Why do we just keep winning? over and over.... Paindancerr Monday Night BG just flops to Alb Nation
You think cuz you see us hide in a tower.. that you can ? /rofl

lol paindancerr thinks he can lead in the open field
You think cuz you see us hide in a tower.. that you can ? /rofl

lol paindancerr thinks he can lead in the open field

"I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
@albionexile delivers
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Too ez
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
I am quite confident the six regs in our group has collectively earned more rpees than your entire BG, but keep up the great work!!
When any of you Alb Nation's get tired of sitting in the keeps, towers or in KM come discover the true scorecard in the game and make some rpees!
P.S. Keep your junior high emotes on the playground at school; no need to bring them to BG battlefield.
Albion BG just keeps winning
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Can we put a limit on how many thread starters [edited] can post? a month of the same garbage is getting annoying. Either that or the forums will surely die cause no one wants to see this garbage but filthy Albs.
If Gnat has more numbers and mids push for a freaking fight (because he still tries to camp but we catch him open field) he claims tactics/victory
When mids are victorious you hear nothing.
Tactics tactics tactics but what he means is “we have spy’s in mid bg and TS”
I make more rps than you!
Stop with your jr high emotes!
You have more people! You camp keeps! Stop these threads !
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Agreed. Maybe if we dare him not to talk about Nevermore Bone he will get himself banned here as well.
I guess if they (BS) are ok with the spam threads, then its their sandbox and they choose to allow it. I hate the idea that potential new players visit the site and see the same crap day in and day out though.
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
i see what you did there
#6tobeyou #7knate #8sogreat #9macroteamreaverbombftw
hush little babies don't you cry, maybe youll be winners if we die (irl)
That last one seems a bit long, I would've gone with #altfarmer or #RRbuyer
I can give plats on any realm
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We saw a quite a bit of you last night too. At any rate, I hop on this zerg about 2-3 times a week when I can for a few hours and I normally average 60-100+k a night from the zerg alone.
Alb Nation:
It's like 1999 Rams greatest show on turf offense combined with the 2000 Baltimore Ravens defense.
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Btw, I haven’t my favorite pincushion Snestras in over a week, she leave game?
Haven't seen her since that glorious thread failure on PC
I dont think anyone is being vicious here
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Is there a way to block people and not see these threads?
Emote all you want with your following behind you while Ewalien and his DKoC crew use you to score the big points when they're playing your side hit group. Those are the real winners in the current state of Alb Nation. Keep doing what you're doing, I am having a blast cleaning up in the Rpee dept week after week.
Thank you for getting me to look at other realms again as sitting in a keep waiting for your perfect hits got me to think about how much time I was wasting for your personal score card. The only tears here are the ones of joy. Thanks again and keep it up!
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Careful Nate, theyre right, this isnt Postcount. Mocking post and potentially mocking mods is what got you kicked from PC. You're not above the law... or are you