LF Stealth Minstrel Template

Hello, Im a returning player and dont know which Procs and Items are nessesary for a Stealther Minstrel,

So im looking for a Template .




  • *** Stats ***
    Strength: 94/94
    Constitution: 104/102
    Dexterity: 68/86
    Quickness: 75/77
    Charisma: 89/88
    Hitpoints: 561/560
    Powerpool: 7/32

    *** Resistances ***
    Crush: 30/28
    Slash: 28/29
    Thrust: 25/26
    Heat: 31/26
    Cold: 32/28
    Matter: 33/26
    Body: 36/26
    Spirit: 31/31
    Energy: 40/26

    *** Specs ***
    Instruments: 7/11
    Slash: 6/11
    Stealth: 10/11
    Thrust: 2/11

    *** Others ***
    Melee Damage: 9/10
    Melee Speed: 10/10
    Style Damage: 7/10
    Spell Damage: 14/10
    Spell Range: 8/10
    Spell Speed: 2/10
    Resistance Pierce All: 10/10
    Duration: 15/25
    Armor Factor: 60/50
    Myth Power Reg: 10/25
    Myth Endurance Reg: 3/10
    DPS Increase: 3/10
    CC Reduction: 5/50
    Conversion: 3/10

    *** Items ***
    Torso: Hauberk of Demonic Means
    + 15 Armor Factor
    + 40 Hitpoints
    + 40 Hitpoint Cap
    + 7 Strength Cap
    + 7 Dexterity Cap
    + 2 All Melee Skills
    + 4 Melee Damage
    + 4 Style Damage
    + 4 Spell Damage
    + 4 Spell Range

    Head: Otherworldly Adept Flame
    + 15 Strength
    + 15 Constitution
    + 6 Strength Myth Cap
    + 6 Heat
    + 6 Cold
    + 6 Matter
    + 2 Spell Damage
    + 4 Melee Speed
    + 2 Melee Damage
    + 10 Duration

    Arms: Sleeves of Haunting Melody
    + 6 Strength Cap
    + 21 Constitution
    + 9 Quickness
    + 5 Constitution Cap
    + 2 Quickness Cap
    + 35 Hitpoints
    + 15 Hitpoint Cap
    + 8 Crush
    + 9 Cold
    + 4 Spell Damage

    Hands: Cursed Soul Gauntlets
    + 25 Constitution
    + 50 Hitpoints
    + 50 Hitpoint Cap
    + 10 Constitution Cap
    + 5 Heat
    + 5 Energy
    + 5 Body
    + 5 Thrust
    + 5 Slash
    + 5 Resistance Pierce All

    Legs: arcanium Dragonsworn Enchanted Mail Leggings
    + 15 Strength
    + 17 Charisma : Icy Essence Jewel (polished)
    + 60 Hitpoints : Blood Essence Jewel (precious)
    + 29 Dexterity : Vapor Essence Jewel (perfect)
    + 14 Quickness : Airy Essence Jewel (imperfect)

    Boots: arcanium Dragonsworn Enchanted Mail Boots
    + 5 Duration
    + 29 Charisma : Icy Essence Jewel (perfect)
    + 8 Constitution : Earthen Essence Jewel (rough)
    + 29 Dexterity : Vapor Essence Jewel (perfect)
    + 76 Hitpoints : Blood Essence Jewel (perfect)

    Neck: Ghostly Medal of Valor
    + 100 Hitpoints
    + 75 Hitpoint Cap
    + 20 Armor Factor
    + 7 Cold
    + 7 Heat
    + 7 Matter
    + 7 Body
    + 7 Energy
    + 7 Spirit

    Cloak: Megalodon's Hide Cloak
    + 9 Energy
    + 60 Hitpoints
    + 8 Heat
    + 8 Body

    Jewel: Gem of the Harbinger
    + 4 Spell Damage
    + 4 Melee Speed
    + 50 Hitpoint Cap
    + 50 Hitpoints
    + 9 Energy
    + 9 Spirit
    + 9 Matter
    + 5 Resistance Pierce All

    Belt: Astral Belt of Positive Energy
    + 4 Spell Range
    + 7 Powerpool Cap
    + 7 Powerpool
    + 21 Acuity
    + 10 Acuity Cap
    + 15 Armor Factor

    Right Ring: Otherworldly Deft Ring
    + 4 All Magic Skills
    + 10 Dexterity
    + 10 Constitution
    + 4 Dexterity Myth Cap
    + 4 Constitution Myth Cap
    + 50 Hitpoint Cap
    + 50 Hitpoints
    + 5 Spirit
    + 5 Energy
    + 5 Body

    Left Ring: Midsummer's Triumphant Wrap
    + 3 Conversion
    + 25 Constitution
    + 8 Constitution Myth Cap
    + 40 Hitpoints
    + 2 Melee Speed
    + 2 Spell Speed
    + 8 Crush
    + 8 Slash
    + 8 Thrust
    + 40 Hitpoint Cap

    Right Bracer: Stonewatch Bracer
    + 22 Acuity
    + 3 Acuity Cap
    + 3 All Magic Skills
    + 6 Slash
    + 6 Crush
    + 6 Thrust
    + 6 Matter
    + 6 Body

    Left Bracer: Band of the Dream Conqueror
    + 5 Body
    + 5 Cold
    + 5 Matter
    + 5 Energy
    + 5 Heat
    + 5 Spirit
    + 6 Crush
    + 6 Slash
    + 6 Thrust
    + 40 Hitpoint Cap

    Myth: Freezing Conqueror Mythirian
    + 10 Myth Power Reg
    + 3 Myth Endurance Reg
    + 3 DPS Increase
    + 5 CC Reduction
    + 5 Cold
    + 2 Cold Myth Cap

    Right Hand: arcanium Pyroclasmic Falchion
    + 10 Armor Factor
    + 3 Melee Damage
    + 3 Style Damage
    + 20 Strength : Fiery Essence Jewel (faceted)
    + 29 Quickness : Airy Essence Jewel (perfect)
    + 5 Stealth : Airy Battle Jewel (imperfect)
    + 2 Slash : Watery War Sigil (uncut)

    Left Hand: duskwood Dragonsworn Forged Mighty Buckler
    + 15 Strength
    + 29 Strength : Fiery Essence Jewel (perfect)
    + 23 Quickness : Airy Essence Jewel (precious)
    + 5 Stealth : Airy Battle Jewel (imperfect)
    + 2 Slash : Watery War Sigil (uncut)

    Ranged: Ancient Drum
    + 4 Instruments
    + 25 Dexterity
    + 10 Dexterity Cap
    + 4 Spell Damage
    + 4 Spell Speed
    + 4 Spell Range
    + 5 Duration
    + 10 Arcane Siphon

    *** Material ***
    2x um gem
    1x on gem
    3x pal gem
    1x mon gem
    1x ros gem
    2x zo gem
    6x ra gem
    34x bloodied battlefield dirt
    352x essence of life
    10x ground caer stone
    33x air elemental essence
    17x draconic fire
    16x frost from a wasteland
    18x giant blood
    4x leviathan blood
    20x swamp fog
    3x treant blood

    *** Gems ***
    1x Fiery Essence Jewel (faceted) : + 20 Strength
    1x Fiery Essence Jewel (perfect) : + 29 Strength
    1x Earthen Essence Jewel (rough) : + 8 Constitution
    2x Vapor Essence Jewel (perfect) : + 29 Dexterity
    1x Airy Essence Jewel (imperfect) : + 14 Quickness
    1x Airy Essence Jewel (precious) : + 23 Quickness
    1x Airy Essence Jewel (perfect) : + 29 Quickness
    1x Icy Essence Jewel (polished) : + 17 Charisma
    1x Icy Essence Jewel (perfect) : + 29 Charisma
    2x Airy Battle Jewel (imperfect) : + 5 Stealth
    2x Watery War Sigil (uncut) : + 2 Slash
    1x Blood Essence Jewel (precious) : + 60 Hitpoints
    1x Blood Essence Jewel (perfect) : + 76 Hitpoints

    Created by http://www.excidio.net/spellcrafting
  • My Minstrel is actually just hit level 40, tonight. I am working on my own Stealth template, myself, and once I get to 50 and I have gears decked out, I will post an update.

    I do like Gold's, since he does include instruments specs.

    My particular spec is going to unique, in that my Instruments is going to be the lowest possible level.
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