question on baseline nuke of healer classes

Of the 3 classes that can have offense (sorry healers get no love), Shaman vs Cleric vs Druid...Why is the shaman/druid baseline nuke almost 30 points lower than the cleric? What makes them so special that its not equalized across the board?


  • It could be perhaps that druids have a pet that can help dps and shaman can dot to supplement their baseline whereas Clerics can not. That's my guess.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    I see you're point, but I feel that's moot compared to the three. Even if I can DoT, Druid can pet, Cleric can stun..shouldn't matter why the delves arent equalized across the realms being baseline
    Post edited by Tanky on
  • It’s never enough is it... Clerics have had smite line since old frontiers. Druid has the pet line and Shammy has Cave.
    Fun fact with the new ch9 gear if shammy base DOT crits you can kill someone in a single tick for duration.

    This isn’t WOW it’s balance in all three realms just stop already.
  • If I am not mistaken, this board was meant for questions and answers from the player base. You may not agree with the questions, but he can ask them, ad nauseam, if need be.

    Just like you can answer in your clipped, rude, dismissive way.

    Ask away Tanky :) after all, it is a discussion board.
  • Jak wrote: »
    If I am not mistaken, this board was meant for questions and answers from the player base. You may not agree with the questions, but he can ask them, ad nauseam, if need be.

    Just like you can answer in your clipped, rude, dismissive way.

    Ask away Tanky :) after all, it is a discussion board.

    This board is only for complaining about healers lack of dps in as many subtle ways as possible.
  • It's a simple question fateboi...I wanted to know why the baseline isn't universal, not spec lines. Not about being WoW or any other thing. Spec lines still make toons different, but i was wondering why two realms have weaker baseline than the cleric.
  • Tanky wrote: »
    It's a simple question fateboi...I wanted to know why the baseline isn't universal, not spec lines. Not about being WoW or any other thing. Spec lines still make toons different, but i was wondering why two realms have weaker baseline than the cleric.

    Druids have a base line pet, base line root, and base line dot and 148 dd
    Shaman have base line root, base line dot, base line disease, and base line 148 dd
    Clerics have base line stun, base line pbaoe snare, and baseline 179 dd.

    They are different because they aren't the same class. The small lack of dd is more than made up with access to other things on both Druids and Shaman.
  • Ewer wrote: »

    This board is only for complaining about healers lack of dps in as many subtle ways as possible.

    People seem overly sensitive about that topic. Notice in opening paragraph: the 3 classes that have dps. Rules healers out right there. The fact that he can commiserate with healers, is just that.

    Seems that this board is open for all complaining, about anything. Fire away!
  • Ewer wrote: »

    Druids have a base line pet, base line root, and base line dot and 148 dd
    Shaman have base line root, base line dot, base line disease, and base line 148 dd
    Clerics have base line stun, base line pbaoe snare, and baseline 179 dd.

    They are different because they aren't the same class. The small lack of dd is more than made up with access to other things on both Druids and Shaman.

    I disagree. But it is what it is. It's baseline nukes...should be equal delve and just have different damage types like they already do. But alas...
  • Tanky wrote: »

    I disagree. But it is what it is. It's baseline nukes...should be equal delve and just have different damage types like they already do. But alas...

    I disagree with your disagreement. They are baseline but they are different classes on different realms and not intended to be mirror images of themselves. If they were then that means clerics are entitled to base line dot and base line root while shamans and druids are meant to have baseline stun. Once you start going down this route of making classes and realms mirror each other then you lose a major part of what makes DAOC DAOC.
  • Gotta agree with @Sovereign and others here. What makes DAoC RvR great is how toons that are supposed to be similar archetypes are so different and unique.
  • classes are not equal, but inability for healers to contribute in any group damage .... look at it.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Tanky, I get what you are saying. When the game first came out, cleric smite was very overpowered. I can't remember the exact numbers, but as Alb basically had the one class that were supposed to heal (friars were not a healing class), none were getting healed, as everyone was smiting the heck out of stuff. They nerfed smite into the ground, and clerics started to heal. Perhaps that is the reason why the delve is the way it is. (totally speculation on my part).

    That being said, I don't believe that the delves should be equal across the realms. Each realm was supposed to be good at certain things: mid - melee; hib = idea about alb, maybe jack of all trades, master of none, would be fitting. It's not to say that some classes were not equal to their counterparts, but they are supposed to be different, that is what initially gave DAoC its je ne sais quoi.

    I think instead of looking at what others have and what Mids don't have (and I'm not saying you're not!!!)...start utilizing and thinking outside the box to see how your play can work in group setting. If it doesn't, change it. It seems like this is the summary of the issues Alb seem to be having at this time (again, speculation for the posting that I have been reading).
  • Muylae wrote: »
    classes are not equal, but inability for healers to contribute in any group damage .... look at it.

    Stop with Healers not being able to damage. It's gone on long enough and is absolutely ludicrous. You literally answered your statement for yourself at the start of your statement. CLASSES ARE NOT EQUAL.
  • All things are not created equal, that is, the second best part of this game, Is that each class is only available to the realm, 99% of every ability is available in each realm but the combo's change, this creates interesting counters. If you are going to scream that healers need to be able to DPS, then I ask what class can get AE Stun and insta stun on Hib and Alb, and what class on Mid gets spamable pets, and which class on alb and hib get a buff they can toss on a friendly target that reflects damage back at an insane rate. Whcih class in Mid and Alb gets to change the groups melee damage type to basically whatever they want.

    I would like to see all abilites avail on each realm, but do very much appreciate that they are not identicle classes on each realm.
  • You forgot the Necro magic Damage to heal chant. That thing may not be fair that other realms don't get it.
  • I think that most healers run anywhere from 32 to 36 aug and 40 to 41 mending. If you put some melee abilities in the upper 30s and 40s in augmentation line, the healer is going to have to choose between being a healer or melee. None of you guys ever heard of a healer doing pac/aug because they'd have no healing ability and if healers want to get a group they need to have decent mending because their role is to heal the group. Adding melee abilities to the healer augmentation line wouldn't make the class more op'd. It would just provide more choices and options for different play styles and possible solo.
  • Most healers run 36 PAC 39 Mend actually.
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • You cannot speak for most healers.
  • Whats wrong with wiping your hammer out and hitting things with your Healer? That is a Melee ability. Or CL styles?

  • It is a CL style, as healers can't spec a weapon. Yes, we most certainly can whip out the hammer and smack should try it with CL styles, certainly overpowering! ;)
  • They aren't overpowering and don't contribute to making the healer any more over the top than it already is. That is exactly why that should remain the only access to melee healers have given what they currently have access to.

  • @Budikah lol I know you didn't post any images... But I can see them lol
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