/Scout command to allow rpts for scouting far away from bg?
A conversation in another thread about intelligence and the use of stealth got me thinking about the rewards for such a task for a stealther. Honestly, I would hate taking up a scouting role as you would be vital to the success of the bg but at the risk of getting little-to-no rpt reward.
It would be neat if BG leaders could /bgscout <character name> and somehow grant them a percentage of rpts gained by BG leader's group for their efforts.
/shrug I'm just trying to think outside the box and make the game more strategic... flame away....
It would be neat if BG leaders could /bgscout <character name> and somehow grant them a percentage of rpts gained by BG leader's group for their efforts.
/shrug I'm just trying to think outside the box and make the game more strategic... flame away....
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
Oh, as a stealther I get why this would be beneficial to stealthers in BG's, however, I just don't think it would have the desired effect of stopping "spying" from other people in other realms. I also think this could be abused pretty easily where you would have people logging in stealther alts, sitting stealthed in the middle of nowhere, getting rp's for doing nothing.
Again, I like where the idea is coming from and I get the reason for it, I just don't think it is feasible to do this.
Its an easy implantation (or should be) and the mis use of it cant be much gain for the abusers.
For example a hunter/SB in Anna BG that have been tagged with the BGcommand give intel that its a standoff at eras between albs and hibs. Anna dare to venture to the area and 3 BGs get rps while the bgscout go towards maze area and report 8 mans inc behind Anna. Even if Mid bg wipe they get rps, the solo guy helps and get rps (cap needed) and may also find his own action.
Should even have groupleaders that roam the next zone to be able to get tagged.
Seems like a win win to me
Or the different playstylers can just keep flaming each other in /reg like they done last 17 years
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"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
But ye, fixing bugs would be a priority
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Intel gathering isn't restricted to stealthers either. We had a Bard on Saturday stalking the Mid BG. I've personally stalked Paindancerr's BG with my Eldritch to see which keep(s) they'd go for when we had all six relics. It's unnecessary to provide an incentive to "fix" something that isn't broken.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
This makes zero sense. Ram Drivers are a huge part of a group and require heals. Biggest thing being is that RAM DRIVERS are apart of a "GROUP" and they are always within range of the groups RPS. (kills at the keep and bonus)
A stealther even if grouped-- if providing intel is out of RANGE for the rps. How do you even try to make this comparison......
I don't play stealthers but this is a pretty good idea.
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
used to be you would try to save door repairs for your intel folks. But that's not much really.
If the group leader had a command to give a percentage of the group rps to the intel player of their choice - that would be cool.
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
The comparison being that ram drivers don't get to participate in killing/healing/rezzing which directly affect the RP's they get from the bonuses at keep fights. Hands down, most siege operators under the current system (outside of catapults) earn less RP's due to volunteering to fill roles that gain less RPs compared to the other roles. Sure, they get RPs from the group but so could then stealthers tailing enemy BG's.
intel can easily be gained by capturing easily capturable points which spawn cups/hammers/trees. i've seen purple towers drop in seconds from a bg - the whole scouting thing is purely an example of re-active RvR.
stop waiting for the enemy to make the first move !
yep running a ram is basically 'taking one for the zerg' and earning your group and yourself less rp and reducing your own irs. (kobby savages are not good ram operators but i end up doing it way too much
it would be a great way to rp pl an alt in godrborg or equivalent as BG leader !
say that against herorius with 50+ when your realm has equal numbers in /who NF, including the bb's and the afks in godrborg....
Those saying this isn't needed.... I would argue to the contrary. My in-game experience is that our bgs have been far more successful when we have stealther intel. Fact is, there isn't quite a long line of stealthers (on Alb at least) lining up for that thankless and rp-less job. Yes, they can flank in a group etc...but that isn't the kind of intel I am talking about. I'm talking about shadowing the enemy bg and giving constant/real time intel.
Don't get me wrong... I don't play a stealther (I have them but can't stomach them anymore) nor am I married to this idea. I just haven't really heard a good argument against it. I know nothing about coding so obviously if it were an insanely hard implementation I wouldn't want BS to prioritize such a thing. However, if it were easy to implement then why not?
Again, shadowing a BG isn't tied to stealthers. I did it for Rescu at times on my Sorc when I wanted to stay solo. Picked off stragglers and got RPs. Did the same thing last night on my Eld against the Mid BG. Completed my solo kill task doing it. This /scout command won't fix your intel problem. Instead, you'll have people RP PL themselves in private anon BGs.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
It doesn't have to be stealthers.... ya'll are too hung up on details of a spitball moonshot idea.
Also, it'd be very hard to get away with "rp PLing" a toon. It'd be displayed in /bg groups who is doing it and if that person isn't giving intel in BC then it'd be obvious what they were doing.
Fatkid, we had a fight a few weeks ago at the island docks. You were unattackable for like 4 minutes and it appeared as though you were bugged riding on an invisible horse. It was super frustrating. Once you got range you unloaded on me...I could attack you for a slight bit of time but then you were unattackable again. It was the weirdest thing I've ever had happen in DAOC.
In short, my counter arguments would be:
I think rewarding realm cooperation and cohesion is needed at this juncture of the game.
You are right about the potential for exploitation. Obviously slight tweaks would need to be made to prevent this...because... people suck...
I honestly just like discussing ideas, brainstorming possibilities, etc... I like changes from BS as they keep the game evolving and changing. I'm not someone who can play the same exact game for a long time and not get bored and walk away. Everyone crying for "the way things once were" perplexes me ...if the game never changed...many would leave out of boredom.
/shrug...I honestly posted this to get a discussion going and thought I'd pitch something pretty far out of the box. I get tired of the complaining and was hoping for a productive conversation.
Everyone says "fix what is broken" I'm pretty sure they would have done that by now if they knew how. Or...there is the issue of disagreeing what is broken and what is not... So in that light, what changes would you suggest to keep things fresh and evolving?
Endless Conquest. Send in suggestions regarding how it should be implemented (i.e. what restrictions should apply). There needs to be a balance between subs and F2P such that we can retain players without forcing a subscription. Provide suggestions for the MTX store as that will be the primary money maker from F2P players. Identify and fix quest bugs that new players will use to level up and acquire gear. Perhaps add active bonuses for the startup guilds (MTX store option?). Essentially set the groundwork to build a community.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
Will it stop people from spying with bots? Nope. Will it suddenly bring more people into bg's to fill those roles? Nope. As Sovereign already stated, rp's are not hard to earn amd between claimed keep spam and the realm war map, you don't really need anyone special for scouting.
I do think this would have been a great idea back in the classic days.
yea it sucked lol I thought it might be something along those lines.
I prefer to have those conversations here. You submit feedback and that is the end of it...I enjoy the discussions, sharing ideas, bouncing ideas. I know BS would say to submit feedback but they see these boards as well.
IMO This is our game. And constant negativity toward each other and the game itself will only hasten its fall. Productive discussions on growth and development >>>> feedback forms (to me anyway)
When I've been in BGs, despite all of the Realm War Map intel, real-time, in-field intel has been the most beneficial to our success. I don't think it'd fix everything (as I stated above) but it would improve things IMO.
I started an EC suggestion thread for this reason. People are more likely to respond when they disagree with something rather than offer up new ideas whether they be "good" or not. No one likes being told their ideas are bad but it gets discussions, such as this one, going. You may feel like this is our game, but it really isn't. We pay for access. All we can do is offer up our opinions. The rest is up to Broadsword and EA. Ultimately, the player decides whether or not paying $15/month is worth the experience.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
The really unique thing that MMORPGs brought to the industry is the centrality of player to player interactions to playing environment. I think that has eroded to the point that it doesn't matter what BS does....unless the players start taking ownership of their share of the upkeep, DAOC will die. (LOL I just reread this and it comes off very melodramatic but no less true IMO)
I concur in so far as players are the ones responsible for creating and maintaining a community.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
The negativity I have towards the staff is because they put there own selfish vision of what the game should be in and caused massive damage and than refused to go welp we fked up we will revert til it was 2 late.
It's not my intention to shut down the conversation so I apologize if that is what you are interpreting. I'm merely providing my point of view on your suggestion in the spirit of discussion. It's an interesting suggestion and I fully understand the rationale behind it, I however disagree that it's needed. My summary of points are my thought process that has lead me to that conclusion, nothing more.
I second that. I'm all about having a discussion about anything. That is how games get changed (for better or worse). I just don't think it would really improve or fix anything. It's not as if there is a large amount of people that just want to scout for BG's sitting around. Sure, there are a few, but not enough to warrant this imo. However, I have enjoyed the discussion regardless if I agree with it or not.
Ron, I think that might be a part of my rational for it. It would actually incentivize recon as right now there is little reward to it. Another feasible play style can't be all that bad.
If this occurs again you want to type /mou (I believe) and it will disembark your character @Boduke . That way you won't need to wait for the boat to complete it's route. This has happened to me multiple times as well.