Mr John Broadsword its time to step up.
Just been on another buggy alb curse raid. Todays problem was no credit for Vulcan for many in bg and Tully did the step twice. And yes did everything right, been on many raids, and always some kind of bugg on Dragon or Vulcan and also insane problem with lds. Normally Carol is very very helpful to fix and respawn encounters but guess she needed her sleep today :-), but i Wonder why, we dont se any quickfix. There is not many alb curse raids so it really sucks to miss out, because u need steps for templates etc.. I dont understand why we dont see u adress these problems in newly posted newsletter or posted patch notes? And can u pls tell me why respawn for Vulcan and other curse mobs in all realms is so slow ?, why not 5 mins from kill, many miss steps when it is so buggy so atleast make repawn quick on all realms ? If this is the standard i can understand why population is going Down why pay for wasting 2 hours on a raid 3am for nothing.. Pls try focus on getting the game to Work better, bug fixing etc, before focus on anything new. Or atleast always have a csr ready to help the players there are left beacuse not many can get thru to one.
This is not about complaining and bitching. I like the game it is alot of fun, i just need to point my fingers at this problem.and try get a answer :-)
Sry for the spelling, but guess u get the point anyhow :-)
Peace and love
This is not about complaining and bitching. I like the game it is alot of fun, i just need to point my fingers at this problem.and try get a answer :-)
Sry for the spelling, but guess u get the point anyhow :-)
Peace and love
Albion has probably the hardest Dragon's Curse Campaign layout and encounters than any other realm. I do think respawn should be a lot quicker and maybe tone down the mobs in the ditches. I really think in my opinion that every campaign encounters should but just as hard as other realms or you get a lack of players doing curse raids.
I've ran Hibernia and Midgard and i have to say Midgard is the easiest since you don't need to go so far to get to the encounters. Hibernia i think is about right for the campaign and really feel this format and layout would of been great for all 3 realms except for the sallies pet part ofc ;p
double agree - the albion dungeon/campaign has a few issues that are faced by none, or just one of the other realms (i.e. port-in location being miles away from merchants and difficult to access (mid is same), dungeon being in a difficult part of the dragon zone to reach, chapter 5 being rather buggy, chapter 7 and 8 being extremely buggy and not always awarding credit, etc...).
not sure if you still have to port to camelot/tnn for the soul weapon, but when i ran mid over the weekend the soul weapon could be attained inside the dungeon.
love the content but would appreciate it being streamlined and toned down like the otherworldly questline was.
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Its beyond frustrating to the player base. There were 120 in this BG and roughly 20-30 people didn't get Vulcan credit on either of 2 tries.
To Tully and the other 119 Albs who waited patiently (it was over 30 min) for Vulcan to respawn and did the encounter twice, thank you.
These 20-30 people now also missed the next two steps. To complete quest line on that toon I'll probably have to wait for the next BG (Alb doesn't seem to do curse nearly as often as other realms) and join for only those last 2 steps or waste time redoing everything.
If this were an old quest/encounter that was bugged I'd be more understanding. For the newest quest line in the game to have so many problems is unacceptable. I've done curse a few times now on Albion and EVERY SINGLE TIME there are issues with players in the BG not receiving credit when they should.
If I were a returning player I probably would have just rage logged and given up on DAOC entirely. Is this really the returning player experience you want to promote?
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Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Just wanted to thank again Carol for the hours she spent helping our raids
My point is for a current PVE raid, this shouldn't be an issue. They need to focus on fixing these bugs quickly and not release content until they are sure its working.
This experience makes me unlikely to join a curse raid any time in the near future and turns me away from even the "most rewarding" PVE currently in the game. This is the message I hope BS hears and if this can make a veteran player feel this way I hope they understand the type of discouragement this will bring to new and returning players, especially when F2P goes live.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
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Ewer - Gimp Chimp
poorly worded quests - having to ditch quests bc the quest journal is full ( sorry but adding 5++ quests and not expanding the journal was either an oversight or just no one bothered to take the time , having to deal with same name items not stacking bc you purchased something while there..
Cracked Aurulite.................
The curse series need looked at - really looked at.
You can not grant credit for the new quests but maybe that is something that should be added (for the BG steps). Roughly 100 people did get credit so the cap theory may be worth someone at BS looking into but If it was due to some silly cap, when we did it a 2nd time and only 20-30 needed credit it should have been OK but wasn't. The same people who didn't get credit the 1st time still didn't get credit the 2nd time.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Journal full was not the cause of anyone's issues last night. BG leader even had everyone clear journals using the NPC in Camelot when raid started. By the time you're at Vulcan you've completed many of the one-time arulite quests inside the dungeon so everyone easily had 4-5 open spots at a minimum by then (Even if they were full when it started they would have had this space by the time we got to Vulcan, unless the choose to not turn in the side quests we completed).
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
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Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Also remember journal and quest log are different things. A full quest log means your toon can't receive completion credit for steps (you can see this by typing /quest ingame). Journal is a list of pending quests your toon has.
We really appreciate the feedback, please keep it coming and thanks for keeping it on topic and civil.
Broadsword Online Games
it wasn't this issue as it was only Vulcan people didn't get credit for. I actually got credit for the mob right after Vulcan (can't remember his name) just not Vulcan either time. I had plenty of room in my journal and had selected both options from the Quest Journal NPC in Camelot before the raid.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
It's getting to a point where we're having to redo encounters 2-3 times and if we don't then players miss out and can't go further because either they went link dead or haven't read something.
We don't want raids going on for to long or it discourages players. So I think this should be implemented in my opinion!
Always nice to hear something will be done with the lds :-)
But im a Little dissapointet, nothing more will be done/is planned, with respawn time and the bugs on the curse encounters, when it is a very important raid for the templates and its a very known problem. Thats why i wrote this in first time, because i want to bring focus on the subject ofc in a civil way :-) I will strongly suggest this shut be a priority to the new fixes and patch that why my headline in this thread.
Peace and love
Boomling there is hoping for more :-)
Yeah 3-4 hours to do a raid for 7/10 steps of curse, then another 1.5-2 hours for step 6 and finally you'll get your first item reward (yay I guess). Then you'll spend the next 7, to 14, to 30 days trying to find a ch9-10 group only to invest another 3 hours of your life for the last 2 steps. Add to that the number of LD headaches and no-credit mishaps and honestly it's just embarassing. Literally so embarassing...
Maybe I'm not your normal person but in my line of work, if I mess something up, I do everything I can to make it right, even if it means I'm losing money because the customer is most important. And it's happened to me before but when I've messed something up for a customer I feel extremely embarrassed and I feel it makes me look completely unprofessional. But you know what, I'll apologize and do everything I can to make it right. That's how a successful business works.
Broadsword on the other hand has not made one single amend to this LD/credit problem and it has been over half a year? more? When people were experiencing massive LDs/credit issues they should have done 1 of 2 things... Either 1) Fixed the issue in an immediate or timely manner or 2) reduce the difficulty of the raid so it can be done with 1-2 groups therefor speeding up turnover and it won't be the end of the world if you don't get credit for a ridiculously buggy quest
P.S. Did anyone notice how nervous the OP was about posting this thread? AKA all the smileys after everything he thought might have "crossed the line" in regards to rules on this site.. This is what this has become
1...awww do you not wanna devote any time to get gear? i guess we should just add a instant 50 npc and all gear ever made npc for free for people like you.....2...think about what making it available for 1-2 grps would do....dunno? then maybe not be the one to suggest it
but for me, curse 9-10 is the biggest source of my ingame income.
doing it 2-3 times a day when i can be arsed to do it and not rvr, earns me shitloads of plat. it allows me to gear people in my guild who don't have the time to play that much.
but yeah, BS, fix your stuff.
1. @AngryFeminist You're assuming @Armagedden doesn't want, nor has, devoted prior game play time into acquiring these items. Based on his description it's clear that he's invested the time to run these raids.
The main point is that BS originally stated that the rewards and gear implemented in the most recent PvE event wasn't supposed to be game changing nor necessarily required. Both statements were incorrect in my opinion, although one can argue they aren't necessarily 'required'.
Casual players don't have the capability of spending nearly an entire day (8 hours at least of continual game play) to devote to running a PvE raid. This is a complaint that many have stated on PC and the official forum as well.
Also no one is asking for " instant 50 npc and all gear ever made npc for free...". What is being suggested (well within reason) is for viable options to complete and obtain end game gear without needing to devote an entire day and/or occasionally a weekend for a BG.
2. Allowing the entire pve event to be completed with 1-2 groups will simultaneously increase item availability in the market as well as allow casuals and players with less devoted game play time to be able to complete the campaign easier. I don't see an issue with either situation seeing as most gloves sell for hundred of plat...
I'm fine with it being a long process that requires a ton of people to complete. What I have an issue with is when 100 people are delayed for more than an hour trying to make sure everyone gets credit for their participation. There were 30+ people who, not matter what they did, could not get Vulcan credit. These people were not LD, were in the BG and groups, and fully participated in the raid. This is the issue.
If your going to add PVE content that requires this much time to complete, its unacceptable for it to be this buggy.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
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Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Reducing this from BG to group based would allow me to potentially run a group during off-peak hours. It's hard as hell to get something like this going late night US time. The other issue being that Solic runs successful raids constantly anyways - just on a set weekly schedule - so I'd be left picking up the people who don't just wait and do it then, with a trusted person who has confidence behind him.
That's pretty much the issue in a nutshell as it relates to me.. Population not being there at all times to do the things that are needed. People suggesting it's a laziness issue/want free stuff are likely utterly blinded by their real life biases.
While everyone else is suggesting ways to make money relating to OW/Curse, etc - people who for whatever reason aren't part of the normal playtime essentially get screwed in multiple ways. I don't think waiting for F2P to fix this is a good solution, because if you never hit that point where there is enough player saturation, the problem will still remain and you'll likely not retain those newer players.
What does a BG actually improve with these PvE raids? All I've seen so far is that it gives more people a chance to disconnect, miss credit, bug out, get yelled at by their wife, have to go run off to take care of the kids. More people just means more problems from what I can see. More problems and less individual investment/activity required. It turns the entire process into some terrible guided tour that you get forced through just to tick off your boxes.
If you want this game to only be 'complete' during certain play hours, then that's on the devs. I personally see nothing to be gained by keeping things locked behind large raids - as it's essentially a gatekeeper for people who aren't able to attend and it ups the bar for what you need to actually complete the content - only making it harder in terms of patience having to wait for more people.
@AngryFeminist I wasn't going to respond to your troll but @Amp_Phetamine took the words right out of my mouth [edited]
point is that curse campaign is doable by 1-2 fg, just nobody does it cause it will be "afford" and you would need right setup and tactics
Will keep watching and looking at things but going forward remember Vulcan needs to be inside the flames for how the encounter is designed to work. I know you're doing to say do/change [this] but let's have it done the intended way and see how it goes (which aside from ld's has been good with credit since).
The flames are a barrier and will kill you, so stay inside and away from the edge. He also spawns little flames so move out of those. Same idea as on CH7.
Broadsword Online Games
why people should be aware of this technical issue in advance? there should be a fix from your side (automatic list clearing or whatever)
Good to know. Maybe ask the devs to tether him so he can't leave the area he needs to be killed in for credit.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
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Ewer - Gimp Chimp
Broadsword Online Games
Once again you have nailed it!
"On final boss chapter 10 the game crashed when it was at 5%. ( Never have problems outside Cursed area )
Carol saved me and teleported me when it was on 2%. But it took time and the group hold the boss for me.While they searched for Carol and John to come to aid me."
And i played infiltrator. It's very rare that PUG group's invite those kind of classes so i was lucky as hell sine i just started out on Albion again and need the gear.
There is many easy solution's to take care of the problems. And you shouldn't care about a maybe ABUSE when it's poorly coded and fault from BS side. /Grantcredit "player" Teleport back to your group if LD. No matter what if you are in combat or not.
Until the issues are fixed. OR you need to nerf the items so it's not "Must" have items. Yes they are indeed must have items when solo or duo since they give you such a big advantage!
And second. Make so you can do the "solo" part with a friend or two!. Took me 5 hours to complete solo step because i died in my scrappy "kings" armor and have to redo everything every time i died. It's doable but heck! You need to be templated and have some RR to be somewhat safe, And the NPC's buggs out and runs thru walls and dragging other mobs all over who insta kills you with their 800+ nukes.
Cursed 1- 10 should be able at this time with a group or less as well. Just take away the loot/chests from bosses if less then 1FG. I just need gloves and bracer. Just give credit and make the bosses easier.
( BG Quest's should degrade in difficulty after time, so new players can catch up and people that comes back )
Let the players who have much time have their fun for 3 month's with their overpowered gear