Who would be interested in a classic server that had classic, SI and ToA?

So the reason i added ToA because it adds alot of extra gear, abilities and artifacts but also the games best PVE.

If done correctly would people like this? when i say correctly i mean not needing 100+ people and 5+ hours to complete master level 3. I am talking about MLs that scale to group size/bg size? Plus artifacts do not require leveling! simply complete the quest and its yours.



  • At that point you might as well push forward a little more on the timeline till the dragon campaign revamp... That is when I started playing the game and it was just perfect in my mind. I could buy MLs with glass and not have to worry about not being able to compete if I didn't want to spend an eternity PVEing just to be on the same level as others. Gear was so wonderfully balanced, unlike today... I won't play a new server though so idk
  • Dragon era was the most polished era
  • +1 for dragon campaign era.
  • TOA killed the game in the first place.
    But i agree that the PvE is very nice.
    I personally love the underwater-stuff...

    Easy solution....
    Add TOA, but for PVE only.
    In RvR no MLs, no TOA-Equipment, nothing what comes with TOA is usable in RvR.

  • Dragon era was fun, strict realm pride though.
  • TOA ml skills and artifacts are ok. It was the stupid PVE design that users had to spend lots of time for lving and grinding before actually enjoying rvr
  • a lot of people gave up the game with TOA.

    i don't know how people that gave up with TOA will find returning to the game with another pve grind (OW and curse) will be. yeah sure, most things can now be done with BP.

    i'm just trying to get people who check out the game to keep playing for more than one session

    anny one who has been away from the game for more than 5 years doesn't recognize the game and has to retemplate because his template is garbage now to the point that using champion gear is better than whatever that person has.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • dragon era pls
  • Dragon Era did seem pretty good when you look back on it there is always something that pops up that was annoying though
  • I can get behind the dragon era. Anything before when they started overhauling class abilities.
  • So the reason i added ToA because it adds alot of extra gear, abilities and artifacts but also the games best PVE.

    If done correctly would people like this? when i say correctly i mean not needing 100+ people and 5+ hours to complete master level 3. I am talking about MLs that scale to group size/bg size? Plus artifacts do not require leveling! simply complete the quest and its yours.


    Agree with most things you say, but TOA too much PVE and items. You might like it but added too much content and complexity. I'm happy with just SI and DZ.(Make Epic an Awesome Suit) Hell make OF a wicked place to XP with gear/drops.coin. With quests. More people in the Frontier the funnier it is. Anyone remember the first few years of this awesome game? No RR 12's that took a FG just to kill it. A Classic server would be Awesome. But Alas no news...
  • So the reason i added ToA because it adds alot of extra gear, abilities and artifacts but also the games best PVE.

    If done correctly would people like this? when i say correctly i mean not needing 100+ people and 5+ hours to complete master level 3. I am talking about MLs that scale to group size/bg size? Plus artifacts do not require leveling! simply complete the quest and its yours.


    Agree with most things you say, but TOA too much PVE and items. You might like it but added too much content and complexity. I'm happy with just SI and DZ.(Make Epic an Awesome Suit) Hell make OF a wicked place to XP with gear/drops.coin. With quests. More people in the Frontier the funnier it is. Anyone remember the first few years of this awesome game? No RR 12's that took a FG just to kill it. A Classic server would be Awesome. But Alas no news...

    old frontir is so bad, its the WORST.
  • LffLff
    edited September 2020 PM
    Revisionist would be best.

    Dragon drops should be best drops/gear in game. Many pve raids vs ml10 or realm dragons. TOA should not be a 1 step ordreal, you should be able to go anywhere you can port/get to fighting mobs to get there, Same with realm dragons.

    That does two things, it makes it simpler to get that pve gear but it also focuses on realm pride type events.
    Post edited by Lff on
  • edited September 2020 PM
    Classic + SI, NO to ToA or anything else after.

    For those who were not around in the 2004-2007 time frame, It was shown TWICE how ToA was responsible for killing Subscriptions. The first one being started 3 months after ToA was introduced ( this was the start of the periodic renewals not being renewed), finally culminating into 2005 after 1 year after ToA... most sub customers dropped DAOC altogether.
    The next time it happened was AFTER it was decided to merge the clustered Classic + SI servers into the ToA servers under the idea of "progressing us classic players back into ToA" -- thanks but no thanks, and lo and behold, guess what, repeat of subs not being renewed all over again.

    EA/Mythic/Broadsword must have thought it was an anomaly or something the first time subs dropped, don't know but some paper pusher somewhere in their organization convinced them they could ride that wave.

    Then when it happened again with the classic servers brought back on line less than a year and a half later.. for some reason after a year of the classic servers being up (which had a much higher population than the current ToA servers), someone again decided to try to force us returned Classic+SI vets to pay to play ToA.... Again, we said "HELL NO" with our wallets.

    How many times do we have to remind you guys of this?

    This is simple Broadsword:
    Bring the Classic+ SI rule-set back. You will ONLY make gains for it in your bottom line, the almighty dollar.
    The passive benefit to this is, it will encourage the classic + SI players to check out the current rule sets, since they are already paying to have access to all servers.
    But keep doing what you are doing, and keep watching your population and subs decline while we keep seeing more and more folks complain about lack of action here on the boards and on discord, cause it's working oh so well...as we can see that evidence by the disclosed population for the servers on the main website like you guys used to do, wait nm.. that aint there anymore....

    Please, I am only trying to help you see the logic in this. Your methods aren't working, and they haven't worked for over a decade. How about you finally take our advice, bring the rule-set back like we have been begging for for over a decade.

    What have you got to lose for trying it?
    Post edited by LordGriffon on
    "And that's the Bottom line. Cause Stone Cold Griff said so!".
  • I have no desire to play classic or OF. Toa, with the qol changes that maked it easier to get the items and nf.
  • the classic servers --/ector etc were merged for lack of population which then led to the main killer of this game--realm hopping lol
  • Dont forget old bridges
  • As long as the ORIGINAL archery ruleset is included, I’m for it. Folks bitch about grouped stealth but little changes here and there make the group into a zerg more and more.
  • not intereseted in a classic server. QoL on Ywain is just too good. anything you need can be donw with 1 group or BPs
  • For the people hating on TOA i can say it was because it was so involved. Long mls, scrolls, artifact encounters then leveling them. What i am saying is we keep toa but with todays QoL. No leveling artifacts, mls difficultly based on group size or obtained thru bps.
  • realmhopping???
  • Game was best when you played one realm and hated the others. When your realm called for defense no matter your level. Ahh the good days
  • Quiggley wrote: »
    Game was best when you played one realm and hated the others. When your realm called for defense no matter your level. Ahh the good days

    Hating other realms also led to the, "It's not fair that X realm has Y ability when realm Z doesn't" logic that seems to drive today's class balancing.

    Those times benefited from having lots of players because the MMORPG scene was still relatively new. That market is now saturated and has been for some time. I doubt this game would have the same success today that it had 20 years ago. Without knowing what a modernized version of DAoC would look like, it's hard to know. CU may be the only working example but it probably won't see the light of day.

    I still stand by my earlier statement. The dragon patch era was the time I had the most fun playing DAoC.
  • Me!

    I'm returning after a 15+ year hiatus, already finding the process daunting and have yet to log in.
  • Do not use the words ToA and classic in the same sentence. ToA is not classic daoc. Classic daoc is pre-ToA. At least get your terminology correct.
  • TOA!!!! I am not sure why people don’t cant play the game if there are toa...bunch of morons i guess.
  • Why do people assume that the new server would be classic? BS never confirmed that information.
  • @Shoke i have no clue, and i have no clue at all why people making assumptions that will be a new server at all.

  • edited September 2020 PM
    You both missed the Newsletter then way back stating they'd look into starting with Classic + SI + Housing and progress through patches from there based on player votes.

    Edit to contain link.

    Based on what's listed for post EC, they've only recently tackled the housing update which is incomplete. There's still the Catacombs revamp that never happened. I personally wouldn't hold my breath for a new server especially considering they struggle with handling game breaking bugs on the current one.
    Post edited by puter on
  • ToA was an amazing expansion for its time. Unfortunately, we do not have the pop to cover that kind of stuff atm. Make it easier, sure im down
  • ya im happy with how toa is now
  • ToA was nice for the cool items it brought (minus the artifact encounters, scrolls farming and item leveling) and for the aditional abilities.

    However, in a new server, you can't have artifact encounters and MLs, unless they are doable by a group (without much challenge).

    Some other place has its PvE right in the sweet spot; one epic dungeon (raid style), one somewhat easy but less rewarding instanced group dungeon and one challenging but very rewarding instances group dungeon. After that you add each realm's dragon.

    That's the PvE sweet spot in my opinion. Over time, the challenging dungeon becomes less and less challenging so the epic dungeon (raids) become less required, which is fine as population over time fades and raids are more difficult to organize.

    You could make it that one ToA ML path (ML9/10?) Is the "epic" dungeon. Then you can work with the other dungeons in the game to create the group instanced dungeons. After you've completed the "epic" dungeon, then you unlocked the possibility to acquiren rtifacts, that could require ingredients, a bit like bountycrafting.

    Example; you want tonmake a battler.

    You need 1 MP sword, couple alchemy stuff, couple SCing gems, one special ingredient that would drop from the zone Battler was (volcanus I think) and bam, you just crafted a Battler (already lvl 10).

    There are definitely some ways to be creative without going too far (artifact crafting inspired from leggy weapons crafting).

    Over all, it just needs to be easy and relatively fast.
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