SB Hammer Spec 2020

It's time people...let the intense badgering and kicking of said horse commence!


  • Troll Shadowblade.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
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  • 2h Staff Luri NS.
  • luri bard
  • Offering a second damage type to Midguard not bound to a timer is needed.

    Currently if you use Bludgeon you have to cancel the buff or run the timer out to swap damage types. With the plethora of escape tools and kiting abilities combined with a very fast paced multiple enemy environment, you need to be able to swap damage types on the fly. Along with swapping damage types to fit your target you also rely on certain procs to help aid your damage or defense. A Shadowblade can not debuff the damage type when using Bludgeon which also puts them at a disadvantage when using it. The list keeps going...

    It's time for this to get looked at and changed.
  • If anything they would do Thrust spec, not Crush. NS/Infs have slash/thrust options.
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
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    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • There are no Thrust weapons in Midguard that are not h2h/spear. They would have to create an entire subset of weapons and models. I don't think that would be easily doable but adding Hammer as a speccable wep line would be and would not require a ton of hours to accomplish.
  • Kymatius wrote: »
    There are no Thrust weapons in Midguard that are not h2h/spear. They would have to create an entire subset of weapons and models. I don't think that would be easily doable but adding Hammer as a speccable wep line would be and would not require a ton of hours to accomplish.

    Yeah but both Infs and NSs (and Rangers) are Crush vulnerable, so that’s not gonna happen.

    Bludgeon gives SBs the option to switch to Crush, which Infs and NS don’t have. I think that’s good enough.

    Great point about the weapons though.
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
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    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • Yeah, and SBs and Hunters are slash vulnerable and both Hibs and Albs can spec for slash weapons, so what's your argument again?
  • Cathul wrote: »
    Yeah, and SBs and Hunters are slash vulnerable and both Hibs and Albs can spec for slash weapons, so what's your argument again?

    Correct but if Infs spec Slash, they have to deal with NS (and Ranger) slash resistance, and if they spec Thrust, they have SB (and Hunter) thrust resistance. And either way they can’t change their damage like an SB can.

    It’s not that SBs need another damage type, it’s that maybe the damage tables need to be adjusted.

    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • edited January 2020 PM
    DaRedANT wrote: »

    Correct but if Infs spec Slash, they have to deal with NS (and Ranger) slash resistance, and if they spec Thrust, they have SB (and Hunter) thrust resistance. And either way they can’t change their damage like an SB can.

    It’s not that SBs need another damage type, it’s that maybe the damage tables need to be adjusted.

    They can switch damage though. All leather is vulnerable to heat so they can switch in leggies and switch back to slash at will. SB's are already pigeonholed into slash on 1h with LA so allowing Hammer spec wouldn't allow both weapons to swing the Main hand damage type but allows for swapping without relying on a timer. (Yes SB's can use leggies as well but keep reading lol)

    Midguard has had the weakest leather resists of all realms and the inability to swap damage types besides slash or leggies. Nightshades and Infils get the choice of speccing pierce/thrust and use leggies. It allows them to specifically hunt what they want to kill with that choice. An assassin that is stuck with only one physical option has an uphill battle when facing certain opponents because they don't have a choice in that second damage type.

    Perhaps allowing hammers to utilize Axe skill when specced 50 Axe. Something though needs to change on this front. It has been brought up multiple times on both the original forums, postcount, and here and never received any attention.
    Post edited by Kymatius on
  • BuT tHeY hAvE 2hAnDeD wEaPoNs
  • Only useful for Alpha strike and most the time I still perf with 1hers because of the ability to possibly proc on opening strike.

  • They could just slightly increase bludgeon - add a 10% of so (that would be sufficient considering it would apply to both hands) chance to proc a Pictslayer-like crush debuff B)

    Still wouldn't change the fact that LA sucks.
  • edited January 2020 PM
    BuT tHeY hAvE 2hAnDeD wEaPoNs

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    and 150 more hits

    Can't even say that they have access to higher strength classes, with Highlander Infs :(
    Post edited by Enkertons on
  • edited January 2020 PM

    Feel like 1h fighting on SB is already trash enough with LA being garbage and all. Add hammer mainhand and I think it would be even worse.
    But I must admit seeing a 2h hammer SB would be funny.
    Post edited by Impounded on
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
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  • If @Broadsword allowed this I would hope they would make a left hand equipable Hammer or just make Bludgeon a toggle with a built in crush debuff. I know that adds more versatility to SBs than NS or Infils.
    You could argue that NSs magic and CD make up for it and I would agree. Infils are in the same boat with highest spec points and DW.

    I don't really consider 2h or LAs ability to swing every round that great. 2h gets blocked, dodged, parried, or missed/fumble way to often. Alpha strike is the only use for a large hit but you also lower your chance of opening strike with a proc.
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