A few Newb questions. (crafting)
I'm new (actually, I played LONG ago, but I've forgotten everything and so much has changed) and have a few questions regarding crafting.
1. How useful is it? Should I craft my own weapons/armor? Do I need to or will I get replacement gear questing?
2. Is it a grind? I seem to remember crafting being a pain in the butt.
3. How do I get crafting materials? Gathering? (can't seem to find any gathering trainers or nodes)
4. Any other advice, crafting wise? I'm 2 days back into the game and I'm completely lost.
1. How useful is it? Should I craft my own weapons/armor? Do I need to or will I get replacement gear questing?
2. Is it a grind? I seem to remember crafting being a pain in the butt.
3. How do I get crafting materials? Gathering? (can't seem to find any gathering trainers or nodes)
4. Any other advice, crafting wise? I'm 2 days back into the game and I'm completely lost.

So yes, it is definitely worth it to craft. But focus on Alch first id say then SC. Then whatever armorcraft you wear. Dont need Weaponcrafting unless you want to make your own leggies. Hope this helps, also, join a guild. Plenty around to help newer players.
If you start with alchemy this may help.
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
(Also, what are spin and CM? Sorry haven't played in about 15 years.)
This, and Otherworld is where you farm the high end alch ingredients and Ore to craft the best potions and stuff
crafting is a waste of time now..the free armor you get is better thn what ya can craft. just get cl 13
dont craft other than alchemy..unless ya staying in the bgs..no need to craft ANY armor/weaps. dont listen to these bone brains..once ya 50 and cl 13 ya gonna be maxxed on almost all things
Leggies are solid. So that’s Weaponcrafting and Fletching, Also most temps have at least one piece of PC (player crafted) armor. So Tailoring, and Armorcrafting are also useful. Then you need to adds stats/resists/skills to the stuff you craft, so Spellcrafting. Basically all crafts are useful, with Fletching being the least useful.
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
The freedom you get to modify your equipment anytime is super helpful when trying to adjust small things or template from scratch. Even if you don't use a specific craft much, you can sometimes find somebody who wants something from it RIGHT NOW and will overpay to raise some quick plat. As a LGM spellcrafter i also find most people are using bad calculators too and missing out on imbrue points, where as I can just leisurely tinker with Gems until i get a maximized item.
The free kings armor is a returning player trap. The sets are complete garbage and have reduced strength procs (80 heal vs 120 heal procs for example). It will make your stats look great and you will think "WOW IM STRONG" but in reality you are weak because templated people have the same stats and a buffet of powerful /use items which turn fights. Max stats and resists is assumed, and it is no longer the standard for being powerful.
you hit me for 80pts -126 i get fall damage of 2 steps for more. flecthing..only if ya gonna craft some harps. leggie weaps have been nerfed too..all the same now. minor diff in elements but basically useless..if you have to rely on yer silly armor/weap proics..you need to stay in thid. Some of the "items" i have seen posted in many temps..are no longer available. You can go spend a cple thousand plat to try to make a temp that maxes yer armor..but i am not one of the flock..nf is full of macro groups anyway. And 126/126 str on my pally with 126/126 con/dex doesnt make me weak by any means