Strafing, the most obvious BUG USING of all time

Hey there, it's me again,

yeah, the subject line describes my opinion on the point. Will ever BS do something against that? There are so much players, including some friends of me often willing to quit DAoC completely cause of that. Playing a Tank nowadays means, strafe, counterstrafe or simply die. Why wearing a Shield or have the ability to parry when strafing turns it instantly off?

This Thread isn't about trolling or something like that, but maybe the Community and BS can tell me their opinions about that.



  • Honestly I don't think there is really much they can do about it in this game. I know other engines have incorporated collision detection to eliminate run-throughs etc.

    But as a fellow Heavy Tank I admit that it often irritates me how simple it is for effective strafing to nearly nullify my ability to block/parry.
  • All should stay like it is
    It’s one of the best things in the game
  • Honestly I don't think there is really much they can do about it in this game. I know other engines have incorporated collision detection to eliminate run-throughs etc.

    But as a fellow Heavy Tank I admit that it often irritates me how simple it is for effective strafing to nearly nullify my ability to block/parry.

    Other engines also don't have as many positional attacks :P. Strafing is here to stay, if you want to stand and bang, go roll some dice and play tabletops, it's the same thing at that point.
  • The video dood needs to make a "How to strafe video "
  • Strafing is not a bug, it is a regular game mechanic, and has been in the game since the beginning. Of course, you are always welcome to discuss it in a civil, constructive manner and provide feedback on this mechanic.
    DAoC German Community Admin
    Broadsword Online Games

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  • Laddimyr wrote: »
    Honestly I don't think there is really much they can do about it in this game. I know other engines have incorporated collision detection to eliminate run-throughs etc.

    But as a fellow Heavy Tank I admit that it often irritates me how simple it is for effective strafing to nearly nullify my ability to block/parry.

    Other engines also don't have as many positional attacks :P. Strafing is here to stay, if you want to stand and bang, go roll some dice and play tabletops, it's the same thing at that point.

    Oh yeah Knight @Laddimyr. I have no problems with strafing aside from occasionally being irritated by the pro's when they bypass my defenses multiple times in a row. I use it myself, as well as counter-strafing etc.

    There really is nothing they can do about it nor should anything be done about it either. I quite enjoy the multitude of reactionary and positional styles.
  • It's just a part of the game, and positioning is important in any game.

    Many games have unintended mechanical quirks that eventually become part of the game and usually become a defining skill. Some games it's animation cancelling, here it's strafing, and others get even more obnoxious. Just be glad the things in DAoC aren't that bad.
  • I prefer to play casters and healers because I have never been able to master run-through and strafe mechanics. Yes, I suck. I've been sucking since 2001. I'm old and I just don't have the hand-eye coordination. :'(
  • when they specificly make a button to do a certain thing, and only that thing, I don't see how anyone can see it as a bug

    you have positional styles, you strafe to land them easier, it gives you better speed when your low hp, the more buttons you have to use in fights the bigger the skill range can be, if your using all you can then you deserve to win, but its a lot harder to have so many extra buttons and things to use

    they gave u an extra key to use for certain moments, its not a bug it was put in purposely and has been there since day 1

    and honestly, you should never have turn right or left keys, they should be forward, back, strafe right straight left

    any good player changes those keys 5 seconds after loading in daoc when its down downloading each time
  • edited April 2018 PM
    you do not use turn keys, you use forward, backup, strafe right strafe left, and turn with mouse

    that's how you properly/most efficiently play daoc and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

    unbind your turn right/left keys and replace them with strafes, move with them and steer with your mouse
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • I’d quit if they ever changed it tbh. I hated it a few years back but once you learn how to run thru and counter it makes the fight way better. Sry.
  • Why strafe has become a problem ?

    Because back in the days, the strafers had to deal with :
    - Styles and follow up
    - Use of items / others abilities
    - Move the camera to deal with adds
    - the strafe

    That was very difficult to manage to do all 4 things

    Nowadays :
    - They have only 1 mouse or keyboard button that can do 6-7 styles / abilities
    - They don't care about the adds (solo zones, the death in the game isn't as relevant as it was in the past)
    - They can focus on strafing ...

    Some players can make you vomit in less than 5s of fight =)
  • I actually never use strafe because if you are strafing in combat you have a good chance of getting the message, "You were strafing in combat and miss your style...". I know it doesn't happen often but what you are asking for already exists. If they just hold strafe and do styles some will land and others will fail bexaise of the strafe. I use the run thru method, and as others have stated these things have existed since the very beginning of the game. No need to change it because you have a hard time countering it. Sprint, back up, and face them. Its just that easy. Sure, some can still manage but that is because of practice and skill. Its all part of what makes this game great.
  • yet another tank complaining about strafing yet have no issue running through a caster thats quickcasting a root on him...

    double standards all the way... strafing is part of the game deal with it
  • I used to use it all the time on champ, run through then hit back stun style with any time as back up.

    If they removed backup style, now that would interesting. Then you would have to hit styles, this would hurt the macro strafe guys.
  • Tanakeo wrote: »
    yet another tank complaining about strafing yet have no issue running through a caster thats quickcasting a root on him...

    double standards all the way... strafing is part of the game deal with it

    Dayum. I was about to complain about it too. But I think I'm gonna check out this guy's temps!

  • Still use 1 key, 1 action.

    Still pan as I fight, I don't go near those zones.

    Still click /uses.

    Still terrible at this game.

    Heh, if I can strafe effectively, y'all have no excuse.
  • Strafing is just another way to move. Landing side styles against an opponent facing you, using strafing techiniques is an exploit in my opinion. You just have to learn to counter it and probably learn to do it as well. People think of it as "skill" and indeed it takes a lot of practice to learn to use that exploit. But it still is a legal exploit.
    But let's think aboit /face for a moment, which is supposed to stop your opponent from getting to your side or back and keep them in your view. I have had many fights that the opponent I was facing was not in view half the time. So, maybe what's wrong is not how strafe works, it's how face works. But if they fixed that it would take the joy out of so many people that wouldn't be able to beat you with their lost skill/exploit and they would have to depend on timing their abilities well. Shield tanks would be very very tough to beat instead of being just boxing bags which is what they have been diminished to against "skilled" strafers. Unfair!
    Fix /face !!!
  • One thing that annoys me is how different the play is for me depending on my and the opponents internet connection.
    There are times where I can get sidestun/backstun of so easily and other times where my opponent seems to be able to avoid it completely. Now you could say it's skill but apparently it's the same for me. I faced the SAME PLAYER and on one day I could just spam face and avoid 95% of the side styles in a longer fight, other day they could just do sidestyles as if it was an anytimer. Unfortunately this is also true for counter movement, sometimes I can completely shut down strafing, other days not at all, even vs the same people/toon.
  • edited May 2018 PM
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited May 2018 PM
    Honestly, this is ridiculous. It's 2018. I can tell you 100% you just haven't figured out a way to be nimble on your fingers with combat mechanics. When you figure that out I promise you, you will never complain about anyone's combat movement. Anymore if I miss a positional, or I mess up and get side stunned myself or something, I can promise you it was my fault. And I think you should look at things the same way, when you can do that, you will realize it's nothing to complain about it the first place. There are so many small things you need to do in combat, but complaining about strafing in the end, simply put, is your fault :(
    EDIT-I did not take into consideration that you may be EU, I know euros complain alot about strafe, I'd assume from having higher ping. So maybe what I'm use to in the US is manageable, but with EU ping maybe it's harder I can't speak to that.
    Post edited by deam0 on
  • If someone engages a mob and does manage to use a side styel without stuning/mezing first, then I will accept I am wrong. Till then you can say how skilled you are and how bad we are at exploiting gaming mechanics which is diferent to playing the game.
  • Dude, Even I can get side styles off on mobs.

    Put the time in, figure it out.
  • I guess DAoC should come with a guide then
  • imho the problem is third party software that allows you to get positional styles of in a way that no normal player could pull it of

    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • deam0 wrote: »
    Honestly, this is ridiculous. It's 2018. I can tell you 100% you just haven't figured out a way to be nimble on your fingers with combat mechanics. When you figure that out I promise you, you will never complain about anyone's combat movement. Anymore if I miss a positional, or I mess up and get side stunned myself or something, I can promise you it was my fault. And I think you should look at things the same way, when you can do that, you will realize it's nothing to complain about it the first place. There are so many small things you need to do in combat, but complaining about strafing in the end, simply put, is your fault :(
    EDIT-I did not take into consideration that you may be EU, I know euros complain alot about strafe, I'd assume from having higher ping. So maybe what I'm use to in the US is manageable, but with EU ping maybe it's harder I can't speak to that.

    No one can complain about ping when there's us Aussies who get 250-350ms as a standard, and we can strafe and positional just fine. :)
  • What third party software helps a person get side stuns off? I do a pretty good job at it, don't strafe, and use classic UI. I think you are using the typical DAoC players logic of, "I can't seem to do it so they must be cheating/using a special ui" defense. It's not difficult to do with practice and certainly no special ui needed.
  • Most 'gaming' mouse and keyboard hardware comes with associated software nowadays that allows you to hit two buttons at once. You can essentially hit one button, have it do your side style and queue up any anytime afterwards so you can just spam it without really needing to do risk too much.

    I'm assuming this is what is meant. You still have to get into position, but you hit one button instead of two, and they go off perfectly timed rather than relying on your fumbling fingers.
  • If anything ... the least they can do is reduce the side arc angle to make it more difficult. I consistently see people land side stuns from speed 6. I'm sure this was not the original intent.
  • edited May 2018 PM
    I hope that wasn't what was meant @Budikah because that really has nothing to do with performing a side stun. Sure, it helps getting a followup but you will back it up with an anytime style regardless. I can't imagine any UI out there helps to land side styles.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • I have performed many side stuns in weird positions but I don't think that it is an arc issue rather than a lag issue.
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