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  • I laughed way too hard at pets randomly chain buffing and "sometimes enemy players" .. Also a huge ty for the exp issue being addressed ... I get the desire to have people experience BG the way it used to be, but with quest campers in Molvik\Leirv/C…
  • Hes watching them .. Thanks guys
    in Warlock Comment by Nixy November 2019
  • Tyvm
    in Warlock Comment by Nixy November 2019
  • Spanks Carol
  • AngryFeminist wrote: » Nixy_N_Celi_xx wrote: » I agree with the Gaharis merge but I doubt Gaheris players would.. As for Skalds casting multiple cl abilities, the only way they could cast them all at once like that is it you let them kite you. N…
  • I agree with the Gaharis merge but I doubt Gaheris players would.. As for Skalds casting multiple cl abilities, the only way they could cast them all at once like that is it you let them kite you. Necros and reavers aren't a big deal unless they're …
  • PS has negative effects like everything else.. If you time it wrong you're screwed. The only way I could see it being a problem is if you could crescendo while ps'd .. CL abilities aren't op enough to complain about and MLs are obtainable by everyon…
  • Void elds have base stun, I'd rather have stun than a spec nuke .. Not a bad discussion though, I remember when fire wizzys were actually fun to play (my very first 50, husband's first 50 also) ice root can't compete against baseline stun
  • Pbaoe should technically be able to hit through walls given the short range, it's not difficult to counter, just move away from the wall.. If I can heal through walls then a spell that doesn't require a target should also, and imo stealther aoe mezz…
  • There is a new updated char/guild page, but none for housing anymore like the old Herald had.. There are lots to be found on Ywain 1 but if you don't want to waste time I'd just make a Ywain 10 toon and buy your house there, many empty lots on 7-10 …
  • Stoertebecker wrote: » Nixy_N_Celi_xx wrote: » Stoertebecker wrote: » And you are sure you are playing the same DAoC on the same server, not on Gaheris? I'm sure I'm not playing on Gaheris, I'm also sure that you're most likely referring to…
  • Stoertebecker wrote: » And you are sure you are playing the same DAoC on the same server, not on Gaheris? I'm sure I'm not playing on Gaheris, I'm also sure that you're most likely referring to the community of one time zone. I've stated in pre…
  • There aren't as many high RRs running around as you think there are, most tend to get bored at 12 and start new ones.. Very few named toons during US primetime that I can think of, and even then many of those wont mess with you if you don't want to …
  • Ill admit I enjoy the occasional region drama, but there is nothing more that chaps me than hypocrisy and there are soooo many hypocrites. It reminds me of being 9 years old mad at another 9 year old because they don't wanna play what you're playing…
  • Huehuaehue wrote: » i don't ever duel,, but this is my 5th accnt and all the other times I quit those are the reasons I quit for anyway you guys seriously quit because someone makes fun of you on a video game on the internet ? lol.. -_- From…
  • I think a boost for solo is probably needed, it's risky business in some pop areas for one person (especially sneaks) and should def be rewarded more rp
  • I think it's lovely that youd take the time to put this together, I personally feel like action has been getting better week after week. I haven't seen a more active Wednesday as last night for awhile, soooo much dying but I still logged happy. I'd …
  • Xyorman wrote: » Honestly it's not worth the effort...if an 8 kills a 7, does that count? If an 8 runs over a solo does that count? If an 8 kills 16 do those count? Frankly, the way the quests works now encourages 8's to run over small's and so…
  • I did not know this, I've ran hlrs hlpr even on non healing class forever so I could target myself quickly, really nice to know
  • I really really miss zerg vs zerg bridge fights though (Surs-Bold, Nott-Bled, Crim-DC) especially on Sun afternoons.. Can't seem to let anyone hold a port for any amount of time anymore, like ever. I don't quite understand that one considering the l…
  • I find if I creep very slowly, and go the long way around past the cata entrance I make it through, I have noticed if I have my speed up, or sprint it makes the crashing more likely, if that helps
  • its 100rp split between three, for less than 40 seconds of killing so that parts fine imo.. but maybe a lower siege weapon drop rate and more alch mats? More shards would be great too Pretty much have the spawn locs down, just don't think any of us…
  • I can confirm the poison remedys are not in the town quests, and not in the 2p or 10p chests at least.. I did them this evening, I can almost guarantee they aren't in the 50p or 100p given theyre very often only a few gold, most are 1p but if I chec…
  • Ok one more.. if you do log in to ask me about my super secret shards youll only see three of us, best to try me or Warriored (thats my son, hes occasionally on an sb named Celthian) the husband is Celithian, with an I after Cel (the kid stole his n…
  • Warning: TL;DR but I read yours, so you can read mine haha I can answer a few, one, the raids are a hot mess. Our son does them for us to get template items because I just cant do it anymore, not to mention its kind of funny how macro groups duri…
  • I found my disease cures at the second quest town, the revealing pots too and the one charge revivifying salves but no poison remedies from at least lvl 25 towns and under. Going to take someone out of thid I guess and see if maybe I missed them at …
  • Pigleto wrote: » how much you wanna buy them for? 1 plat per shard? Yeah that's what I usually pay
  • Pigleto wrote: » I think I have over 150 shards on mid that Im just sitting on. Not sure what I'll do with them. Put them on your merchant I'll buy them
  • People are hoarding them.. I buy 25 a day from the same two houses (on Mid), and I've seen a few houses with half a page full of stacked hib and alb shards, so they're out there.. Maybe be smarter than me and remember the house name to find in game,…
  • An RP bonus for holding enemy relic should be enough incentive to defend one's own relic.. Unfortunately realm pride started showing signs of rigor long long ago. People are predictable and will just follow the relic holder.