All the bad play

edited January 2020 in General Board
What gives? I'm not talking about the typical bad play we're all guilty of. I'm talking about just tonight alone I've been killed on my R2 baby SB who's in king's gear doing supplies quests. In that time I've gotten a R7 NS to pop R5 and blow purge...despite me having done nothing but mez poisoned him, /rofl'd him, then sat down so I'd die faster and had a R9 Hero blow purge on me when I mezz poisoned him, despite being at 0% health. I've seen behavior like this the past week doing these supply quests. RP's that hard to come by, timers no longer exist, or just horrible players without a clue of what's happening?
Post edited by Amurdora on


  • I'm surprised you haven't come across the small mans that like to roll through the supply quest towns ganking solos. But yes, RPs are hard to come by these days so many players have all their toys up by the time they find someone and just blow their load on inc.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
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  • Tyrantanic wrote: »
    I'm surprised you haven't come across the small mans that like to roll through the supply quest towns ganking solos. But yes, RPs are hard to come by these days so many players have all their toys up by the time they find someone and just blow their load on inc.

    I have, but while that's lame I get that given the population so I won't hate on that.

    Also, where the hell were these broken plateau keeps back in the day. It'd have been awesome to play them back pre-Ywain clustering.
  • Due to population you sometimes kill what you find. Or youll kill nothing at all.
    But there also those people that would do it with any population.
  • KoeKoe
    edited January 2020 PM
    Maybe they just pee their pants and HAVE to ra dump when they read chat log.

    I do seem to recall you freely blowing purge and vanish or resetting fight on your mains if the time is right. If you're a known player you can't expect anything but full court press.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • I've been back for almost 2 months now and to put it simply I know what you're saying... Population is SLIGHTLY higher than when I quit a year ago (8 people in NF in EST A.M. when I quit, now it's 14-20, but I'm still old school so when I engage in a fight I try to never blow my RAs if I don't know an enemy until I need to, because the way it used to be 3+ years ago was there was always another fight after that... So having said that, I came back and same situation wouldn't blow my RAs, and then I would be losing fights sometimes... And then I noticed that I was NEVER using my RAs and they were up all the time so eventually I came to the realization that by the time I die, rebuff, make it back out there, and actually FIND someone to fight, that my sh*t is gonna be back up anyways so I might as well blow it all on most fights... because sometimes literally by the time you find someone if you don't kill them and have RAs up you might as well have dumped everything to get those RPs because who knows when your next fight is gonna be...

    So to sum it up, I understand why these high RRs are poppin RAs left and right... it's cuz there's no pop.. cuz EC was a flop
  • Name isn't an Amur toon so no one knows it's me. And it's not that they're killing me that I have an issue with, sure I'd like them to wait until I've gotten all 15 but whatever it's no biggie. It's RA dumping on a toon that's clearly not a threat that I don't get. Waste of toys really especially from what I've seen in those areas where you can expect a fight every few minutes.
  • Stealth zergs are a cancer
  • RA dump to get the kill before you're ran down by full groups etc. So many times whether its on my zerk, savage, or hunter ive been fighting and along comes a full group or 3. Lose the kill and die. RA dump happens to push as much dps and to avoid or purge any negative affects, therefor giving you the optimum chance to survive or at least get the kill before you're mowed over.
    Kat wrote: »
    Stealth zergs are a cancer

    Easier to make that your sig Kat :wink: . Stealth zergs are a cancer, and bring back hunter rr5!
  • I'm no stellar player or anything but I would have purged too. Stealth in this game has devolved to the absolute worst bottom feeding cheese players. Most stealth would have slinked off and re-stealthed never to have been seen again and I'd be damned if I would risk having a 1v1, solo kill, rpts etc... cheese away like that. I'd blow purge to ensure the kill now and worry about having it down later.
  • Please keep purging mezz pots ;) Nothing makes my heart happier.
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
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  • /shrug It hasn't gotten me killed yet ;) Obviously, I wont purge it if the fight is still ongoing but if the turd is trying to run at low life you bet I will. Also, If it is a name I recognize that will factor heavily into how I play it.
  • KatKat
    edited January 2020 PM
    Sleepwell wrote: »
    RA dump to get the kill before you're ran down by full groups etc. So many times whether its on my zerk, savage, or hunter ive been fighting and along comes a full group or 3. Lose the kill and die. RA dump happens to push as much dps and to avoid or purge any negative affects, therefor giving you the optimum chance to survive or at least get the kill before you're mowed over.

    Easier to make that your sig Kat :wink: . Stealth zergs are a cancer, and bring back hunter rr5!

    I don't post about the hunter rr5 anymore. I now understand why it had to be changed. Stealth zergs made it OP. What is necessary for a solo hunter, is way too OP when zergers use it. Because of Stealth zergs, we can't have nice things anymore

    That is also why I don't understand why the ranger rr5 is still in game.

    I like your suggestion

    Post edited by Kat on
  • @Impounded I will purge a mez poison if it means I'm gonna kill that f*cker!
  • Hey i'm not trashing, I have done it too. I just love when people do it vs my sin ;)
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
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  • It is totally fight dependent. In sin vs sin if you're purging the stun you'll end up losing to someone who mez's, FA and resets. I will also purge the mez poison on my visi's if they are doing it to get away. But if I think they will fight it out I won't use purge at all since it isn't necessary to crush sins on a visi.
  • Kat wrote: »

    I don't post about the hunter rr5 anymore. I now understand why it had to be changed. Stealth zergs made it OP. What is necessary for a solo hunter, is way too OP when zergers use it. Because of Stealth zergs, we can't have nice things anymore

    That is also why I don't understand why the ranger rr5 is still in game.

    I like your suggestion

    In my opinion, they keep the ranger r5 because the hunter pet is op when used in a group. Disease, snare, dump 8 of these and you can really create havoc ( I really want to try this against full visi groups, but guild doesn't play mid anymore). Alb gets hosed here, unless they run a minstrel to mez/stun the dogs.
  • Badnagen wrote: »

    In my opinion, they keep the ranger r5 because the hunter pet is op when used in a group. Disease, snare, dump 8 of these and you can really create havoc ( I really want to try this against full visi groups, but guild doesn't play mid anymore). Alb gets hosed here, unless they run a minstrel to mez/stun the dogs.

    That's why I suggested pet scare instead of pet attack. I watched a vid recently of a ranger taking out two BD's. It is OP.
  • The ranger rr5 is only op vs a pet class.
    That alone makes it basically useless against anything not a pet class.
  • Except it's Zone of Unmana coupled with the pet turn.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
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  • Tyrantanic wrote: »
    Except it's Zone of Unmana coupled with the pet turn.

    "Useless against non pet classes"
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
    Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
    Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator

    Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743

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  • I take what i said back did not know it had zone of unmana. Dont shoot me lol but i still dont think its all that op can you just step out off it and if they keep shooting you just engage him if your a shield class break los.
    Tell me if im wroung (probably am XD)
  • Yeah shield classes could just stand outside of it and engage for sure. It gives them a slight edge in melee combat and paired with their PB shot they can do some work on your if you decide to stay in it and fight them.
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
    Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
    Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator

    Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743

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  • KatKat
    edited January 2020 PM
    So..even if it only affects pet classes (which isnt true), that includes


    That is 24% of the all classes. Take out the classes no one really plays anymore, and the percent affected is even higher

    Post edited by Kat on
  • Kat wrote: »
    So..even if it only affects pet classes (which isnt true), that includes


    That is 24% of the all classes. Take out the classes no one really plays anymore, and the percent affected is even higher

    but rangers don't tend to fight enchanters, mentys, druids or animists. so.........more like 14% (i didnt really do the math, its an estimate). Kat, really, no hate here. You really should try switching your spec up and run higher melee, less dog. The current hunter r5 is actually pretty good if you can switch up to melee effectively. On my hunter i find it very useful. Just a thought, i know you do well with current spec, i see the spam, just a thought.
  • KatKat
    edited January 2020 PM
    Badnagen wrote: »

    but rangers don't tend to fight enchanters, mentys, druids or animists. so.........more like 14% (i didnt really do the math, its an estimate). Kat, really, no hate here. You really should try switching your spec up and run higher melee, less dog. The current hunter r5 is actually pretty good if you can switch up to melee effectively. On my hunter i find it very useful. Just a thought, i know you do well with current spec, i see the spam, just a thought.

    I already did....this is not about the hunter rr5. But, your right. That was dumb of me to add hibs.
    Post edited by Kat on
  • Kat wrote: »

    I already did....this is not about the hunter rr5. But, your right. That was dumb of me to add hibs.

    Actually the 24% are okay - you are not fighting Hibs at all so takeing that into account a third of all classes drop out of the calculation - so the numbers kind of hold.

    Side note Scouts are underpowered in Melee 8(
  • Indur wrote: »

    Actually the 24% are okay - you are not fighting Hibs at all so takeing that into account a third of all classes drop out of the calculation - so the numbers kind of hold.

    Side note Scouts are underpowered in Melee 8(

    I think it would depend on the number of people playing the classes. Pet classes are highly played. Plus, it doesnt just affect those playing the class, but the people they are grouped with.
  • edited January 2020 PM
    I can't tell you the last time I got in a fight and it was just one ranger. So engage removes half the damage maybe more if you swap it ok. But you still tend to have to fight in the green crap.

    Also it's not just how many classes it affects but how badly it effects them. it completely ruins the match up with pet classes ( tried my solo mini and even after fight it's just broken and I need to get another pet (and re-buff it, you know how far I had to go to get that pet!)). I think kats just mad at how little skill (on the rangers side) + how little counter play you have when fighting rangers as a pet class. And it being a stealth class makes it even worse (on my mini I just run from classes I don't want to fight (pet scare, ext) but when you can't see them until they pop and turn your pet it leaves you with no counter play, some of them are melee rangers to visually it's difficult when they are the supper small to figure out if they are ns or ranger).

    Even when you win, you lose as your pets will no longer fallow you. And you need to do the same stuff as if you died (get a pet, buff it). It's just frustrating (maybe it's balanced (not 100% sure on this) but it's not enjoyable to play against and I would hope they could come up with a better solution (there has always kind of been this unbalance with the bow classes ranger is favored vs Hunter, Hunter vs scout (pet allows for kitting), and scout vs ranger (easy to engage one target) and I don't much mind it because you use to be able to over come the disadvantage with some skill, but with relics/rr5 and pop issue there is very little a hunter can do vs a competent ranger :)

    Just my 2 cents.
    Post edited by rocketait on
  • Oh also it feels thing use to be balanced around timers. But now there is no longer that constant fighting so normally every one has toys up during a fight, so the fact the rangers rr5 had a timer still means you probably will get it every fight any way (or our dou partner will have it up)
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Hunter is pretty dam tough and they do not need to change the rr5. Sure when a ranger uses rr5 it scares away the pet but what about when an assassin vanishes and no matter how high the vanish level the hunter puts up those tracking dogs, jumps on a horse and always finds the assassin unless they can climb.
    Post edited by Sepphiroth75 on
  • Hunter is pretty dam tough and they do not need to change the rr5. Sure when a ranger uses rr5 it scares away the pet but what about when an assassin vanishes and no matter how high the vanish level the hunter puts up those tracking dogs, jumps on a horse and always finds the assassin unless they can climb.

    It doesn't "scare" away the pet, it turns the pet against the owner (using my spec pts against me)...then after attacking the owner, it dies. It doesn't come back. It is gone till either the pet timer is back up, or the caster can recast. It is totally OP and only a ranger would think otherwise. I have not suggested the ranger get nerfed, or the rr5 changes, except for one little difference. Make it a pet scare instead of a pet attack.

    And @rocketait - I am not mad. I am actually perplexed that BS has nerfed all stealthers, except the ranger and leaves in this OP rr5.
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