Dopple Suggestion - Scaling RP Rewards

Having been doing these for a while, I have a suggestion - perhaps the RP rewards should scale based on realm rank.

While I understand the reason Doppelgangers were added, (as way to help new players advance their characters realm ranks against manageable odds), I feel like they have become a crutch for the general lack of action off-hours. You see duos and sometimes even full groups of very high realm ranks running around killing them.

I could be mistaken, but I don't believe this was the intended mechanic here?

Perhaps the dopples should award full - or even enhanced - realm points from realm rank 1 to realm rank 5. Then begin reducing the realm points earned by a percentage until, by realm rank 10, they award nothing.

This would provide a vehicle for new characters and new players to reduce the power-gap between them and veterans - while also encouraging players to see each other out to battle.

As to the lack of action off-hours, I would suggest adding realm/bounty point bonuses for taking towers and keeps - significant ones to justify the effort and difficulty involved. This might also involve a revamp of the guards based on realm population so that struggling realms with few players will have some assistance in defending their fortresses when badly outnumbered. But that is a large discussion for another topic.

Thanks for all the work you do keeping the game running.
- The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

- I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.


  • I think they need to scale the Buggane potion in the opposite direction and increase the % past RR4 rather than decrease it.

    I do not think there are enough players left to justify messing with the Dopps or even reducing them to pre-event levels.

    They could also get rid of the Dopps completely by looking at the huge line of former customers queued up next door and seeing what bought them there.
  • edited February 2024 PM
    Shieldla wrote: »
    I think they need to scale the Buggane potion in the opposite direction and increase the % past RR4 rather than decrease it.

    I do not think there are enough players left to justify messing with the Dopps or even reducing them to pre-event levels.

    They could also get rid of the Dopps completely by looking at the huge line of former customers queued up next door and seeing what bought them there.

    I dislike... what euphemism should I pick here... "the alternatives?" I spent a long time talking 3 guildmates into coming back from other MMO's/games, and not long after gearing them out, they got wind of population numbers "next door" and left for greener pastures. Extremely frustrating on my part, as I solo farmed the BP for their gear on my skald.

    I can agree that, if they're not going to enforce their IP, they should at least see why pirates are managing triple the numbers, and Broadsword should outright steal whatever systems those are. Fair is fair after all - the people "next door" would have zero grounds to complain without looking like titanic hypocrites.

    I feel like there is only really a 2 hour per night window where you can actually find fights, and dopples are a poor Band-Aid for a shrinking server population. (If they were even intended as such - I suspect they "became" that instead of being designed as such).

    I'm also pretty sure there is not much budget allocated to legacy titles like this, so Boradsword probably has their hands tied to a substantial degree.
    Post edited by Northerncross_G on
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
  • I understand. I think everybody should be playing here rightfully. It's just too bad things are what they are.

    The best chance live is going to get to regain significant people will be around August-November. Live really needs to gain a lot of ground development-wise though to pull in the numbers needed to draw people away from the abyss. I don't think there's enough time, resources, or demand. There's a pretty big gap. I hate to just beat on Broadsword though.

    The fake F2P model needs to go to actually attract people, but the game would also need balanced to assume it had people. It's not well suited to handle a population of 2000 vs the current 200.

    I think Broadsword would do well to create a 2nd seasonal server that wipes maybe 1x per year.
    -It needs to be F2P with no crap - no overpriced dye, no Endless Conquest / real F2P, stuff like this
    -When the server wipes, characters are dumped or merged into Ywain
    -Characters from Ywain can be cloned to the server 1x per season but start level 1 with no gear. Titles, Tradeskills, and Rps transfer.
    -Realm Rank starts capped low,and unlocks as the season progresses. If you copy a RR12 character, you will be RR12 but only able to function at RR3 (skills/RAs) if that's the current cap.
    -Rp gained on the seasonal server is added to the live Ywaine character at the end of the season / wipe.
    -They can mess around with things each season like removing Master Levels or changing equipment and see what is popular at the end.

  • They are busy fixing SWTOR, like they fixed DAoC.

    IMO whatever slim chance there was for them doing things with DAoC, that chance died when they took over SWTOR in 2023.
  • Shieldla wrote: »
    I understand. I think everybody should be playing here rightfully. It's just too bad things are what they are.

    The best chance live is going to get to regain significant people will be around August-November. Live really needs to gain a lot of ground development-wise though to pull in the numbers needed to draw people away from the abyss. I don't think there's enough time, resources, or demand. There's a pretty big gap. I hate to just beat on Broadsword though.

    The fake F2P model needs to go to actually attract people, but the game would also need balanced to assume it had people. It's not well suited to handle a population of 2000 vs the current 200.

    I think Broadsword would do well to create a 2nd seasonal server that wipes maybe 1x per year.
    -It needs to be F2P with no crap - no overpriced dye, no Endless Conquest / real F2P, stuff like this
    -When the server wipes, characters are dumped or merged into Ywain
    -Characters from Ywain can be cloned to the server 1x per season but start level 1 with no gear. Titles, Tradeskills, and Rps transfer.
    -Realm Rank starts capped low,and unlocks as the season progresses. If you copy a RR12 character, you will be RR12 but only able to function at RR3 (skills/RAs) if that's the current cap.
    -Rp gained on the seasonal server is added to the live Ywaine character at the end of the season / wipe.
    -They can mess around with things each season like removing Master Levels or changing equipment and see what is popular at the end.

    Interesting. Sort of a Path of Exile League model.
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
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