11/1/2018 US Prime Time Action Report
If there was a Section for BG Action or US PrimeTime action, I would post there.
I dont really believe this belongs on the General board, but Raids/Events doesn't really fit, so here it goes unless we can get a mod to create a channel for us to tell our stories the way we saw them (or post a video for someone to choose to watch or not). So Here I go...
I joined up with HHH around 4pmish (all my times are Pacific Time). Probably hit EV around 4:20ish. Paindancer and Glennis led the MId BG. We were in the 45ish count in the BG. Nabbed the bugs and could feel Alb Nation below, toasting marsh-mellows. Roamed the isle for a while taking towers but couldn't get anything bigger than a nibble to bite. Finally went to Alb and messed with Beno Spire, which got a response. Tower door almost open but it didnt matter. Alb Nation came in and hit Mid hard. Bonus shifted to 20% Mid 20% Hib after that fight, but Pain had us immediate regroup to get after it again. We headed back into Alb to look for another fight. Attempting to create action we head deep into Albion just to find Alb Nation waiting for us inside. Moles were suspected in both the in-game BG and the voice channels, but I dont play into that drama without facts. A level 50 solo unguilded sitting in Gotorborg with no realm points in the last two weeks and never spamming a LFG couldnt be anything but a spectator, right?Superior tactics prevailed and most of the Mid BG decided to call it a night.
Our group and several others decided to wait it out as lately after the Mid BG seems to log, action can be found. And boy did we find it. With just 2 and a half groups left in an actual BG with Randoms spamming region inside Glen LFG, an epic battle began.
A hole made in the front wall and we all braced for the incoming SoS's and ST's and an incoming barrage of Alb Nation. But alas, no SoS to be found so I spammed my CC, repositioned, Spammed some more, tossed up some heals, and next thing I knew I had Sir Nate Bruner of Aurthur's Court in my Grizzle. A q-bound Z threw a Zephyr at him and off he went.
In the voice channel I hear, Target HighDmg, back to CC I go, and next thing I hear - he dead.
Then target call after target call -
I play under 3440x1440 resolution and I made my death spam window as large as I could. It took TWO screen shots to pull this together. I dont know what the scorecard suggests for Alb Nation tonight. I know my last BG fight netted a nice fat 40k seige bonus, and a fight scorecard that looked like this.

Thank you Alb Nation for coming out to fight just before 8p Pacific! It was probably the most fun I've had in the game so far this week. Now off to smallman and try and finish up the quests with a few of my buddies! Bonus prizes, my son just dropped by to play (see my other post).
-- Perhaps I'm just that lucky.
Thanks Broadsword, Rob Denton and crew for keeping this game going after 17 Great Years!
I dont really believe this belongs on the General board, but Raids/Events doesn't really fit, so here it goes unless we can get a mod to create a channel for us to tell our stories the way we saw them (or post a video for someone to choose to watch or not). So Here I go...
I joined up with HHH around 4pmish (all my times are Pacific Time). Probably hit EV around 4:20ish. Paindancer and Glennis led the MId BG. We were in the 45ish count in the BG. Nabbed the bugs and could feel Alb Nation below, toasting marsh-mellows. Roamed the isle for a while taking towers but couldn't get anything bigger than a nibble to bite. Finally went to Alb and messed with Beno Spire, which got a response. Tower door almost open but it didnt matter. Alb Nation came in and hit Mid hard. Bonus shifted to 20% Mid 20% Hib after that fight, but Pain had us immediate regroup to get after it again. We headed back into Alb to look for another fight. Attempting to create action we head deep into Albion just to find Alb Nation waiting for us inside. Moles were suspected in both the in-game BG and the voice channels, but I dont play into that drama without facts. A level 50 solo unguilded sitting in Gotorborg with no realm points in the last two weeks and never spamming a LFG couldnt be anything but a spectator, right?Superior tactics prevailed and most of the Mid BG decided to call it a night.
Our group and several others decided to wait it out as lately after the Mid BG seems to log, action can be found. And boy did we find it. With just 2 and a half groups left in an actual BG with Randoms spamming region inside Glen LFG, an epic battle began.
A hole made in the front wall and we all braced for the incoming SoS's and ST's and an incoming barrage of Alb Nation. But alas, no SoS to be found so I spammed my CC, repositioned, Spammed some more, tossed up some heals, and next thing I knew I had Sir Nate Bruner of Aurthur's Court in my Grizzle. A q-bound Z threw a Zephyr at him and off he went.
In the voice channel I hear, Target HighDmg, back to CC I go, and next thing I hear - he dead.
Then target call after target call -
[1] Avalonion, dead,
[2] Saracen - dead,
[3] Briton - dead, and so-on
I play under 3440x1440 resolution and I made my death spam window as large as I could. It took TWO screen shots to pull this together. I dont know what the scorecard suggests for Alb Nation tonight. I know my last BG fight netted a nice fat 40k seige bonus, and a fight scorecard that looked like this.

Thank you Alb Nation for coming out to fight just before 8p Pacific! It was probably the most fun I've had in the game so far this week. Now off to smallman and try and finish up the quests with a few of my buddies! Bonus prizes, my son just dropped by to play (see my other post).
-- Perhaps I'm just that lucky.
Thanks Broadsword, Rob Denton and crew for keeping this game going after 17 Great Years!
Post edited by Percy on
#7knate has posted a screenshot of the mid bg conversation in a prior post, quite clearly he logs in a mid char or he's provided with the info (the fact he has a screenshot to post tells me that it's him logging in), but either way he clearly boasted on the forums about doing it, or perhaps he was too dumb to realize he was self crimination himself
#5dayban #6tobeyou #7knate #8sogreat #superiortactics
He's banned, also this is baiting @beibhinn
Could be an online degree.
Lol, it wouldn't be the first time he did that....
/agree Siambra. Tactics are predictable. There really is no need for the talk about spies, its toxic. Leadership can do simple steps to prevent it. I haven't ran with the zergs except for the last 6 weeks so this kind of gameplay is new to me personally. Sure I've surfed the sides, played the edges, but that is because my gameplay style was smallman.
Simple steps in BG warfare is to have leaders take responsibility for their group. If there is a constant person not with, remove them from the group - I know I wouldn't want a spot taken by someone who was consistently sitting out.
BG leaders can assign a co-leader who's responsibility is to remove singles not with. Sure a single can be a bot of a person that is in a group that is not actively with the BG but is there a need for that, really? With voice comms, its too easy to change your name in disco (or TS/Vent) to the toon you play or combo name of toons. Again, assign co-leadership to simply kick someone from the voice comms and /bc "I kicked NAME from TS. If that is you, please confirm that you are playing X toon, etc". Is it extra work - sure. But it doesnt need to be the BG leader responsible for the nights tactics, etc. Does that make sense for 100 people in a voice comm - certainly not but we are not there atm. Is it too difficult to assign co-leadership with roles? For Nate, he has his helpers. Baby helps relay info for in-game chat that is discussed in voice comms. Glennis has done the same for mid when he plays. Others can step up and help, I am sure it would be welcomed. Lastly, BG leaders can (and most do) have a chat group with group leaders to make all this spy nonsense neutralized with specific targets shared in that /CG.
Now BG in general means inclusion of casual players who have limited time or access to guildmates/alliance members to form up a regular group. (This will be critical to the success of FtP when it is released.) I see too often a constant spam of LFG, LFG - its not tough to lead a PuG and its an opportunity for you to find some regs to play with when you choose to play. What would help most BG leaders (I would let them comment as most of the BG's Ive ever led were for the decades of PvE that I chose to lead) is for a few folks to step up to be a group leader. I actually did that for Nate for the first month I ran in Alb. If the group had 2 mini's, I would start up another group and try and set the group up to best serve the BG (well ok, lets be honest - set the group up for BG success as a group to nab as much DPS as possible but balanced enough to survive). Not an easy task, but something I chose to do. If a BG is say 50. Thats 6-7 groups. With 3-4 having a regular setup and a couple of smallmans. That leaves it up to 2 or 3 people that could make a huge difference for your side; especially if you have smaller numbers. Its a game changer.
Lastly, I see the tri-realm aspect of the game (at least during US Prime) continuously evolve. There are more and more hibs out lately and I think that is great. I chose to go from Alb where I had spend most of my last few years in the game to mid because that is where I started. If it were up to my son, we would be on Hib (but he doesnt play as much anymore). I didnt want to sit around and wait for a fight, I didnt care about BG win percentage. I cared about earning RPees and getting the satisfaction of a good fight - win or loose. I think some are choosing Hib and I think that is good. I also think the Alb population should remain strong. If that is the strongest realm for this period of time, there is nothing wrong with that and I invite the challenge of evolving to try and win. Alb has an advantage at the moment because they have someone who is willing to lead most nights and that brings predictability to a player base. Mid has multiple leaders depending on the night and that has certain advantages too because it brings different strategies to the frontiers. I would hope that someone steps up in Hib, at least some nights, as the population grows for that realm during US Primetime.
I am having fun regardless of the Win/Loss and care for the long term survivorship of the game. I thank Rob and team but this game doesnt exist without the player base. So I should really be thanking those that choose, as I do, to continue to leverage what this game brings for me - entertainment. It is just a game, but for many, its more.
Thanks for listening, and your comments...
-- perhaps I am truly just lucky.
This has been a huge issue that transcends BG leaders and even realms. Even I at one point in time I would lead a group in the hopes of showing others that it doesn't require much skill to lead a PUG in a BG. The problem is, people just plain don't want to lead a group for whatever reason. Add to the fact that even though you may have numbers to field multiple groups, the classes available don't necessarily make for viable let alone balanced groups. When I would play you would see few healers, no speed, etc.
I don't know how this issue would go about getting solved as a large part of it is what players choose to play.
@BurkleyRIP: Yes HighDamge was there, see spot 9 (about 30 seconds into the fight) and 32 about a minute-ish later. I didnt have logs running so cant be exact.
Looking forward to a good weekend of the final days of the 17th anniversary celebration. Win, Loose, or ...whatever.
--Percy (what my friends call me in Voice Comms)
Dahd(y) - Healer (shaman)
WaltD - Minstrel
Percy(i) - Cleric (Friar)
of course there's a Warden/Bard my son forces me to play every now and then...
& newly formed UberDahd - Skald
Many others, but these are the toons I play today
Now getting people to step up to do that is hard.
Maybe there should be an incentive to lead a bg group maybe a title or a damage buff or increased rps.
I felt for a long time that if you run a bg you should as a leader recieve some benefit for doing it whether that’s a special armour set or title or again variations of some form of incentive.
It’s a pita running a bg but good grouo leaders make it easier.
I feel the whole ui needs an update where the bg leader can see all the group leaders and all the members and have the ability to swop people around into groups to make them more effective.
This way you could put healers with groups that lack heals plus speed tanks etc etc.
I’d like to see a plan view for the bg leader where all his players are laid out and an easy shuffling system to lay out his bg.
Unfortunetly what happens with most bgs is that group leaders just pick up whoever is spamming for a group and without seeing the overall group layout have no idea what the other groups need or require unless good group leaders spam for particular toons.
Like I said the bg leader needs a ui map that shows all the group leaders plus toons and the ability to swap around.
Currently all he has is the who grouo and grouo leader commands.
Anyway these are just my observations as an old retired bg leader but I feel it would help bgs and leaders in the future.