take the honey.
Hero never starts his runs with a pre-determined decision of we are going to take relics today, he will pod and poke to see and then it snowballs from there.
As for Ethel Rosenberg aka David kouresh well just lol !
I showed you what Albion was capable of... but 2 bg's is not what is needed.
Alb bg cannot run on inc and win fights
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
you gave it a good try
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
You could say that into a mirror. :P
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
Dominated for months
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
Sad to hear you stopped leading. We told Anna lots of times to join fights at Boldiam when it was under attack by Hero. Most of the time he said „we cannot make it in time“ and guess what? 20 Minutes later after endless circles on EV the keep finally changes. Peoples complaints about this style of play is Rodung more and more in the Mid BG week after week. People start logging earlier then before which brings Anna to circle and hide more than before as he cannot match Heros BG anymore. He even avoids fighting Hibs when Hero is not online. Ridiculous....
Damn Imponded, I almost spit my coffee out with your comment.
Tower tower, tower...
Beno under siege by hib! Oh, go inc surs! And alb on bolg...
300 ppl fighting keep, tower and guard...
Hib are over populated? Ok, must force them to divide, attacking simultaneously... But no, mid attack the ddb? Alb incs from behind and then dies from hib ...
Just been saying it how it is, there is no blinkers - just hard facts.
Both Mid and Alb do this in cycles of throwing their toys out of the cot, buff this, buff that - but regardless of what you buff. 40 is still unlikely to beat 100.
There is no one size fits all.
So far every realm proven they can win fights with even numbers, like Nate or not, while he was popular in Albion due his consistent schedule he started having even numbers on Alb too, and could win fights.
In a nutshell, I am very sorry that Brut gave up the plan, with consistency, and some success, he could have made it. Of course with 30 best to avoid hib/mid zergs, but many 2fg runs around making RP, so I think by time he would bring in more people.
This sums it up well.
I started with less than 2FG Hibs US prime and now pull in 40-50 on the weekends. I'd lead during the week if my schedule allowed for it but RL will always take priority. Consistency will give you a base. The rest is determined by success which varies for each player depending how they measure it (wins, RPs, fun, etc.)
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
As much as I despise your in-game group, this is very true and I agree.
It's sad but not at all unsurprising. Brut's history shows a propensity for coming back, attempting to lead for a few weeks then giving up. Brut's golden period of leading during EU was when he had Deanemesis' German BG to assist and work together with. It seems from what I read that EU prime remains firmly in the hands of Hibs and guess what, so long as Hero continues to run his BG's people will flock to him whether there is an enemy to fight or not.
Back to my gardening
Herding cats comes to mind ...
anna is excellent at coming too late to add on a keep fight by atrocious movement choices. he simple doesn't want to get into a situation where he needs to fight two bg's at once while he could just roll over both, one at a time.
i understand brut's frustration and i share his frustration about not getting into that fight while being in anna's bg.
so many times i see boldiam burning during anna's 'time' and i want anna to go there and take herorius from behind and anna refuses to go there or pretends to go there while wasting so much time that he gets there to late.... makes me want to scream.
the whole thing is that anna is so afraid of having to release... i don't think he is afraid of dieing, he just is afraid of releasing and losing numbers.
i hate it. i hate running away and getting slaughter all and not getting rp (anna). i earn more rp by fighting and dieing than by running away and dieing ! and running around on EV with 50+ and trying to kill fg's, makes me want to puke.
to some extend i understand herorius.
what does he have to do when he has 50+ people 5 mins after he logs in ? camp crauchon ? roam EV ? attack a keep and hope there are some defenders ? it's a dilemma ... you have an army, but you don't have an enemy, what to do ? he has to do 'something'. the issue maybe isn't herorius, but the lack of people leading a bg on hib and mid in his time frame.
and i realise that starting a BG in herorius's time frame, except for a defence bg, which doesn't happen often, is hard. unless you can do it daily for months, you will not be able to match herorius numbers ..
atm i actually think cross-realming between albion and midgard might be the way to counter herorius when anna doesn't run. heretical thought, i know.
Yesterday Anna did not come on to lead the usual Mid bg during euro primetime. So, the hib bg was quite a bit larger than usual and made their plan known they would take the alb str relic. However, by the time it eventually made its way to Renaris (the other requisite keeps being green) the bg was met with an unusually large and robust defense which held off the somehow somewhat smaller, coincidence?, hib bg.
I am fairly certain the defense bonuses combined with a 40% population bonus and a certain, let's say,animosity towards Hibs prevented the plan.
My conclusion? We were thwarted by mids and other traitorous hibs playing albs.
Hero is a very predictable and cautious animal he leads a very organised and well constructed bg who are all in the same voice chat.
Now if I was Anna I would wait untill he was hitting a keep and I would aj every time.
During my short term running the alb bg I managed that several times though unfortunetly it was allways Anna I was ajing as herorius was largely camping towers and keeps.
Running an alb eu bg is very complex and it makes me laugh when I hear USA prime time junior leaders tell me what I should do.
The alb eu bg used to have a large french and German contingent with an average USA population.
Unfortunetly the huge French alliances are gone and the Germans are largely playing 8 man.
Getting everyone in the same voice chat and getting everyone to do the same thing can be a nightmare but not impossible.
What I will agree with in the above posts and I know full well is consistency.
Unfortunetly as I have stated before I haven’t the heart or stamina anymore I have tried to fight albions corner on all fronts for many years but I’m just banging my head on a brick wall if people were honest with themselves they would know exactly what’s wrong with Albion and the game in general but there’s a concerted effort from vested interests to preserve the status quo.
So I’m on gardening leave from the game untill something changes I expect nothing to change but hey cest la vie !
It’s just a game people it’s not real life
Zerg players gravitate towards an organized BG. If your realm doesn't have one, then you will lose those players to the realm that does have one.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
What is so alluring to bg play? I'm honestly asking because the few times I've joined to see why people do it, i can not for the life of me understand what drives the people to stick a zerg leader and roam aimlessly,pve undefended keeps and the fights are all who has more and aoe spamming or running over smaller numbers.
Game needs these players population wise so I try to keep my bashing and opinions on matter to myself. But I do have to ask the question why do people enjoy that play style other than social aspect of it.
That's a shame because 8 mans- small mans are a lot of fun to play! A lot more strategy as opposed to "who has the bigger bg" and rolling everything in sight.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
It is interesting that IRC/Creaper's PuG being put into the same sentence - but you also must realize that these groups are also pugs and not "set".
At the same time do you think its fun for them or other pugs in your situation getting runover by 24-60?
What you say is quite true thou - its the underlying reason many groups stop forming/playing or taking a break until the stronger group logs denying them of action and also yourselves. (Zergs do exactly the same thing whether its logging or camping). Back in the day if needed - players had multiple servers to change between - today we only have one option on live.
You could ask that question of any play style. The answer is, "to each their own".
This is what I get confused about with the whole timer wars... On one side you have US Prime time Mids that get upset because for a few week period they had a hard time getting relics because the Albs would log over to Hib to defend the relics. There was never any doubt that Midgard had the bigger BG. Sure, Albs and Hibs would both have decent #'s (compared to normal US Prime time #'s) but were both obviously smaller than the Mid BG which is pretty much the American version of Herorius. Because of all of this they wanted realm switch timers. Ok...
Now I can't remember if it was in this thread or another, but somebody was complaining about Herorius during Euro prime time and how he just kills everything and nobody can defend. Why is the same thing that Mids are complaining of not happening versus Herorius? Why are the Albs/Mids not switching to whatever realm Herorius is attacking and trying to kill him? To me, the advantage of NOT having realm timers is that realms can then do EXACTLY what is happening in the first paragraph. Switch to the underpopulated side and make that giant BG earn it. I don't run with Herorius. I used to run with him on weekends occasionally a LONG time ago, and every time I ran with him he was always hoping for action at the keeps we attacked. I never saw Herorius avoid fights or hope to run into un-defended keeps. Sure, if his zerg got wiped a few times he would call it for the day, but that happens in ALL BG's.
So where I understand why it's frustrating to Mids during American prime time to get thwarted on a relic raid due to realm switching, the same mechanic SHOULD make it harder for Herorius to gain all 6 relics to being with. If you put in a relic timer it will make the Herorius zerg that much stronger. Now nobody will ever switch to defend against him.
Once such example of what I am talking about:
Do you not see the hypocrisy in your statement @Magistere? On one hand you complain that Hero "loves to pve keeps, and no one wants to defend keeps with 90+ hibs out," but then you ask for realm timers which would prevent anyone from that zerg or another realm from switching over to try and even those very same #'s out. The same mechanic that has Mids complaining during American prime time can be used against Herorius during EU prime time. If you add realm timers you don't weaken Herorius, you strengthen him and his zerg and weaken the other 2 realms.
my side note for this.... my complaint isnt so much being able to flip. But make them put an effort into running to defend. Not just hitting the /quit button, then logging into the other realm and waiting. Someone suggested that after x minutes that characters are ported from the relic keeps to their relic towns. Thats a start.
Yup. Happened just like that last night. About 3 runs is enough if you're outgunned for a night. Group structure accounted for a part, Realm rank... several other factors. But it happens. We went pve mode. And you're right. At that point it removes a bit of fun of it for both sides. We are still having fun and growing as a guild though.... so its all good