Crescendo - Cloak of the loyal Bard 225% speed



  • Agree, hibs always get the OP items and classes
    Asatruar - Ronnie 10 "
    Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi

    The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure
  • edited December 2020 PM
    Not like warriors, zerks and savages with testudo, vendo, savage blows, blissfull ignorance, arent OP tanks. How about we nerf them too and you can have the bard cloak nerf.

    If BS keeps nerfing hib becuase of population trends the game will keep breaking and breaking. Please STFU and play more then one class so you actually understand all the checks and balances in the game. Or maybe BS can just keep caving to all the no skilled mojo and ahk macro casters and we can have dark age of cast alot where everyone has the same crap. I'm sure medieval fantasy counter strike will keep lots of subscriptions
    Post edited by Tesc on
  • edited December 2020 PM
    Tesc wrote: »
    Not like warriors, zerks and savages with testudo, vendo, savage blows, blissfull ignorance, arent OP tanks. How about we nerf them too and you can have the bard cloak nerf.

    If BS keeps nerfing hib becuase of population trends the game will keep breaking and breaking. Please STFU and play more then one class so you actually understand all the checks and balances in the game. Or maybe BS can just keep caving to all the no skilled mojo and ahk macro casters and we can have dark age of cast alot where everyone has the same crap. I'm sure medieval fantasy counter strike will keep lots of subscriptions

    If you want to play the what about game... How about Hib?

    Hib gets with 3 classes: Speed 6, Endo, Insta Amnesia, Power Song, Heal Song, SoS, AM, At least yellow AE Mezz (yellow for higher single target heals) Insta mezzes, Sojourner for group port and zephyr and phase shift, warden has red pbt, good group heals, and red celerity and can still have a back stun for peels and red body/energy/spirit resists, druid has spread heals, buffs, red cold/heat/matter resists and still has good single target heals and group heals. This is not paper DAoC, this is standard DAoC as no hib group will run without the three. On Alb you can forget about getting the requirements in three classes and on Mid you will have a hard time finding the requirements in 4 classes. On Hib you can guarantee that you will get all what I listed by asking for a bard, warden, druid.

    On Alb you are needing a Cleric, Friar, Minstrel, Sorceror, Theurgist, Paladin (6) to get what Hib has in 3 classes. On Mid you need a Pac Healer, Aug Healer, Aug/Mend Shaman, Skald, Suppression Spec'd Runemaster (5) to get what Hibernia has in three classes. Bards/Druids/Wardens aren't used to specing differently as their main specs are cookie cutter.

    (I didn't even mention anything about Hibernia winning all siege hands down due to their given abilities (Stun Nuke Nuke).

    Please understand balance before you make a statement.
    Post edited by Daelin on
  • And yet alb is the better 8vX realm
  • edited December 2020 PM
    Build better balanced grps. If peeps wont play the right classes you have none to blame but yourself. Stop breaking the game. Statements like, try to find.... just prove the point. We have peeps on hib whoroutinely switch classes to balance grps. The game is balanced in classes y punto.

    Just cause your feelings hurt cause peeps all want to play fire whizzes or warriors is not BS problems

    Gtfu and stfu.

    Post edited by Tesc on
  • @Daelin that is such a strange argument.

    Because in the 5 alb classes you listed, you get so much more than what hib gets in the 3 you started the comparison with. I understand it's 5 classes vs 3 so it's normal you get more, but man it's really not a correct way of looking at balance.

    We all agree that alb is the strongest realm in 8v8 and open field. Their pbae casters are weak compared to their hib counter part, but that's only really applicable to siege, lord room, roof fights etc.

    Each realms shine in some aspect, just saying "hib is op cause they can fit X amount of abilities into Y classes" is just... False.
  • But I'm curious what's an ahk macro caster, sounds OP, I'm interested.
  • no karen
  • Shoke wrote: »
    But I'm curious what's an ahk macro caster, sounds OP, I'm interested.

    they already went over that in the macro thread. thats when a caster binds everything to one key. mezz root, stat defuff, assist DD. duhhh
  • Tesc wrote: »

    If BS keeps nerfing hib becuase of population trends the game will keep breaking and breaking.


  • I would rather they looked at all the cloaks because something tells me the CL15 cloak should be the top cloak in the game for your class.

    And I am looking at my Scout and Hunter cloaks, and they aren't...
  • edited December 2020 PM
    Daelin wrote: »

    If you want to play the what about game... How about Hib?

    Hib gets with 3 classes: Speed 6, Endo, Insta Amnesia, Power Song, Heal Song, SoS, AM, At least yellow AE Mezz (yellow for higher single target heals) Insta mezzes, Sojourner for group port and zephyr and phase shift, warden has red pbt, good group heals, and red celerity and can still have a back stun for peels and red body/energy/spirit resists, druid has spread heals, buffs, red cold/heat/matter resists and still has good single target heals and group heals. This is not paper DAoC, this is standard DAoC as no hib group will run without the three. On Alb you can forget about getting the requirements in three classes and on Mid you will have a hard time finding the requirements in 4 classes. On Hib you can guarantee that you will get all what I listed by asking for a bard, warden, druid.

    On Alb you are needing a Cleric, Friar, Minstrel, Sorceror, Theurgist, Paladin (6) to get what Hib has in 3 classes. On Mid you need a Pac Healer, Aug Healer, Aug/Mend Shaman, Skald, Suppression Spec'd Runemaster (5) to get what Hibernia has in three classes. Bards/Druids/Wardens aren't used to specing differently as their main specs are cookie cutter.

    (I didn't even mention anything about Hibernia winning all siege hands down due to their given abilities (Stun Nuke Nuke).

    Please understand balance before you make a statement.

    You are artbitrarily picking certain abilities to try and make a point, yet you fail to understand that those 6 classes that Alb needs to gain the abilities of those 3 hib classes also have their own unique abilities/utilities that the hib classes do not. As others have mentioned, Alb is the strongest 8v8 realm, there is no question of that.

    It's quite funny that you ask others to understand balance when your whole understanding of the concept of balance is completely wrong ...
    Post edited by Esel on
  • edited December 2020 PM
    Enkertons wrote: »


    So we have a whole "balance" thread dedicated to a almost irrelevant speed boast on a timed use cloak in Hibernia but why not talk about the non-stop STs, un-killable tank zerg (testudo, front load dps etc), superior stun/heal pets (BDs, SMs), untargetable totems that int ? Instead lets keep grinding the propaganda machine against Hibernia because if we say it enough people will believe it...

    The game is balanced by archetype classes and abilities. People complain about stun-nuke on the caster realm, but never about the ST/Stun, Charge, thrash melee tank train.. Or the Alb I have 10000 pets balances..

    If you want to be a caster you go Hib, a great tank you go mid, a demonic zookeeper you go alb... not that hard really to understand.

    Post edited by Tesc on
  • Rofl demonic zookeeper i love the sound of that
  • edited December 2020 PM
    Having lots of pets only matters in open field in some areas since pet pathing is atrocious and will never be fixed. Remember, the Necro class was completely revamped because of this.

    Edit: on topic, the Bard Cloak Crescendo can be thrown out or changed for all I care. There's enough Crescendo items around where it's not really unique other than being speed 7 which is often used to grief rather than reposition.
    Post edited by puter on
  • I dont know why people are targeting the bard clok as realy onky got like 2 good uses for it and thats trying to catch people or get away if your solo as it does not affect the grp( unless im wrong but im 99.99% sure) if anything i think the bard r5 should be looked at(so should some others as there not all that useful compared to others) but anyone can tell you the bard is ecen while with rank 5 up because you stand out like a sore thumb. Now i personally dont know a good way to fix that. Rather its just doing away with it and getting something new or changing the way it works(would be funny if it picked a random person in nf and made the bard look like that person at least you have a chance at not looking like a fake XD)
  • @Names you use the bard r5 not to "hide", but much more because it hides cast animation and has a snare proc.
  • Bard r5 is amazing...
  • edited January 2021 PM
    Hib groups have been insta knocking ppl out of speed for years, now even if you do everything right on your solo ass you get caught , seems legit.
    Post edited by BackOfRackhams on
  • The thing you have to realise is you only find out how stupidly good the other sides classes are when you play the opposing realm. The grass is always greener (or redder or bluer I suppose lol) on the other side.
  • Tesc wrote: »

    So we have a whole "balance" thread dedicated to a almost irrelevant speed boast on a timed use cloak in Hibernia but why not talk about the non-stop STs, un-killable tank zerg (testudo, front load dps etc), superior stun/heal pets (BDs, SMs), untargetable totems that int ? Instead lets keep grinding the propaganda machine against Hibernia because if we say it enough people will believe it...

    The game is balanced by archetype classes and abilities. People complain about stun-nuke on the caster realm, but never about the ST/Stun, Charge, thrash melee tank train.. Or the Alb I have 10000 pets balances..

    If you want to be a caster you go Hib, a great tank you go mid, a demonic zookeeper you go alb... not that hard really to understand.


    Think the stun-nuke argument shines through during keep siege/defense and thus it seems more of an issue.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • edited January 2021 PM
    Think the stun-nuke argument shines through during keep siege/defense and thus it seems more of an issue.[/quote]

    have you actually played against the MELEE MID ST tank train?? there is NO difference in competitive ability at the group level between a hib caster having stun and casting as the MAGIC realm and the mids dropping 4 STSs stunning everything and WTF pooning all the solo casters trying to leech RPS.. The game is BALANCED by archetypes. please try to play more then one realm and class. PS: enough with the propaganda already for 2021
    Post edited by Tesc on
  • Tesc wrote: »
    Think the stun-nuke argument shines through during keep siege/defense and thus it seems more of an issue.[/quote]

    have you actually played against the MELEE MID ST tank train?? there is NO difference in competitive ability at the group level between a hib caster having stun and casting as the MAGIC realm and the mids dropping 4 STSs stunning everything and WTF pooning all the solo casters trying to leech RPS.. The game is BALANCED by archetypes. please try to play more then one realm and class. PS: enough with the propaganda already for 2021

    Again, it seems the hib caster stun argument seems centered around keep sieges hence the change to stormlord and the damage obelisk at the keeps. Not saying that you are wrong but that could be why people are complaining about hib more so than the other realms. And yes, I play all three realms.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • 1000% agree on this one. Insta Amnesia and this cloak are purely used to knock solos/small mans out of speed for the Bards groups to kill. I see people streaming laugh when they use it all the time, even the people playing know it's silly.

    I agree with Bumbles it is being used to throw people off horses when combined with instant amnesia, It should NOT be "let's have a laugh and chase mid and hib grups down so the zerg/8 man/small man can kill the group/small man/solo that would have got away" reducing the FUN of other players cuz they cant even escape a hib group with a bard (all hib groups).

    Instant amnesia is overpowered as it is.


  • Not sure why people in the thread are trying to change the argument into a class balance issue, ref stun nuke etc and the grass is greener arguments, just a diversion tactic

    I would not like to see any realm faster than another, what makes it worse I guess is bard doesn't have to stop/cast
  • KoeKoe
    edited January 2021 PM
    Dreamscape wrote: »
    Think the stun-nuke argument shines through during keep siege/defense and thus it seems more of an issue.

    have you actually played against the MELEE MID ST tank train?? there is NO difference in competitive ability at the group level between a hib caster having stun and casting as the MAGIC realm and the mids dropping 4 STSs stunning everything and WTF pooning all the solo casters trying to leech RPS.. The game is BALANCED by archetypes. please try to play more then one realm and class. PS: enough with the propaganda already for 2021

    Again, it seems the hib caster stun argument seems centered around keep sieges hence the change to stormlord and the damage obelisk at the keeps. Not saying that you are wrong but that could be why people are complaining about hib more so than the other realms. And yes, I play all three realms. [/quote]

    I'm curious as to what group setups you are fighting that have a four ST tank train and why you couldn't just avoid that one st patch and make quick work of thanes with limited peel ability and inferior damage when being interrupted. If you are starting off in a mez ball don't tell me you would survive vs an alb/mid/hib caster group.

    I'll also add to your body of knowledge that if someone casts an ST on or near your location, you have 3 seconds to sprint out of range before it locks you down. My named chars get ST'ed all the time and unless I'm mezzed/rooted its easy to get out. So, if solo casters are being melted by st's its their own fault.

    If you are talking zergs, the hib zerg has many more ST's than the mid zerg.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • Dale_Perf wrote: »
    It's funny people complaining about how OP amnesia is on a bard. Much more OP on every other class that has the casted version, but nobody bothers to use it /shrug

    Yes its really only OP vs solos/small mans trying to get away and stay out of range. It's why hib full groups roll solo/small man/pve areas on a continual basis because they are able to get rps that mid and alb groups doing that, couldn't chase down. The hib zerg even does it to full groups (though they usually have enough to pop a SW + sos)

    So your post really sums it up best i think.

    If bards had casted amnesia like everyone else it would be a boost in most situations (except the ability to get the mez off on sorcs first)- but they get aoe instants just like healers and my healer's had to make do with casted for years. Maybe that's the obvious solution.
  • bards are just fine.

    Lets see....
    Caster baseline stun has to go
    bard cloak has to go, bard insta amensa has to go

    Do you guys just want to remove Hib from game? It seems like that would be the easiest thing to do and then you wouldnt have anyhing to cry about.
  • Minibard wrote: »
    bards are just fine.

    Lets see....
    Caster baseline stun has to go
    bard cloak has to go, bard insta amensa has to go

    Do you guys just want to remove Hib from game? It seems like that would be the easiest thing to do and then you wouldnt have anyhing to cry about.

    Maybe just when Herorius is on.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • Minibard wrote: »
    bards are just fine.

    Lets see....
    Caster baseline stun has to go
    bard cloak has to go, bard insta amensa has to go

    Do you guys just want to remove Hib from game? It seems like that would be the easiest thing to do and then you wouldnt have anyhing to cry about.

    No, no thats fine, just those two.

    Hibs say insta amneisa is gimped, I agree lets get rid of it and give them casted amnesia. I am with you hibs lets do this!

    Broadsword should stop pussy footing around, they damn well know its casted stun on Hib that is causing the game to be no fun for Mid/sHibs in keep siege so give the keeps a damn 3500 rng stun fix and keep the stun.
  • Totally overpowered lol I was playing with a guy who was a hib we were small manning trying to get away from either the hero or Anna Zerg can’t remember Which he said hit your cloak I’m like dude the alb cloak spawns the disloyal companion pet that gets blown up by friendly guards dies when someone hits you with a feather and decides to attack you in the middle of a fight he’s like oh we were then proceeded to hit run down by one of the **** zergs using the enhanced bard speed so yeh go figure it’s hib it’s op it’s daoc 2021 nothing will change because the systems rigged people learn to live with it it if you Question the system you get your thread closed with no answers or a ban big brother is here my fellow daoc players Very sad but free speech is dieing on these boards vested interest are being protected and the rest of us are just fodder for the clique.
  • thought the bard insta amnesia was a level 2 spell ??
  • edited January 2021 PM
    There's two instant amnesia spells: single target (level 2) and AoE (level 42). The single target tends to resist more making it better for interrupts than actually erasing a casted spell.

    Edit: TDIL the game is rigged. Keep them coming, Brut!

    Edit2: even with all the handicaps provided, the default complaint comes down to baseline stun. Stop defending as a soloer and start building proper groups with healers that actually use single targets. It's 2021. Spamming group heals doesn't keep you alive.
    Post edited by puter on
  • They need to take speed 5 away from horses so I don't need to use my cloak.geez Horse should not be as speedster.
  • Very interested that the hibs in this thread are saying insta amnesia is meaningless next to casted amnesia. I'm glad all 3 realms agree, maybe it should just be changed to casted!
  • Lff wrote: »
    Very interested that the hibs in this thread are saying insta amnesia is meaningless next to casted amnesia. I'm glad all 3 realms agree, maybe it should just be changed to casted!

    Who said its meaningless?
  • Kroko wrote: »

    Who said its meaningless?

    If you are going to quote someone at least read the whole sentence/phrase, otherwise its like fake news.

    saying insta amnesia is meaningless next to casted amnesia
    insta amnesia is meaningless

    I mean. I could play this game:

    Insta amnesia is

  • edited January 2021 PM
    Casted Amnesia vs Instant Amnesia have their pros and cons. Instant allows the Bard to push up to CC. Casted allows Healers/Sorcs to lock down MoC users while their group pushes up. Healers can coordinate a bit as there's usually two in a group, allowing for the Pac to push for CC while the Aug locks down the opposing group. Sorcs have the range so they don't need to move in much to lay down CC. A change from instant to casted for a Bard will probably force them to play in their own backfield more rather than being in the front. It may result in the need to run 2x Bards or 1x Bard & 1x Mentalist to accomplish the same thing as the Mid group. It's all situational and setup dependent. The Bainshee AoE NS does a better job at locking players down than Amnesia, imo, so casted Amnesia on a Bard may not be all that helpful.
    Post edited by puter on
  • Lff wrote: »
    If you are going to quote someone at least read the whole sentence/phrase, otherwise its like fake news.

    saying insta amnesia is meaningless next to casted amnesia
    insta amnesia is meaningless

    I mean. I could play this game:

    Insta amnesia is


    Problem is, just no one said, it is meaningless next to casted amnesia.
  • QoL suggestion. I believe it's time to reduce the speed on this CL15 cloak.
  • KoeKoe
    edited July 2021 PM
    This site should give points and we should get negative points for resurrecting an old thread.

    That said I would like to amend my old response. I believe bard cloak is fine, I guess. the real issue is the instant amnesia that goes along with it. Give bards casted amnesia only, along with everyone else. I agree with Puter it would not be that beneficial (to bards). That way it addresses the lets kill solos/smalls issue that is the cloak, and makes it more fair for all 3 realms to have similar lockdown abilities.
    Post edited by Koe on
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