Content Expansion - Crafting, Champion Levels & Underutilized Dungeons

Iarnvundur's Lair is seldom visited - and I believe there are equivalent SI zones in Albion and Hibernia. What if these places were re-itemized, with some quests created and new drops added - and tied into a crafting update?

I believe these changes would be rather easy to implement, as they'd be alterations to drop tables and items, rather than creating new models, sounds, monster behavior and skins.


Easy Updates: These additions should be relatively easy to implement:

1: These underused zones will be given a small quest line that will award platinum and bounty points similar to Curse and Otherworlds. It can be as simple as killing certain monsters, locating places in the dungeon or collecting bear arses.

2: The bosses will be given some modern tier weapons, armor and accessories – you can save art time by swapping skins from the various realms weapons if you want. The art will seem new to the players of the various realms. Or, you could use very minimalist art to encourage players to invest in weapons skins.

3: The new drops will level like artifacts. They will level in the main frontier or in the native dungeons themselves only. This will keep the traffic in the frontier to maintain rvr population or in the dungeon – people who are leveling gear may help those looking to get the items in raids.

4: Set up a vendor at the front of the dungeon that accept fragments that drop from every mob in the dungeon. The more powerful the monster slain, the greater chance and/or quantity of fragments dropped. The fragments can be stockpiled to purchase some of the raid drops for those who can’t find raids.

5: The mobs in the dungeon have a chance to drop new crafting materials. (A new armor pattern type, and material components for new recipes). This would be tied into upping each trade skill by 100 points and adding new recipes. Some examples of the possibilities might include:
- Alchemy Charges that cast various ToA artifact spells.
- Alchemy Procs that generate various ToA artifact abilities.
- Player-made armor & weapons with 6 Spellcrafting slots and 2 Proc/Charge slots.
- Add various % Bonuses to Spellcrafting – example % Damage or Healing Bonus.
- The return of Spellcraftable Cloaks with 2 Proc/Charge slots.
- Enhanced Siege Ammunition – Disease, Mezz, Stat Debuffs, Snares, ect.
- Potions that cure various status ailments on 15 minute potion reuse timers.
- New horse armors – this can be done by simply adding the mythical armors as craftable.
- Finish off Jewelry crafting as was initially intended when SI launched – and allow players to make their own accessories.

6: Advance to Champion Level 20. The champion level experience will only accrue in the main frontier RvR zones and the aforementioned dungeons. (This set of CL levels should be very onerous – as this is art of the new “Aspirational Content”). As with the weapon leveling restrictions, this keeps the population clustered in the places that matter. Give quite generous sums of artifact EXP for the “raid bosses” to encourage players who have their items to help others who don’t.

Stretch Goal: This will take a lot of work, but would be very much worth it:

1: Add a new “tier” of Champion skills to the game. These can be skills potent enough to create true sub classing. They might very well open some new arc-types to the game and freshen it up somewhat. (I consider these more true to the vision of “secondary classes). Some examples:
- A Medium damage, medium hit bonus anytime melee style.
- A 150 delve nuke which follows standard casting speed/damage mechanics.
- A 150 delve heal that follows standard casting speed/bonus mechanics.
- Stealth that follows the rules of Group Stealth (10 min recast, cannot move).
- Unlock Longbows and receive a level 30(ish) standard shot as well as fire, ice or cold shot.
- A single target, 30 second root spell.
- A single target, 30 second mezz spell.
- A level 30 Panther pet that with a 25% chance to proc a 25% rear snare.
- A self cast 30min buff that improves the delve of champion buffs to 6 points below red buffs.
- A 25% weapon skill buff (obviously this would be locked to the non-melee classes).

This gives players something new to do, and will help alter the meta.

2: New trophies. They could be simple stand trophies to save time. I noticed that there is still a lot of hunting going on for hose decorations. They don't even have to be monster's - they could be perhaps very cool looking quest items from the zone on pedestals or armor stands with the dungeon's equipment set - perhaps the "wall hangers" (below) could be combined using alchemy into a trophy.

3: Cross realm PvE raids. This is probably a coding nightmare, but it would be amazing if we could travel to the other realm's in pve zones and potentially even group with the players there. This would help with PvE raid population issues, and create some interesting group combinations. I can imagine itemization and other issues would be a horror show. File this under "wouldn't it be neat."

4: Allow a player or guild to flag themselves as "mercenaries." They can do this for 1 month at a time at a cost of a large number of guild merit or personal bounty points. Mercenaries will have their "spawn point" set at a neutral island you create complete with a keep town in the Irish Sea. They are considered hostile to all three realms (and their faction is fellow Mercenary Players), and can make non-stealth groups from all three realm's classes. They may capture relics but must have taken and claimed a keep to drop them. The relic bonus would apply to only their faction. They can travel to all three realms for PvE.


Monetization: These are some ways you can make this update profitable:

1: Weapon and Armor Wallhangers. You could have some new weapons and armors drop in the dungeons with no stats at all – and they are all level 1 items. But give them very elaborate effects or designs. You can use some of the monsters weapons and gear, as those tend to be rather unique looking, and this saves art time. These will be for collectors who want to use Mithril to customize the look. Shoot for themed sets so the players will want to purchase a full suit worth of items.

2: New Mounts – you could set up an escort quest where you have to kill a named mob in the dungeon and the “free” his enslaved steeds – which will then serve you faithfully as a mount. You could make starting the quest cost about 7-15 platinum worth of fragments, and you could add a token to the Mhtiril shop to instantly get the mount.

3: Personal Vault Expansion: There will be a very arduous quest to expand your personal vault. Perhaps from the “Kings” themselves – perhaps the challenge will be a very difficult quest, mob, or collecting an obscene number of fragments. The reward is 2 extra pages of personal vault space. Alternatively, you can add the ability to purchase this from the Mithril Shop.

4: CL 20 Tokens from the Mithril Shop. No-brainer.

5: Mithril scrolls that will advance the dungeon weapon, armor and accessory drops by one level.

6: Make the new "chase items" have very very plain graphics - no particle effects and base level designs. This will encourage players to use the equipment skins.

7: Class tokens for unlimited conquest accounts - this will allow them to create one "subscription" locked class on their account.
Post edited by Northerncross_G on
- The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

- I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.


  • As a part of this update, you might allow up to Champion level 5 for the "free to play" accounts. Of the people I've gotten to come back and try things, they generally had a hard time and cited the restrictions on the "free accounts" as the reason. CL five would give them a "taste" of the power, and perhaps make them more tempted to start a full subscription.
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • edited June 2024 PM
    3: Cross realm PvE raids. This is probably a coding nightmare, but it would be amazing if we could travel to the other realm's in pve zones and potentially even group with the players there. This would help with PvE raid population issues, and create some interesting group combinations. I can imagine itemization and other issues would be a horror show. File this under "wouldn't it be neat."

    Now this would be an event. Modified slightly. A new threat meaning the three realms must put aside their differences and combine to fight for their very survival. Probably quite a task however.
    Post edited by Aldious on
  • 2: New trophies. They could be simple stand trophies to save time. I noticed that there is still a lot of hunting going on for hose decorations. They don't even have to be monster's - they could be perhaps very cool looking quest items from the zone on pedestals or armor stands with the dungeon's equipment set - perhaps the "wall hangers" (below) could be combined using alchemy into a trophy.

    Oh god yes please.
  • Another thing - that would be nice - a full set of body weapons from the Moon Belt.

    This would give Body weapons some Mithril skinning options the same way Sun Weapons can be used on Energy Legendaries.
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • edited July 2024 PM
    Another relatively easy update would be to review and revamp the artifacts for the modern era - you're just changing stats after all.

    - Allow players to hand in the old artifacts for the new ones. (I'd recommend you require releveling them, since that is relatively painless these days and it adds a bit of easy "content").

    - It should be pretty easy to pull the artifacts up to modern standards, and most of their procs and use abilities are still competitive in modern RvR.

    - The prices of scrolls and credit will need to be adjusted to keep up with their new levels of potency. Probably at least a 200% increase - or more - on the cost of scrolls and artifact credit.

    Some examples:

    Belt of the Moon

    Level 0:
    - Power: 10% of power pool
    - Bonus to hit points cap: 50
    Level 1:
    - Acuity +22
    Level 2:
    - Dexterity +22
    Level 3:
    - Energy 8%
    Level 4:
    - 10% Magic Resistance Enhancement, 15 min re-use.
    Level 5:
    - Bonus to Acuity Cap: 6
    Level 6:
    - Spirit 8%
    Level 7:
    - Bonus to Dexterity Cap: 6
    Level 8:
    - Crush 8%
    Level 10:
    Create Item - Moon Hammer, Moon Staff, Moon Sword, Moon Axe, Moon Dagger, Moon Mace, Moon 2h Blade, Moon 2H Axe, Moon 2H Mace, Moon Bow, 15 min re-use, only useable at night.

    Moon Weapon:
    - 6% Casting Speed
    - 6% Magic Damage
    - 6% Melee Damage
    - 6% Attack Speed
    - 6% Resistance Pierce
    - 25 Acuity
    - Acuity Cap: 10

    - Process: Body Legendary Weapon Proc
    - Charge: 10 Charges Body Legendary Proc, 1500 range

    More to follow.
    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • edited July 2024 PM
    Egg of Youth

    Level 0:
    - Acuity: 22 pts
    - Hits: 60 pts
    Level 1:
    - Crush: 7%
    Level 2:
    - Slash: 7%
    Level 3:
    - Thrust: 7%
    Level 4:
    - 22 Dexterity
    Level 5:
    - Target recovers from the effects of resurrection illness.
    Level 6:
    - Dexterity Cap: 6
    Level 7:
    - 8% Healing effectiveness
    Level 8:
    - 5% Power Pool
    Level 9:
    - Bonus to hit points cap: 60
    Level 10:
    - Level 10: AoE Resurrection.
    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • edited July 2024 PM

    Level 0:
    - Strength: 22
    - Dexterity: 22
    Level 1:
    - Strength Cap: 6
    Level 2
    - Quickness Cap: 6
    Level 3:
    - Quickness: 22
    Level 4:
    - Melee Style Damage: 4%
    Level 5:
    - Target's chance to strike successfully with melee attacks increased by 10%, 1 min duration.
    Level 6:
    - Fatigue Bonus: 5
    Level 7:
    - Bonus to melee combat speed: 4%
    Level 8:
    - Bonus to melee damage: 4%
    Level 9:
    - Bonus to armor factor (AF): 10
    Level 10:
    - Function: PBAoE melee absorption debuff, also casts melee absorption buff .
    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • edited July 2024 PM
    Braggart's Bow:

    Level 0:
    - 22 Dexterity
    - All Archery Skills: +4
    Level 1:
    - Dexterity Cap: 8
    Level 2:
    - Bonus to casting speed 5%
    Level 3:
    - Bonus to Spell Range 5%
    Level 4:
    - Fatigue +5
    Level 5:
    - Minor Stealth Lore, 15 min re-use.
    Level 6:
    - Bonus to Magic damage 5%
    Level 7:
    Bonus to Duration of Spells: 5%
    Level 8:
    - Stealth: +3
    Level 9:
    - Bonus to spell range: 5%
    Level 10:
    - 75 Damage (heat), Proc, 40% proc rate. (Roughly the same as Arachnid Bow).

    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • edited July 2024 PM
    Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone:

    Level 0:
    - Heat 6%
    - Hit Points Cap: 75
    - Hit Points: 75
    Level 1:
    - Matter 6%
    Level 2:
    - Crush 6%
    Level 3:
    - Cold 6%
    Level 4:
    - Thrust 6%
    Level 5:
    - 15% Melee Celerity buff, 60 second duration, also casts 40% Power heal, 15 minute reuse.
    Level 6:
    - Body 6%
    Level 7:
    - Slash 6%
    Level 8:
    - Energy 6%
    Level 9:
    - Spirit 6%
    Level 10:
    - Create Item - Light & Darkness Mythrain, 15 min reuse, summoned item lasts until player death or logout.

    Light & Darkness Mythrain:

    - Mythical Fatigue Regeneration: 4
    - Mythical Hit Point Regeneration: 25
    - Mythical Power Regeneration: 10
    - Constitution Cap: 8
    - Power: 10% of power pool
    - Mythical Resistance Cap: 2% Slash
    - Mythical Resistance Cap: 2% Crush
    - Mythical Resiustance Cap: 2% Thrust
    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • edited July 2024 PM
    Some more QoL and Balance Adjustments I have noticed:

    - The /Bank command should only be useable in the PvE zones. In the old days, you could target enemy siege weapons and siege tents, and have a chance to stall or even turn back the siege. These days it is possible to bank enough siege weapons to guarantee a eventual victory - conjure them as needed. Yes you can spread your siege out among your tanks and have enough to achieve the same result, but that requires more planning, communication and care - which I feel should be rewarded. (Rather than centralizing it on one or two players in an entire force, which 'bank causes).

    - The Veteran Merchant summoned by the Veteran Merchant Summoning Stone times out very very quickly - it is difficult to purchase what you need from it before the timer expires. It would be amazing if it had the same duration as the other summoned merchants.
    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • edited August 2024 PM
    Another easy to implement MTX/Mithril Shop Idea:

    - Cosmetic items that you could apply to the character that would make them look skeletal or undead for a time - keeping their equipment. Think the old Undead and Corrupted Minotaur potions they used to give out when Labby first released.

    You could do mummies (From ml 5) and skeletons. The Minotaur skeleton models already exist, as well as other skeletons - and since these mobs can already show equipment, it won't take a large amount of work to implement.
    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
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