DAoC stats and figures - 2017-18 (a year, or 10 weeks, in retrospect)
I've been collecting data from Vanesyra's site - Excidio - for over two years now, and I has news.
Active RvR population over the last ten weeks has increased against 2017 figures. In the last two weeks, the active RvR population has been at least 20% up on the same time year, and the average over the last ten weeks is up 6.2% on last year.
In May 2017, the population was so low that a Come Back to Camelot campaign was launched - so we may see the 2018 figures drop below the 2017 figure in a month or so, but for now, the DAoC population is looking slightly, dare I say, healthier than it has for a long time.
N.B. this is based on characters that have earned at least 1 realm point in a week; I do not have access to numbers of active accounts. Anyway, full graphs and stats below

The next graph shows the proportion of characters, kills, and deathblows held by each realm over the last 52 weeks.

And this one is a cheap one-off graph I've done showing the ratio of kills to deathblows - the higher the number, the more people involved in each kill. I call this a zerg rating.

Okay - onto realm profiles for the last ten weeks. This shouldn't surprise anyone who plays the game - maulers are generally the least played character, although those that are played tend to make a lot of realm points (particularly on Hibernia). Meanwhile, Bainshees are probably the biggest outlier on the bottom end - with very few played and earning rather few realm points. Meanwhile, on the other end, the main heal and cc classes dominate (Healers, Bards, Clerics, Druids, and Sorcs).
I'm hoping these graphs fit in this tiny post window...



Alrighty, that's me done. But I plan to do some more analysis of solo players when I get some time again...
Happy to explain the graphs above if people have trouble understanding them. Should I cross-post to Postcount???!
Active RvR population over the last ten weeks has increased against 2017 figures. In the last two weeks, the active RvR population has been at least 20% up on the same time year, and the average over the last ten weeks is up 6.2% on last year.
In May 2017, the population was so low that a Come Back to Camelot campaign was launched - so we may see the 2018 figures drop below the 2017 figure in a month or so, but for now, the DAoC population is looking slightly, dare I say, healthier than it has for a long time.
N.B. this is based on characters that have earned at least 1 realm point in a week; I do not have access to numbers of active accounts. Anyway, full graphs and stats below

The next graph shows the proportion of characters, kills, and deathblows held by each realm over the last 52 weeks.

And this one is a cheap one-off graph I've done showing the ratio of kills to deathblows - the higher the number, the more people involved in each kill. I call this a zerg rating.

Okay - onto realm profiles for the last ten weeks. This shouldn't surprise anyone who plays the game - maulers are generally the least played character, although those that are played tend to make a lot of realm points (particularly on Hibernia). Meanwhile, Bainshees are probably the biggest outlier on the bottom end - with very few played and earning rather few realm points. Meanwhile, on the other end, the main heal and cc classes dominate (Healers, Bards, Clerics, Druids, and Sorcs).
I'm hoping these graphs fit in this tiny post window...



Alrighty, that's me done. But I plan to do some more analysis of solo players when I get some time again...
Happy to explain the graphs above if people have trouble understanding them. Should I cross-post to Postcount???!
Sad Pandas (8v8 video, Sorceress PoV) - Bride, Simbas, Simbar, Kubs, Magnificients, Servants - Hopz character chimp. Winner Ywain's prettiest house 2016!
See NEW one year of DAoC data - April 2018 - March 2019
Simon's cast speed and archery speed tests - plus 4.2 standard shot, and acuity and spell damage tests!
Twitch - Simon_DAoC
YouTube - saved fights and videos, and The Adventures of Simbar (video)
See NEW one year of DAoC data - April 2018 - March 2019
Simon's cast speed and archery speed tests - plus 4.2 standard shot, and acuity and spell damage tests!
Twitch - Simon_DAoC
YouTube - saved fights and videos, and The Adventures of Simbar (video)
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
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I do think the returning curve/entrance to RvR needs to be toned down a fair bit, that said.
If you have a mind, I would love to see a multi-realm class pie by rps earned, level 50 classes. It would be messy, of course, and beggars can't be picky.
Can't really do realm versus realm comparisons because of the dynamic realm point bonus. Maybe on kills and deathblows... but 1000rp earned on Alb might be equal to 1500 on Hib and just 700 on Mid. Makes comparison irrelevant.
See NEW one year of DAoC data - April 2018 - March 2019
Simon's cast speed and archery speed tests - plus 4.2 standard shot, and acuity and spell damage tests!
Twitch - Simon_DAoC
YouTube - saved fights and videos, and The Adventures of Simbar (video)
Makes one think theyd need some Love, but i dont think thats true. At least not for all of them.
Were you referring to the stealth classes needing love? I dunno, assassins across the board are top 5 earners across their respective realms (SB#2, NS#4 and Infil#5) while archers are in the top 8 (Hunter#8, Ranger#6 and #7) across their respective realms as well.
Personally the three most surprising results were Reavers, Animists and Bonedancers being nearly last. Didn't expect that.
Sorry in Case i was unclear on this. Engl isnt my native lang. I was refering to the, apparently, less popular classes maybe needing some love. I rolled a Champ in my first days of daoc. (Pre toa) At that time still a class considered subpar or even unviable by lots of Players.
wru scout vids ! I wanna see some rippin
Not a problem! All cleared up
Maulers were also very interesting; perhaps too much of a change altering both staff and aura manipulation simultaneously.
No, that den of vipers needs to die out. Not posting any relevant discussion topics there will help accomplish that.
Getting rolled up by every other stealther, their DPS is terribad, but hey we get a small shield!
Character List
Youtube Channel
Twitch Channel
Alb Casters
Cabalist/Sorc/Wizard/Wizard Crescendo/Wind Theurgist/Earth Theurgist 10conversion 8pierce OR 8conversion 10pierce
Hib Casters
Mid Casters
Spiritmaster/Runemaster/Runemaster 126dex no GMoV/Bonedancer/Warlock/Warlock Set
Pac Healer 25CCreduc/Aug Healer/Group Shaman/Small/Solo Shaman Set/Friar Heal 25CCreduc/Cleric Heal/Warden Heal 30CCreduc/Druid Group
Group VW/Group Scout/*New*Group Thane/Necro Painworking
Group Hero
It's all in the name "Scout" - you find the enemy, then run away until you get caught, then you just engage and pop defensive procs and wait for the cavalry to come kill them.
That was meant as a joke but...
As soon as the rank5 gets fixed I'll definitely release some
Character List
Youtube Channel
Twitch Channel
Alb Casters
Cabalist/Sorc/Wizard/Wizard Crescendo/Wind Theurgist/Earth Theurgist 10conversion 8pierce OR 8conversion 10pierce
Hib Casters
Mid Casters
Spiritmaster/Runemaster/Runemaster 126dex no GMoV/Bonedancer/Warlock/Warlock Set
Pac Healer 25CCreduc/Aug Healer/Group Shaman/Small/Solo Shaman Set/Friar Heal 25CCreduc/Cleric Heal/Warden Heal 30CCreduc/Druid Group
Group VW/Group Scout/*New*Group Thane/Necro Painworking
Group Hero