NPC for Cursed and Otherworldly Credit Removal.

As it stands right now you have to do the whole campaign to get gloves/helm once.
I think there should be an NPC added that will remove all of the campaign quest credit from you to be able to do the quest again.
As it stands right now if you make a template select your gloves and down the road make a better template with separate gloves. You have to level another character in order to get another set of gloves which is just too time consuming and doesnt allow for previously templated chars with high rr to help on a raid.

Alternatively letting us turn in our rewards for a different set would be nice as well.
I think this would be a fine change because it doesnt really hurt anything. All it does is allow people to get more gloves/helms with chars that already have templates/RR rather than having to just level a fresh 50 in kings gear.


  • Maybe I'm wrong but I think these items are tradeable so therefore you can buy a new version if and when you make a new temp...correct me if I'm mistaken
  • Yea you can spend 250-350 for a pair of gloves as well that still doesnt help much either.
  • Yea you can spend 250-350 for a pair of gloves as well that still doesnt help much either.

    Plat is so easy to come buy these days that I don't see your dilemma
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Areir wrote: »

    Plat is so easy to come buy these days...

    1. acquire 8 accounts
    2. link 7 together
    3. farm the hell out of DF and POC
    [not allowed]
    tip: don't use 7 mid healers :)
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • Areir wrote: »

    Plat is so easy to come buy these days that I don't see your dilemma

    Give me 300p to buy new gloves on Mid then. It's super easy to get. I can deal with running a long raid and being semi afk on it. I dont feel like constantly farming for plat to get hundreds of plat to retemp every time. When I play I want to RvR I dont want to have to be farming to get plat to try and buy gloves off someone.
  • Lol, can I serve the plat to you on a silver platter as well.....
  • Want to be given plat.

  • Areir wrote: »
    Lol, can I serve the plat to you on a silver platter as well.....

    However you wish. I mean I could get plat to do it but I think this is reasonable as well. I'd rather just run the raid and get some gloves. Easy
  • On hib 'bout every day and very rarely see anyone lfg 9 or 10. 1-8 a-plenty.
  • Just struck me - once F2P hits is inflation just going to boom even more?

    Go ahead and make yourself a macro team. Farm PvE.

    Anybody who doesn't want to run 8 accounts at once gets left in the dust.
  • Alternatively letting us turn in our rewards for a different set would be nice as well.

    I totally support this idea but only for the ch10 gloves tbh. So an NPC that changes the version of your ch10 gloves would be great. Same way it works with the halloween hats.

    The sets on the other hand are items you can farm over and over again and forcing ppl to do so makes sure that there will enough ch9/10 in the near future.
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    Your Thread was closed to early? Feel free to PM me !
  • Budikah wrote: »
    Just struck me - once F2P hits is inflation just going to boom even more?

    Go ahead and make yourself a macro team. Farm PvE.

    Anybody who doesn't want to run 8 accounts at once gets left in the dust.

    Not allowed to run macro group with trial/free accounts. And these accounts are banned after very short time.
    So be prepared to lvl to 50 on new account every second day. And farm while you can.

  • I would just be happy if one time drop items didn't loose durability so fast...
  • I think that in a few month's time, maybe even at year's end, they will make the Chapter 9 and 10 Instance (both the loot crates after the 3 encounters and the Dragon Boss) will have a chance to drop random gloves. Just like how otherworldly 10 instance drops random loot, I think Broadsword will introduce more loot to help replace the old loot that way.
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