can we please has "likes" like on here like the old daoc used forums
its so fun to log on and see likes and go see who and what they are from !
its more fun then actualy playing ! lol
we need some likes or something special to look forward to getting on to check for !
its more fun then actualy playing ! lol
we need some likes or something special to look forward to getting on to check for !
There is an ignore feature. If you open someone's profile, there's a drop down menu far right of the username, click that and ignore.
Broadsword Online Games
See NEW one year of DAoC data - April 2018 - March 2019
Simon's cast speed and archery speed tests - plus 4.2 standard shot, and acuity and spell damage tests!
Twitch - Simon_DAoC
YouTube - saved fights and videos, and The Adventures of Simbar (video)
Symfriar (Friar duh)
Symsorc (Double duh)
Sympets (Theurg)
Symmond (Arms)
Some random mids and hibs
You have offered 1 like on PC.
You are the Official Welfare Queen of PC!
All the benefits without effort.
Teehehe Shadowblade The Adventures to RR10
My Videos
Can you even @beib
Whoops, edit....maybe on the likes thing
Broadsword Online Games
Didn't really want post counts here, @Kat definitely not at the start anyway. It does just turn into being an incentive to spam/+1's. Might do something with forum stats that'd be fun like we used do back on VN if there's a way, though.
Broadsword Online Games
This also makes sense
I was the recipient of the only like by huehuehuehahauehauehauehauehueuehue!
I wanted to like this post but I can't. So here it is.