Patch 1.25

If no news tomorrow I will be cancelling accounts. This is too long of a wait for anything in a broken game atm. At least put something on Pend


  • The patch is not ready yet. When it is, it will go on Pend.

    I'm sorry that's not the answer you were looking for, but this patch is taking some time.
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • Quiggley wrote: »
    If no news tomorrow I will be cancelling accounts. This is too long of a wait for anything in a broken game atm. At least put something on Pend

    Lol, the game really isn't that broken, would you rather an early release that is buggy? that will serve no one. They've already had to remove certain features (name change). I'd rather wait and get something working that rushed for the sake of a release
    AlbionExiles (Warden) | AlbionExecutioner (Champion) | AlbionExile (Bainshee)
  • It seems there are not so many ppl working on this patch and Broadswords interest in DAoC is on a very low level.

    And a name change is what we really need, really important point.
    They have to keep ppl playing, working on a name change for 100ppl/realm is wasted time and manpower.
  • I cancel every month after the 'Great Accounting Disaster' many years ago. Sometimes I wait for a month or more before re-subbing; check teamspeak for the action etc.
    No biggie.
    The 'Biggie' is Solic saying he's through with PVE. THAT'S a biggie. (I'd sign up to join in the RVR fun he says he'll lead but the 25-30 Hibs won't have much luck against the "Clumzerg.")
    See you again after the "patch."
  • edited July 2018 PM
    @Carol_Broadsword I agree with the original post and your statement as well. I want to point out though that the game breaking issues that affect everyone would be the PvR campaigns that bug out so frequently that is has stopped Hibernian community leader from running them. There are so many bugs that need attention that possibly the development team should prioritize fixing all of those issues prior to working on new patches. BS would be the first company that I know of that puts new content/features above fixing the bugs/bad code first. I know the ability to bypass those raids with the upcoming RvR rewards system in this patch is a work around. Work around though are put in place until a proper fix is in place. That key point seems to be forgotten with the current development plan from the tidbits of information we receive. Honestly the little Dutch boy has started recruiting others to help plug all the holes in the wall.

    Delays happen and that is to be expected when developing. I believe though the core issue is lack of attention to detail. Does BS have their own internal Q&A team to go through the code and features before they are ready for community testing? IEEE has great industry standards that even the Military uses for making sure a quality product is put out.
    Post edited by Kymatius on
  • @Kymatius a number of issues require downtime to address and we try to minimise the amount of downtime as much as possible, hence most bug fixes etc you see are noted in patches.
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • @Carol_Broadsword After playing Alb last night, and just a quick hiccup on mid, can we get something done about the safe port for Hib please? Both other realms don't have a gazebo of sorts to get stuck on when porting, or a crystal half way down the first hill for people to get stuck on, then group port out, then wait on safepad again. This is a real QoL issue for hibs.
  • Honestly, this how Hibs end up "Zerging" HT and HMG, we get stuck trying to port and waiting on group members until there is 3-4 FG's there, we all run down at the same time thru HMG then start spliting. lol
  • edited July 2018 PM
    Cartoan wrote: »
    I cancel every month after the 'Great Accounting Disaster' many years ago. Sometimes I wait for a month or more before re-subbing; check teamspeak for the action etc.
    No biggie.
    The 'Biggie' is Solic saying he's through with PVE. THAT'S a biggie. (I'd sign up to join in the RVR fun he says he'll lead but the 25-30 Hibs won't have much luck against the "Clumzerg.")
    See you again after the "patch."

    While I very much appreciate what Solic does, he has a habit of 'taking his ball home' when something doesn't go his way and tends to 'quit' X thing for a few months. So, I wouldn't attribute as much merit to his PvE absence as you are.
    Post edited by Ciddire on
  • Staticc wrote: »
    @Carol_Broadsword After playing Alb last night, and just a quick hiccup on mid, can we get something done about the safe port for Hib please? Both other realms don't have a gazebo of sorts to get stuck on when porting, or a crystal half way down the first hill for people to get stuck on, then group port out, then wait on safepad again. This is a real QoL issue for hibs.

    Thanks Staticc
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • I think if the community saw some fixes of some sort end up on Pen, that may start to restore some faith in BS. One might say, spirits are not exactly the highest right now.
  • I was a bit intoxicated last night but I still stand by the post. I've unsubbed for now. The issues I know that are broken I can list what comes to mind for me:
    1. Crashes; Jordheim been broken for a long time, Curse raid crashing, OW crashing. Mile Gate crashing or just big lag spike
    2. Pet classes still have some OP pets. I should not have to die solo to a chanter pet even being fresh 50 in king's gear. The pet just lightning bolts to you, stuns or snares you and parry's and blocks 75% of the time. I level a lot of alts when bored.
    3. I do not agree with all the PvE content being put in, its too late but even so. When items start costing more than a character can carry, something is wrong. I am rich in game so not an issue for me personally but for others who require the raids and have to deal with crashes or deal with waiting on a raid to form up I can see how its a struggle.
    4. Other than EV, it takes forever to get into action. Safe port is a good idea but it is not really all that safe, once you drop down most of the time there are people waiting for you which is fine for instant action in a 8v8 format but if solo or small and get jumped by the FG+ stealthers its frustrating. I miss the ruined keeps.
    5. The solo/duel zones I really just hate. A long time ago I was suspended 3 days for dueling in Leirvik so I don't understand how its ok now days but I have done it still. It's still only a solo zone for certain characters, if you roll in there on certain ranged classes, los is not in your favor.
    6. I don't think in todays state of the game, any PvE content should require a BG. Pulling that many players away from RvR for hours just results in that realm losing keeps and relics (Alb). That required BG for Curse also results in crashes and is hectic in the small area that the quests take place in.
    7. Player housing, CM's holding to much money. Sure you can check this if you have less money than whats being asked it will say you don't have enough to purchase straight from the CM but why is this the only way to check that?
    8. Plat, being the old game that it is I have a lot. I wish there was an item like mansion deeds that is worth 100p or 200p so my whole /bank isn't just mansion deeds. Need more space

    I still love the game, love the guild, enjoy running 8 man or small or even solo some but there are certain days or times I just get frustrated to the point of this. It is currently not worth the 30$ a month to me personally. I miss Mordred, its not coming back but action was quicker and easier. People that didn't play it or tried it out complained of griefing expers. Well, that happens still. Templated toons in BG's or high rr's in the mazes/solo areas farming king's gear fodder.
  • Quiggley wrote: »
    I was a bit intoxicated last night but I still stand by the post. I've unsubbed for now. The issues I know that are broken I can list what comes to mind for me:
    1. Crashes; Jordheim been broken for a long time, Curse raid crashing, OW crashing. Mile Gate crashing or just big lag spike
    2. Pet classes still have some OP pets. I should not have to die solo to a chanter pet even being fresh 50 in king's gear. The pet just lightning bolts to you, stuns or snares you and parry's and blocks 75% of the time. I level a lot of alts when bored.
    3. I do not agree with all the PvE content being put in, its too late but even so. When items start costing more than a character can carry, something is wrong. I am rich in game so not an issue for me personally but for others who require the raids and have to deal with crashes or deal with waiting on a raid to form up I can see how its a struggle.
    4. Other than EV, it takes forever to get into action. Safe port is a good idea but it is not really all that safe, once you drop down most of the time there are people waiting for you which is fine for instant action in a 8v8 format but if solo or small and get jumped by the FG+ stealthers its frustrating. I miss the ruined keeps.
    5. The solo/duel zones I really just hate. A long time ago I was suspended 3 days for dueling in Leirvik so I don't understand how its ok now days but I have done it still. It's still only a solo zone for certain characters, if you roll in there on certain ranged classes, los is not in your favor.
    6. I don't think in todays state of the game, any PvE content should require a BG. Pulling that many players away from RvR for hours just results in that realm losing keeps and relics (Alb). That required BG for Curse also results in crashes and is hectic in the small area that the quests take place in.
    7. Player housing, CM's holding to much money. Sure you can check this if you have less money than whats being asked it will say you don't have enough to purchase straight from the CM but why is this the only way to check that?
    8. Plat, being the old game that it is I have a lot. I wish there was an item like mansion deeds that is worth 100p or 200p so my whole /bank isn't just mansion deeds. Need more space

    I still love the game, love the guild, enjoy running 8 man or small or even solo some but there are certain days or times I just get frustrated to the point of this. It is currently not worth the 30$ a month to me personally. I miss Mordred, its not coming back but action was quicker and easier. People that didn't play it or tried it out complained of griefing expers. Well, that happens still. Templated toons in BG's or high rr's in the mazes/solo areas farming king's gear fodder.

    I 100% agree with everything said here. I didn't play daoc for the pve though it was fun when it first came out, but I've been spoiled by other games and now I am strictly rvr with daoc. Having to temp out all my characters, costs a crap ton of cash. Curse 9/10 takes a few hours to do and you're not even guaranteed to get the items you need or even a item you can use! I need the curse necro sleeves and there is only one in housing, at 150p and I can't even buy it if I wanted to, as the cm is holding too much money. It is extremely frustrating finding items, porting to that server only to find that cm is holding too much money. FIX THAT PLEASE.

    We'll miss ya Quig
  • I laugh a bit every time I hear someone complain about crashes in the game and fail to mention the fact that every second time you go to your inventory to RIGHT CLICK something you get crashed.
  • Hello!

    I just want to leave a feedback as a freshly returning player from my and my friends perspective.

    I was kind of lucky with returning, because I got quiet stacked up on items and plats from the past, so at least some of my old items and currencies did worth enough to be able to template up myself. I did quit before OW campaign.

    Me and my friend both returned just to play with each other, and have no intention to leave our own guild just to be able to do OW and Cursed raids, which we got kicked out once because they had another guild member logged on.

    Realizing that with 200p cap on a character, a decent temp cost 1000+ plat was a shock. Since old players with wealth, and high rr all able to get those, we are simply got demolished in our old templates. Unfortunately we found that its nearly impossible to farm 1000+ plat in any way with small man PvE, no currency valuable enough to get that amount.

    It's not really possible for us to template up my friend, also less likely for any of us to template up more then one character we like. We was happy to see returning merchants, however 125P while still less then 350p for a neck piece, its still just way too much, and too nice item to print on a rarely obtainable item.

    Just yesterday we saw that the trend continues to make event items amazing which was a sad realization. No wonder so much people can't achieve anything without selling GTCs. Just looking at Discord it's easy to see that many people can't find other ways to get currency, in a mainly RvR game Its devastating, especially for us who return recently.

    In my opinion that makes returning to the game extremely harsh, and not being able to template characters is a very real issue. Older templates simply doesn't allow us to compete, new items just got way more stats, mini IP, amazing procs, and 7%HoT uses is also an issue, but not being able to get them is even worse.

    We really hoping to see some changes in this regard in the upcoming patch, and see less unobtainable items created with power creeps. We are really sad to see this happening, and while we would really like to play for a long time, in current form we may also give up.

    Thank you!

    P.S: I also get crashed everytime I run around in Jord :(
  • For me, the lack of communication is just horrible. While I understand that things take time, it certainly does not take a huge amount of time to respond to your dwindling community base

    Most bugs, you can try and get around, example, the right click crashing that is happening. The phase shift bug (that has been a bug for several years), the list can go on and on. I used to submit feedback, appeals, send in screenshots and documentation, all to no avail. I don't expect a silver platter and there is always a way to work around most of it (nothing like phase bug in the middle of a fight); but it gets annoying when you put (opinion here) silly quests in, like the one that just patched (wth is this bloody thing! It is horrible!), when there are outstanding bugs that make the game less enjoyable. Nothing like a bug in the game where you can't get into the capital city without ld'ing. Every. Single. Time.

  • @Quiggley -

    1. Agree 100%! The crashes on the game suck. All the ones you mentioned AND the right click on an item crash still happens.
    2. Meh, the pet classes have their bad matchups as well. I do agree that some should be looked at, but I wouldn't put priority on this.
    3. Agreed that adding new PvE and items with op charges/procs was a bad move. I am fine with OW because it can be mainly all done in a fg or less. Curse steps requiring a bg suck alot of action from RvR. Hopefully the change in 1.125 helps mitigate this a bit.
    4. Meh, don't agree too much on this. For most stuff getting to action is pretty easy. The safe port paths beimg camped sucks but you can always boat and jump at the docks instead.
    6. See #3
    7. Agreed 100%!! It should be as simple as looming at the merchant at the explorer and seeing how much plat is on it.
    8. Also agreed, but I have always wondered why you couldn't store deeds in you house vaults. Why only personal vaults? If they let you store them on the house vaults it wouldn't be an issue AND it would make it easier to transfer plat between toons.

    @Gavner - I agree with you to a degree. As I came back from scratch 18 months ago I know what you are talking about.

    Honestly, earning plat is easy in the game. I'm selling gtc's and I earned the vast majority of my plat solo. It takes time, but doing the supply missions in frontiers while doing RvR earns you good cash from the shards. Thats how I earned most of mine. You can also make alts and join in on OW raids (takes less than a fg to complete) and Curse raids when available and sell the gear you don't need. There is also crafting. Making am alchemist and an sc'r will yield good profits.

    The one thing I do agree with is things like the ghost necklace that only has the event to get it every so often and is required in 90% of templates. Putting it on the travelling merchant helps, but even those only come around a few times a year and as you states most new players can't affodd 125p.
  • That plat creep is in fact insane, and timed gear availability is also insane, be cause you weren't subed a Year you are triple punished for coming back: A: You don't know what good gear to get so you can end up spending a lot of plat on gear that will be recycled due to incorrect decision making when you came back. B: Want this Jack frost weap, to bad have to wait another year ($180 if you keep your sub active, less if you simply say Okay, I'll come back when that pops again, but what do you miss in the meantime?) C: Better clear space for Mansion deeds, 10x mansion deeds =250p, plus 200 p you can hold in pure plat, means you have have to cap a single trade offer for a pair of gloves? Are you for real? I love that the traveling Merchants are about to lower that creep, making many things cheaper. IMO, leave the merchants up all the time, maybe put in a grouping rotation on a monthly basis. i.e. DF, ML10, Myths are here this month, next month, its OW, and Hallowed, next month its the rest of them, and just continually rotate them. Eventual put the Cursed merchant in. This will keep the player economy at least somewhat in check, and returning players the opportunity to have reasonable access to loot that they may otherwise not get access to.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    @RonELuvv -

    Thank you, I get what you say, but if most ppl start with selling GTC means the game is more then unhealthy. How can a game DEMAND you to buy ingame currencly plain and simple? I think thats a bad idea. I've been doing pick-up quest with RvR making a small profit, but untemped characters are just meatshield on RvR, so thats best to do if you already had character temped, so yeah thats it.

    Have LGM SC, can profit a little but lets calculate how much I need for a 350p glove and 1000p+ casual temp. OW raids gets rare, and sometimes hard to get in if you don't know anyone (for me).

    My problem is, if the game either want's you to sell GTCs for plat to be able to participate in RvR, or farm months for 1 temp (not to mention back then I could temp almost all my characters, which I can entirely forget now). Solution is either nerf current items (won't happen) or make them more obtainable, and probably stop this mindless powercreeping of items, so ppl won't return to their old chars to find out they are useless unless they spend fortunes just to temp 1 character.

    I really hope BS finds this feedback usefull, as I really do want to enjoy DAoC, but currently im limited to play only one character, while my friend 0. Thats really sad. I see they trying to do something about it, but then pushing out even more event items may be the step in the wrong direction just again.

    Edit: Event items are nice, but they shouldn't be simply better then everything else, hell, maybe cosmetic swapped existing items may be even better idea.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Staticc wrote: »
    That plat creep is in fact insane, and timed gear availability is also insane, be cause you weren't subed a Year you are triple punished for coming back: A: You don't know what good gear to get so you can end up spending a lot of plat on gear that will be recycled due to incorrect decision making when you came back. B: Want this Jack frost weap, to bad have to wait another year ($180 if you keep your sub active, less if you simply say Okay, I'll come back when that pops again, but what do you miss in the meantime?) C: Better clear space for Mansion deeds, 10x mansion deeds =250p, plus 200 p you can hold in pure plat, means you have have to cap a single trade offer for a pair of gloves? Are you for real? I love that the traveling Merchants are about to lower that creep, making many things cheaper. IMO, leave the merchants up all the time, maybe put in a grouping rotation on a monthly basis. i.e. DF, ML10, Myths are here this month, next month, its OW, and Hallowed, next month its the rest of them, and just continually rotate them. Eventual put the Cursed merchant in. This will keep the player economy at least somewhat in check, and returning players the opportunity to have reasonable access to loot that they may otherwise not get access to.

    I like the idea of constant merchant's to keep economy at least partially in check, however prices on them still may be a bit much. Problem is with DAoC's long life, there are many plats in the market, feel like I cant compete with that on a fresh start/return, unless I start buying GTCs also. Since returning to DAoC I play every single day to achieve something, and it is barely working. Someone with less time will give up in 1-2 weeks.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    Gavner wrote: »
    @RonELuvv -

    Thank you, I get what you say, but if most ppl start with selling GTC means the game is more then unhealthy. How can a game DEMAND you to buy ingame currencly plain and simple? I think thats a bad idea. I've been doing pick-up quest with RvR making a small profit, but untemped characters are just meatshield on RvR, so thats best to do if you already had character temped, so yeah thats it.

    Have LGM SC, can profit a little but lets calculate how much I need for a 350p glove and 1000p+ casual temp. OW raids gets rare, and sometimes hard to get in if you don't know anyone (for me).

    My problem is, if the game either want's you to sell GTCs for plat to be able to participate in RvR, or farm months for 1 temp (not to mention back then I could temp almost all my characters, which I can entirely forget now). Solution is either nerf current items (won't happen) or make them more obtainable, and probably stop this mindless powercreeping of items, so ppl won't return to their old chars to find out they are useless unless they spend fortunes just to temp 1 character.

    I really hope BS finds this feedback usefull, as I really do want to enjoy DAoC, but currently im limited to play only one character, while my friend 0. Thats really sad. I see they trying to do something about it, but then pushing out even more event items may be the step in the wrong direction just again.

    Edit: Event items are nice, but they shouldn't be simply better then everything else, hell, maybe cosmetic swapped existing items may be even better idea.

    I have never bought plat off of anyone. I made a ranger and worked on getting him templated first and foremost. I would focus on doing supply missions and keeping my eyes open for any raids I could do to get gear. Once I got him templated then I started doing the same for my hunter and scout. Now I have all 3 templated and I could then focus on saving up plat and selling plat for GTC's. It just takes some dedication and time to do.

    To be fair, back in the day of ToA and prior it would take you a month or so to get to 50. Then another month or so to get some items, then another month of so to get ML's and arti's made and leveled. Now it takes a solid weekend to get to 50. Couple days to get CL15 and ML10. The only real issue with getting templated is the Curse steps that require a BG to complete and the items like Ghostly Medal of Valor that are only available with travelling merchants and the occasional ghost keep event. OW is super easy to do with a small amount of people. I formed one up a week or so ago to help out my 2 friends that I played with in Vold. After about step 2 or 3 we were down to 6 players that consisted of 4 rangers, a nightshade, and a warden and we finished it. If they made Curse doable with a fg and below it wouldn't be so bad to get templated.

    I will also say that a big part of the reason why I have plat to sell is because I only have around 3-5 toons semi templated with only 2 of those templates being what I would call "top tier" templates. The more toons you want to template the harder it is to do.

    I do agree that they could make it easier for new returning players to get gear. Making Curse doable with a fg or less would be a great step in that direction. Putting in the new RvR currency will also help. But the fact of the matter is if I can obtain 8,000 + plat in 18 months playing mainly solo on my ranger than anyone can do it.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • For the record only solo templates cost 1000p. 8v8 and BG RvR templates are easily created for less than 300p. It’s unreasonable to expect that anyone would start playing hit 50 and be able to compete in 1v1 quickly. This is true in any game. New players are directed to BG and keep based RvR, not solo or small man. After some time in those RvR scenarios then those players can graduate to 8v8 roaming. There’s just too many RR12 full templates stealthers for new players to compete and that’s on purpose. 1v1 is something you do once you have been playing for a few months/years.
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • Agreed @Sym. I did alot more group/zerg RvR when I first started just to learn the game a bit. As you said, the more you run with the less important gear becomes.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    I do understand it's possible, do not missunderstand me. But for a returning player saying oh well one year or 18 months and you be able to solo/small man (dont like 8v8 so much) sounds extreme on another level. Even PvE games its easier to get into small man PvP then in DAoC today. Every time I came back to DAoC i could easily temp up 4-5 chars in one months. All the sudden today its okay to wait a year for that, are you sure not just ppl who still around got way too forgiving?

    Last time I was around dragon items was new. I have dragon temps on 10-11 char easily. So theres no problem I should just farm on a class I dont like for a few month then 8v8 a few month, and all well? :\
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • edited July 2018 PM
    I dont think you should need 18 months to gear up. I was only stating that I have been here for 18 months total. Not how long it took me to template.

    If you are playing with any sort of consistency it should only take a few months to get a solid template. The key is to keep your eyes open in game for OW and Cursed raids, check the events calender, amd check discord DAoC for people running these raids. Hopefully they tone down the difficulty of curse and 1.125 makes it easier to get those items that are a pain to get.

    All Sym is saying is that when you first come back it takes longer than a month to get a top tier template unless you know people that can help ya out.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • I mean since when is DAoC a farming game, and suddenly thats all cool? Why we have this much classes if most ppl probably can play one or two?
  • I actually can make my way around that, but I've been lucky with past items/plats. Lots not, its pretty demanding to say make a ranger and pick up boxes for a few month and maybe you can play one other character. I've played DAoC since SI, made my way around ToA and every expansion with having 5-10 chars in decent temp I like to play. I never had to do things like this. I know its possible, the question I ask is WHY this is normal in an RvR game and good thing to do.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    DAoC has always been a farming game. Remember how long it used to take to get ML's done in ToA? Or how long it took took to get the scrolls for an artifact atmd then level it? Gear farming has always existed. I remember spending a week just get the final scroll to unlock the fools bow or shades of mist. Nevermind the time spent leveling these items.

    The difference between then amd now is several things. One, nobody has the time they used to have. Two, the game is 15+ years old and the population is lower tham ever before. And three, because all this new cursed gear has came out and people have lots of plat the economy has blown up. So people are paying hundreds of plat to save themselves from having to do a raid that requires a bg.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • ToA actually made a lot of ppl leave. :)

    They made it the way it is now for a reason, then go back to square one?

    Also Ive been around when it released, it was much easier. Population not the same, ML raids was available for anyone with even grantcredit if someone LD. Farming artis mostly a solo pet caster could do.
  • Gavner wrote: »
    ToA actually made a lot of ppl leave. :)

    They made it the way it is now for a reason, then go back to square one?

    Also Ive been around when it released, it was much easier. Population not the same, ML raids was available for anyone with even grantcredit if someone LD. Farming artis mostly a solo pet caster could do.

    These points exactly. I get the game has been and will always have a farming component to it, But hell remember some of the XP requirements to level the artifact when they first came out? I think Belt of Monn was specific mob type only at night. And they quickly, and thats the key here quickly, changed that to any mobs, and they again quickly changed some ov the encounters, and then maybe 6 months later they made then purchasable with BP. Currently a 300p template for 8v8 should be laughable. Gloves and kings gear, thats you idea of "RvR Ready?" 1000p is an "okay" template. Hopefully the prices will go down a bit with the merchants up right now, and being that these merchants are not player merchants, its removing that currency from the pool that is out there, this helps the overall economy.

    imo it should take 1-2 months coming back to get a template. A little wiggle room depending on guild you were in when you left, who you reconnect up with, Plat you when you left. I'm sorry to see 6 vaults worth of gear that was a pita to farm back in the day that will be hard to get off my CM for 500g now because of the gear creep.

  • edited July 2018 PM
    Also, I had to add I never really had any Plat issues. Mostly by killing mobs for scales even gold (lol I was happy If i just killed mobs for 2-3p a night for fun or help a lowbie) or whatever sometimes, mostly RvR, and most expensive item I bought in dragon era was the ring. Also just join Dragon raid and hope to get something didn't take that much. While the difference between temps strenght was much much lower. In any case I wouldn't say ToA is a good excuse, because that was the first downfall of DAoC while it was still much easier to achieve goals then today.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • SymSym
    edited July 2018 PM
    I just built a legit solo template for a BD for 300p this morning

    121 dex all capped toa 40% melee resists
    Post edited by Sym on
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • Right back at ya homie! @Staticc
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • @Sym Lets be clear, I'm not your homie.
  • @Gavner
    Not joining a larger guild and/or alliance is a problem, you`re making it harder by yourself as it could be.

    I returned at the end of january and had a template for my main toon ready 6 weeks after, without selling gtc`s.
    This 6 weeks were needed to get back into the game after, mhm, maybe 10 years.

    One guild mate had a furtive ring, another had a cloak and a belt, i joined a curse 0-8 raid lead by Solic (which runs very smooth), traded the aurulite for bloodseals and sold them for 20p/20seals. The cursed gloves came after a boring rvr evening, someone was searching in lfg...and bingo.

    Sometimes it just need a bit patience.
  • @Stoertebecker joined a curse 0-18 the used to be lead by Solic

    ftfy - He is no longer leading them. I would say the reason but its in another post here.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    I'm not saying that farming gear is great at the moment. Hell, I agree pretty much with everyone on here. I was just pointing out that even in the days you were referencing @Gavner, you had to find a bg farming the dragon, then get lucky and get a good roll, just to get 1 item. Farming and the time sink of getting stuff for a template has always existed.

    I would honestly say its easier now then it ever was when I played before (quit on cata release) to farm money. The problem is the prices are through the roof due to the crazy amounts of plat you earn here. I played for 2.5 years on live plus 4 years on Voldermort and I have earned four times as much plat in 18 months here as I did combined on the other 2 servers. That is pretty much a push though since the items you need for most templates run between 40-300p per piece.

    Also, it certainly was easier to template back in the day but mainly because you would run mostly crafted gear with max resists, skills, hps, and stats you were good. Now with ToA stats, above cap stats, heal charges and procs, as well as all the good passive buffs, you are lucky if you 2-3 pieces of crafted gear.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • I know, but i hope he change his mind once some things are fixed.
    Without ppl that will run cursed raids BS is forced to do something.
  • @Staticc yeah we are best buds! Let’s 8man tonight dude!
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • Kymatius wrote: »
    @Carol_Broadsword I agree with the original post and your statement as well. I want to point out though that the game breaking issues that affect everyone would be the PvR campaigns that bug out so frequently that is has stopped Hibernian community leader from running them. There are so many bugs that need attention that possibly the development team should prioritize fixing all of those issues prior to working on new patches. BS would be the first company that I know of that puts new content/features above fixing the bugs/bad code first. I know the ability to bypass those raids with the upcoming RvR rewards system in this patch is a work around. Work around though are put in place until a proper fix is in place. That key point seems to be forgotten with the current development plan from the tidbits of information we receive. Honestly the little Dutch boy has started recruiting others to help plug all the holes in the wall.

    Delays happen and that is to be expected when developing. I believe though the core issue is lack of attention to detail. Does BS have their own internal Q&A team to go through the code and features before they are ready for community testing? IEEE has great industry standards that even the Military uses for making sure a quality product is put out.

    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Quiggley wrote: »
    I was a bit intoxicated last night but I still stand by the post. I've unsubbed for now. The issues I know that are broken I can list what comes to mind for me:
    1. Crashes; Jordheim been broken for a long time, Curse raid crashing, OW crashing. Mile Gate crashing or just big lag spike
    2. Pet classes still have some OP pets. I should not have to die solo to a chanter pet even being fresh 50 in king's gear. The pet just lightning bolts to you, stuns or snares you and parry's and blocks 75% of the time. I level a lot of alts when bored.
    3. I do not agree with all the PvE content being put in, its too late but even so. When items start costing more than a character can carry, something is wrong. I am rich in game so not an issue for me personally but for others who require the raids and have to deal with crashes or deal with waiting on a raid to form up I can see how its a struggle.
    4. Other than EV, it takes forever to get into action. Safe port is a good idea but it is not really all that safe, once you drop down most of the time there are people waiting for you which is fine for instant action in a 8v8 format but if solo or small and get jumped by the FG+ stealthers its frustrating. I miss the ruined keeps.
    5. The solo/duel zones I really just hate. A long time ago I was suspended 3 days for dueling in Leirvik so I don't understand how its ok now days but I have done it still. It's still only a solo zone for certain characters, if you roll in there on certain ranged classes, los is not in your favor.
    6. I don't think in todays state of the game, any PvE content should require a BG. Pulling that many players away from RvR for hours just results in that realm losing keeps and relics (Alb). That required BG for Curse also results in crashes and is hectic in the small area that the quests take place in.
    7. Player housing, CM's holding to much money. Sure you can check this if you have less money than whats being asked it will say you don't have enough to purchase straight from the CM but why is this the only way to check that?
    8. Plat, being the old game that it is I have a lot. I wish there was an item like mansion deeds that is worth 100p or 200p so my whole /bank isn't just mansion deeds. Need more space

    I still love the game, love the guild, enjoy running 8 man or small or even solo some but there are certain days or times I just get frustrated to the point of this. It is currently not worth the 30$ a month to me personally. I miss Mordred, its not coming back but action was quicker and easier. People that didn't play it or tried it out complained of griefing expers. Well, that happens still. Templated toons in BG's or high rr's in the mazes/solo areas farming king's gear fodder.

    you pointed out a very few points about what's wrong
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Staticc wrote: »
    Gavner wrote: »
    ToA actually made a lot of ppl leave. :)

    They made it the way it is now for a reason, then go back to square one?

    Also Ive been around when it released, it was much easier. Population not the same, ML raids was available for anyone with even grantcredit if someone LD. Farming artis mostly a solo pet caster could do.

    These points exactly. I get the game has been and will always have a farming component to it, But hell remember some of the XP requirements to level the artifact when they first came out? I think Belt of Monn was specific mob type only at night. And they quickly, and thats the key here quickly, changed that to any mobs, and they again quickly changed some ov the encounters, and then maybe 6 months later they made then purchasable with BP. Currently a 300p template for 8v8 should be laughable. Gloves and kings gear, thats you idea of "RvR Ready?" 1000p is an "okay" template. Hopefully the prices will go down a bit with the merchants up right now, and being that these merchants are not player merchants, its removing that currency from the pool that is out there, this helps the overall economy.

    imo it should take 1-2 months coming back to get a template. A little wiggle room depending on guild you were in when you left, who you reconnect up with, Plat you when you left. I'm sorry to see 6 vaults worth of gear that was a pita to farm back in the day that will be hard to get off my CM for 500g now because of the gear creep.

    i can usually get a returning player in my guild a new template in about 3 days (do a OW raid (can do that in guild only), do curse (can do that with alliance), fill in the gaps, pay for the rest of the items and sc)
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • @Muylae Thats great, for a person returning in your guild, but I think his point as well as my estimates are assuming he is coming back to either a smaller guild or dead guild. That will shift the timeline quite a bit.
  • edited August 2018 PM
    Post edited by Lea_Broadsword on
  • I may be a returning player but since when a healing class (pointing at smite cleric) does 700+ dmg critless to cap resists? :P So fun to fight rr12 cleric with pushing rr5+MoC+purge all the time I could find him doing stupid dmg. I am okay with MoC lifetap classes, its been a thing since forever but man, chain casters with this utility dmg mitigation and dmg... Why..? RvRing for two weeks now after returning, got the hell expensive stupid **** but feels like these new item powercreep made balance worse then ever, kind of highlighting it more then before. As a returning player I kind of losing hope. Community also very negative about the game, some even toxic, which is sad. I would really love to play DAoC again trying to endure all this, just hoping BS focus on balancing the classes. items, and the out-of-hand economy now instead of pushing out more zerg campaign and even more OP items.

    I do see they trying to do something, I actually rooting for them without hate to listen to community, since I can see they tring to achieve something, just maybe started at wrong place. Also it's for my sake too, because I just want to play DAoC.

    P.S: Yes I rather duo then 8v8 pls dont hate me on that, or tell me i should go zerg. I know its possible and stuff but the extremes in fights surely shine lol.
  • Ah, someone found Westies :D

    I don`t think the com is toxic about the game, ppl getting toxic about the lack of comunication and information.
  • edited August 2018 PM
    Aye it was him xD

    The dps with the mitigation and RR dump is insane lol. I just keep reminding myself, hes a Healer class, hes a Healer class... OP Chars always existed, but im sure 90% of casters can envy cleric DPS utility and mitigation at the same time lol.

    Edit: Yes, some communication probably wouldn't bring harm.
    Post edited by Gavner on
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