The Irony



  • if we only played hib how did my sorc and thane make so many rps last week?
  • edited February 2020 PM

    Strange, that you say you play all realms. Im confused.

    But im sure its because of the 15min realm timer.
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • By the way, you said by yourself that champ debuff is op.
    So why you complain now?
  • xuu wrote: »
    @Tyrantanic incorrect.

    Realm timers will allow 8mans that play all realms to swap based on which realm is the least populated. Believe it or not, the good players don’t want to play the realm that has the largest numbers. It’s not fun rolling lesser numbers. Actually quite the opposite.

    When BS implemented realm timers they were under the false assumption that realm swappers were only zergers. They aren’t. And in reality if those zergers swap they don’t make a difference as far as which realm is dominating the island.

    You must have forgotten what the 8man action was like before the patch already. It was bad. I'm all for removing realm timers but it's not going to do jack to the action if no one plays. Sure, you'll be able to draft fights every 5 minutes instead of 15 but that can already be done elsewhere. Not sure what you're expecting here. Most competent players have moved on so you're stuck farming the casuals regardless.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • edited February 2020 PM
    And you think where youre playing now are only competent players? lol
    Why then even write here anymore?
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • @Kroko Most players quit DAoC in general. The other place just has more bodies and group oriented players. Not necessarily more competent. I write here as a customer who has spent thousands over the past 19 years. I'll continue to do so until removed. At least I'm being civil here.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • edited February 2020 PM
    @xuu Its not that hard to choose anyway. I play us prime. Every night i log on, i do not choose a realm when I log in. Look at the bonus % and pick the underdog if you're looking to farm the best rps (more enemies). The realm percentages do not flip that much (maybe its due to the realm timers you're suggesting). For instance, if mid is sitting @ 55% and alb is sitting at 25%, then "you" would instinctively choose to play mid that night, right? I'm way more casual than that.. i don't like pulling the cart uphill the whole time. So im not gonna choose the realm with the distinct disadvantage. IRC would obvisouly benefit from logging into the underdog realm. HIstory has shown that if mid or alb starts off with a huge bonus, its not gonna flip quickly. I watch it constantly, and maybe on occassion it regulates. More often then not, the bonus stays approximate to how it starts. You can clearly see when US prime timers log though. The bonus diminishes... but thats after @ 3-4 hours of solid play. Seems easy enough to choose the underdog before you ever start if thats what you're after.
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • Claiming that players here are not competent is not civil.
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Claiming that players here are not competent is not civil.

    Unless the rules have changed @Carol_Broadsword, you suck (at the game) is acceptable around here. I'm just being polite about it.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Claiming that players here are not competent is not civil.

    And would not have been allowed in DarkAge of Old.
    R.I.P. CSR's.
  • @Tyrantanic
    Yea, but you said everyone sucks.
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Kroko wrote: »
    You were more people when wiping us the first 2 times. There were no 55 with him. Many peope join bg but dont follow. We had no chance against your numbers open field.

    I dont really understand why you complain since you got more numbers than heros bg and wiped him twice, isnt that sth good?

    We didn't get more numbers. At Boldiam and the Milegate it was even numbers. And as Muy stated, we had lot more tanks with the BG this time than Anna usually has. And in addition, and let me repeat that again from my last post... we had _every single visible player available in Midgard_ with the BG in those two moments, even those groups, that usually run 8v8 and are only in the BG to give info about Heros movement. So what does that say about you when your BG is able to double it's numbers after those two incidents?

    Is it mentally too challenging to see the problem here? Is it mentally too challenging to imagine that people get tired of this? Is it mentally too challenging to realize that under these circumstances people don't go and defend a keep against such numbers, because any defense is basically doomed?

    And did you even think about the possibility that the Midgard BG suffers from the same phenomenon that not always everyone in the BG is actually with the BG? Usually we have 3-4 full groups in the Anna BG (might be 5 or 6 groups, but when you count people together into full groups it's usually max 4, i.e. 30-34 player count), but only 3 groups max really running together. So your BG steamrolls everything in sight for months and then some Hibs come over to Midgard and complain that people log off as they have far more better things to do then to let themselves being farmed by the Hero BG?
    Please explain to me how dumb that is?
    Post edited by Cathul on
  • I know all that. But i cant do anything against it.
    My point was, that you did well, but just complained afterwards.
    You could do that more often. (not the complaining)
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Yea, but you said everyone sucks.

    Nah, not everyone. Mainly, the zergs that get farmed by a FG.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • @Kroko

    Yes I make a ton of rps in hib. But keep scrolling. My sorc is the #6 top alb last week and my thane is #3 top mid last week. How can that be if I only play hib?
  • xuu wrote: »
    I dont mind being a jerk to BS anymore after giving feedback through the proper channels, asking in appropriate manners, and trying to educate the pros vs cons. When they clearly don’t listen I find there is only one course to go. I gave up on niceties a while back (:

    Your not just being a jerk to BS - you are grinding down what is left of the albs/mids in a childish, selfish temper tantrum because you can't handle 15 minutes.

    4 hour time is too short. Time for an 8 hour timer!

  • xuu wrote: »

    Yes I make a ton of rps in hib. But keep scrolling. My sorc is the #6 top alb last week and my thane is #3 top mid last week. How can that be if I only play hib?

    Not saying you're only playing hib. But you're claiming you're trying to play on the underdog realm for a greater chance of making rps. I call BS on that. I've logged on each night (US prime) this week and MID has been the biggest underdog. If you're pawning for rps, then your mid should have been in the top 25 of rp earners for the week by your own account of you being better than everyone who plays. it clearly shows you favor hib, which is fine.. but dont try to blow smoke up everyones a$$ by claiming you chase rps and go to the realm with the highest bonus.
  • edited February 2020 PM
    Region: "IRC: QQ you're owning the island with your zerg get off the island so we can set 8 man or we're gonna get on our other realm and roll you.."
    In Tom Hank's voice: "They swapped anyway"
    Also in Tom Hank's voice: "They didn't roll the Mids every damn fight"

    I wanna know which guild 8 mans outside of IRC swapped with no realm timers prior to EC..

    Mid Guilds:
    Casting Couch? Maybe
    Asatruar? Nope

    Alb Guilds:
    Dunno but many of Rescu's zerg swaps to Hib when he logs off. (this been going on for ages)

    This patch actually helps their (irc) tactic out more than it hurts, especially in open field fighting. Want to win? Every caster find a target and go to town for about 10-15s to exhaust healer power then assist down. Last night was hilarious. Before usually 1 heat debuff then nuke nuke (assist train)..last night it was heat debuff heat debuff heat debuff.

    Heal changes mean its gonna be caster vs caster now as any charge tanks are on islands by themselves now on pushes since healers will have to concentrate with single target heals on their caster dps. That being said it affects all realms. Last night I ran peels and it was boring clearing nothing but pets.

    Best fights in the game are group melee vs melee or melee hybrid. 10min 8v8 fight days are over as the game is currently implemented.
    Post edited by Rok1 on
  • You can’t currently chase an RP bonus when it changes hour to hour. As you begin to make a realm safe by winning, other groups in the same realm also benefit and gather strength and numbers.
    So the usual answer is to swap. But with a 15 minute timer (which is always more because of afk’s, and no countdown, rebuilding group setups, buffing, someone missing a supremacy etc etc) by the time you swap and begin to roam 20-30 minutes have passed the situation has changed. The realm you were just on with 8mans all over is suddenly desolate, maybe partly because they saw you swap, or they die once and log.

    While a few people can stay on 4+ hours a session, the majority of players has about 2 hours before they need to go and be replaced. Swapping with timers complicates this dramatically as you lose significant % of playtime. So people are swap adverse due to playtime constraints.
  • Who's the one who does all this swapping? I'm my experience over the last year 1 guild I can think of that swaps has the capability to change the game in a way many folks are saying as a reason to can realm timers. ONE

    Now that is props to them for having the capability, but the end does not justify the means.
  • Last night us prime i played from 8pm est to 10 pm est. Mid stayed consistently from 25% to 55% bonus , hib had 25% bonus down to no bonus, and alb had no bonus (for the two hours i was logged in). The bonuses do not swing that big. I feel like the main reason this happens is because of realm timers. If the bonus does swing big, its primarily not do to realm hopping anymore. Its due to people logging (off) when they get rolled.
  • A handful of friends have defected from Hib (until there's more balance). We are enjoying playing our albs. I do not understand how people actually have fun in Hib anymore now that I see it from another perspective. Camping every safepath with tons of stealth and visi's. Random groups of Hibs at the maze's, Moy, Trell, and Folley. I guess if you want easy mode, keep playing Hib. It's going to be hilarious when people finally get fed up with it and quit showing up for Herorius to farm them every day.

    I love my Hibs, they are my favorite toons but several of us are doing our parts to balance things out. More should do the same in my opinion.
    Variants of Pwntime
    Variants of Hren

    Do not accept mediocrity, do not change yourself because the culture changes around you. Be the guiding light that stands up against the immoral and make the culture want to reform around you, be like you. Be a positive example, it's how beneficial changes come about.
  • Pwntime wrote: »
    A handful of friends have defected from Hib (until there's more balance). We are enjoying playing our albs. I do not understand how people actually have fun in Hib anymore now that I see it from another perspective. Camping every safepath with tons of stealth and visi's. Random groups of Hibs at the maze's, Moy, Trell, and Folley. I guess if you want easy mode, keep playing Hib. It's going to be hilarious when people finally get fed up with it and quit showing up for Herorius to farm them every day.

    I love my Hibs, they are my favorite toons but several of us are doing our parts to balance things out. More should do the same in my opinion.

    Awesome..not joking

  • /who NF says 88 on Midgard. Half of that is bots. bg count is 31, i.e. almost all of Midgard is now playing in the Mid BG and Hibs have severely higher numbers right now.
    How do Hibs expect us to compete? Any suggestions?
  • You don't have to. Just don't feed it. Its been noted already that boredom does kick in and the Hero bg will log early if its bad enough.
  • Pwntime wrote: »
    A handful of friends have defected from Hib (until there's more balance). We are enjoying playing our albs. I do not understand how people actually have fun in Hib anymore now that I see it from another perspective. Camping every safepath with tons of stealth and visi's. Random groups of Hibs at the maze's, Moy, Trell, and Folley. I guess if you want easy mode, keep playing Hib. It's going to be hilarious when people finally get fed up with it and quit showing up for Herorius to farm them every day.

    I love my Hibs, they are my favorite toons but several of us are doing our parts to balance things out. More should do the same in my opinion.

    So that's where you've been, Pwn?? =)
    Listen to the people - they will guide you..
  • 21 people in the Mid-BG now...
  • Its 9:30 pm cest (if my converter is working correctly). Convince those 21 mids to log onto hib or just be patient for 30 minutes. Avoid feeding the zerg for that 30 and Hero may go to sleep early :wink:
  • I just released Glenlock when he attacked it... he didn't get a single point there.
  • a nice rp realm loyalty bonus and then let the hoppers hop :)
  • some lies ITT
  • Kat wrote: »

    Your not just being a jerk to BS - you are grinding down what is left of the albs/mids in a childish, selfish temper tantrum because you can't handle 15 minutes.

    4 hour time is too short. Time for an 8 hour timer!

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