Crossroads Covenant - Breifine
Journey back to the past with Phase 3 of our Crossroads Covenant Liltih event as we revisit Old Frontiers: Breifine!

Players can obtain the below new quests from the representatives of their path at their realm's relic town. All quests auto complete and auto renew.
Once you have the quests, continue speaking with your path representative when you're 'ready' to port into the Emain Macha staging area for your realm - you will now auto bind here. Use the Breifine Obelisk to port you and your group into Breifine!
Quest Details
Demonic Path:
Vigilant Path:
[Through the Shroud] Crusade Through Time - Slay 50 enemies / 10 enemies solo - awards realm and bounty points
[Through the Shroud] Lilith's Last - Summon Lilith by killing other players and slay her - area credit (within range of Lilith) - awards realm and bounty points
[Through the Shroud] Old Strongholds - Capture 3 keeps in Old Breifine. Obtain a cache of hearts from killing players around keeps, then /use the cache (not every kill gives a soul) - requires inventory slot - keep credit is area credit within the area of the keep - awards realm and bounty points
Completing this quest also rewards you with a full stack of Starlight, which can then be /used to complete the [Through the Shroud] Ancient Weapons quest
[Through the Shroud] Ancient Weapons - Use a full stack of Starlight in Old Breifine. Starlight spawns around the keeps. Collect Starlight in stacks of 10 then /use the stack - requires inventory slot - awards realm and bounty points
Note: once you /use a stack of hearts, souls, or Starlight, it will use all of them in your inventory (all are vaultable)
Breifine Keeps
Dun Bolg, Dun Crimthain, Dun na nGed, and Dun Da Behnn will not act as regular keeps for this event. These 4 keeps have been taken over by the forces of the Demonic and Vigilant paths. Once a keep lord is killed, a new path lord spawns who is not attackable for 20 minutes. A broadcast message will announce when the keep lord is attackable around that keep. Quest step credit is awarded to anyone within the area of the keep.
These keeps are not claimable by any realm, doors work for all realms, and there are no guards.
Phase 3 Rewards

In order to qualify for Phase 3 rewards, players must complete any Phase 3 quest at least once. Rewards will be offered at the end of Phase 3.
Phase 3 ends August 13th, 2024.
Phase 2 Rewards
Players who completed Phase 2 can speak with Gwynn to collect their Mythirian reward.
Event Update - Mythirians
Anyone who received the incorrect version of the Tome (Demon) or Circlet (Vigilant) from Gwynn may now speak with him to trade it in for the correct, level 10 version.
You will have to have completed [Shroud Thins] A Plague of Hate for Demonic Order or [Shroud Thins] Necessary Evil for the Order of the Vigilant, and have the incorrect version of that reward in your inventory to conduct the trade.
If you're one of those affected, Gwynn will have a new quest for you: [Shroud Thins] Bard of Barters (Demonic) or [Shroud Thins] A Circlet In Kind (Vigilant). Once you get this quest, simply hand him the sub-level 10 Tome or Circlet, and he'll take that and return to you the appropriate version
Updated Kill Quests
[Through the Shroud] Desperation & [Through the Shroud] Crusade through Time
Use a full stack of 50 hearts (demon) or 50 souls (vigilant) for quest completion
Hearts and souls now have a 100% drop chance
Solo kills drop 5 hearts or 5 souls
Updated Keep Quests
[Through the Shroud] Points of Strength & [Through the Shroud] Old Strongholds
No longer requires the use of a stack of hearts or souls to complete
Now reads take 3 keeps in OF Breifine AND kill 10 players in and around those keeps
Please drop your old quests and receive the new versions if you are having trouble! You must relog to see the changes! Thank you for your patience!
Hearts/souls should now stack to 50 (was: 10)
The following changes and fixes have been made with the event Keep Lords:

Players can obtain the below new quests from the representatives of their path at their realm's relic town. All quests auto complete and auto renew.
Once you have the quests, continue speaking with your path representative when you're 'ready' to port into the Emain Macha staging area for your realm - you will now auto bind here. Use the Breifine Obelisk to port you and your group into Breifine!
Quest Details
Demonic Path:
- [Through the Shroud] Desperation - Slay 50 enemies / 10 enemies solo - awards realm and bounty points
- [Through the Shroud] Untwisting - Summon Lilith by killing other players and slay her - area credit (within range of Lilith) - awards realm and bounty points
- [Through the Shroud] Points of Strength - Capture 3 keeps in Old Breifine. Obtain a cache of hearts from killing players around keeps, then /use the cache (not every kill gives a heart) - requires inventory slot - keep credit is area credit within the area of the keep - awards realm and bounty points
- Completing this quest also rewards you with a full stack of Starlight, which can then be /used to complete the [Through the Shroud] Forging Starlight quest
- [Through the Shroud] Forging Starlight - Use a full stack of Starlight in Old Breifine. Starlight spawns around the keeps. Collect Starlight in stacks of 10 then /use the stack - requires inventory slot - awards realm and bounty points
Vigilant Path:
[Through the Shroud] Crusade Through Time - Slay 50 enemies / 10 enemies solo - awards realm and bounty points
[Through the Shroud] Lilith's Last - Summon Lilith by killing other players and slay her - area credit (within range of Lilith) - awards realm and bounty points
[Through the Shroud] Old Strongholds - Capture 3 keeps in Old Breifine. Obtain a cache of hearts from killing players around keeps, then /use the cache (not every kill gives a soul) - requires inventory slot - keep credit is area credit within the area of the keep - awards realm and bounty points
Completing this quest also rewards you with a full stack of Starlight, which can then be /used to complete the [Through the Shroud] Ancient Weapons quest
[Through the Shroud] Ancient Weapons - Use a full stack of Starlight in Old Breifine. Starlight spawns around the keeps. Collect Starlight in stacks of 10 then /use the stack - requires inventory slot - awards realm and bounty points
Note: once you /use a stack of hearts, souls, or Starlight, it will use all of them in your inventory (all are vaultable)
Breifine Keeps
Dun Bolg, Dun Crimthain, Dun na nGed, and Dun Da Behnn will not act as regular keeps for this event. These 4 keeps have been taken over by the forces of the Demonic and Vigilant paths. Once a keep lord is killed, a new path lord spawns who is not attackable for 20 minutes. A broadcast message will announce when the keep lord is attackable around that keep. Quest step credit is awarded to anyone within the area of the keep.
These keeps are not claimable by any realm, doors work for all realms, and there are no guards.
Phase 3 Rewards

In order to qualify for Phase 3 rewards, players must complete any Phase 3 quest at least once. Rewards will be offered at the end of Phase 3.
Phase 3 ends August 13th, 2024.
Phase 2 Rewards
Players who completed Phase 2 can speak with Gwynn to collect their Mythirian reward.
Event Update - Mythirians
Anyone who received the incorrect version of the Tome (Demon) or Circlet (Vigilant) from Gwynn may now speak with him to trade it in for the correct, level 10 version.
You will have to have completed [Shroud Thins] A Plague of Hate for Demonic Order or [Shroud Thins] Necessary Evil for the Order of the Vigilant, and have the incorrect version of that reward in your inventory to conduct the trade.
If you're one of those affected, Gwynn will have a new quest for you: [Shroud Thins] Bard of Barters (Demonic) or [Shroud Thins] A Circlet In Kind (Vigilant). Once you get this quest, simply hand him the sub-level 10 Tome or Circlet, and he'll take that and return to you the appropriate version
Updated Kill Quests
[Through the Shroud] Desperation & [Through the Shroud] Crusade through Time
Use a full stack of 50 hearts (demon) or 50 souls (vigilant) for quest completion
Hearts and souls now have a 100% drop chance
Solo kills drop 5 hearts or 5 souls
Updated Keep Quests
[Through the Shroud] Points of Strength & [Through the Shroud] Old Strongholds
No longer requires the use of a stack of hearts or souls to complete
Now reads take 3 keeps in OF Breifine AND kill 10 players in and around those keeps
Please drop your old quests and receive the new versions if you are having trouble! You must relog to see the changes! Thank you for your patience!
Hearts/souls should now stack to 50 (was: 10)
The following changes and fixes have been made with the event Keep Lords:
- They should now spawn more consistently
- They no longer give multiple credits
- The time that needs to pass before they can be attacked has been shortened
Post edited by Lea_Broadsword on
DAoC German Community Admin
Broadsword Online Games
Shileahs Camelot-Kompendium - DAoC-Infos auf Deutsch
Shileah of House Dara, the First of Her name, the Unressed, Master of Stickloss, Queen of Inc-Screams, Purge-Fails and lost Line of Sight, Breaker of Mezz, Mother of Doggos
Broadsword Online Games
Shileahs Camelot-Kompendium - DAoC-Infos auf Deutsch
Shileah of House Dara, the First of Her name, the Unressed, Master of Stickloss, Queen of Inc-Screams, Purge-Fails and lost Line of Sight, Breaker of Mezz, Mother of Doggos
- I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
Phase 3 in Old Frontiers Breifine has been extended through Monday, August 19th!
Broadsword Online Games
Shileahs Camelot-Kompendium - DAoC-Infos auf Deutsch
Shileah of House Dara, the First of Her name, the Unressed, Master of Stickloss, Queen of Inc-Screams, Purge-Fails and lost Line of Sight, Breaker of Mezz, Mother of Doggos