*video* @broadsword your major problem shown on camera
the new disapearing bug people have been qqing about, here is what it looks like when it happens if it helps fix at all or something, first time it happened to me in a fight
as you can see not only can you not see them, but last attacker finds no one either, so you jsut sit and get ript, hopefuly its fixed soon thanks, hope this helps
as you can see not only can you not see them, but last attacker finds no one either, so you jsut sit and get ript, hopefuly its fixed soon thanks, hope this helps

He must've been running that new Ghost-UI.
lol, all jokes aside that's happened to me on my Armsman; probably most recently close to a year ago. So it's something that occurs, very rarely. Think it has something to do with hiccups on the servers end (but I know nothing on that field of information).
Think this was the first time it's been recorded though, thanks for posting that Hue!
totally avoidable, youll realise its the same people who **** it up everytime and others do it just fine always
Usually user error. Not always. One ram bug causes it to change pathing when people board the ram while its moving. Adding people to the ram shouldn't affect that.
The biggest ram issue is that you click through your UI and set a ground target when you press swing. This is the one that cause the ram to move forward into the door and eventually kicks everyone off. Its easy to avoid, if you're driving the ram just pan so if you accidentally set a ground target the ram wont move into the door. If you do this its easy to stop and easy to recover.
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Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Damn that sucks. I've only had this happen in the relic towns, never during a fight. I wonder if a pbaoe would have hit the guy if he was close to you.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
For me, the problem started around the time the mid-summer quest was put in.
Symfriar (Friar duh)
Symsorc (Double duh)
Sympets (Theurg)
Symmond (Arms)
Some random mids and hibs
It's pathetic that there isn't at least an official acknowledgement of the issue -- and they wonder why people have zero faith in what they are doing.
So for me, it's really quite simple... either they fix the issue or I quit playing and cancel my account. It's hard to enjoy the game when you can't see your vendor (for crafting), you can't see the channeler (to port somewhere), and you can't see the enemy (that's standing right in front of you killing you).
Happened to me in housing the other day, no merchants up or porters or anything. Had to relog completely. Happened a few times in rvr also and relighting isn’t always a good situation if in the middle of nowhere and not buffs are gone
Twitch Youtube Mixer
gonna make me RAGE when I die to someone I make fun of for being gimpy, thank god I can fraps it I suppose, but would sure be nice to get fixed asap before all other things
Here's their response to my last /appeal bug inquiry concerning the disappearance of NPCs/players:
Unfortunately, you opened your appeal as Bug Report. Bug Reports are handled by our Quality Assurance Team, who cannot assist you with In-game issues. If the issue still persists, please open a new appeal with a brief description of the issue. Do not submit this appeal as Bug Report. If you are unsure which category to use for your appeal, please open an Emergency Appeal.
i just log off now i don't zone to fix it
I'm leaving this game for the 2nd time (and prob last) for one reason... the VANISH bug where NPCs and other players DISAPPEAR and NEVER COME BACK until you relog. This is an ACTIVE complaint on the BS boards and has been for weeks with ZERO response or even an acknowledgement from BS that they're aware of the issue. I waited for weeks for a simple response on what to do or what was being done only to receive generic auto-response emails and NO in-game response whatsoever after several emergency appeals. Not gonna pay you money when you won't even acknowledge my issue (and that of many, many others).
Peace out everybody... GL getting a resolution!
@John_Broadsword this is a real problem, please help us, if not for us, for you ;\
Twitch Youtube Mixer
asking a question about a problem in the game that is going to make you unsub soon, totally ignored without care
perhaps a reevaluation of priorities is needed for the broadsword company
We've identified the cause of this and plan to have it addressed in 1.125. In the meantime, zone out of NF occasionally and it'll keep it at bay.
Broadsword Online Games
thanks, that is great news I was expecting a "its not us its you" line, awesome to see its been looked at and the problem has been found and is fixable
thank you
on your screen?
I appreciate that BS is finally acknowledging there is a problem, but to not fix this asap is not the best look. I find the response incredibly lazy. If this is a more complex issue, that will require hours of downtime, how about letting us know? I am sure I am not the only person who wouldn't mind a short server shut down to get this fixed ASAP.
The patch has been put off for months and we still don't have a date. This should be a hot fix
Edit: And acting like zoning is a temporary fix is just even more annoying. There have been times I have logged on, and first run, everything is gone. There is no way to time the zoning to avoid this
Broadsword Online Games
:P Hope it is fixed..but def a community effort.
The other "disappearing characterS" issue where multiple characters/monsters/pets/objects disappear off the screen is a connection issue. As of our investigations thus far - this is most likely NOT a game-related issue as it only started occuring about 2-3 weeks ago and no changes have been made to the game recently that would point to an issue like this starting. Connection issues aren't necessarily an ISP issue, and we don't think this issue is an ISP-related one, but our best theory is that this may be some sort of hardware/firmware/firewall update or common app running in tandem with DAOC that is impacting players who happen to have gotten that update or are running some common application that changed and is now causing issues with DAOC.
What we'd like from those that are experiencing the multiple characters/monsters/pets/objects disappearing at once issue to do is to try logging into the game without any other 3rd party apps running and see if they can still reproduce the issue. If they can't, start opening up other apps you normally use until you see the issue again.
In the meantime, we'll continue gathering information and working towards a fix for this matter. But to be clear, there is no timetable on a fix of this 2nd issue on our end as all of our indications are that it's a connection issue and not a game-related issue.
The only thing up on my computer when playing DAOC is DAOC and Discord. I just don't see how ALL of the 'active' player components simply DISAPPEAR yet everything else stays... the towers/PKs, the weather, the trees, the water. The session stays active (I don't get disconnected), no lagg, no network hiccups... at least according to DAOC's own "green balls", they never change color. Everything's there 1 second... and the next they're just GONE.