Does pacification spec affect the healer damage proc?

I know for regular baseline damage spells it would, but I don't know if this also applies to procs. I'm thinking about trying a mostly aug spec healer for strictly pve. The proc on my healer bot hits quite hard, but she has 50 in pac and was maxed out on pac throughout the leveling process so her experience could be very different from an aug healer.


  • I realized that I could answer my own question using identical except for their spec healers on my main and bot accounts. I got them both to level 7 to get the first damage proc, turned off XP, and went to hunting Albion invaders. It turn out that pac specialization does matter. With the aug spec, proc damage never went above the low 40s and had a low of only 12 points. With the pac spec, proc damage was consistently in the 50s and 60s so both significantly higher and more consistent.
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