Battle Master Line

Can this be looked at and rebalanced small man. This whole line is full of the cheese of the cheese. Buff shear styles are gross. Bodyguard is disgusting in a lot of situations. It overall might be my least favorite part of the game... Sure there are counters to it on a lot of classes but on some there absolutely no counters.

Maybe make bg require 7 or more in your group to use? Or at the very least change it to an intercept?

Maybe put timers on the buff shear styles so they can't just be spammed?

And getting grappled by a sb/inf and then shot down by group of archers makes me want to throw my computer through a wall. I mean come on.

Get rid of the easy mode make players learn to prekite and not break their speed till the time is right.

  1. Is the Battle Master Line perfectly balanced and should remain as is?16 votes
    1. Is the Battle Master Line total doo-doo cheese mode and needs to be reworked?
    2. Should stay as is. Cause you like cheese mode.


  • QQ dude
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
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    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • The counter to bg is to use ranged or magic and the ml Stiles use a lot of endo and there are plenty of ways to endo tap poeple. There are a good amount of counters to each ml ability i think they are fine the way they are and dont think they need to be changed other them mabe the ml paths some classes can get.
  • edited June 2020 PM
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • What is hai lol im lost XD
  • It's laughable how stupid it is. It isn't fun to do to anyone. I've done it on my vw/hero/pally for a ment or tic. It is such cheese mode it is so stupidly easy to do. It's so easy people do it with bots. It is absolute garbage.
  • It's also stupid easy to counter.
  • edited June 2020 PM
    BG is easily countered this is true. The buff shears have got to go. Again, ever since @Broadsword introduced new items that weren't around when the rest of the game abiltiies were made have really changed some classes. Classes can easily have 10% conversion and 9 endo regen at all times, making spamming BM styles unreal.

    There is no counter for BM shear spamming... How can you endo tap and expect to come out on top when a s/s tank is spamming their shears with high WS while you are trying to hopefully land an endo tap or 2 through their defenses using all your endo?

    People who don't want this line looked at just don't understand the game

    For group-play, it might be a small insignificance, but it matters a lot in solo/small numbers

    I think shears should be removed completely. Endotap/power tap is fine (although powerleak should really be more IMO with %conversion in templates etc), Essence Flames is a nice thing. Bodyguard is fine where it is. If you're group doesnt have a Battlemaster to combat their bodyguard, then yes, you should be at a disadvantage imo

    Edit: Grapple: I don't care about this either way
    Post edited by Armagedden on
  • Some classes and specs have zero counters to this stuff. It's gross.
  • Llewd wrote: »
    Some classes and specs have zero counters to this stuff. It's gross.

    Some classes should not engage other classes. It's called balance. Not every class should be able to defeat another class, let alone 1v2.
  • They also need to look into the to hit bonus on bm styles also... They are very high or high on all styles and I'ma guess that is due to you used to only be able to use sparingly, now I can spam bm styles non stop with myth Endo pot tenc pot ect.
    Bodukejr- hunter

  • Classes aren't balanced on a 1v1 basis. They're not perfectly balanced around 8v8 either but every realm can form a competitive group composition. Balance ought to be considered on a RvRvR basis, imo, as that is the intent of the game. Balancing 45 "unique" classes around 1v1 encounters is impossible without homogenizing abilities which Mythic and especially Broadsword has already done to a large extent. There will always be a meta for playstyles outside of the original RvRvR design whether that be 1v1, 2v2, 8v8, or even 16v16. Just because you dislike an ability in a 1v1 scenario doesn't justify it needing to be changed or nerfed.
  • puter wrote: »
    Classes aren't balanced on a 1v1 basis. They're not perfectly balanced around 8v8 either but every realm can form a competitive group composition. Balance ought to be considered on a RvRvR basis, imo, as that is the intent of the game. Balancing 45 "unique" classes around 1v1 encounters is impossible without homogenizing abilities which Mythic and especially Broadsword has already done to a large extent. There will always be a meta for playstyles outside of the original RvRvR design whether that be 1v1, 2v2, 8v8, or even 16v16. Just because you dislike an ability in a 1v1 scenario doesn't justify it needing to be changed or nerfed.

    If you will refer to my suggestions as to how to balance it you will see it has no effect on 8v8. But 1v1 should be considered too. The BM stuff has no to limited effect on the zerg v zerg style. So please be constructive.
  • Llewd wrote: »

    If you will refer to my suggestions as to how to balance it you will see it has no effect on 8v8. But 1v1 should be considered too. The BM stuff has no to limited effect on the zerg v zerg style. So please be constructive.

    Placing a cool-down on a style means they need to code it to be a spell / ability. Not going to happen by Broadsword. Putting a group limitation on an ability would require more coding. Again, not going to happen by Broadsword. At least not in a timely manner. There are more important bugs / issues that need to be addressed in this game than one ability / style that is "OP" in very few scenarios. My point is that I don't think it needs to be addressed at all considering how few scenarios there are in which this is a problem. We can go down the rabbit hole of cheese and include MoC5 + LT casters as well but they have been in the game even longer without being changed.
  • edited June 2020 PM
    Leave BM line alone it’s already been nerfed due to IRC locking down the entire zerg in a tower spam spamming power tap.

    If you can’t kill the Bodyguard for whatever reason then hey it’s working as intended.

    Small man I get it but it’s realm vs realm. “Balance” shouldn’t be forced due to 8v8 or solo or small man play styles.
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • Make available to nightshade because stormlord is useless
  • edited June 2020 PM
    Just to play devils advocate. I see Ns’s on the wall with Hero’s and Vampiirs couldn’t a stormlord in theory be useful for moving storms in siege fights?
    They are already are standing next to Herorius every single keep siege...

    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • No, its not useful. Tanks dont care about storms and usually there are no storms where they run around.
    A minstrel with mezz and insta stun would be useful though.
  • Well @kroko a minstrel doesn’t have perma Uber magic resists and unlimited healing in their groups unlike Hibernia...

    The magical Sin should have access to stormlord. I’m just saying it actually does have uses especially in the exact siege fights that Herorious likes to do. They are already standing on the walls as it is.
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    perma Uber magic resists and unlimited healing in their groups unlike Hibernia....

    Really? wow. My Hibernia is broken then. Can I play on yours?

  • I think bodyguard should be reworked like +30~40%guard cap increase, +xx parry cap increase etc(above rvr cap). So the shield tanks actually can 'bodyguard' and other tanks have slight disadvantage than heavy tank. I miss old daoc shield guarding rvr...that makes a user feel really 'guarding' grp
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