Evern (Hib) - Killed, No loot / remains

Good Afternoon,

I killed Evern, the hib mob located at 24k 64k in Breifine. Upon killing Evern, received the region message stating "Evern's reign has been crushed! Hail to those who have slain it!"

Received no loot, no XP, no coin, no remains. Have message stating "The underhill compatriot kills Evern!" with nothing else.

Requesting look into the bug - Would greatly appreciate this loot considering the time that went into it.

Thank you!


  • Hey Kaychanter,

    from your description and the message you got, it seems that your pet killed the mob. Even though pets are a big part of any pet classes arsenal, when it comes to encounters, them killing the monster or boss, or dealing more damage on them than a player, often prevents the character from getting credit for the kill, and consequently also no loot or experience. Therefore, if you are fighting a monster with a pet class make sure to always deal a considerable amount of damage with one of your character's damage abilities, and ideally that the killing blow on the monster is dealt by a player (either yourself or a member of your group if you aren't solo). It's inconvenient in cases like you described, and I'm afraid it means that you will have to kill the mob again!

    This is no bug, but a part of the game mechanics.
    DAoC German Community Admin
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  • Lea,

    Thank you for your prompt reply - I was able to kill the Green Knight in Albion as well, but received the remains + drop from the kill there. Is there a discrepancy between encounters?

    Thank you once again
  • They all basically function the same in that regard. It's impossible to say in hindsight if there was a difference here, so I'd have to guess and that isn't helpful! I'd recommend to just generally make sure that you follow the outlined advice to prevent any issues from occurring.
    DAoC German Community Admin
    Broadsword Online Games

    Shileahs Camelot-Kompendium - DAoC-Infos auf Deutsch
    Shileah of House Dara, the First of Her name, the Unressed, Master of Stickloss, Queen of Inc-Screams, Purge-Fails and lost Line of Sight, Breaker of Mezz, Mother of Doggos
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