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  • Apparently the starlight weapon token and I don't know what else can't be used on Gaheris. This is very disappointing since I'm currently paying for 3 accounts and shouldn't be left out because of the server I play on. At the very least we should on…
  • I realized that I could answer my own question using identical except for their spec healers on my main and bot accounts. I got them both to level 7 to get the first damage proc, turned off XP, and went to hunting Albion invaders. It turn out that p…
  • Thanks for responding back. What you added regarding rvr is the kind of input I was hoping for since at this point I play pretty much exclusively on Gaheris. I know that, at least from a pve perspective, I really feel the lack of experience bonuses …
  • What part and In what way? Clearly the current EC model has for the most part been a failure since it didn't generate a significant long-term increase in the number of players. What I suggested was for the most part based on what other similar games…
  • Thanks for the info. That's definitely the case for buffing an npc and it's very noticeable when you compare a buffed and unbuffed pet. A fully buffed pet only takes a small fraction of the damage that it otherwise would. On the other hand, debuffin…
  • I played on regular servers when the game first came out and occasionally participated in rvr, but I never really cared that much for it. I would mostly just go along if guild mates really needed my bard. I have significant anxiety issues so the pre…
  • At least for me, it's not about the drops and I already play strictly on Gaheris. We actually can't pve anywhere anymore due to them taking away a bunch of content including the Catacombs. I know that better is subjective, but for me Catacombs had b…
  • Catacombs was some of the best content in the game. I would probably subscribe full-time if they brought it and the other removed pve content back. As it is, I occasionally come back for a month or two but then lose interest and let my subscriptions…
  • The points showed up today (the 25th), but the renewal should have been on the 21st. I don't know what the delay was, but it appears we do still get points.
  • The EC restrictions are definitely a road block to retaining new players. I think they would be much better off removing most of the restrictions and replacing them with modified experience requirements for EC players that increases as a character m…
  • Improving the UI to make it less dated could contribute to there being more players. The UI as it is does little to encourage new players to stick around. Many of the things that have been requested have been standard with newer games for well over …
  • - Ability to rearrange the characters on the character selection list - Larger stack size limit for crafting supplies I like Stinkycheesman's ideas. For the port near the king's room in Camelot, hopefully it would be additional rather than movin…
  • Sadly, the decision making in regards to PVE content hasn't been any better. Taking away roughly a third of the PVE content and giving us one relatively short quest series made no sense in terms of trying to retain players who primarily/only do PVE.…
  • I haven't thought of anything to add yet, but I want to add my support for all of the changes mentioned so far, especially the sprint toggle, expanded hotbars, and lockable windows. These would be great quality of life improvements.
  • I realized that I forgot the thing I've probably spent more on than anything else in other games . . . extra character slots. I would definitely be interested in buying some for at least one of my accounts and possibly for one of my other accounts t…
  • I know there are lots of zones, but I have never cared for most of the post 50 zones except for, sadly, the ones the devs removed. The other zones just don't hold my interest so I keep coming back and then cancelling again after a few months. I jus…
  • The teleporter you are looking for in Tir na Nog is named Eponni. She is an elf in the castle area just to the left of the exit to the courtyard with the fountain. There are also cross realm transporters at the border keeps.
  • Catacombs was by far my favorite expansion. The loss of access to the Catacombs content is a big reason why I play for a few months and then take a several month break when I grow bored with the available content.
  • Thanks, I took a break for several months and wasn't playing during that time so they were new to me. If they were to make the 12 month subscription a better savings, I probably would keep active subscriptions all the time. As it is, I pay by the mo…
  • Has any information been released about the Crossroad Covenants event? I know that sometimes the devs share things on locations other than the herald and the official forums.
  • On Gaheris you have access to all three sets of town quests and all three sets of dungeon quests so leveling is really fast since you learn which quests you want to skip because they aren't really worth the time or effort. I usually leave ToA for la…
  • Finding that I had lost access to Catacombs and the rest of the content that was made unavailable at the same time was the primary reason why I let my two subscriptions lapse soon after coming back to give Gaheris another try. It was extremely disco…
  • Drane wrote: » For what it's worth, a fairly simple change that would bring me personally back at least is just returning removed content back to the game. Being able to run through Catacombs for nostalgia's sake would get a few months' subscri…
  • Since someone apparently didn't actually bother to read the post, let me point out that I mentioned that I have little interest in subscribing due to the foolish wait time between letting a subscription lapse and being able to go EC. If the game act…
  • I'm hopeful that is not the case since I'm afraid that their plans for a "New Catacombs" will take away the casual player and small group friendliness which is primarily what drew me to the zones in the first place. This is not to say that I'm oppo…
  • I think that someone needs to realize that not everyone plays DAOC for the same reasons and that for some of us it's Catacombs style pve content that is among the most relevant content in the game. Admittedly, people with play styles like mine are …
  • I suppose it comes down to play style. I have never been a fan of ToA. Catacombs was much more small-group accessible and I liked the storyline better. Also, I think you need to recheck your math. Catacombs launched in December 2004 and became un…
  • To unlock the other classes you will need to subscribe. If you're primarily interested in RVR, especially solo RVR, the class selection is limiting since many of the free classes are support oriented; however, many of them are desired in groups. If…
  • There's an options button on the character select screen which lets you change resolution, but you can't change UI scaling. I've personally had the best luck resetting my monitor resolution to 1024x768 while playing and setting the game to match. T…
  • If the Catacombs content was brought back, I would be much more likely to stay continuously subscribed on my two currently active accounts. It might also give me the incentive to resubscribe my third account. Catacombs was my favorite expansion by f…