so you want a battle group ?

edited August 2023 in General Board
then start **** making groups in the battle group that are survivable !
caster groups are great at maximizing damage and rp for you are and group, but are hopeless for the chance of your bg to win a bg vs bg.fight.
Anna and imwim, unless your groups have at least one melee character in them, i'm done with leading bg's.
i'm sick of hitting a tower with 30 people and having 3 people from my group hit the gate and everyone else there standing dooing nothing, and then us getting **** by herorios because we couldn't take the gate down.
and then people complaining.
30 vs 15 and you all run away because you have not way to protect yourself ....
change your group setup or find another bg leader !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am done
you are only good for leaching rp when the bg runs into a small man or a soloer to get the most ranged dps in.
you are basically leaching groups.
anna and imwim, unless you have at least one melee char in your group, i'm no longer leading battle groups
i am sick of having the nhe nubmers to atcually have a fight but see you all run away at the first sifght of inc, becuase you don't have a group that can handle numbers close to equal and will run away every single time
i'm sick of it.
change your group setup or learn to run as an 8 man. i've had it.
Post edited by Muylae on
Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.


  • and the german alliance why do you do you run as a fg/ 16 man and get farmed every single day and don't run with the mid bg ?
    together we could obliterate herorius, but you you choose to run in your small bg and wipe every time...

    why ?

    why can't midgard run into one bg ?

    the german alliance, i would gladly bring all the people following me to follow the german alliance.

    i am sick of this amount of failure .

    we could do so much better.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • atm i basically quit leading bgs because my main two group outside of my guild groups are caster groups with not a single melee chlass in thim and even if if g get lucky and i have 30 people with me, we have 3 people hitting a gate.
    all 3 of them in my group
    and everyone else outside of my group is just standing there
    and then because it takes us too long to take down the gate hererius hits us and then people whine and bithc and complain
    **** even if you are are caster, HIT the damn gate,
    and when i ask why casters don't hit the gate
    there is either not reply or someone saying he doesn't wan't to repair for the repairs for his staff..


    as a caster you don't want to repair the cost for your staff ... you have any idea how much the repairs for my weapons are ANY DAY ?

    you selfish ****.

    **** you all

    you want someone to lead a BG, change your **** attitude .
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • edited August 2023 PM
    I feel your pain. I have lost count of how many times on alb i've been the only melee in a 20-30 person BG.

    Caster groups just rule the game, and keeps / towers don't really have any value to a lot of people beyond a RP bonus at the end which rewards casters the most. Being a melee in a battle group is boring too, especially after the last patch made it so there's less climbers to fight off. I don't even join them anymore unless our goals overlap because:

    1) We don't have Battle groups in Alb now. IRC either logs in and leads from region chat or albs just do their own thing. Nobody wants to lead here either. It's just not worth it.

    2) When we did have Battlegroups (aka Hero) nobody wanted to group melees for the most part. This sort of surprised me, because I would have expected an effective BG leader would encourage groups with open spots to group tanks or other solos.

    3) There's just very little to do with limited range. After all the roots, mezzes, zephyrs, stuns, speed warps, grapples and stuff, you get to hit one or two people and the battle is over.

    4) With very few melee, the melee that are there stand out and are easily singled out and assisted on by caster zergs.

    added via edit: 5) Groups don't really want tanks in a BG from my experience. Battlegroups want tanks, but a group within a BG defending a castle would rather have another ranged person to maximize the RP gain.

    So I could go out, solo in the BG and make 15k RP in a day, or solo dopps and make 150k while the BG is keeping everybody busy... needless to say taking my tank to the BG is not my first choice.

    My biggest issue with BG behavior though is when the BG wants tanks to clear speed warps and hit doors but wont invite them to groups. I'm not removing warps and hitting doors while running solo in a group of 30 people so everybody can race ahead and get the rps.

    Post edited by Shieldla on
  • They need to give the BG leaders some incentives too. Maybe they should do something like give the person leading the BG a bonus to RP/Gold/BP based on the size of the BG and how many groups of 5+ it has.
  • Shieldla wrote: »
    I feel your pain. I have lost count of how many times on alb i've been the only melee in a 20-30 person BG.

    Caster groups just rule the game, and keeps / towers don't really have any value to a lot of people beyond a RP bonus at the end which rewards casters the most. Being a melee in a battle group is boring too, especially after the last patch made it so there's less climbers to fight off. I don't even join them anymore unless our goals overlap because:

    1) We don't have Battle groups in Alb now. IRC either logs in and leads from region chat or albs just do their own thing. Nobody wants to lead here either. It's just not worth it.

    2) When we did have Battlegroups (aka Hero) nobody wanted to group melees for the most part. This sort of surprised me, because I would have expected an effective BG leader would encourage groups with open spots to group tanks or other solos.

    3) There's just very little to do with limited range. After all the roots, mezzes, zephyrs, stuns, speed warps, grapples and stuff, you get to hit one or two people and the battle is over.

    4) With very few melee, the melee that are there stand out and are easily singled out and assisted on by caster zergs.

    added via edit: 5) Groups don't really want tanks in a BG from my experience. Battlegroups want tanks, but a group within a BG defending a castle would rather have another ranged person to maximize the RP gain.

    So I could go out, solo in the BG and make 15k RP in a day, or solo dopps and make 150k while the BG is keeping everybody busy... needless to say taking my tank to the BG is not my first choice.

    My biggest issue with BG behavior though is when the BG wants tanks to clear speed warps and hit doors but wont invite them to groups. I'm not removing warps and hitting doors while running solo in a group of 30 people so everybody can race ahead and get the rps.

    it is

    everyone does what seems in their own best interest and it goes at the cost of everyone. and in the end everyone loses.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • edited August 2023 PM
    Shieldla wrote: »
    They need to give the BG leaders some incentives too. Maybe they should do something like give the person leading the BG a bonus to RP/Gold/BP based on the size of the BG and how many groups of 5+ it has.

    lol, no.
    that would mean that hero gets more ... whatever and noone else gets anything.

    the whole bonus system is broken.

    it should not be based on people in the fronteer. it should exclude people who didn't get rp (aka afk and bots) in the last half hour.

    having a bonus for having groups of 5+ in your bg should encourage people to log endless amounts of bots.
    Post edited by Muylae on
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • edited August 2023 PM
    Muylae wrote: »
    Shieldla wrote: »
    They need to give the BG leaders some incentives too. Maybe they should do something like give the person leading the BG a bonus to RP/Gold/BP based on the size of the BG and how many groups of 5+ it has.

    lol, no.
    that would mean that hero gets more ... whatever and noone else gets anything.

    the whole bonus system is broken.

    it should not be based on people in the fronteer. it should exclude people who didn't get rp (aka afk and bots) in the last half hour.

    having a bonus for having groups of 5+ in your bg should encourage people to log endless amounts of bots.

    If you don't provide some reason to lead nobody is going to do it. Just getting people together in the same place doesn't function. Why should I go through the trouble of organizing a functioning BG when I have the more incentive not to organize a functioning BG? I mean you guys are clearly doing fantastic at running them yourselves based on this thread which now has you down 1 disgruntled BG leader /s so it's obviously not working out as is.

    Why do you care how much RP Hero has or gets seriously? This has to be the absolute silliest reason I've ever read for trying to stifle rewarding others for leading. He's already RR14 and not gaining anything from additional RPS. Meanwhile you have several potential leaders that don't lead every month, or lead for 1 outing and then get sick of it because it's not worth putting up with the realm. Let him have it and take yours for leading too.

    Even if it's not RP/BP/Gold there should be some bonus to leading. You're basically just writing that nobody should get rewards for running the battle group for the evening because Hero will get more redundant rewards, and that doesn't make any sense.
    Post edited by Shieldla on
  • I'm sorry to see that this is happening. In EU time BG we assemble balanced groups because it's the best way to go. I've been in the caster group asked to take a tower (lol) and we invariably get killed before the door is down. The group I run in (Hibernian Protectorat); we will change toons for the sake of the group balance. After all, it's about trying to set ourselves up to win, not to parade our favorite toons around. I hope Midgard and Albion can let their interest in success overcome their preference. Herorius driving isn't the reason why we win. He says himself he is the bus driver. It is our willingness to adapt to the group's needs and our willingness to participate in the parts we don't necessarily like (casters on doors) that leads us to success.... After all; it's the challenge of the game that keeps us paying our subs.
  • Shieldla wrote: »
    Muylae wrote: »
    Shieldla wrote: »
    They need to give the BG leaders some incentives too. Maybe they should do something like give the person leading the BG a bonus to RP/Gold/BP based on the size of the BG and how many groups of 5+ it has.

    lol, no.
    that would mean that hero gets more ... whatever and noone else gets anything.

    the whole bonus system is broken.

    it should not be based on people in the fronteer. it should exclude people who didn't get rp (aka afk and bots) in the last half hour.

    having a bonus for having groups of 5+ in your bg should encourage people to log endless amounts of bots.

    If you don't provide some reason to lead nobody is going to do it. Just getting people together in the same place doesn't function. Why should I go through the trouble of organizing a functioning BG when I have the more incentive not to organize a functioning BG? I mean you guys are clearly doing fantastic at running them yourselves based on this thread which now has you down 1 disgruntled BG leader /s so it's obviously not working out as is.

    Why do you care how much RP Hero has or gets seriously? This has to be the absolute silliest reason I've ever read for trying to stifle rewarding others for leading. He's already RR14 and not gaining anything from additional RPS. Meanwhile you have several potential leaders that don't lead every month, or lead for 1 outing and then get sick of it because it's not worth putting up with the realm. Let him have it and take yours for leading too.

    Even if it's not RP/BP/Gold there should be some bonus to leading. You're basically just writing that nobody should get rewards for running the battle group for the evening because Hero will get more redundant rewards, and that doesn't make any sense.

    i am not sure where you get me wrong ...
    i don't care how much rp my enemies make. i care about how much rp people in my group or bg make and if i can make 5 times more rp with group killing doppels than actually trying to do rvr .... then something is WRONG.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Kelly wrote: »
    Herorius driving isn't the reason why we win. He says himself he is the bus driver.

    Hibernia stopped existing almost entirely for several months when Hero left to alb and Murkzilla vanished. We didnt even see them in battlegrounds events aside from maybe a FG trying to gank and then giving up. He's a significant reason why Hib is successful/wins, and was so for alb too when he was playing alb as well.

    A Good BG leader makes RVR accessible and fun for people who don't have access to a regular top end group and that is required for a realm to succeed.
  • Muylae wrote: »
    then start **** making groups in the battle group that are survivable !
    caster groups are great at maximizing damage and rp for you are and group, but are hopeless for the chance of your bg to win a bg vs bg.fight.
    Anna and imwim, unless your groups have at least one melee character in them, i'm done with leading bg's.
    i'm sick of hitting a tower with 30 people and having 3 people from my group hit the gate and everyone else there standing dooing nothing, and then us getting **** by herorios because we couldn't take the gate down.
    and then people complaining.
    30 vs 15 and you all run away because you have not way to protect yourself ....
    change your group setup or find another bg leader !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i am done
    you are only good for leaching rp when the bg runs into a small man or a soloer to get the most ranged dps in.
    you are basically leaching groups.
    anna and imwim, unless you have at least one melee char in your group, i'm no longer leading battle groups
    i am sick of having the nhe nubmers to atcually have a fight but see you all run away at the first sifght of inc, becuase you don't have a group that can handle numbers close to equal and will run away every single time
    i'm sick of it.
    change your group setup or learn to run as an 8 man. i've had it.


    I don't think this is the best way of addressing the issues with Mid BGs. I know you want to be able to fight the Hib or Alb BG on even grounds but that will take time and encouragement. Hero will almost always outnumber the other realms by two or three to one during EU bg times. People enjoy following him and I will admit, I was a former Hib BG player when I returned from a hiatus. You can see my videos to show how easy it is to get rps on Hib vs other bgs due to the flexibility of group make ups. Everyone knows that it is incredibly easy to make a successful group on hib due to the utility of three hib classes giving you everything you could need. No other realm will come close to the flexibility of Hibernia. That is for BS to deal with. I didn't always see eye to eye with you in the past but I have been in your bgs for the past two to three years constantly when time allows. There are things that can be improved on but overall, Midgard is happy to have you as someone who steps up and leads. I will say, I do not agree with calling out your two longest supporting groups who join you even when others have not and demanding they form groups to your liking. I get it, you are frustrated with not being able to open towers/keeps in time but it is a numbers game, not a class make up game. Having tanks in a bg won't make up for the numbers game that is heavily favored for whatever realm Hero plays on during EU.

    That's my two cents. You can take it for whatever it's worth. I'm not here to bash as I do appreciate you leading the Mid BG as I will not go back to being a hib as I believe they need class balance across the board but again, that is up to BS to figure out.
  • I know Herorius runs Hib and Muy ran Mid, was/is there an Alb BG leader?
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • Alb generally does not run a BG.

    Most of the time you see more than 8 albs, it's either a 16 slot group running without a BG or a couple independent groups converging on a battle and then going their own way afterwards.
  • Daelin wrote: »
    I will say, I do not agree with calling out your two longest supporting groups who join you even when others have not and demanding they form groups to your liking. I get it, you are frustrated with not being able to open towers/keeps in time but it is a numbers game, not a class make up game. Having tanks in a bg won't make up for the numbers game that is heavily favored for whatever realm Hero plays on during EU. .

    yeah, i know, frustration got the better of me there :/
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Shieldla wrote: »
    Alb generally does not run a BG.

    Most of the time you see more than 8 albs, it's either a 16 slot group running without a BG or a couple independent groups converging on a battle and then going their own way afterwards.

    Guess the days of huge BG fights are over. :(
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • edited August 2023 PM
    Dreamscape wrote: »
    Shieldla wrote: »
    Alb generally does not run a BG.

    Most of the time you see more than 8 albs, it's either a 16 slot group running without a BG or a couple independent groups converging on a battle and then going their own way afterwards.

    Guess the days of huge BG fights are over. :(

    It seems that way during prime time US. It was neat while Hero was here, but it was a two realm game sadly between alb and mid at that point. Alb will probably decay back to its original state soon and the game will move to hib vs mid again.

    Building up the realm for a few months was nice, but there was no succession plan to having Hero return to hib which has left Albs just doing random stuff now. People are eventually going to go to hib or mid where BG size group rvr is accessible and successful, returning alb to the solo realm.

    You can't really blame the Albs either like people like doing. It's way harder for albs to make small groups than mids or hibs, and this hurts us as a realm very badly. You'll see 3-4 albs standing around soloing, looking like a group, but there's no reason for them to group because they would need to be tied to a BG, which doesn't exist, in order to succeed. We don't mingle well with each other in the wild, and joining a random group is the best way to turn 40k/hour solo/dopp run into 5k rps for the entire night.
    Post edited by Shieldla on
  • Midgard needs you man. I hope you stick with it.
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • Shieldla wrote: »
    Dreamscape wrote: »
    Shieldla wrote: »
    Alb generally does not run a BG.

    Most of the time you see more than 8 albs, it's either a 16 slot group running without a BG or a couple independent groups converging on a battle and then going their own way afterwards.

    Guess the days of huge BG fights are over. :(

    It seems that way during prime time US. It was neat while Hero was here, but it was a two realm game sadly between alb and mid at that point. Alb will probably decay back to its original state soon and the game will move to hib vs mid again.

    Building up the realm for a few months was nice, but there was no succession plan to having Hero return to hib which has left Albs just doing random stuff now. People are eventually going to go to hib or mid where BG size group rvr is accessible and successful, returning alb to the solo realm.

    You can't really blame the Albs either like people like doing. It's way harder for albs to make small groups than mids or hibs, and this hurts us as a realm very badly. You'll see 3-4 albs standing around soloing, looking like a group, but there's no reason for them to group because they would need to be tied to a BG, which doesn't exist, in order to succeed. We don't mingle well with each other in the wild, and joining a random group is the best way to turn 40k/hour solo/dopp run into 5k rps for the entire night.

    Damn shame.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • null
    Returning player here, how do you get 40k/hour? Farming Dopps? This a quest?
  • You can get 40k+/hr doing dopplegangers by finding a good loop that has 5-6 of them in a small area, and isn't overrun by realm adversaries. It does take some good potions like a 50% pot, but it's very doable

    If you're unsure what a doppleganger is then it's a monster in NF that you can kill which produces RP. They give 875 base rp, but when you apply bonuses it adds up fast:

    I think each one gets me:
    875 base
    437 bonus (50%) pot
    175 (20% gear bonus)
    43 (guild bonus)
    +population bonus
    1530-2405 rps total per kill.

    Numbers may not be exact, but are close.
  • edited September 2023 PM
    Sad to here that alb is in such a state but not surprised really been banging on for years about the utility and ways to improve it on alb melee groups have been sub par for along time ideas to change both of these problems have been extensively talked about on these forums but broadsword and irc didn’t want to know.
    All the people who have left the game know the problems it’s a game run by a small clique who use every exploit in the game to maximise there rp haul with the complicit approval of broadsword developers and community support its the main problem in the game.
    People have had enough that’s why the population has sank that’s why no one wants to run a bg i would also say that herorius is part of the his constant 24 7 zergs and again blatant cheating didn’t help the game at all.
    I really feel for you muy you seem a decent guy but unfortunetly mate you are fighting an unholy cabal that has destroyed the game.
    I no longer play live but occasionally log in on my one account and find a once great game destroyed by cheats and [removed]
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • edited September 2023 PM
    Brut wrote: »
    Sad to here that alb is in such a state but not surprised really been banging on for years about the utility and ways to improve it on alb melee groups have been sub par for along time ideas to change both of these problems have been extensively talked about on these forums but broadsword and irc didn’t want to know.
    All the people who have left the game know the problems it’s a game run by a small clique who use every exploit in the game to maximise there rp haul with the complicit approval of broadsword developers and community support its the main problem in the game.
    People have had enough that’s why the population has sank that’s why no one wants to run a bg i would also say that herorius is part of the his constant 24 7 zergs and again blatant cheating didn’t help the game at all.
    I really feel for you muy you seem a decent guy but unfortunetly mate you are fighting an unholy cabal that has destroyed the game.
    I no longer play live but occasionally log in on my one account and find a once great game destroyed by cheats [removed].

    Some truth there.
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • edited September 2023 PM
    It pains me to see this when a leader is trying so hard and wants to do everything they can to make sure their realm can compete but you are climbing a steep mountain. Sadly Broadsword just don't want to listen and we've all tried very hard but it's come to nothing. I for one seen many people put good suggestions and it's gone to waste and it saddens me to see this.

    I truly think that Broadsword want to try and kill off the game and I believe it more now since they've put Classic on the backburner. No one is going to come back to Ywain the state it's in. It's in such a bad state population wise and that's just because there just isn't the excitement it use to have. I will always have fond memories of this game and I met a lot of good people, I will be honest I probably picked the wrong fights and created problems for myself sometimes but I wont forget the players that helped me but also shaped this game to be on what made DAoC great! I respect you Muylock a great deal for trying to keep the ship alive in mid, I also appreciate those leaders who led before such as Xyorman, Anna, Rescu, Kaptkent, Hero, Billings, Luvly, Kzar and even you Brut! There are probably many more but it was truly an honor playing with these guys.

    Maybe one day DAoC will bounce back again with a relaunch of a new server or maybe DAoC 2 but for now I think real life is where I need to be.
    Post edited by Solicfear1 on
  • edited September 2023 PM
    Solicfear1 wrote: »
    It pains me to see this when a leader is trying so hard and wants to do everything they can to make sure their realm can compete but you are climbing a steep mountain. Sadly Broadsword just don't want to listen and we've all tried very hard but it's come to nothing. I for one seen many people put good suggestions and it's gone to waste and it saddens me to see this.

    I truly think that Broadsword want to try and kill off the game and I believe it more now since they've put Classic on the backburner. No one is going to come back to Ywain the state it's in. It's in such a bad state population wise and that's just because there just isn't the excitement it use to have. I will always have fond memories of this game and I met a lot of good people, I will be honest I probably picked the wrong fights and created problems for myself sometimes but I wont forget the players that helped me but also shaped this game to be on what made DAoC great! I respect you Muylock a great deal for trying to keep the ship alive in mid, I also appreciate those leaders who led before such as Xyorman, Anna, Rescu, Kaptkent, Hero, Billings, Luvly, Kzar and even you Brut! There are probably many more but it was truly an honor playing with these guys.

    Maybe one day DAoC will bounce back again with a relaunch of a new server or maybe DAoC 2 but for now I think real life is where I need to be.

    It kinda sucks to see the population [removed] and the only spikes seem to be when they throw out these events but that lasts only a short while. I really hope they do something to bring people back and make Dark Age Great Again.
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
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