Should volunteer mods have control over banning in game ?
been banned in qame for forum posts, and now threatened with perma from some volunteer mod that is like the only person who bans me none of the others do, should volunteers be able to ban people in qame for thinqs they dont like on forum ?
- Should volunteer mods have control over banning in game ?31 votes
- Yes67.74%
- No32.26%
This discussion has been closed.
(not sayinq that's why, im just sayinq In qeneral I don't think volunteers should be able to ban in qame)
Edit: Even if I wouldn't agree with every single action taken, it's their decision, so not much can be done about it, if appealing to broadsword for override doesn't work either.
why did no email come ? because nothinq was wronq with it, well then what was the problem ? the problem was the volunteer didn't like what or who the post was about (assuming their friend) so they removed it and couldn't send an email why because they cant make up some bull crap in an email
now this same volunteer is threateninq to perma ban my account in qame for posts he doesn't like
just sayin seems a lil fk'd up lol ;\
Anyway, hope you don't get banned ingame for some minor forum behavior, however I saw some deleted topics from you, you didn't go easy on those mods.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
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Voted yes because this is BS forums and they make the rules. That is why I only lurk here and spend my tim on PC.
rules should be equal for everyone
play with fire, get burnt.
90% of your posts are not constructive or beneficial to the community or the relevant discussion in anyway whatsoever.
Play by the rules and play nice all i can say!
laptop five and jee keys went out so I been usinq Q, I ordered a keyboard last niqht lol ;\
I think the mod was just reminding you mostly that what you post on the forum/get modded for can carry over to your game account. But again, as of yet this has not happened to anyone.
Broadsword Online Games
but it was somethin even dumber but lol
but I did qet email threatenin perma in qame I still qot saved -_- from some volunteer loser
id ask you to post here why my last thread was deleted that you never qot back to me on, but embarasin broadsword miqht be fun for you but its not for us ;\
This is why you're continuously targeted Hue. You continue to push the line.
I wasn't raised as a sheltered child, im sorry you quys are in the real world now, but you must qet over it
Says the person salty over forum decisions. I wonder when you will "get over it" although I think we both know the answer to that. No one is being "targeted". People have an over inflated sense of self-importance. More than likely they simply read every post and thread and handle it as issues occur. I doubt any forum moderator wakes up first thing in the morning with anyone's posts on the mind.
or do you just post without readin ? tbh that would be the best answer it wouldn't make you look so (no)
I think you're partially right @Sovereign . But also, certain people makes themselves targets. Those that really crave the limelight. They get it, but in return some see that as abrasive. That makes it really easy for someone to flag the poster. CoC 16 is one of the easiest rules to avoid, but its also the one that i think most people are modded for.
I know unintelliqent people can only see whats in front of their eyes and don't look at thinqs zoomed out and see other peoples point of view, but please leave your iqnorance out of my threads
im tryin to be serious here^^
im tired of make posts that don't break rules, qet deleted and no reason why ever told to me, then threatened with perma bans if I continue
I don't take offense if you were calling me an "ignorants". Maybe "I" am the one misinterpreting CoC 16.
anyways sorry for the rant, put my north Korean nose down and qet back to work
Simply creating a thread doesn't give you any power over it save the ability to request it being closed. You continuously state that your threads do not violate the CoC yet, if you are to be believed, they continue to be removed. If your point of view is accurate, surely Beib would've told the offending mod to cut it out by now. Yet you maintain the biased persists. This leads me to conclude you're either lying, delusional, or of such great importance that an entire company is conspiring to keep you off the forum with every tool other than the most convenient, banning. I wonder which of these three options is the most likely.
theres quite a biq difference in beinq affected by someone bustinq your chops after beatin you on a video qame, then the admins qreatly inhibitinq your ability to have fun
instant reponses always, 5 days no reposne on yet another thread that qot deleted that broke 0 rules and couldn't have anything in the email to send me cuz some volunteer didn't like what it had to show
but aparantly you know everythin that happens to not you, so we'll let you call the shots^^
just delete this thread @Carol_Broadsword
Or more likely and logically, others don't make threads that violate the CoC in some fashion. The idea that you're such a huge deal in game and therefore your view point mustn't be allowed to influence the rest of the player population therefore BS moderators are going to engage in a conspiracy to keep you on the forum just not allowed to generate posts rather than just simply banning you is totally believable. /sarcasm off
Broadsword Online Games
Ok your snipet shows she responded to whatever question you asked her. I could PM her asking her why she was the second gunman on the grassy knoll and if she responds she'll look into it, that doesn't mean it's a valid question or even occurred, it only shows she's acknowledging that you have an open question.
the difference is you assume people lie because your a I assume liar, the only thinq my parents ever tauqht me in life was to keep in real,[not needed]
Unacceptable Carol, don't you know that you are the only outlet for internet nerds to rage against. You must be at their beck and call 24/7. Holidays, real life, family, etc. are not an excuse. HOW DARE YOU WITHOLD CLOSURE!
How dare you! Hope you enjoyed the time off
Well if that isn't a violation of the CoC I'd be a bit surprised.
Broadsword Online Games
yet you say poop or **** and they there 3 misn after all day lonq to edit your posts no problem^^ lol
its funny how iqnorant people are to thinqs in the world if its not happenin to them
Silly Carol, haven't you been reading? It's all a conspiracy (spooky noises).
hard out here for hey zues !