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- Renshai
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Nice job man...
Help this man!
Always a pleasure man nice video
Someone in game today tried to tell me there is a studded one that he had on and a chain one too of course he would not tell me what the name of it was as his "friend" swore him to secrecy.....
Got it resolved. For Fios users who go thru this the resolution is to have them move you to a new server. This is done by the field tech installing a "splitter" this will route you from the current faulty server you are being routed to. This sadly w…
This did not work had Verizon come out and they changed everything still happening they are going to look into things back at their side. tracert to fails intermittently as well as other websites. Ping fails too, Will keep you p…
Sigh I may just have to try that...
Sperlock wrote: » The only other place I've seen besides Labyrinth is Ellan Vannin. This is true Laby and Ellan Vannin are the places they drop....
Glad to hear
Northerncross_G wrote: » I'm just happy them game is still here after all these years. Same here man I was thinking the other day what I would do without this vice.... The changes blow tho, radical changes clearly show once again that they don…
LOL I miss the old forum days man, this is getting like Postcount lmao
Ty ty
Anyone know the location of the mobs for this quest?
Zookeep wrote: » yes they have it all worked out, logged in got my 5 year token, didnt get any gear though dont know why, did they take that part away? Did you go and talk to the king of each realm that your toons are located in?
You did answer the auto reply correct? just asking lol they usually ask you for some information in the auto reply...
Please make the bounty point gift trade-able like it has always been please!
Happy Holidays to all you pixelated controllers!
AlaskaMike wrote: » Got a question that I don't wanna bother testing myself... Can you just trade a piece of armor to a subbed account, have em dye it and trade it back? THAT'S a goof work around if possible lol
Well done man...
Not gonna happen bruh...
Try changing the reflection quality on the water in your settings...
@John_Broadsword @Carol_Broadsword There is no height change option on the race respec you can change all the other facets of the toon why not the height? I mean the whole reason that you are respeccing in the first place is to revamp the charact…
Its' interesting seeing another vantage point of these fights...
I think he was trolling you man there are no chain versions...
Sepphiroth75 wrote: » Are you still having this issue? Yes i am still having this issue...
BurkleyRIP wrote: » I’m assuming your computer or connection or something is really messed up. Every one of your posts are about a new problem of crashing or something not working lol That may be because I use this forum to report issues... …
Ok now it is happening again with Jord having to hit esc then try repeatedly anyone else having this problem???
Ok it is back now
That sucks man...
Yo yo yo...
Luner wrote: » You have a pretty smile Thanks lol...