Poll: Are you Playing Endless Conquest. F2P? Or Regular Main Account? or Waiting on Alt Server?

I'm truly interested in this Poll. ;)
  1. Are You Playing Endless Conquest F2P, Regular Main Acct. or waiting on New Classic Alt Server ?75 votes
    1. I'm playing Endless Conquest. F2P. I'm Loving it!
    2. I'm playing my regular main acct. Don't mind paying. Have too much high RR & Housing/Crafting
    3. I'm waiting for New Classic Alt Server with Anticipation.


  • Missing options

    Tried F2P, too many restrictions, P2W setup

    Just playing til my sub runs out (not everybody pays 1 mo at a time)

    Playing other games, waiting for a new server.
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • Whats this bs poll? Can you make the options such that everyone can vote????
    Im paying and dont have high RRs. So which option I choose now ????
  • Poll should be renewed such that everyone can vote.
  • People should really try and create reasonable polls instead of this.
  • Voted classic but don't care if it's classic. I just want some form of progression server that is patch levels before most of what broadsword has done
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Poll should be renewed such that everyone can vote.

    Sorry thought that was automatic. I try to fix it.
  • Shoke wrote: »
    People should really try and create reasonable polls instead of this.

    Well, I figured this is the 3 choices. The new F2P, their main accts, or waiting to play promised future alt server.
  • And I was trying to be positive with this poll. No bashing. I was interested if anyone was enjoying the F2P or just playing their old accts. and, or just sitting on the sidelines reading forum on info for new server, like myself. I think the Poll accurate with the current gaming atmosphere.
  • 1. Playing EC and it's fine for me, not interested in new server.
    2. Playing subbed because I don't like EC restrictions, not interested in new server.
    3. I don't play Live and will play a new server once it's launched.
    4. I don't play Live and don't care for a new server.
  • would only play new server if it was one realm or 12 hour realm timer
  • You assume that everyone paying has high RR toons, which is wrong.

    Also there are EC players, who play EC but dont really like it.
  • Not interested for a new server
  • Canceled my second account and playing on my Main. I took a break Jan -> March basically
  • why you back?
  • edited April 2020 PM
    Playing on the DAOC server until BS sort themselves out and give us a classic/SI/housing/QOL server. As soon as they do that I will sub my 4 accounts again.
    Post edited by Astaa on
  • KatKat
    edited April 2020 PM
    Playing subbed because I don't like EC restrictions, not interested in new server, unless they take stealth completely out of game
    Post edited by Kat on
  • That could legitimately be a ruleset for a season. No stealth. Would be interesting.
  • edited April 2020 PM
    The problem here is, that most of the classic+SI community was run off in 2007 with the forced merge into ywain (TOA at the time). You see, WE were not given a choice. we WERE forced to decide to either keep paying to play something we did NOT want to play, or cancel our subs and find something else to do.

    EA/Mythic (at the time) didn't realize that the vast majority of the community would literally vote with their credit cards and show them how much they thought of anything but Classic+SI ruleset. This was not a mass conspiracy, but simple market forces at work.

    Now what handful of us classic players that still hang around here from time to time want the rest of you to realize that we were NOT given a choice. What we are asking for is a CHOICE. Put that classic+SI ruleset out for us to play on. We do not care one wit if the other servers stay up, whether it be Gaheris, or Ywain, or whatever. In fact, personally I would dare anyone to come back to this post 1 year after a classic + SI server is up on live and compare the #'s of Classic to Ywain. I would predict that the pop #'s on classic would be more. How much of a % more? Don't know, but if history holds true to what happened in the 2005-2007 era, at least 2x -3x more.

    I think that this is the reason why so many Ywain supporters are actually afraid of the reintroduction of a classic ruleset here, hence why they keep trying to muddy the waters with the idea of making it a "progressive" server instead of a simple classic+si ruleset. They know that with that kind of crap, that it will eventually feed some folks back to Ywain, and we are back to where we were at, when the clustered servers were forced merged into Ywain in 2007.

    I am here to tell you now John/Carol that if you guys are not honest, and/or actually plan for this "alternative" ruleset to be progressive, it will fail in the end. Just like the way it did in 2007. Do not make the same mistake your predecessors made with that poor business decision.

    Not only did your predecessor lose a lot of money, but they also decimated and nearly killed off a large community of players. ALL because they did NOT give us the option to play where WE wanted.

    You see, you Ywain players, we are not demanding you play our way. We never have, never will. All we are asking for is a fair choice, which is something that was taken away from us.

    Besides, Ywain supporters, here's a question for you -- What are you afraid of assuming your ruleset is so much more liked that classic+SI? If you are as afraid as what you appear to be, then join with us in keeping YOUR server up regardless of how well a classic+SI ruleset does. Most of us know the value of having choices... Lack of choices means lack of comparison.

    Just because there is the potential of 10's of thousands of players who want to play classic compared to 2 to 3 thousand who want to play Ywain or "the other current unnamed server that has 1500 on a regular basis", doesn't mean that we want to shut that stuff down. All we want is a CHOICE.

    Besides, if what I am saying here is true, and as have others who have pointed this out previously --- If a live puts out a classic ruleset that generates a large amount of interest in the game, wouldn't it stand to reason that many of those players would like to check out some of the features that Ywain would present? Wouldn't this end up helping your population problem?

    It doesn't make sense as to why you Ywain supporters keep continuing to try to stop this from happening. It would end up doing more good than harm to your communities if a classic+SI ruleset were to happen.. which is more than what you and the EA/Mythic folks did for us in 2007.

    If WoW can do it, why can't DAoC.
    Just think about it.
    Post edited by LordGriffon on
    "And that's the Bottom line. Cause Stone Cold Griff said so!".
  • edited April 2020 PM
    I dont know what you want to discuss...a new server is to come.
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • Df patch plz
  • @LordGriffon Why duplicate what already exists?
  • The problem here is, that most of the classic+SI community was run off in 2007 with the forced merge into ywain (TOA at the time). You see, WE were not given a choice. we WERE forced to decide to either keep paying to play something we did NOT want to play, or cancel our subs and find something else to do.

    EA/Mythic (at the time) didn't realize that the vast majority of the community would literally vote with their credit cards and show them how much they thought of anything but Classic+SI ruleset. This was not a mass conspiracy, but simple market forces at work.

    Now what handful of us classic players that still hang around here from time to time want the rest of you to realize that we were NOT given a choice. What we are asking for is a CHOICE. Put that classic+SI ruleset out for us to play on. We do not care one wit if the other servers stay up, whether it be Gaheris, or Ywain, or whatever. In fact, personally I would dare anyone to come back to this post 1 year after a classic + SI server is up on live and compare the #'s of Classic to Ywain. I would predict that the pop #'s on classic would be more. How much of a % more? Don't know, but if history holds true to what happened in the 2005-2007 era, at least 2x -3x more.

    I think that this is the reason why so many Ywain supporters are actually afraid of the reintroduction of a classic ruleset here, hence why they keep trying to muddy the waters with the idea of making it a "progressive" server instead of a simple classic+si ruleset. They know that with that kind of crap, that it will eventually feed some folks back to Ywain, and we are back to where we were at, when the clustered servers were forced merged into Ywain in 2007.

    I am here to tell you now John/Carol that if you guys are not honest, and/or actually plan for this "alternative" ruleset to be progressive, it will fail in the end. Just like the way it did in 2007. Do not make the same mistake your predecessors made with that poor business decision.

    Not only did your predecessor lose a lot of money, but they also decimated and nearly killed off a large community of players. ALL because they did NOT give us the option to play where WE wanted.

    You see, you Ywain players, we are not demanding you play our way. We never have, never will. All we are asking for is a fair choice, which is something that was taken away from us.

    Besides, Ywain supporters, here's a question for you -- What are you afraid of assuming your ruleset is so much more liked that classic+SI? If you are as afraid as what you appear to be, then join with us in keeping YOUR server up regardless of how well a classic+SI ruleset does. Most of us know the value of having choices... Lack of choices means lack of comparison.

    Just because there is the potential of 10's of thousands of players who want to play classic compared to 2 to 3 thousand who want to play Ywain or "the other current unnamed server that has 1500 on a regular basis", doesn't mean that we want to shut that stuff down. All we want is a CHOICE.

    Besides, if what I am saying here is true, and as have others who have pointed this out previously --- If a live puts out a classic ruleset that generates a large amount of interest in the game, wouldn't it stand to reason that many of those players would like to check out some of the features that Ywain would present? Wouldn't this end up helping your population problem?

    It doesn't make sense as to why you Ywain supporters keep continuing to try to stop this from happening. It would end up doing more good than harm to your communities if a classic+SI ruleset were to happen.. which is more than what you and the EA/Mythic folks did for us in 2007.

    If WoW can do it, why can't DAoC.
    Just think about it.

    This Guy gets it! Hope John and Carol are smart enough to get it. It's win/win making a real classic/si server. I will have 2 accts and pay whatever price they want. money not the issue. Not a progressive server. Ywain is that.

    "Give me Liberty or Give me a Classic Server!"

  • This Guy gets it! Hope John and Carol are smart enough to get it. It's win/win making a real classic/si server. I will have 2 accts and pay whatever price they want. money not the issue. Not a progressive server. Ywain is that.

    "Give me Liberty or Give me a Classic Server!"

    The guy nails it.
    We want Classic + SI.
    You can keep Ywain for the skilled players...

  • edited April 2020 PM
    The server of my dreams is a server that:

    1. Has Classic + Shrouded Isles + Housing ruleset.

    2. Allows multiple accounts.

    3. Only allows 1 realm per account.

    4. Has equipment with the same stats as in the 1.65 patch.

    5. Has a slightly modified Old Frontiers (Milegates needs adressing in my opinion, Albion frontier needs some tweaks in my opinion, the keeps could be redesigned, relic keeps could get towers).

    6. Has the hardest to get equipment available for purchase from NPC merchants (be it with gold/platinum or with an alternate currency like Dragon Scales).

    7. Has the pattern system to change the aesthetics of your equipment (purchasable by Bounty Points).

    8. Has respec stones purchasable by Bounty Points.

    9. Has something to make it easier to reach level 50 compared to how it was back in patch 1.65, implement the task dungeons perhaps.

    10. No resets of characters whatsoever.

    11. Relic ownage grants 5% increase to damage and relic loss punishes with 5% decrease in damage when in the Frontiers.

    12. No progression towards later implemented content.

    Some changes to above points I would find acceptable and I would keep playing even though I be a bit dissapointed, some other changes I would not accept and I would stop playing or not even start playing if those where (or is going to be) implemented.
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • Jorma wrote: »
    The server of my dreams is a server that:

    1. Has Classic + Shrouded Isles + Housing ruleset.

    2. Allows multiple accounts.

    3. Only allows 1 realm per account.

    4. Has equipment with the same stats as in the 1.65 patch.

    5. Has a slightly modified Old Frontiers (Milegates needs adressing in my opinion, Albion frontier needs some tweaks in my opinion, the keeps could be redesigned, relic keeps could get towers).

    6. Has the hardest to get equipment available for purchase from NPC merchants (be it with gold/platinum or with an alternate currency like Dragon Scales).

    7. Has the pattern system to change the aesthetics of your equipment (purchasable by Bounty Points).

    8. Has respec stones purchasable by Bounty Points.

    9. Has something to make it easier to reach level 50 compared to how it was back in patch 1.65, implement the task dungeons perhaps.

    10. No resets of characters whatsoever.

    11. Relic ownage grants 5% increase to damage and relic loss punishes with 5% decrease in damage when in the Frontiers.

    12. No progression towards later implemented content.

    Some changes to above points I would find acceptable and I would keep playing even though I be a bit dissapointed, some other changes I would not accept and I would stop playing or not even start playing if those where (or is going to be) implemented.

    Agree with most of your stuff. I Hope they do the Classic/SI server with Housing to sell our stuff and put stuff in vaults.No SC/Alch is a must. I want killer Epic Gear when you get 50. Make 50 mean something again, like the old days. And i'm ok with it taking longer to get 50, with no tasks in BG's infact I don't even want Battle grounds. I want all RPS AND AWESOME GOLD AND XP TO COME FROM FRONTIERS, AND THAT'S OLD FRONTIERS! More Folks in Frontier the more fun it will be. The more dangerous the better. People that can't handle it can go play Mine craft.
  • BTW the Poll is going the way I thought it would. Most people playing their old accts while very few playing F2P. Too many restrictions.( Seriously who came up with this crap?)
    And 40% sitting on the sidelines waiting for the new promised server. Build it and they will come. BS will make so much freaking money, they won't know what to do with it. And i'm for them selling Plat too. It's gonna happen anyways, might as well get ahead of it.
  • But can they afford buying a new hamster to run the new server? lol

    To this very day I believe folks first left because of TOA and the extra abilities and gear they didn’t have the time to devote to it. Then more expansions came out that spread the herd even farther apart.

    If a Classic/SI server is made, and is stable, we may get those freeshard folks back.
  • @The_Classic_Dude
    I think there are not many EC players reading the forums. But the real number will not be very high either.
  • Shoke wrote: »
    @LordGriffon Why duplicate what already exists?

    Where on Retail DAoC does your alleged duplication exists?

    Cause it aint here and hasn't been here for near 13 years... try harder next time?
    "And that's the Bottom line. Cause Stone Cold Griff said so!".
  • edited April 2020 PM
    Keltorius wrote: »
    But can they afford buying a new hamster to run the new server? lol

    To this very day I believe folks first left because of TOA and the extra abilities and gear they didn’t have the time to devote to it. Then more expansions came out that spread the herd even farther apart.

    If a Classic/SI server is made, and is stable, we may get those freeshard folks back.

    I would highly agree with you. Due to political dram happening on the free shards, specifically the 1 main freeshard with a comparable ruleset to Classic, the pop has dropped tremendously... despite what us Veteran Classic players tried to explain and warn against -- we were not only allowed (by staff of said server) to be flamed, but ultimately ignored to the point where that project went full steam ahead with a ruleset that is a bastardized version of Classic +SI.

    Think I am kidding? When I first warned when they were in their last stages of beta to bring back some QOL's that the staff shut down, i.e., Maps, Teleporters, better xp rate, I was flamed for it. Was told "never goinna happen", and "don't like it, then play somewhere else". I predicted that within 2 months of that project going into a "live" state (meaning no longer in beta), that it would lose near 80% of the population.... No one there believed me and thought I was speaking out of my butt. And instead, project owners/staff and project arse-licking fan-bois went on a campaign to shut me down from the forums.

    2 months later, I went to the main community dev website, pulled the graph from the last 2 months of that project, and uploaded it to show what happened. Population went from 4500 to 1200. 75% drop. Which was what I had told them was going to happen.

    So how did I know?

    I warned that by taking those specific QOL's out, that the only ones of the player community that they were not hurting that much, were basically the hard core players. As time has told us, in game after game, that in nearly every game, that near 80% of the player base are CASUAL players. Piss them off, make things harder for them to where they are not on an even playing field with the Hard Core players, then you lose them. Permanently.

    Hard Core players don't necessarily need a map. They are only slightly annoyed with the extreme travel times without teleporters, and they are able to find ways to min/max xp to mitigate slow xp rates.

    Casual players are the ones who typically have a harder time finding groups. They don't know the ins/outs of how to min/max toons, much less how to effectively Power Level, or even make xp grinding easier.
    They sure as hell don't want to waste time riding on a horse for half of their allotted play time for any given 1-2 hour session they may have for that 1-2 days a week they might play. Also, take maps away from them and potential new players who don't even have access to the old Prima guides, leads to them quickly getting frustrated, logging out one last time, never to return.
    And don't even try telling a casual player to do some research on google for maps... you done did piss them off even more as their thought process is "Why should I have to do that to play this game? Maps should be included like they are in every other game."

    What's ironic about that said project, is that they have mostly fixed 2 of those QOL's and did a crap half ass job with xp rate, to which staff said it would never happen... Map's and teleporters are now implemented... too little too late in my opinion.

    What about the xp rate there? Folks I am here to tell you, it's still a damn joke. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine and I did some testing there. We used Freddy's site that had the xp amount per lvl up to 50 from 2002, and the wayback machine from 2004 that gives the xp given by mobs.

    After an hour of testing on yellow mobs of the same name, then running the numbers, what we discovered was that the xp rate now on that project is 13% LESS than what it was on live in 2005.

    That's right, 13% less... when that project went live a few years ago, they didn't even have camp bonuses done... which means the xp rate was even less.

    And you know what is even more ironic about this? When a handful of us pointed this out about how slow the xp was during their beta.... staff response was "your memory has faded over time and if you want us to change it, submit your proof, but even if you do, we aren't going to change it"... really? Seriously? So all this time, it turns out we were actually right? Well I be... who would have thunk it?

    I mean think about this one for a minute... a freeshard with any other game will at least match the xp rate of the game it was trying to emulate... maybe *gasp* make it even faster, but dang.. to make it slower for whatever insane reason, then try to cover it up by claiming we have been having some kind of mass hallucinations with our memories?

    I got news for ya folks.. today's generation isn't going to put up with a slow, tac chewing, rock grinding xp rate.

    And people wonder why so many have actually stopped playing on that particular project.

    There are many lessons here that Broadsword can learn about that failing project. #1 Lesson. Listen to what those of us who have experienced both retail and freeshards have to tell you.
    Stop listening to the few Ywain supporters as they have done nothing to help your paychecks. You have near 13 years of proof of what those Ywain folks have done to your workplace.

    But by God, keep that ruleset up. I want everyone to know how it compares to Classic + SI. Besides, what will that hurt? NO ONE. And you will still make money! Win/Win for everyone!

    And if this long post wasn't enough to convince you... even now the poll of this thread is showing almost 40% of the current forums users want Classic +SI.

    Sheeeeeit… if I was running this game as a fast food burger join, if 40% of my customer base wanted a plain ole' cheeseburger without all the fixings, then I would sure as hell give it to them so I can make MORE MONEY!
    Post edited by LordGriffon on
    "And that's the Bottom line. Cause Stone Cold Griff said so!".

  • I would highly agree with you. Due to political dram happening on the free shards, specifically the 1 main freeshard with a comparable ruleset to Classic, the pop has dropped tremendously... despite what us Veteran Classic players tried to explain and warn against -- we were not only allowed (by staff of said server) to be flamed, but ultimately ignored to the point where that project went full steam ahead with a ruleset that is a bastardized version of Classic +SI.

    Think I am kidding? When I first warned when they were in their last stages of beta to bring back some QOL's that the staff shut down, i.e., Maps, Teleporters, better xp rate, I was flamed for it. Was told "never goinna happen", and "don't like it, then play somewhere else". I predicted that within 2 months of that project going into a "live" state (meaning no longer in beta), that it would lose near 80% of the population.... No one there believed me and thought I was speaking out of my butt. And instead, project owners/staff and project arse-licking fan-bois went on a campaign to shut me down from the forums.

    2 months later, I went to the main community dev website, pulled the graph from the last 2 months of that project, and uploaded it to show what happened. Population went from 4500 to 1200. 75% drop. Which was what I had told them was going to happen.

    So how did I know?

    I warned that by taking those specific QOL's out, that the only ones of the player community that they were not hurting that much, were basically the hard core players. As time has told us, in game after game, that in nearly every game, that near 80% of the player base are CASUAL players. Piss them off, make things harder for them to where they are not on an even playing field with the Hard Core players, then you lose them. Permanently.

    Hard Core players don't necessarily need a map. They are only slightly annoyed with the extreme travel times without teleporters, and they are able to find ways to min/max xp to mitigate slow xp rates.

    Casual players are the ones who typically have a harder time finding groups. They don't know the ins/outs of how to min/max toons, much less how to effectively Power Level, or even make xp grinding easier.
    They sure as hell don't want to waste time riding on a horse for half of their allotted play time for any given 1-2 hour session they may have for that 1-2 days a week they might play. Also, take maps away from them and potential new players who don't even have access to the old Prima guides, leads to them quickly getting frustrated, logging out one last time, never to return.
    And don't even try telling a casual player to do some research on google for maps... you done did piss them off even more as their thought process is "Why should I have to do that to play this game? Maps should be included like they are in every other game."

    What's ironic about that said project, is that they have mostly fixed 2 of those QOL's and did a crap half ass job with xp rate, to which staff said it would never happen... Map's and teleporters are now implemented... too little too late in my opinion.

    What about the xp rate there? Folks I am here to tell you, it's still a damn joke. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine and I did some testing there. We used Freddy's site that had the xp amount per lvl up to 50 from 2002, and the wayback machine from 2004 that gives the xp given by mobs.

    After an hour of testing on yellow mobs of the same name, then running the numbers, what we discovered was that the xp rate now on that project is 13% LESS than what it was on live in 2005.

    That's right, 13% less... when that project went live a few years ago, they didn't even have camp bonuses done... which means the xp rate was even less.

    And you know what is even more ironic about this? When a handful of us pointed this out about how slow the xp was during their beta.... staff response was "your memory has faded over time and if you want us to change it, submit your proof, but even if you do, we aren't going to change it"... really? Seriously? So all this time, it turns out we were actually right? Well I be... who would have thunk it?

    I mean think about this one for a minute... a freeshard with any other game will at least match the xp rate of the game it was trying to emulate... maybe *gasp* make it even faster, but dang.. to make it slower for whatever insane reason, then try to cover it up by claiming we have been having some kind of mass hallucinations with our memories?

    I got news for ya folks.. today's generation isn't going to put up with a slow, tac chewing, rock grinding xp rate.

    And people wonder why so many have actually stopped playing on that particular project.

    There are many lessons here that Broadsword can learn about that failing project. #1 Lesson. Listen to what those of us who have experienced both retail and freeshards have to tell you.
    Stop listening to the few Ywain supporters as they have done nothing to help your paychecks. You have near 13 years of proof of what those Ywain folks have done to your workplace.

    But by God, keep that ruleset up. I want everyone to know how it compares to Classic + SI. Besides, what will that hurt? NO ONE. And you will still make money! Win/Win for everyone!

    And if this long post wasn't enough to convince you... even now the poll of this thread is showing almost 40% of the current forums users want Classic +SI.

    Sheeeeeit… if I was running this game as a fast food burger join, if 40% of my customer base wanted a plain ole' cheeseburger without all the fixings, then I would sure as hell give it to them so I can make MORE MONEY!

    RIP your post. Discussion of freeshards, in any capacity, tends to lead to ban hammers.
  • RIP your post. Discussion of freeshards, in any capacity, tends to lead to ban hammers.[/quote]

    Although I appreciate your concern, and it very well may be genuine, I don't think I will get hit with a ban hammer for this reason:
    Under Code of Conduct:
    1. You must not post, or link to materials that are in breach of DAoC’s Rules of Conduct or Terms of Service. This includes, but is not limited to:
    1. Advertisement or promotion of unofficial servers.

    1. I did not advertise nor promote a specific server, this does not apply, and,
    2. I did the exact opposite. I gave a negative review of the freeshard project in question.
    It is up to any who reads this to investigate which project I am referring to, if they are so inclined.
    But after I gave such a blistering review of said failing project, why in the world would they want to take the time to look into that?

    But thank you anyways, I really do appreciate the concern!
    "And that's the Bottom line. Cause Stone Cold Griff said so!".
  • If you get censored, really is a shame. Hell, I'm still on super secret final probation for typing a single word. Like 6 months ago...

    Because your right, mostly. What's the point of having an exchange of ideas if you gotta appease gatekeepers to do it? At some point you just have to sit back shut up, and think quietly "I told you so". But then the game you love died, so there's really no winner in that scenario...

    The other thing holding the 'other' place back is disallowing bots. Single rule that's prevented me from ever logging on. And I hope BS doesn't make that same mistake for whatever reason.
  • Modding around here is very inconsistent. :/
  • puter wrote: »
    Modding around here is very inconsistent. :/

    get wrekt?
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • game is more fun now with higher population. anything like another server will hurt that. horrible idea.
  • Higher population is because people are bored. What happens when you actually get people wanting to play because there's no restrictions to EC?

    New server allows them to open EC fully for ywain, will more than make up for the people switching to new server.
    Plus, this poll proves there's almost as many people NOT playing and waiting for the server, as people on ywain. No way that everyone in ywain leaves for the new server.

    There's soooooo many people who want to keep all their gear, rr's, whatever else. And they're going to stay on ywain.

    Let the other 5000 people have something to do plz. Kthx.
  • AlaskaMike wrote: »
    Higher population is because people are bored. What happens when you actually get people wanting to play because there's no restrictions to EC?

    New server allows them to open EC fully for ywain, will more than make up for the people switching to new server.
    Plus, this poll proves there's almost as many people NOT playing and waiting for the server, as people on ywain. No way that everyone in ywain leaves for the new server.

    There's soooooo many people who want to keep all their gear, rr's, whatever else. And they're going to stay on ywain.

    Let the other 5000 people have something to do plz. Kthx.

    No! The Government says to stay home because of Corona Virus. When everyone goes back to work in a few weeks the numbers will fall.People are playing daoc because they trapped in their houses and can't leave.
  • edited April 2020 PM
    That's what I said. People are bored.
    Post edited by AlaskaMike on
  • I'm very interested in seeing a classic / SI server created. I'd like the chance to play Daoc again during the timeframe when it was the most enjoyable for me. Coming back I'm confused about why Catacombs was removed...something I liked a lot more than ToA. I'm confused about a lot honestly...the dragon quest / king's quest stuff isn't interesting to me. If a server was created that mimicked the environment DAOC had prior to Atlantis I'd be happy to join. NF is fine too.
  • Played now 12 toons from 1 to 39, 4 or 5 to 50... the 50s to ML10 and CL15...
    Leveled only in the BGs...
    The learnings and experiences are horrific...

    Open world PVP not need to be mentioned at all. High-RR gangbang only.. useless waste of time...
    Only other option are the BGs.. but...

    The game is also there in a not playable/usable state....

    Fully pimped lamers everywhere...
    Mostly on the fotm Jokeclasses... Vamp, Heretic, Bard, Minstrel or the guys with the scythe..
    Speed of the hunt is a absolut deal-breaker, joke and coffin-nail ... too sad too even laugh...
    The one-button-one-hit-kill classes like Heretic and the Scythe-users... no words...
    TOA-Boni and items in the BGs.... coffin-nail also....
    Crafting just a joke, one day to Legend, but useless...

    Beside of the above points also fully pay to win through the supremacy-buff-potions...

    No gamer-lover will pay for that BS.

    If the goal is to create a place for the real Gamer-Community there is no way around a Classic-Server...
    OR create some/a place(s) where a REAL fight can take place... possibilities are countless.. just need to be done...
    If the Game-Developer Team just want to cater the few gangbangers that they have now, they do great....

    Thats the result of long testing, even subbed one month to have all features...

    That will also be my last post related to that topic. Case is extremely clear and easy to solve, if wanted...

  • You should try to group mahvash and get more realm rank before trying to solo
  • @Mahvash You do realize that bards, minstrels and the guys with the scythe will be there on that other servwr you wish right?

    With the difference that the minstrel's gonna have a lvl 60 purple pet to wreck your face in old school unbreakable sos
  • @Mahvash
    Sounds like you are angry bec. you get killed by people who have a very good template or who play since a couple of years or who are just good at the game.

    Btw what is a gangbanger?
  • Classic server was anything but classic. It was the same as the regular ones, other than master level abilities. You still had all the ToA statcaps, fonts (campfires), bonuses to cast speed and melee damage and whatever, hasteners, player horses, etc.

    An actual good classic server would get rid of statcap items, the % bonuses to speed/range/etc, and ML/CL stuff. But keep the class balance/improvements of the later patches. Nobody wants to play a 1.65 Warden, the class was still broken then.
  • edited May 2020 PM
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • If they do indeed make a new server, I just hope it's not a chore to get temped. That is the one thing that kept me from playing on the bird; it felt like TOA where you had to get into a zerg and hope you /random well enough to get an item that you need.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • edited May 2020 PM
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
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