@Hero @Anna WTFfffff

edited July 2018 in General Board
Was in both BGs today at some time. In both BGs the following was said:

Hero: we don’t fight mid BG, Alb only
Anna: we don’t leave keep to fight hib BG, sit here until they come

What the actual heck?!? Realm vs Realm for the win?
Post edited by Sym on
Symonde (Cleric)
Symfriar (Friar duh)
Symsorc (Double duh)
Sympets (Theurg)
Symmond (Arms)
Some random mids and hibs


  • Sounds like a fun time lol
  • Trying to figure out who is the hunter and who is the prey.
  • Both have their own kind of cowardry, and both kill nearly all other action with their style avoiding each other.

    Turning Albion green at 85% bonus for albs sounds like DarkAgeofPvEalot. The only fun is watching killspam if he runs into minefields 2-3/evening. That happens if you don`t listen (or to late) to your friendly sneaks. :D
  • I heard Gharis is a great server to PvE on!
  • I do find that zergs have become less about what the game was intended to be (big realm vs realm fights) and instead very rarely that is the case and more often than not the zergs (on each realm) overrun an enemy to get their kicks, sad and I'd like to see something to combat that, I like the concept of a "instance" which is a massive keep fight for example
    AlbionExiles (Warden) | AlbionExecutioner (Champion) | AlbionExile (Bainshee)
  • In Hero's defense - I didn't play yesterday during EU primetime but on Monday in the bg when attempting to fight vs Anna we spent over an hour trying to find the Mid bg. Anytime we got close they ran away on inc back to Bledmeer. It gets boring trying to get a fight vs the Mid bg. After that first hour people starting logging out from Hib because the Mid bg wouldn't fight and they had equal numbers. Because of this Hib soon had a 40% population bonus and then Mid came out to fight after almost two hours of no action. Only then did Annamariede come out and planted traps and then hit. That isn't what I consider fun. It's been this way for almost a month now. Annamariede's bg has equal or greater numbers and won't engage vs the Hib bg. So no point in trying to fight versus Annamariede when all he does is run back to a keep and hope the Hibs hit. I see no reason to reward this playstyle.
  • Sym wrote: »
    Was in both BGs today at some time. In both BGs the following was said:

    Hero: we don’t fight mid BG, Alb only
    Anna: we don’t leave keep to fight hib BG, sit here until they come

    What the actual heck?!? Realm vs Realm for the win?

    Sounds about right. My group hit a couple of hib groups last night, and then mids would come up behind us, not fight the hibs and leave. This is not unusual for albs to see.
  • The bg leaders are playing to complete the quests. The daily quests are dictating the action, and it sucks. You can hear Herorius say so in voice chat. He will say he needs more seige/roam/buggane kills, then his tactics reflect it.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    We have right now 138 Hibs online, 95 of them in the Frontiers. Alb has 70% Bonus, Midgard 10%. Where is the logic raiding in Albion vs 30 albs? Half of them are sneaks, 5 of them are bb`s. Thats like a OW raid in the frontiers.
    Post edited by Stoertebecker on
  • edited July 2018 PM
    Yepp these 2 leaders are the worst that the game has ever seen.
    It is actually very strange for me that people choose to follow Anna specifically. This is a player with extremly limited understanding of the game and almost noone seems to appreciate his leading. I guess people are just really desperate to zerg.
    Post edited by Chamie on
  • Sounds par for the course, then they wonder why alb is dead during EU prime.
  • Slowly ruining the game EU time....almost nothing left but these two and they don't fight.
  • Ruining?

    It’s ruined.
  • Chamie wrote: »
    Yepp these 2 leaders are the worst that the game has ever seen.
    It is actually very strange for me that people choose to follow Anna specifically. This is a player with extremly limited understanding of the game and almost noone seems to appreciate his leading. I guess people are just really desperate to zerg.

    Like someone said above... it's the quests. You can mindlessly follow a zerg leader and end the night in a few hours with 100k. It's also why the zergs will chase down your 8 man. Cause they can get 8 more kills added to their quest total.
  • I could understand it if the Hibs were raiding in Midgard...now. But nothing happens.
  • Can we just ban Anna for ruining the game? Heh
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • They not worth beeing called leaders, both of them is pure Skräp
  • Sym wrote: »
    Can we just ban Anna for ruining the game? Heh

    Well what Anna does is perhaps the worst thing for the game but Herorius is online way more often so thats the biggest problem :)
  • At least he isn`t hiding in a keep like a chicken :)
  • Chamie wrote: »

    Well what Anna does is perhaps the worst thing for the game but Herorius is online way more often so thats the biggest problem :)

    i remember when he was not online for a week, man i was the best rvr

    this brainless player vs door zerg destroy the game
  • edited July 2018 PM
    The biggest question is. How does Anna get so many players with him.

    Or is it more like a gathering like old days when you had to attend with your char at a special place for a guild meeting. Always tried to find the logic in that.
    Just like i try to find the logic camping you own keep for 2 hours straight with a 60+ zerg.
    Post edited by Derb on
  • Derb wrote: »
    Just like i try to find the logic camping you own keep for 2 hours straight with a 60+ zerg.

    Because 20% of the players log out or switch realm if a zerg loose a fight, or because they try to finish 2 quests in 1 location without running around like Cows on steroids.
    Boring stuff for me, but for others it may be the only option to get some quests done.
  • Derb wrote: »
    The biggest question is. How does Anna get so many players with him.

    Or is it more like a gathering like old days when you had to attend with your char at a special place for a guild meeting. Always tried to find the logic in that.
    Just like i try to find the logic camping you own keep for 2 hours straight with a 60+ zerg.

    Yeah mids need to grow a pair and say no to Anna. I have been in her bg groups, everyone just complains about his leading all of the time and still they keep following him. I have not seen this high amount of complains in any other bg.
  • Too much qq need more pew pew
  • Staticc wrote: »
    I heard Gharis is a great server to PvE on!

    heard ywain is a great server to Player vs Door

    is there a pvp server in this game?
  • Since you brought that up about mids not fighting hibs or hibs not fighting mids in nf, is has been happening lately in Molvik battleground, they actually doing something even more against TOS, sitting side by side to only kill albs inst it cute? What you think about that Carroll before you delete my post?
  • Eithne wrote: »
    Since you brought that up about mids not fighting hibs or hibs not fighting mids in nf, is has been happening lately in Molvik battleground, they actually doing something even more against TOS, sitting side by side to only kill albs inst it cute? What you think about that Carroll before you delete my post?

  • Eithne wrote: »
    Since you brought that up about mids not fighting hibs or hibs not fighting mids in nf, is has been happening lately in Molvik battleground, they actually doing something even more against TOS, sitting side by side to only kill albs inst it cute? What you think about that Carroll before you delete my post?

    That's cross-teaming and not against the ToS:
    You may NOT cross-team spy. This means you are not allowed to have characters in different realms on the same server (usually used for the purpose of spying on opposing realms). This includes characters on different accounts. However, we will not discourage 2 realms from cooperating with each other against a 3rd (commonly referred to as cross-teaming), as long as you do not act against your home-realm. While we want all 3 realms to wage war against each other, there are times when a little cooperation is appropriate. "Cross-teaming" in this manner is not a violation of our rules.
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • Guess she told you what she thinks about that
  • I had a 5 man on Monday in Annas BG and like everyone said all he did was turn and bail at every single fight. I've never in my life seen such cowardly fighting. Me and others kept asking wtf was going on and why aren't we engaging....silence. every. Time.
  • Glad Xyorman fights. If nothing else, he'll yell PUSH every fight.
  • oooo xrealming in both bg's at 1 time, im tellin !!
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