Came back over a decade later

Always loved this game, got a big enough itch and re subbed. Was super saddened to find my accounts wiped. No chars on my old server,none on account info. So, I decided to just start over. It will be fun but 3 days later I have a pair of level 17`s. I don`t remember it being this hard.

I am wondering if ToA still exists? Do ML`s? Do Catacombs? I ask because so far the game feels very different for some reason.

Is anyone willing to give me the short version of sum major changes over the past few years to help this all make sense?

Are BG`s still active? What server is the most active? I see you can port between them from DL (I play Hib)


  • edited March 2021 PM
    ... Didn`t mean to post this,second one,and not sure how to delete a comment...... dern cat!
    Post edited by Jackpine on
  • On the server selection screen you have to go to Archived servers and transfer them from your old server/realm to Ywain1-10. All Ywains are the same server, the only difference being housing is separate and different on each ywain (so like, 10 housing zones for house purposes).

    Leveling is pretty lonely nowadays but it does go fast. Most game content is 50 RvR and some Molvik RvR. Some people say just level in the BGs (can buy gear in there with BPs you get from quests) other suggest following the town quests and going to next town every 5-10 levels or something (same thing can buy armor your level in the town that is for your level)
  • Thanks Armagedden for the reply.
    Good to know about the Ywain servers. I haven`t quested much,has never been my thing but maybe I`ll give town quests a try. I just resubbed 2 accounts and rolled a chanter/block warden when my chars were nowhere to be found. I quickly discovered my chanter is not as powerful as he once was in respect to focus pulls and heals. Ouch. So,adjusting my gameplay and trying other duo combos..

    I logged into my old server of Gaheris and found no chars. I logged into Ywain and every other server and can`t find any chars. I went to char/guild search on official page and when I search my old char name,it says Archived char and displays nothing else. So they must be there but at this point I don`t know what else to try.

    Anyone have a suggestion on a good duo for end game pve? Thinkin bout trying a Verdant ani next,maybe they hold aggro better.
  • Check your Accountmanagement where you choose the Subscription, there you can get a list of your Chars / Server they are on.
  • Indur wrote: »
    Check your Accountmanagement where you choose the Subscription, there you can get a list of your Chars / Server they are on.

    Nothin there :(
  • Hello, not to ask another question on your thread but I just recently recovered my account after about a decade too like you did. I have a Druid ML10 RR8. What is RvR like now? What Ywain server is populaated? I already transferred my character from my old server to Ywain. I went to Ywain 1 yesterday and just ported around to different areas to see what it was like and the only areas that I saw people was outside the RVR gate and Tir Na Nog. Is this normal? Is it hard to join a guild? Thanks again for info.
  • Questing must be where its at anymore for xp. I been doing the classic enchanter/ward or bard and hero/bard just killing stuff and its kind of excruciatingly slow. When the server comes back up I`ma start town/dungeon quests and see how it goes. I read about 50 in days and right now I`m like....... ya....right. So I must be doin something very wrong. :p

    To jadxia ,
    In my days back, I would say thats normal. I get the impression one needs to join a guild to stand a chance at any help as far as groups and whatnot goes. From what I read on these forums RVR is all about the time in which it happens versus the time in which you are online. Hopefully they coincide. I could be very wrong, but just from reading posts and comments,thats what I gather.

    I just wonder if things like Dragon raids still happen? What about Galla? Is there much of an economy? Whats in demand?
  • @Jackpine yes younare doing it wrong haha grinding mobs really isn't the way to xp.

    From 1-30, do town quests. Battlegrounds are another option but theybare a bit slower, and town quests are fun too.

    30-35 you port to oceanus and get the treasure of the deep or whatever it's called that asks you to pick up chests underwater. You repeat that quest 5-6 times, one level per completion.

    35 to 50 you will do battlegrounds (Molvik, Leirvik and Cathal Valley).
  • edited March 2021 PM
    @jackpine message me in discord later namesvale#1997 and i can show you how to find your old toons
    Post edited by Names on
  • Names wrote: »
    @jackpine message me in discord later namesvale#1997 and i can show you how to find your old toons

    I would freeking ***t if that was a possibility. My fingers are crossed!
  • Jackpine wrote: »

    I would freeking ***t if that was a possibility. My fingers are crossed!

    Well, did you have your ***ting pants on or not?
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • Jackpine wrote: »

    Nothin there :(

    if you are coming back after years it will take a while before those toons show up on account management page. It doesn't auto refresh all what 5 million accounts ever created.
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