List of classes that can’t win vs assasins 1v1

Basically any non pet caster, most hybrid tanks, any healing class.

Now assasins can win against any class 1v1 easy and still complain.
Symonde (Cleric)
Symfriar (Friar duh)
Symsorc (Double duh)
Sympets (Theurg)
Symmond (Arms)
Some random mids and hibs


  • only reason most assassins cant be beat is the vanish once they get low hp to never come back. Or just mezz/snare and run until they can stealth or FA,
  • Sym wrote: »
    Basically any non pet caster, most hybrid tanks, any healing class.

    Now assasins can win against any class 1v1 easy and still complain.

    Sir, assassins were claiming to be underpowered when they could swap lifebane each round and dd poison was a thing.

    They aren't gonna stop now.
  • Balancing assasins has been a problem as long as I can remember. Either they were way too strong or way to weak. We`re not even in the worst state atm. So I really hope for a few minor tweaks and no bigger revamps tbh :hushed:
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  • if combat is initiated by the assassin Vanish should not be usable
  • Abattoir wrote: »
    if combat is initiated by the assassin Vanish should not be usable

    Or only allowed if perf is landed.
  • Sym wrote: »
    Basically any non pet caster, most hybrid tanks, any healing class.

    Now assasins can win against any class 1v1 easy and still complain.

    while I agree they are very strong. Most classes can beat assassins if they were not selfish and actually put SL in their template and postured the fight to kill them. But for the average player, they are too strong to fight against.
  • edited May 2018 PM
    vanish is not free anymore and if they could code it were it is only up if there taking damage from multiple people than that would be nice, then they could not vanish on a 1v1 fight. And make climb walls unusable in combat. Noting worse than chasing a sneak who does nothing but hang on walls to get away and stealth up to reset fights. Seen talk about taking away heavy tanks climb wall ability if that ever happens they should make sneaks climb walls just like the one heavy tanks has to fix it.
    Post edited by Grot on
  • A good assassin is impossible to kill 1v1 on a melee class (maybe an exception on a class or 2?) Spammable snare poison keeps the fight on lockdown the whole time. Any good assassin keeps snare poison on you at 60% snare and can get any positional off at will while simultaneously keeping you from getting any positionals off as well as being able to run through you easily when you (you can't dodge outside their run through and get your next attack because you are snared)
  • Nothing can beat an assassin. Why? strafe/run through exploit defeats most shields. vanish in case things turn hairy. So many poisons it's unreal. oh, and the 13 other friends with him.
  • Look at this. Players who never played an assassin who talks about how OP they are! Must be a new thing?

    Roll one. Go out in kings gear at RR1 and then tell me how great you are on killing everyone...
  • Derb wrote: »
    Look at this. Players who never played an assassin who talks about how OP they are! Must be a new thing?

    Roll one. Go out in kings gear at RR1 and then tell me how great you are on killing everyone...

    Every class sucks RR1 in kings gear. Try a better argument.
  • Tanky wrote: »
    Nothing can beat an assassin. Why? strafe/run through exploit defeats most shields. vanish in case things turn hairy. So many poisons it's unreal. oh, and the 13 other friends with him.

    I consistently beat Sins, You have to know how to play one to know how to beat one.
  • Most good Assassins do not even care to attack out of stealth - so stealth lore is useless. They just attack you with positional (they don't have CS anyway) and if it misses use mezz poison + positional stun afterwards. Armagedden is right, you are locked in place via snare poison while they run through you at will and if the fight goes bad vanish away. Two-hand hybrids do less than 200 damage after the debuff poisions are down even if you normally have >2000 WS.

    I win vs. the lesser Assassins all the time (VW, Reaver, Champ all above rr5) but there are several Assassins (from rr6-10) that I have never or rarely beaten and nearly all fight start with them having NO first strike. Just decloak or miss opening but still easily win using debuff poison + fumble weapons + disarm proc cloak. Only some good Mauler and Vamps are even more frustrating.

    I want to see
    -Mezz poison only works on ALL OTHER targets, to mezz adds but not the main target
    -Vanish requires a kill (not necessarily a deathblow) in the last 20 seconds - this is the same mechanic as the old rr5s
    -Reduce debuff poision effectiveness but slightly increase the dot damage
    -unbreakable snare poison removed (you have disease) and garotte gets back it's snare effect
    -remedy removed (as it's not so gamebreaking anymore)
  • I vote remove stealth trash. Fixed.
  • SL is only useless to those who don't know how to use it. If you SL a sneak out, they start the fight on your terms and it puts them on the back foot. Depending on the class you can take a sneak to 50% life before they know WTF is going on.
  • Westies wrote: »

    Every class sucks RR1 in kings gear. Try a better argument.

    Have you tried playing one at rr5 or 6 with a template?
  • Nepenthe wrote: »

    Have you tried playing one at rr5 or 6 with a template?

  • Nepenthe wrote: »
    Have you ever been in a Turkish Prison?

    Billy has.

  • assasins are easy mode

  • I think this is just a silly post.. Any class can survive a 1v1 fight against an assassin .
    But this is not a solo game and the Assassins get run down by groups with stealthlore or running with there Ranger,Scout,Hunter who have great stealth detection plus Heighten awareness for the group. Peeps should stop welling for the nerf hammer on toons they get beat by every once in awhile . Heck I dont like fighting against Necro's but I dont call for a nerf every 3 seconds on them .

  • ez mode !

  • boost assasins !

  • Huehuaehue wrote: »
    boost assasins !

    shows a bunch of videos of assassins that can't use snare poison, mezz poison or stuns or stay in moc pbaoe. Surely these ones need a buff ...
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