Client Sleep Mode Query/Questions

Hi all, not sure if this is in the correct location (Mods please move if required)
I was just messing around with clientsleep commands and have a couple questions if anyone could answer them I would appreciate the help.

1. Load DAoC client enter realm of choice goto options set Client Sleep mode in main options to Never.
2. Log Char into game (Check status of clientsleep mode) type /clientSleep (No Argument) info returned say clientsleep mode is in minimized.

I have used the slash command with argument /Clientsleep none & /clientsleep never check status after using command client returns that the mode is in Never (this is what i want). Log out of the game and log back in, check settings in main options says client is in never mode. loginto game check via slash command says its in minimized.

Am I missing something regarding this? I really need never mode to work corectly I dual log when heavy testing the Custom UI I write so i can check out group features etc. Its annoying when using two monitors and I can see whats happening on this inactive client when i switch to the coding window. as soon as one or both clients loose focus the just freeze solid until i click to make one active again.

any help regarding this would be great I dont want to have to type the slash command /clientsleep never or none everytime I log in as I log in and out a lot per session when testing and have to refresh graphics etc for the UI.

I never had an issue with this before its just started happening sine the last update.

Post edited by Arthur_PenDragon on
.: KotRT Custom User Interface - [UI] - DAoC UI :.


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  • I have this same problem. I literally have a /clientsleep never macro on every one of my toons right next to me assist macro making macro. It's rather annoying. Even if you go into the config files and edit it manually, the game resets it when the character is saved.
  • @Stone thanks for the info, at least I now know its not something I am doing.
    .: KotRT Custom User Interface - [UI] - DAoC UI :.


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  • What does clientsleep do actually?
  • edited July 2018 PM
    @BurkleyRIP If you dual log, Like I do when testing features of my Custom UI. If a client goes to sleep it stops responding (doesnty update the view mode). It just uses minimum resources to keep the connection alive (Normally you would not be looking at a client when its sleeping). This was useful when DAoC was first released as most players only had one Monitor and could only see one client window at a time (As the game could only be run in full screen in those days).

    PC's were not as powerful as they are today. so it freed up resources from the CPU/Graphics CPU, this helped reduce ingame lag (Mainly in RvR), an example would be use of a Buff-Bot stuck to you when you logged, you would see the buffbot stuck to you and all it movements from the char screen you were playing (no need to view the Buff-Bot window).

    Today as PC's are much more powerful and a lot of players use dual screen display It can be useful as in my case when I actually need to see whats happening on the two screens at the same time, so I can evaluate features of the UI component I am testing.

    Hope this clairifes the clientsleep command for you a little.

    here is the command usage.
    /clientsleep background | minimized | none | never (none & never, are the same)

    Sets the client to go into "sleep mode" and use less processor power on one's computer.
    You can adjust these settings from the options menu as well.

    Post edited by Arthur_PenDragon on
    .: KotRT Custom User Interface - [UI] - DAoC UI :.


    Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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  • clientsleep command doesn't seem to save, in my experience i need to redo it always on every occasion that i log in a new char.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Although "/clientsleep background|never" was activated ingame or via game options, is changes back to "/clientsleep minimized" after a relog - game options still show "/clientsleep background|never".

    At least confusing, esp. if you play with default "/clientsleep minimized" and in full screen (windowed) mode.
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