I want to take a moment and thank John and the Broadsword staff during this holiday season.
Alot of you know me in game but then again i am sure a lot do not. . I have friends and enemies but one thing we all have in common is we love this game. I got the chance to visit Broadsword back in 2016 while on a business trip to Washington DC and got to meet John and staff. When i arrived I felt like a kid in a candy store when the elevator opened to the Broadsword offices.
From there John gave me a tour and for the small group they have they are doing a great job. Get this there are actually CSR's! I was blown away! Also let this sink in..EA wanted nothing to do with MMO's at one point but Rob Denton, John and the rest of the staff at the last minute collected as much stuff from Mythic HQ before they closed, formed Broadsword and saved this game for us because they loved Daoc.
So i hope i speak for a lot of players when i say i hope everyone at BroadSword is healthy and has a Merry Christmas.Thanks for keeping the game alive during this crazy year and giving us players a place to get away from the stress of 2020. I always say this but for me this is one of the best Christmas gifts i can get every year.

From there John gave me a tour and for the small group they have they are doing a great job. Get this there are actually CSR's! I was blown away! Also let this sink in..EA wanted nothing to do with MMO's at one point but Rob Denton, John and the rest of the staff at the last minute collected as much stuff from Mythic HQ before they closed, formed Broadsword and saved this game for us because they loved Daoc.
So i hope i speak for a lot of players when i say i hope everyone at BroadSword is healthy and has a Merry Christmas.Thanks for keeping the game alive during this crazy year and giving us players a place to get away from the stress of 2020. I always say this but for me this is one of the best Christmas gifts i can get every year.

I still want that cardboard elf. Would scare the heck out of the dog AND the neighbours!
Broadsword Online Games
Shileahs Camelot-Kompendium - DAoC-Infos auf Deutsch
Shileah of House Dara, the First of Her name, the Unressed, Master of Stickloss, Queen of Inc-Screams, Purge-Fails and lost Line of Sight, Breaker of Mezz, Mother of Doggos
Even thou i think i am the only player to visit Broadsword i would not label this post an accomplishment. this is simply a thank you post showing my appreciation for the developers which sometimes gets lost over the year. Especially in 2020 with people stressed out and losing their jobs its nice to have this game which gives joy to still alot of players like myself.
Well done!
Although I don't remember that restaurant sign before.
Felt bad when I saw it and had to re-up.
Doing my part to keep Mystic from waiting tables.