If you’re thinking about reactivating don’t bother
If you’re thinking about reactivating but are perusing these channels to try and get a sense of what the game is like before you make a decision, I can offer up my personal experience.
I reactivated a week ago given that I used to play this game as a kid and thought that it might make quarantine less of a drag.
You’ll get to 50 in a day or two by yourself by finishing the new town quests that allow for it then you’ll likely find a template online you’ll probably want to copy. You’ll then spend 1-2 weeks (not 1 day like some posts I’ve seen) farming the bounty points (mostly by yourself) for it which is really just a frustrating process of running out to the same zones and getting farmed by the same small groups/higher RR players over and over and over ad nauseam.
Population fluctuates between 30-200ish players on your realm. There’s ironically little if any death spam in the frontiers despite the fact that people manage to continuously farm you while you try to put together armor (there were 2 _____ was killed by _____ messages between 2:45-3:15PM eastern while writing this as an example).
Ultimately, you’ll end up running with the BG as a last resort that seemingly comes together around the same time everyday but it’ll just be a lot of really boring running around stuck to the leader and then having the exact same keep fight. If you end up in a 1v1 you’ll find that people of all classes sort of now specialize in disengaging and running away and then coming back to the point that it’s just not fun. It’s only 15-20 dollars but you’re probably better off playing other games or ordering a pizza.
I reactivated a week ago given that I used to play this game as a kid and thought that it might make quarantine less of a drag.
You’ll get to 50 in a day or two by yourself by finishing the new town quests that allow for it then you’ll likely find a template online you’ll probably want to copy. You’ll then spend 1-2 weeks (not 1 day like some posts I’ve seen) farming the bounty points (mostly by yourself) for it which is really just a frustrating process of running out to the same zones and getting farmed by the same small groups/higher RR players over and over and over ad nauseam.
Population fluctuates between 30-200ish players on your realm. There’s ironically little if any death spam in the frontiers despite the fact that people manage to continuously farm you while you try to put together armor (there were 2 _____ was killed by _____ messages between 2:45-3:15PM eastern while writing this as an example).
Ultimately, you’ll end up running with the BG as a last resort that seemingly comes together around the same time everyday but it’ll just be a lot of really boring running around stuck to the leader and then having the exact same keep fight. If you end up in a 1v1 you’ll find that people of all classes sort of now specialize in disengaging and running away and then coming back to the point that it’s just not fun. It’s only 15-20 dollars but you’re probably better off playing other games or ordering a pizza.
I love the game and always will but it was just time to sell the accounts.
Second lf all, QQ. Try putting a little effort in.
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
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Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
I noticed in some other threads some people curious about returning are pretty much just lied to about how the game is thriving and how quickly you’ll be up and running. None of that is true.
Try the DAOC discord.
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
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Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
i can understand your frustration, but ... you are doing it wrong in the current state of the game.
hear me out.
this game is no longer about starting from scratch and leveling and interacting with people in region to group up. that scene is dead.
doing the town quest is archaic. no-one still does that. it's just not efficient. the pve zones for all purpose are a dead wasteland.
ok, we got to there, no the next thing you mention.
if you think you can farm bounty points on a new character without knowledge about the fronteer or without a lot of experience, once again, you are doing it wrong in the current game.
if you think you can do anything on your own in the fronteer without being a very high skill level, very experienced player with a godlike template, you are doing it wrong. if you are a new or returning player and don't have a good template, don't have good knowledge about the fronteer and are not an extremely good soloer ... don't go out in the fronteer on your own. if you are just trying to get the stuff you need to make your first level 50, get cl's, get ml's, get template, don't go our there on your own.at best you'll face a soloer in a godlike template with far superior RR and with THOUSANDS of hours of experience at doing that. you will need to be on hell of a player to win even a single 1 vs 1 fight. some of the soloers you will run in will not have 1000's of hours of experience, but 10.000 + hours of experience, gear beyond anything you can imagine and a devastating advantage in RR.
so my advice is not 'get gud'.... my advice is get friends. join those battle groups, meet people ... you used to meet people in this or that town in the pve zone, formed a group, got to know people while leveling ... now you join the bg, get in a group, get to know people, socialize, get in a guild (or even more important, get in a guild in one of the bigger alliances) and go from there. unless you are just making character number 10+ and have years of experience and know all the right people and have the equivalent of 1000's of plat spread over your characters, you will need to be part of a 'society'. be that a guild, an alliance, to get anywhere at a decent speed.
i've had people returning to the game that just after a /who 'player name' i remember from the past, and sending me a pm, i got in the guild and 2 days later their level one char was lvl 50, cl 15, ml 10 and had a set of gear that was good enough to be useful in a group in the rvr bg... i've taken pitty on people in the bg that were asking for group for an hour+ on a fresh 50, not even in epic armor, without finding a group, got them in my group (i can be such a softy) and had them 'ready' for rvr in a bg by the end of the evening.
join the BG, socialize, learn about the people, be nice, ask to join a semi large guild that is sociable ... you 'll get there.
that is another big gripe from me... in the past, when you were in svasud (example) you would see xxx was killed by yy in the other side of the map .. now the rang in which you seem death spam has been reduced (no idea why, it was a bad decision from BS, it just makes the game seem dead... it probably saves them 5 cent on server capacity and bandwidth but ... it's **** ... or maybe some leet player(s) that have the ear of BS don't want all people to know where they were active, your guess is as good as mine...[/quote]
i hope this helps
This was done to stop bots seeing messages over the entire frontier whilst camped in the relic town
You have to avoid the zergs use the labyrinth as a realm switching route hit mazes and solo zones check the doppelgänger routes and hit and move .
Actively hunt stealthers at safe zones.
Swim around the island pop in and out of the docks and the tower areas avoid the main island unless you got back up hit the hero Zerg when he’s on a purp keep
Plenty of fun fights my advice mix it up small man solo pug and Zerg but you have to peresevere to many people sadly to say mainly USA players log after the first death and generally miss out on a lot of fun.
Daoc takes dedication and perseverance but still a lot of fun don’t fear the release listen to people who try to give you advice and understand that daoc is a very different game to back in the day try to be humble and people will help you
There is so much learning involved in this game and that is why I fell in love with it but it takes a long time. I came to the game about 6 years ago and it was a very different time population-wise and was much easier to learn and especially the player base was much more casual players so you could actually win a fight or 2 if you were new.
Here are some tips for you now that you know a little bit about the game:
- Don't run BP quests in NF. I used to NEVER run these in prime times. Sometimes if I was up very late, or up very early, I would run these, as they are very fast for BPs if you don't get whomped. Be smart about the times you run them. Also, there are amazing BP quests in ToA that is a nice break from NF. These new quests for BPs alone is what brought me back to the game a while back because I was finally able to acquire gear by only playing 30min-1hour at a time
- Once you're lvl 50 in a new temp you will still wipe. Get to know the other classes of other realms by actually playing them and checking their abilities out at the trainer. Go online and look up the rr5 abilities of certain classes. Knowing what your up against and knowing what certain classes can do is a real game changer
- Lastly, to learn everything that will make you a great player takes time... years exactly. There is a reason there is a die-hard player base, however small it is, still here playing daily, that's because of how unique this game is
The population, on the EXACT day/night the event goes down, is not indicative of the normal population.
Yeah numbers do lie.
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Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
If you want to have fun on Ywain, you need to play with other people. Find an active guild (check excidio.net herald or ask in the official Discord), pick a class that fits your style, acquire a template, and then RvR. FYI, you can earn BPs outside the Frontiers. There's the ToA quest line and Curse campaign that both merit over 300k BPs each with a Buggane potion at low RR. If you're new or returning, I advise against playing solo until you have a handle on the current state of the game in terms of class balance and items. As Muy said, the days of the social XP grind are long gone. There are still "raids" that occur on a weekly basis strictly for Otherworldly (OW) and Curse campaigns.
There are a lot of people like Muylae on this game but yes there are also a lot of toxic players just ignore them and roll on you make what you want out of the game .I hate scripting and I don't do it myself but its now part of the game 1 button warriors but I dont let those players ruin my gaming time. My guild plays all 3 realms only way to keep this game fresh now a days. They have greats pve zone all empty
This is good, right? I take this as good.
To be clear you can compete okay in casual 8man/small man and zerg play just using a set of the free king gear and maybe a couple of low dollar items thrown in (OW belt/ring/helm/cloak). Then as you start to accrue bp's naturally you can up your game. As a returning player from your youth you aren't going to win most fights regardless of how good your template is, on your own, and as a veteran player I expect that you and yours are trio'ing me down in a solo zone.
Over the past month pins were in game. You could get 500k bps in probably 4 hours of play, even getting killed at pins. That's a full curse set. I don't see how it could possibly take 2 weeks let alone 2 days to farm enough bps for a template. You're welcome to try and break the math out if you are serious, but don't try to scare people away!
30 players on a realm? I have never seen that, at 3am est/12pm pacific/8am eu time? Possibly for that one hour slot. 30 in nf in the dead of night on a realm maybe. Normal 8am est-11pm est is probably a low of 100, high of 300 (200 nf)/realm.
The time frame you used makes me think you were somewhere say, like mount collory, when 90 hibs were fighting 50 mids and 80 albs at glen or beno or bled, or roaming KM. Over the past 2 weeks in casual play I've probably been at 3 three way fights that lasted 2-3 hours each where at the end I needed to pee like a racehorse but it was so intense I couldn't step away. The 1pm-5pm est timeframe is a big zerg fest and the action is where the zergs are. Most soloers/small mans log on zerg toons and join the fray. If you want small man/solo, 10am est-1pm, 5pm est-8pm and 10pm-12am est are when small man/solo and even fg play shines and you have action all around. If the zerg play isn't your thing, step away and read a book/finish that work email/do something from the honey-do list, and play when the time is favorable to your playstyle.
One thing that drives me bonkers is following a leader around in circles for 10-15 minutes. I think my wife feels the same, so if zergs are in that mood we will do something else. However, Keep vs open field fights during zerg play is a function of whether the zergs are about equal or not. If not open field it would just be a solid spam of one color death spam and people log quickly after that. Having toons on multiple realms and assisting the underdog is a great way to help bring the open field fights out.
You have a point that especially archers, sins, and charge/speed classes excel at making sure they reset the fight if needed to their advantage. My wife has recently gotten frustrated with the solo game, but it's mostly because the good fights are hard to get between getting zerged down or people camping their timers which should not be rewarded like it is. I tell her the game was not meant explicitly as a solo game. The devs did mention in either a grab bag or a newsletter or producer letter that they might look at the solo game and rewards at some point. As far as solo/small man action in general. I think dopples have helped it, helped the food chain get more established, and the action is definitely better when bonuses are in (but obviously if you make it permanent then it loses its draw). I think a month long tournament of some sort might be cool to draw action.
All in all I appreciate your comments and am glad you came to check it out. Having come back probably 4 times over the past 15 years I've always found that the community is really why I'm still here. The game play is good, but once you find like minded players it is a very pleasant experience.
These are the people who shame DAoC.
At least try and be more constructive, comments like this is exactly why people are turned off for playing DAoC these days.
Some people on this server just don't get it and make new/returning players experience pretty miserable and tell them how much they are cry rather than helping. This type of behaviour shows exactly why population is going down.
I'm so glad I'm not playing here anymore cus of how toxic it's become.
Shame on you!
Why then write here?
Is nothing toxic going on here, only players having different opinions.
First of all, I’ve grouped with you many times, I’m far from toxic.
And you’re the one playing and POSTING about an illegal replica server. (On postcount)
Don’t come here and talk trash about me, when you Solic, are a cheater.
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Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
Solic is correct. The community can either welcome new players and help them through the learning curve or kick them while their down, losing them in the process regardless if it's to another server or another game. My two cents, the community on Ywain needs to make up for the snail paced developing speed to keep players interested in the game. RvR prohibits the need to develop expansion-type content, but as the OP has experienced, it can be discouraging to play without help. We're currently paying a monthly premium subscription for less than premium services when compared to other MMOs. I imagine it's not difficult for a new player or a returning player from over a decade ago to move on, especially if they play outside of prime time hours.
Just be more constructive, don't act like a twat when you can actually help players get somewhere in this game. It would do u some credit, all I'm saying.
I agree with the OP. DAoC is a fantastic game, but it is in desperate need of solid improvements, perhaps in the form of radical changes.
I don't see a bright future for Ywain. There *could* be a bright future for an alternate server. This is why I think players who are pro-Ywain would be wise to seriously consider a future other than Ywain.
A fresh start (new server, but not necessarily "classic") could potentially bring the population everyone is yearning for. This could be the ONLY way to unite pro-Ywain players and anti-Ywain players.
A fresh start is an opportunity to remove content and make adjustments that otherwise could not be made. An influx of players would enable Broadsword to overhaul areas, items, abilities, etc.
some of the stuff you say just doesn't make sense to me. i you are pro-ywain, consider another server ? how does that make sense ? isn't the last thing you want if you are pro-ywain another server ? i don't get it.
a fresh-start server at the cost of ywain and like 20 years of characters ? that's the day i stop playing daoc.
what makes people think that a new/different server would bring new or old players (back) ?
the success of some of the alternative servers isn't their ruleset or anything, mostly it's the chance to play daoc without Broadsword or without a sub. i never understood what the deal was about playing 100+ hours a month for 15 euro. cheapest way to spend time i ever had. if i go to a bar, 15 euro is gone in max 2 hours.
Yes, I know this makes little sense to pro-Ywain players, but consider these two scenarios to choose from:
1. To replace Ywain: a fresh start on a server somewhat similar to Ywain with a huge boost to population.
2. In addition to Ywain: an alternate server that reduces Ywain's population to a fraction of what it is today.
It is true we have no idea how a new server will affect the population, but we do have a pretty good idea about the future of Ywain. Broadsword has tried many things, and things are not looking good. I appreciate that Ywain players are the loyal core of DAoC and your wishes SHOULD matter more than someone like me, but what I am arguing is that it might be in your best interest to consider a radical solution. It doesn't matter to me. I'm open to any kind of new server.
you don't answer this simple question : what makes you think it would improve the population ?
if they would REPLACE ywain ... what makes you think it would bring more players than they would lose due to disgruntled people calling it a day on daoc after losing their years of character building ?
if they would make a second different server (and no one seems to agree about what the second server should be like to start with anyway, everyone seems to have a different opinion about what/how it should be, so good luck making a different extra server that will be satisfactory for enough people), what makes you think there would be two successful servers when there is barely enough people to make one server playable ? i hear it over and over again, blablabla, bring new and returning players ... what makes you think that would happen ?
you talk about 'a huge boost' in population ... due to a fresh start. i think it would KILL the population.
you just seem ANTI ywain.
I think a fresh start is appealing to many people because it is the *perfect* time to come back to DAoC, which is a self-reinforcing effect and can *potentially* attract huge numbers. There are other reasons, but a fresh start is the biggest factor. That's just what I think.
I never said there could be *two* successful servers. I think Ywain will end up in really bad shape if/when they introduce an alternate server.
I *am* anti Ywain, but I have nothing against Ywain players and only wish the best for them. It's the direction from Broadsword I largely disagree with (realmpoint inflation, class balance, bow town, overpowered items pushing new expansions, etc.). A new server is a new chance for Broadsword.
had a "real" realm timer---and yes i understand that the skilled peeps can get around anything
What makes you think the issues they brought to Ywain wouldn't also carry over to the new server? I think the risk outweighs the reward if they wanted to start a new server and shut down the old one.
That is an understandable and fair concern. I see things the other way around. I believe there is a huge number of people willing to return to DAoC under the right circumstances (new server), and it would be silly not to *try* to reach as many of them as possible. This leaves Ywain in a precarious situation, certainly in the short term.
How can Broadsword appeal to potential players and loyal players at the same time? It's a tough challenge. Broadsword's plan (as far as we know) is to launch a new server alongside Ywain, and then at some point funnel all players to Ywain. My prediction is that the "funneling" part will be unsuccessful and that Broadsword will feel compelled to launch another alternate server.
I am simply pointing out another possible solution for you to contemplate.
I see it as an end game killer for Ywain. I know myself and many others would leave the game if they did a wipe or restart of Ywain. I play the game because I have fond memories of my characters back from release. I have made great friends and don't want their memories to be wiped only to start over. If there was a wipe I would not return. I know many others who feel the same way. This game survives on people who have played this game for many years. There is nothing that is preventing people from joining, getting even a kings template, joining a bg or 8v8 and getting rps. Solo game play is an uphill battle but there are ways to play RvR and still do well. A new server or wiping Ywain would be the final nail in the coffin in my opinion.
But don't you see the contradiction? To you, a wipe is *inconceivable*, yet there is nothing stopping *other* people from returning to Ywain... Nothing?
Here is a little thought experiment I recommend for Ywain players who wish more people would come back to DAoC: Imagine that 50 players returned to the game today. Is that a good thing?... Well, it depends who you ask. To people who played yesterday, an increase of 50 players is great! But the people returning do not experience this increase in population. They can only compare the population to when they quit, which is not likely to impress them.
I think many Ywain players are quick to assume that coming back is in itself rewarding to new players. Maybe it is more of a neutral experience. Maybe they *do* need something. (Don't ask me what. Ask them.)
It’s not the attachment, for me anyway. It’s simply the hours to lvl all my toons, get them all templated, and get LGM all, all realms.
If there is a new server, I can live with the lvling and templating, but I’m not re-leveling all my crafters, that’s where I draw the line.
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
But no, the port has been cut for Mids.....because that makes the action better....apparently....
If MJ is gonna fail with CU, take the IP and 50+ artists and programmers and make DAoC 2! Haha I can dream
what is your feeling of the family member that takes the patient to the beach to watch the sunrise and give him/her
a hot shot??
Keep what toons you've made and enjoyed playing over the years. Even keep their gear, your house, guild houses, and all the gear inside them. Keep all guilds and alliances as they are. Keep all toons current and all skins intact. We don't want that tall female Firby to lose that sexy dress she has on! Change none of that. What needs to change is to have a Realm-Rank reset and call the first 20 years of RvR over! Establish Titles and award those who truly put in the time for 20+ years and earned all the RR's and RP's they did. And before you throw up your arms and tell me to <insert your choice of expletive here>... please hear me out:
If any new/returning player can roll a 50 and have it CL15 and ML10 in a couple of days and they join an existing guild and somebody drops a current TEMP on that players toon... what is really different at that point other than RRs and of course the experience gained while actively playing (which is priceless)? RPs and specifically Realm Ranks is what I feel keeps anyone from trying to honestly make a real comeback. Yes, that new shiny Lvl50 toon in that perty TEMP looks good, but how does that RR2L3 feel when you try to fight anything that's been in game, actively playing, for 'x' amount of time and is probably RR7+ and they haven't even tried to earn RPs in... forever? There's an IMMEDIATE game disadvantage for new/returning players and there's literally no way around this.
My suggestion: Declare "Insert Title Here" over and award prizes and titles for 20yrs of RvR combat. Get as silly as you want with this. Most solo kills, most overall kills, most DPS in 24hrs, etc. I have no input here other than make the players that accomplished a truly unique set of stats, make sure they are provided with a truly unique title/award.
Set a start date and begin "Insert Title Here - A New Age (or Season 2)": Declare another 20yr battle and lets get this party started! All players and their gear, houses, guild houses, etc remains the same. All Lvl 50's with their pumped-up-kicks get to keep all their hard earned gear, nothing is lost. All that changes,.. is EVERY TOON on EVERY SERVER gets a RR/RP wipe to ZERO. Now new and existing players have a chance and don't feel left out in the current game environment. Pre-mades (groups that currently always run together) and highly active guilds/alliances will see population increases and the existing advantages these guilds/alliances already have they'll be able to maintain because they already have an active AND experienced player base. Truly new and older returning players will be brought back as they now see a possible "chance to compete" and will be more motivated to try knowing the RR's have been reset. ALL Battle Grounds (BGs) will see population increases as current/new/returning players begin their new journey towards that elusive RR10 toon they always wanted! Population in the BGs... one could only hope!
* Maybe update/lower the amount of RPs currently able to be earned. Why reset if in a month there's 500 RR14's running around again?
* Maybe, actually, enforce the ToS and hold people accountable moving forward?
* Create a website that displays all the new numbers... deaths, DBs, total DPS, amount healed, etc on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
* Offer rewards on a daily, weekly, monthly basis... even if it's just mithril to be used from the website. The point to the rewards... drive up people's PLAY TIME! Make it beneficial to actually WANT to play this game!
* Offer rewards for reaching a specific title first, second, third. Again, make players want to PLAY this game!
* Bring back some of the old game areas and update the drops to something remotely usable for that level.
* Make a comment section on the website so people can talk smack and have fun!
* Maybe... just maybe... run an ad or buy an annoying popup on a website, something... ANYTHING to let people know that DAOC is BACK!
... just my 2c worth...
face it, RR progression is the basis of daoc. do a wipe of that and me, like so many other people will call it a day with playing daoc. that's long term players (and payers) who will leave in droves to be replaced with what ? an uncertain amount of new (lol, where would those come from) and returning players who might stay for an uncertain amount of time.
Ywain can stay as is. Doesn't matter to me. But we sure as hell could use some life in the game whether it be via more players or actual events that aren't rehashed from over a decade ago. I don't seem to comprehend why basement dwellers are doing laps around the BS team when we're still paying the premium MMO price tag.
That way those with the realm rank already wouldn't lose so much of what they already had, it is just that those at the lower scale would be closer to them.
The gap has to be closer to incentivise a new player who hasn't got the realm ranks but also to help the old returning player who maybe has some middle ranked classes from a time when realm points were not so freely dished out by the game.
I've played for probably close to 15yrs. I'm still here. As much as I hate it at times, I still love it too. As many times as I've left... I've come back. But we all see the writing on the wall, and there's not much space left to keep writing the same thing.
I agree with you sir. Some people don't have an ounce of kindness or helpful. I read a lot of nice responses. Maybe this bloke that comes of a bit of grumpy, might have a mental problems, or ED. Or Both.
I never said a wipe is inconceivable. Don't put words in my mouth to further your agenda. I said there is nothing that is preventing others from joining an almost 20 year old game and getting into rvr. Most who have played this game have put time and effort into their characters. They do not want to see them disappear. And yes, others have been asking for a wipe to Ywain or a new server. Either one would be a detriment to the game in my opinion.
You ignored a lot of good posts including the one two up from yours, to come to this conclusion. I'm just saying.