what do you think of the current RVR event ?

chapter one imho was ok... everybody could do it.

chapter 2 in DF was fun, DF has so much different ways to get somewhere, so everyone could get to a prince and kill it... but ld's and zone crashes made BS move it to EV .... and moving that sort event from a setting that has that many different ways to move to a EV arena where one BG could be in the center and wait until one of their stealthers could report and then the bg could move to the boss and whipe the enemy bg before that bg could kill that boss... from moving to the many ways of moving to the circular arena of EV was NOT a good idea imho.

and then there was phase 3

how remote can BS be from the majority of their player base ?

chapter 3 is custom made for 2, maybe 3 elite groups (cough, irc, cough) to be able to farm any groups that teleports in.

and once a bg gets up, no other realm has any chance to be able to get in and regroup...
basically for a bg, the only way to get in if tf there is already an enemy bg is to attack in NF and hope the dominating bg in old odin will come out and then sojo and go back to old odin before that dominating bg can do it.

imho, fire any developer, keep the community managers, hire a few csr's. we need csr's to ban cheaters.
Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.


  • This is probably my favorite event second to Caledonia. I think with the age of the game and where its at the devs did alright with what they had to work with. A few csrs would be nice though. However, theres a point in each event where mids had 7 groups and albs had 9 and hibs 1. Which says a lot about the players rather than the event. certain groups will only play and follow IRC wherever they choose to go.

    every phase is just one BG to rule them all with 100% zerging. would have been nice to have overwhelming force be incorporated. IRC 8v8 sucks if you dont know how to 8v8.

    Overall i give this event a 6/10. keep on trying devs i appreciate you trying to keep this game alive because if you all got fired or quit, many of us wouldnt have a game that many of us have spent 22 years playing.
  • I totally agree with Muy. Phase 3 sucks. It's dumb. Geared towards a few "leet" groups that seem to use god only knows what. And extended no less! The only way the majority of the playerbase can compete is by zerging. Sure wish certain person(s) listened more to the rest of us rather than those other guys. We pay our subs too, and we're actually the majority by far. Frankly a bunch of us are sick of it. This game is really not fun anymore. I for one come back here and there for the friends I've made. It's been corrupted by a few bad squeaky wheels who get most of the RvR perks. And those that implement them. Rant OFF, thank you for listening.
  • I think it lasted too long. They needed to cut it down and move on to the next event. I can't wait for this to end. They are not perfect but should consider listening more to what players or subscribers of the game have to say. The sad thing about that part is they speak to the wrong people. Instead should carefully examine whom they should listen to.
    It's an old game but yet, when this game was developed, it revolutionized the game industry. I give it 3 to 5 years that this game can be developed in VR. Whoever does it will open many doors and again will revolutionize the game industry. I think what was posted here is a good start from people I respect and consider their statements very seriously and agreeable. Cheers to you guys for this post.

    Kolmore, Monster, Pewee
  • edited October 2023 PM
    Phase 2 and 3 have been really frustrating for me. Phase 2 consisted of going to hib prince and camping and having mass LD's as soon as we encountered mids.
    Never even saw any albs in DF. I didn't advance my quests and didn't complete phase 2. Phase 3 has let me catch up on my rest. I like action and I've gotten lots of RP's doing not much in phase 3.
    And don't even get me started on the map... ffs

    Post edited by Kelly on
  • edited October 2023 PM
    Phase 1 was simply awesome. I could group or solo and have a great productive night. It was lots of fun too with group, bg, and solo encounters everywhere. The stealth zergs eventually detracted a little bit from it but nothing's perfect. I rate it 9.5 out of 10

    Phase 2 was OK. It was better in DF than EV, but it required everybody to zerg to participate. This caused the event to suffer from steamrolling where everybody would just log in their character on the winning team. Maybe 6/10 rating here

    Phase 3 is just plain stupid. It's literally just RVR in EV with no map. You random port and run around, the only thing different is the map. Old Frontiers did not see people randomly porting like this. It completely destroyed the purpose of Old Frontiers. I have quit participating in this phase mostly now. 2/10 would not recommend.

    I think leaving Phase 1 and 2 active at the same time would have been very very nice. Phase 3 needs to lose the random porting and let groups leave the PK or camp the PK like we did in the old days.

    It's like anything else though -> if you get high hopes you'll only be disappointed and that's what seemed to happen to soo many here when they were told an OF map was coming back. Shame on Broadsword for having no idea how Old Frontiers actually played though. It begs the question if any of them even played old frontiers :( ?
    Post edited by Shieldla on
  • I liked Phase 1. There were lots of battles (big and small) and killing the mobs was something "extra" to killing players. If you played solo, zerg or 8 man you had a chance at the rewards and the fights. Phase 2 could have worked but zone crash shortened it. I liked the work-around and felt Broadsword did a good job of rescuing Phase 2. I detest Phase 3. It is boring. Very few battles with an occasional Legion kill. We try to let each group kill Legion but the solo players are just out of luck. Did I mention how boring this Phase is and how much I dread logging into it? We've lost some players because of the Phase 3 mechanics. The hope is that they will come back after Phase 3 ends. Phase 3 is clearly designed for groups. I believe that the idea for this anniversary was to let people try different game play styles. So for Phase 3, the idea was that we would all form groups and then fight with each other over Legion. No one in their right mind would ever invite me to a group so I zerg. For phase 3, this consists of circling around and around while we try to link up. When a larger zerg logs in, the other zergs and players move to New Frontiers. Occasionally our zerg runs into Legion and then we try to let a new group get the kill. It is very hard to get all the groups to pull off to let a different group kill Legion so that they get credit. If this is how Old Frontiers worked, I am surprised that anyone wants it back.
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • edited October 2023 PM
    Siambra wrote: »
    If this is how Old Frontiers worked, I am surprised that anyone wants it back.

    Old Frontiers was a lot different than this event we currently have. It was a lot better too which is why many want it back.

    Most RVR happened in Emain at the time because it was the best zone for it. This was sort of a bad thing if you played hib, but let's run with it...

    Mid and Alb would port directly to the portal keeps at a portal ceremony which occurred at regular intervals, but was not instant. Hibernia had to run from the border keep (hence bad thing if you are hib). Most of the action happened around the milegates or in between them. Once you left the PK you had to go to the milegate, you could not go past it via porting. Small groups would try to break through with things like SOS to get to breifine while the zergs would battle back and forth between mile gates if events didnt spill over to Crauchon / Crim.

    The action was very constantly back and forth because there were constant waves coming from the Portal keeps and all taking the same path. This event in no way captures the old experience. There literally was NO teleporting back in old frontiers aside form the teleports to the portal keeps. Each frontier was also "attached" to its realm, so you could walk right outside of Castle Sauvage and walk to Beno without ever zoning.

    There were also no significant rivers running through the middle of each realm, and no boats. The three frontiers were distinctly different, rather than the roughly copypasta'd versions we have today
    Post edited by Shieldla on
  • Thank you Shieldla :) Now you've made me interested in Old Frontiers.

    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • I have tried to come up with a team but again to no avail. Sadly the excuses that most albs make about albs not having the muscle to fight back are nonsense and require to consider what albs can do and the possibilities the albs have that they choose to ignore. Wake the **** up!. . . Albs are much more powerful than you think and it requires reflecting on their capabilities. Focus! and you will see what I mean. We have many talented players but for some reason when someone or many decide to say that albs are the weakest link of the realm. Jesus Christ! By the way, I have no religious preferences because there is no proof but to explain what I mean is bullshit! Albs are powerful and can compete. Please do not listen to what people have been saying because it is your fault to believe in hogwash. To get back to reality, please consider what the albs have and carefully examine what they can do. Brut proved it today when the fight happened at AT. Holy ****, was I even surprised by what the albs did at AT. I shouldn't be because they can do it and yet the formation and most importantly when Brut made a perfect call to push. Cheers to all the albs.

    Klomore, Peweec, Pewea and Gonnies
  • Did you reply to the right thread? I dont think Brut is even on this one and we were not talking about how strong or weak alb is. This was the event feedback
  • Not at all. There is more to it but thank you for your feed back.
  • There is one good thing i think about this event part 3 which is the horse and hunt speed stack which means you can actually go out without a Mins/Sorc and not get run down by every single group out there.

    I would like to see this become a thing everywhere. Speed still provides a big advantage during the fights, but it's not an automatic death if you are seen by a group with a skald or bard while trying to solo or small group
  • edited November 2023 PM
    i think these latest announcements are just a terrible idea

    "Anniversary bonuses of 100% are now reduced to 50%
    Ywain: Crossroads Covenant Demonic and Vigilant buffs, including RP bonus, are now disabled in the frontiers (but remain in Odin's Gate Phase 3)
    Ywain: Odin's kill quest count has been reduced from 25 to 15, and the RP reward has also been reduced to reflect (note: Odin's still has a 150% rp bonus)"

    at least we had the option to go elsewhere when:

    A: it got too zergy in old odin's gate
    B: we couldn't find/form a full group in old odin's gate
    C: cheatrc is in old odin's gate

    at least there was a little bit of action on ev or mazes, and still got decent rps
    Post edited by Havanjar on
  • I agree, having options were nice. Last night the game was so stale we quit RVRing early. This looks like its going to become the new norm sadly. We actually did PvE last night lol. Many of us are fearing a population downfall soon now that the good parts of the event are gone. Removing the bonuses is a lame move right now given how this event is already splitting the community.

    They seriously need to stop PUSHING this fake Old Frontiers garbage and replace it with some authentic Old Frontiers RVR, if they are going to do this. Its painfully obvious that most of Broadsword has no idea how it flowed or worked, and probably did not play back then. All this event amounts to is EV with a different map. Take some time, talk to some people who actually played Old Frontiers, and stop defiling what was arguably the golden age of the game.
  • edited November 2023 PM
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • edited November 2023 PM
    Havanjar wrote: »

    Do you have a source on that?

    To me it looks like they are trying to cook something good, but they lost the cook book with the recipe on how to do it.
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • Shieldla wrote: »

    Do you have a source on that?

    To me it looks like they are trying to cook something good, but they lost the cook book with the recipe on how to do it.

    here's your source:

    "Ywain: Crossroads Covenant Demonic and Vigilant buffs, including RP bonus, are now disabled in the frontiers (but remain in Odin's Gate Phase 3)"

    Cheatrc cried because they were running around old odin's gate alone with nothing to kill

    of course they like it in there, they're the only ones with "map functions"
  • I should have asked to do you have a real credible source that isn't coated in salt and bias. Either way its not important enough to derail the thread further with conspiracy theories.

    IMO they should have done the following with the event to make it more authentic:

    1) Remove the random port. Everybody leaves from the PK.
    2) Mids zone in at the entrance to Jamtland Mts to simulate them running from the mainland. Obviously an elite guard base camp with all the same stuff as the PKs would get setup there so they can buff and prep and people cant get into Jamtland (setup a pallisade or something).
    3) Bled becomes a keep which can be taken and fought over during the event and can count for event boss credit

    This would theoretically restore the original flow of movement to where it was in OF.
  • Shieldla wrote: »
    I should have asked to do you have a real credible source that isn't coated in salt and bias. Either way its not important enough to derail the thread further with conspiracy theories.

    IMO they should have done the following with the event to make it more authentic:

    1) Remove the random port. Everybody leaves from the PK.
    2) Mids zone in at the entrance to Jamtland Mts to simulate them running from the mainland. Obviously an elite guard base camp with all the same stuff as the PKs would get setup there so they can buff and prep and people cant get into Jamtland (setup a pallisade or something).
    3) Bled becomes a keep which can be taken and fought over during the event and can count for event boss credit

    This would theoretically restore the original flow of movement to where it was in OF.

    random port makes it that much harder to gather up a zerg, which i'm okay with

    keep fights during events is just no for me

    as far as "conspiracy theories", you don't see it because you play albs and sh!trc plays albs most of the time, but the evidence is there, daily.
  • Siambra wrote: »
    Thank you Shieldla :) Now you've made me interested in Old Frontiers.

    Lovin' the bunnies Siambra hehe <3
  • So, another good idea that was poorly executed?
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • edited November 2023 PM
    Yeah the Darkness Falls zone issues meant we had to push it to EV quickly at the time and it was not part of the plan or intended, but it worked to an extent. It did allow for a lot of huge zergs running loops but again that wasn't the intent, just what we had to do at the time.

    Phase 3 is/was aimed for group rvr and tailored as such, sort of like a mini cale - which we've been asked for from some who wanted to use their own toons in a cale style event rather than rolling new ones, so a combination of both. It was interesting for us and opening up an OF zone and the worked involved allows for more event oppourtunities in the future.

    Please leave the false rumours and conspiracy theories out of things. They are not true and Phase 3 had nothing to do with any of these claims. We appreciate all of this feedback and welcome it, and do listen, so please continue giving your thoughts.
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • The event was fun overall, but Phase 3 was really hit or miss due to the constant realm swapping. People would die or get zerged down then realm swap over to add into whatever realm was the most dominate. This made Hib especially difficult to complete Phase 3 when Hero wasn't around in Odin's.
  • Thinking about any event at the moment is useless.
    Everything is just done to stroke the dicks of some whales.

    Real gamers will not even try to go there.
    For me personally everything that i cant do solo is not worth doing.
    As long as the developers are not using some kind of common sense this game is dead.
    The first step would obviously be to implement Classic.
    The gap between pro and casual has to be at about 5% where it is now.
    All automations have to be banned.
    All cheaters have to be banned.
    Bullshit that counters Class-Design ,like Speed of the Hunt, has to go,
    All TOA-Bullshit has to be banned from RVR.

  • Mahvash wrote: »
    Thinking about any event at the moment is useless.
    Everything is just done to stroke the dicks of some whales.

    Real gamers will not even try to go there.
    For me personally everything that i cant do solo is not worth doing.
    As long as the developers are not using some kind of common sense this game is dead.
    The first step would obviously be to implement Classic.
    The gap between pro and casual has to be at about 5% where it is now.
    All automations have to be banned.
    All cheaters have to be banned.
    Bullshit that counters Class-Design ,like Speed of the Hunt, has to go,
    All TOA-Bullshit has to be banned from RVR.


    This is what happens when a company XPs their panderstone to lvl 10.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • I dont think classic would help unless it's going to magically bring back everybody who washed out of Ywaine, and then those of us who learned how to play on Ywaine would still have the same problems of no population. I also think that its not realistic to expect people not to use modern hardware like gaming mice to their full capabilities. I dont feel like starting over either it took long enough to get to RR12 already.

    They really need to find a way to lower the entry level skill threshold to succeed on Ywaine. Right now you get groups who get 600k a night, and groups who get 6k a night total because of the 600k groups. They need to bridge this gap a little bit so new players can actually succeed outside of running dopps. I think this is one of the big reasons free shards do well. With 1000's of players on each realm, there's a wide berth of skill for all to embrace.

    As a returning player to Ywaine, you must deal with:
    -Most groups having a few RR12+ in them. RR12 wasn't even a thing when you played before so you are maybe RR5 if you did well back then? Anyway good luck catching up when...

    -Tactics on Ywaine have evolved to a state where several optimized 8 person groups can wipe 3+ groups of albs effortlessly. It's great that people play the game that well Kudos and all, but it's bad for the game when they are your ONLY opponents outside of stealth zergs. There needs to be some middle and low skill play at the group level so groups can actually grow. Maybe we need a level 50 BG which goes up to RR9? this might be a bad idea too who knows at this point..

    -Stuff like running around in circles while meleeing and other goofy engine exploits make combat look and feel really stupid now. This was never a thing back in the past. Sure you could try to side style somebody while dueling if the opportunity presented it self, but today All side styles are essentially use anytime styles and they are being abused thusly. Dancing should be possible, but it should be harder and also harder to exploit with macros.

    -You also must modernize your skill set by learning to use potions and item uses, if you can even afford them after returning. This is not fundamentally bad until you have to do it on top of all the other issues pushing you away.

    -There are also multiple toxic feedback loops in the game. A great example of this is multiple group stealth zergs that are becoming more and more common. Today we had about 5 visi and 15 stealth in the frontier. People try to play their visi and get simultaneously attacked by multiple stealther groups, then either have to log stealth themselves or give up. Nerfing the stealthers and their ability to group together isn't the answer as much as giving visi groups very good reason to bring stealthers with them.

    So long story short, as a returning player you're going to be dealing with most groups 6+ RR higher than you. You'll go out, run into one of the few heavily optimized groups and die every time, even with a BG. If you try to solo, you'll likely run into a stealther or stealth zerg which just runs around in circles chain stunning you and kills you easily with 100% health. It's little wonder why nobody's staying and the competition is booming.

    Even as a RR12, I will not join most pug groups because of the above issues. This makes things even worse because there are others like me as well which is leaving a lot of these low RRs to fend for themselves. Since I do not have 7 other people supporting me in one of these super optimized groups, there's just no reason to feed those that do so I'll go solo or duo and avoid most of the real rvr. If I spoke my mind to about 80% of groups it would be like this "Sorry I am not joining you, it's likely if I do i'll get 6k tonight. If i do my own thing, i can get 100k though so tough luck..."

    Unfortunately I do not think these issues can be fixed now, but we can try:

    -First of all reverse the scaling on the BUG pots so they increase with RR rather than decrease. The amount of RPs becomes so great at very high RR that it's not going to make a big difference, and it would really help those people in the 6-10 block move to be more competitive faster.

    -Secondly open the up the RR max to 15. Increase global base RPs rewarded so that all the Ranks shift +1. What this means is if it takes you a year to get RR12, you would now technically be 13. When you would normally hit 10, you would actually be 11 under the increase Rps. This will help newer players fly through ranks faster up to a point, increasing steady rewards and happiness. It would also let 14's continue to have incentive to play beyond 14. We see population DIE in between events corresponding to lower RP gains during these phases.

    -Let's also smoke test events just a little bit? We figured out that something was wrong with the Odin's gate event within about 15 minutes of playing and realized it was going to tank hard because of the random porting. Anybody with any OF experience could have seen this coming. The entire miserable experience could have been avoided by collecting a little feedback and actually listening to it.

    -The Endless Conquest model is very bad. The only thing it's good for is logging in, taking a deep breath of nostalgia from 20 years ago, and logging off. I guess they are also good for flooding Catt with bots. Why not remove the restrictions completely on these accounts, and just give subs better rewards like a monthly per account king gift and other things. There's clearly a market for free daoc as the competition has shown us, reducing us to like 35 albs at prime time on the real servers. Get good and make your F2P model better so you can compete. Its silly that you have 35 people on prime time for alb while the free versions pull in 1000's per realm. THIS SHOULD BE A VERY OBVIOUS SIGN THAT YOU ARE DOING F2P WRONG!

    -Get some marketing and distribution. Put the game on Steam or something. I dont really care about the history of this or the blah blah blah we tried and it's.... just shut up and get it done. The game needs exposure to get new people or your playerbase is going to literally all die of old age someday with no replacements. Who would have thought an MMORPG would have the same problem as Tobacco Companies? It just goes to show how toxic it's become over the years whittling away.

    Anyway others have posted ideas too which will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. Let's get back to finding 8 people to fight in 4 hours of playing...

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