The sacrifice of the battlegrounds for the greater good?
Hi there, why are the /xp off and /rp off commands disable on EC accounts?
As an old BG player (thid/molv/cv) it was my one and only disappointment when i read the EC accounts restrictions.
In my opinion, the BGs's status is a general matter when it comes to the global state of the game.
Maybe players who like NF and hate BGs are scared that if EC accounts can use the xp/rp off commands then the action in NF will dramatically decrease or even die? But instead it might revitalize the game, who knows?
Maybe, maybe not. Let's try and see if it's not too late to revive theses places in which epic DAoC battles took place?
I can play my old level 50 characters for free (/play required, RR cap, CL abilities disable).
But I cannot play my old level 24/39/49 characters for free.
I mean I can log on them but I cannot PvP with them or they will xp/rp out of the BG unless i pay a sub or a potion. I cannot create action with them, they are kinda trapped because of that restriction.
Give them some other restrictions (/play required, spendable RR points cap : 1L2/1L9/3L0?) but allow me, my friends and all the BGs lovers to play our old characters for free, please.
Right now there's no point for players to pay to play in the BGs because there is no action and it's probably due to the xp/rp commands being disable for EC accounts.
Nowadays action in BGs is almost dead whether it's during EU or US primetime.
Why would someone pay a sub or a potion to play there?
Bring people back by allowing the use of xp/rp commands on EC accounts (and add some restrictions in addition to the 5 classes available for new characters).
Are you worried that if you do it, players will play in BGs for free and the ones that are currently paying a sub will stop to do so?
My friends and I won't pay to play our BGs characters because of the lack of action but with some action we will gladly play the game and spend money on race/sexe changes and skins (maybe sell some cool mounts that can be used in the Bgs).
And who knows if the action is decent enough maybe we will pay a sub to get rid of the restrictions.
The real question is : Will you gain money or will you lose money by allowing EC accounts to use xp/rp off commands?
I don't know the answer, but as it stands BGs are dead and it's a bit sad considering how many good memories some players have of them.
We need a base of people to generate the action and we need the action to bring back more people.
You might get the base by allowing the use of xp/rp off on EC accounts.
You must think that by doing so you will put NF's action in danger. Otherwise why didn't you try that solution earlier?
Battlegrounds were sacrificed for NF tothrive survive, this is the only reason I can find for the restriction of the xp/rp off commands on EC accounts. But is this reason legit or is it just an assumption?
The purpose of Endless Accounts is to motivate people to play the game, restricting the xp/rp off commands does the opposite.
As an old BG player (thid/molv/cv) it was my one and only disappointment when i read the EC accounts restrictions.
In my opinion, the BGs's status is a general matter when it comes to the global state of the game.
Maybe players who like NF and hate BGs are scared that if EC accounts can use the xp/rp off commands then the action in NF will dramatically decrease or even die? But instead it might revitalize the game, who knows?
Maybe, maybe not. Let's try and see if it's not too late to revive theses places in which epic DAoC battles took place?
I can play my old level 50 characters for free (/play required, RR cap, CL abilities disable).
But I cannot play my old level 24/39/49 characters for free.
I mean I can log on them but I cannot PvP with them or they will xp/rp out of the BG unless i pay a sub or a potion. I cannot create action with them, they are kinda trapped because of that restriction.
Give them some other restrictions (/play required, spendable RR points cap : 1L2/1L9/3L0?) but allow me, my friends and all the BGs lovers to play our old characters for free, please.
Right now there's no point for players to pay to play in the BGs because there is no action and it's probably due to the xp/rp commands being disable for EC accounts.
Nowadays action in BGs is almost dead whether it's during EU or US primetime.
Why would someone pay a sub or a potion to play there?
Bring people back by allowing the use of xp/rp commands on EC accounts (and add some restrictions in addition to the 5 classes available for new characters).
Are you worried that if you do it, players will play in BGs for free and the ones that are currently paying a sub will stop to do so?
My friends and I won't pay to play our BGs characters because of the lack of action but with some action we will gladly play the game and spend money on race/sexe changes and skins (maybe sell some cool mounts that can be used in the Bgs).
And who knows if the action is decent enough maybe we will pay a sub to get rid of the restrictions.
The real question is : Will you gain money or will you lose money by allowing EC accounts to use xp/rp off commands?
I don't know the answer, but as it stands BGs are dead and it's a bit sad considering how many good memories some players have of them.
We need a base of people to generate the action and we need the action to bring back more people.
You might get the base by allowing the use of xp/rp off on EC accounts.
You must think that by doing so you will put NF's action in danger. Otherwise why didn't you try that solution earlier?
Battlegrounds were sacrificed for NF to
The purpose of Endless Accounts is to motivate people to play the game, restricting the xp/rp off commands does the opposite.
The time has come to try a new server. Not because Ywain has a healthy population (which was the original premise for a new server), but because all other options are exhausted.
The new server is what will bring you the BG population you desire, if only for a limited time.
You are absolutely right. BG action is TERRIBLE. Bottom line, is it is hurting subbed players by having such terrible action in the BGs. You bring up a great argument about being able to play lvl 50 rvr without something stupid as "leveling out" like in BGs... Leveling out literally serves no purpose and ultimately it does hurt the population and as you said "a general matter when it comes to the global state of the game."
Yeah, if that was the case they would have named it Forever Conquest
And that is working REALLY well for them now... F2P can be whatever they want it to be... Everyone has their own ideas, other games have other models too... It's been talked about for almost a year now since its release how they should change the model to allow more people to get into the action (with other penalties, not /xp off or rp cap in BGs)...
It's a no-brainer... the subscribers want population over anything. Allow EC accounts to stay in BGs, but only allow them access to a buff token with 15-25% less buff value from the Realm Enhancement merchant...
IMO EC should be f2p forever, but with the idea that if you are playing daily you are better off subbing because of getting decent RPs, Buffs, more toons, etc... Make subrscribing more enticing, not limiting f2p so nobody can play and everyone loses...
So tired of this argument. I came back as f2p, and then I resubbed. Even if EC got rid of 90% of the restrictions, I would still sub, because I play enough where it would just piss me off to get 1/4-1/8th of the RPs from kills, or less BPs, or housing stuff... any and all of that would hella piss me off in the long run. But if people want to play in BGs or NF and give sub players more people, then do it..
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
EC accounts still are restricted to a 4 hour realm swap timer. Basically they would still be helping their realm in Molvik. Molvik is an important BG. Lots of sub players love it because its simple and quick and not tainted by gear creep or RR. Much more casual. What it lacks is population. Same could be said for Cathal also.
I think /xp off should be a thing for EC... for God sakes let people play this game and enjoy it and then they will sub. And if they don't, let them play with smart/strategic restrictions and still enjoy themselves and offer more bodies in the game
i did not know that , its been quite a while since i played there