If you’re thinking about reactivating don’t bother



  • edited May 2021 PM
    Post edited by Amadeus on
  • There's my son
  • I agree with the original poster, after coming back and *trying* to get back into the game it has WAY to many problems for new players or returning players

    A few things returning or new players should know. First the game has been gutted. what I mean is that you basically have an express leveling path to around level 35 THEN you are expected to go to Molvik and battle grounds to progress.

    The expansions have also been disabled. you heard right. want to go to catacombs. FORGET it, they disabled it. again gutted the game.

    The UI is ancient and out of date, no UI scaling, the map is impossible to read, and many basic features other MMOs have are just flat out missing.

    Next battle grounds.. Don't bother unless you have a pack of friends to run with. And don't try to Solo as a new or returning player the experience is one of go out, get farmed, repeat. Its not worth it.

    AND Soloing as a stealth class is just as bad, your experience will be to sit and wait, and wait and wait... or roam and roam and roam. Any chance to engage is typically an express train to /release.

    The next problem is that players are cross realming, meaning players from opposing realms meet out on the BG to hang out.

    The next problem are BOT and multi-box groups, good luck with that.

    the next problem is zerging. no body is really doing keep defense, its all about swarming in predefined paths and sweeping up and farming players. the excitement of long drawn out castle battles is gone.

    The next problem is that long playing old school classes with master crafted or special dropped gear, RR, Master levels, its is impossible to play against these players

    Next problem. Population. yup its pretty much dead. when people say daoc has become a solo game, they aren't kidding.

    So should you give Broadsword 15$ a month? No. Should you come back, Only if you want to just see some of the zones for old time sake. You can do that on a F2P server, also there are other options out there that are F2P, which might be better.

    It is too bad this game fell apart, hasn't been maintained or improved, and sad that PVE has been gutted.

    You are 100% correct !!! Compared to other MMO's this game is focused on one thing its pvp. Now it made a sandbox game into an instant port game ( so dumb) The PVE is just not there any more. I still have 2 more month on my account. I played for over 15 years and now the game is terrible since the last changes they made. Would my guild come back if the got rid of the solo zones and the port to the Island .. Maybe... Plus compared to other MMO's the community is very toxic The advice channel is worthless and the chat trolls are on every channel. Where is the csr's ? when you need them. Probably playing ESO like every one else. Save DAOC stop trying to appease the instant gratification people !!

  • the next problem is zerging. no body is really doing keep defense, its all about swarming in predefined paths and sweeping up and farming players. the excitement of long drawn out castle battles is gone.

    the situation is rather different in the US and EU prime time.

    During the EU prime time, there is Herorius leading the Hibs. I'm not sure about who leads the Albs at that time. In Midgard there is Annamariede leading on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, there is me leading the other days and there is occasionally Vergibtnix who asks me if he can lead during a weekend day. And who am I to say that someone can't lead instead of me ?

    i do defend the Mid keeps vs Herorius, even when the odds are very much in Herorius's favor. even with a keep fight that we are bound to lose, there is still rp to be made. i'll refrain from defending a keep when the odds look so bad that we would not only be certain to lose but also would be unable to make ANY rp while doing so on top.

    i also try very hard to avoid what you call 'swarming in predefined paths and sweeping up and farming players'. i do not treat my bg as an oversized FG that roams around places where it can kill fgs, small mans and soloers as it's modus operandi while avoiding any sort of action that actually requires a bg and can't be done with just a fg.

    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Enkertons wrote: »
    Shut up Shoke.

    Missed you too
  • Muylae wrote: »

    i also try very hard to avoid what you call 'swarming in predefined paths and sweeping up and farming players'. i do not treat my bg as an oversized FG that roams around places where it can kill fgs, small mans and soloers as it's modus operandi while avoiding any sort of action that actually requires a bg and can't be done with just a fg.

    that's interesting since just a few months ago, when I played, you had been a long-time staple at Alb and Mid Maze O_o
  • Enkertons wrote: »
    Muylae wrote: »

    i also try very hard to avoid what you call 'swarming in predefined paths and sweeping up and farming players'. i do not treat my bg as an oversized FG that roams around places where it can kill fgs, small mans and soloers as it's modus operandi while avoiding any sort of action that actually requires a bg and can't be done with just a fg.

    that's interesting since just a few months ago, when I played, you had been a long-time staple at Alb and Mid Maze O_o

    Still true
  • I guess the game isnt for everyone. since you are quiting, can i have your stuff?
  • You just got to find something about the game that you enjoy is all.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
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